InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Demon Raiding In Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome Home
By Fourth Child of Destiny
This chapter's for Steph. Thanks for helping me out with that catchy ending! I really appreciate everything!
Also for my good friend Manolo! =) Props to you man. Thanks for being my support through this fic. You rock! ;)
Chapter Three- Demon Raiding In Love
“We need to talk.” Inuyasha interrupted. My hand discreetly slipped up to my neck. `The jewel! It's back at the hut!'
My eyes darted nervously from Inuyasha to Kikyou. “What's this about? What is she doing here?”
The priestess' eyes glowered coolly at me and I shivered. “I will do however I please and go anywhere I wish to. You may be my reincarnation, but that does not give you the right to opinion about my decisions.”
“That's enough, Kikyou.” Inuyasha ordered, his gaze never leaving me.
“You lied to me. You lied! You said . . . we've said the jewel would be used to resurrect those dear to us who had been killed by Naraku! Sango, Miroku and Shippou wished it to be so! ” I exclaimed. Inuyasha lowered his head. “I- we changed our minds, Kagome. Give me the jewel.”
“What?” He growled. “I didn't ask you for the jewel, Kagome. Give it to me.”
I stood firm. “I said no. Or are you deaf as well as false, Inuyasha?”
Kikyou laughed nastily. “What an insolent girl. Give me the jewel, reincarnation. It is mine.” Inuyasha took a step forward. “Give it to me, Kagome. Don't make me hurt you.”
“Why?” I croaked out. Kikyou's chocolate eyes glared down at me, and if looks could kill, she'd have me thirty feet under the ground. I glared at her back and felt a sudden wave of braveