InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Ever Lasting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome Home
By: Fourth Child of Destiny
This chapter is for Steph and her family, who are going through a rough time. Know that I will always be here to support you and know that you have a sister and a friend who will always love you.
Roxy, the birthday girl! This one's for you, too! We may be far apart but our friendship will remain strong. I love you girl! Happy birthday! Much love and props for being so cute! =)
-Chapter Two: Ever Lasting-
Kagome's POV

Home. Warmth. Sango's
usual somber countenance brightening up as her brother hugs her pale corpse. And then Inuyasha nailed against the God Tree. A whirlwind of nightmares. Shippou playing with his yo-yo and coloring with bright crayons under the shadows of the trees. Shippou's blue clothes tainted and shred. Miroku's calls of agony as the powerful curse called the Wind Scar sucks him into the unknown.
I gasped, sitting up the futon in a jolt. My eyes were wide open and I was drenched in cold sweat. My chest rocked at the impact of the humid dawn air reaching my lungs. I was pulled into a dry coughing fit, my petite body trembling in long and shuddering pants.
“Sugoi . . . just a nightmare.” I gritted through my teeth. I gazed around the small hut, searching for Shippou. And then the overwhelming scenes of death intruded into my head, nothing on my mind but the gory images. I shuddered, twisting myself into a mess of limbs and sobbed loudly. A few minutes, hours, maybe eternities later, I felt a warm hand reach out to feel my forehead. I looked up, my eyes a blotchy mess. The figure smiled softly, as if to reassure me that everything would be alright.
“You are almost convincing, Kaede-sama.” I said bitterly, ordering my abused body to sit up. She just laughed softly. I accepted the cup of the tea from her wrinkled hands. Kaede-sama is not getting any younger, I mused, bringing the hot liquid to my lips. I could feel my shoulders relax and the tension slowly dissipate. I found the courage to speak up.
“Where is Miroku-sama?” I asked, precariously. Kaede's expression did not change. It become, if possible, even more calm. “I believe he is out. He said something about going to the shrine to pray.” Kaede lowered her head. “Child, ye are all suffering right now. Tis best to give it time.” I opened my mouth to protest, but she patiently held a hand up. “Ye should not take the word of an old woman such as myself who lost my family when I was but a little girl.” I bit my lip. “Gomen. I'm just angry.” I replied, my cheeks burning with shame.
She nodded and took a long swing of her tea. “You are always forgiven, Kagome-sama. But do think before you speak, ne? Now, I feel your loss of the young kitsune, as I do for Sango. But ye cannot linger any longer on the past. Tis been a week since you came back and ye have done nothing but lie down in this hut, not eating nor drinking, willing yourself to die. Sango would have not been happy to see you in this misery. Shippo, too wanted your happi-” I made a hissing sound that stopped Kaede's words. “Don't speak of them! You don't understand! You didn't see it, you were not there!” I spoke darkly.
The cup hit the wooden floor with a dull `thump'. I felt my legs move and before long, I was standing up. Kaede's eyes were wide open. “Shrine. Yes, I think I'll go look for Miroku-sama.” I muttered softly, walking for the doorway. The cold breeze hit me in the face. “I should have worn a jacket . . .” I muttered, tempted to walk back to the hut to get it. The look in Kaede's face stopped me and instead, I made for the steps that would take me to the temple.
My opaque blue-grey eyes glanced at the surroundings, my mind barely registering my feet dragging me up the stairway. I have not seen Miroku since we came back from battle. Kagome, you idiot. You've been neglecting your duties as a friend just because you feel so sorry for yourself. But it's too hard to deal with this pain. I grinded my teeth together; I was not about to cry again. Too weak! And too ignorant to notice Inuyasha has been gone ever since we arrived. It is just like him to leave at a time like this.
I saw Miroku, sitting beside the statue of a beautiful woman adorned with prayers and exotic fragrances. I hesitated for a moment, and then quietly sat down by him. I tucked my legs under my torso and closed my eyes, letting the call of the birds take me away. I felt Miroku rouse next to me minutes later. “Kagome-sama.” He said, just above a whisper. I took his hand in a friendly gesture. “Ohayo, Miroku-sama.” He returned the greeting with a smile and a squeeze to my hand. “How are you this fine morning?” It was barely 5 in the morning. My hair was a mess and I was sure my clothes were, too. “Just fine.” I managed to reply, giving my most unconvincing smile.
He smiled back. “You do not fool a friend, Kagome-sama. Or maybe you cannot act is all.” I pretended to feel hurt. He laughed softly. “Sango-chan would have loved to hear you laugh.” I said softly, tears flowing down freely. Miroku choked back a sob. “Oh, Kami knows how much I miss her!” He moaned, covering his face with his hands. I shook my head furiously, and pulled him into a crushing embrace. I cried onto his shoulder, mumbling incoherently.
Before I knew what was happening, I felt lips against my own. My eyes fluttered closed and his arms wrapped around my frail frame and pulled me in. His lips molded against my own, and when I broke away for air, he attacked my throat with desperate kisses. Then I realized what I was doing. I pushed him away with an indignant gasp. Unclean! What have I done?!
I hurriedly stood up, not bothering to recognize what he was saying to me. “Kagome-sama, I did not mean for it to happen!” I snorted and turned around. “That's all you men want! Just a warm bed to go home to! How could you ever think I'd betray Sango like that?!” I screamed. I could not handle the guilt that was flowing through my veins. He gripped my wrist harshly. He turned cold. “Do not deny you enjoyed it.”
My hand met against his face in an instant, leaving a furious red mark on his left cheek. I breathed in furiously, my mind not comprehendible enough to form words. He just stood there, head down. I found my voice. “Don't you ever DARE treat me like that again.” I spoke menacingly, pulling my arm back. My wrist was bruised where he had grabbed me. I took a shaky breath and ran away.
I watched her, carefully peeling the potatoes that would join our soup. Kaede was avoiding me. Miroku had been praying ever since our kiss and hardly did anything else. Kaede had been giving me food to send to him but I had persuaded a young girl to take it up to the shrine instead. I did not want to be alone with him again for fear that something else would happen. Gomen, Sango. I did not mean for anything to happen between us. I know you loved him.
I dropped the now cut potatoes into the cauldron. I wiped the sweat off my brow with the sleeve of my shirt and put the utensils away. I heard a rustling sound behind me and cursed inwardly when I saw Miroku standing there. He was wearing a thick outer robe and was holding a neat little bag. My eyes flew to the bag. “Where are you going?” Miroku looked straight up ahead. “I regret to tell you I am leaving, Kagome-sama.” I stared at him incredulously. “L-leaving?” My voice broke, despite myself. Miroku nodded. “Kagome-sama . . . “He started, unsure of himself. “I know I have betrayed your friendship, that we made a mistake. I am sorry for that, truly. I have been meditating for the past two weeks. I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach, like something evil is bound to come. I've come here to take you with me.”
I stood there, shocked. “Leave with you? What about Inuyasha?”
“He is the cause for my worry, Kagome-sama. I cannot explain right now; I feel he is close. I am begging you, come with me.” I stared into his determined face and for a split second, he had me convinced. “No.” I answered. His face fell. “Why not?”
I walked up to him. “You go. You know I have always had a weak spot for Inuyasha. I can't abandon him like that. I respect your decision. Leave.” Miroku looked crestfallen, but nodded grimly. “Goodbye, Kagome-sama.” I shook my head. “See you later.” I pressed. We both smiled together. “See you later, then.” He picked up his bag and walked away slowly, as if absorbing the last he could out of the small village. I stood in the doorway, my heart tightening, watching his figure dissipate between the small children and the infinite environ, the setting sun casting a gloomy shadow that reflected my mood just fine.
I regret not leaving with Miroku that afternoon when I had the chance. If only I would have known what lay in store for me.
Inuyasha came back that night. Half of me wanted to scream at him for being so inconsiderate, for not coming back earlier or telling me anything and just disappearing. But all my fury was drained out of my body when I saw his companion.
My hands went slack, the bowl that I had been holding a few seconds before crashing into the floor, breaking into little pieces. My face flared with mortification and I instantly kneeled down to pick up the fragments. Anything that would save me from Inuyasha's intent gaze.
I trembled. It was not Inuyasha who called my name. “Yes?” I looked up, meeting her stare. What a creepy woman . . . I thought, her lifeless eyes boring down on me. “We need to talk.” Inuyasha interrupted. My hand discreetly slipped up to my neck. The jewel! It's back at the hut!
I could have laughed right then and there.
One of those nervous little laughs, you know the one. And I was half expecting someone to jump out of the bushes and say “We got you!”
But of course, life was not going to be so satisfying.
And I thought my problems were gone.
Here is the end of the chapter! I wanted to write something else, but I found no way to squeeze it in here.
A Single Spark Fans: Once again, thank you all for your reviews! Thank you to all the people who've read so far!
-Fourth Child of Destiny-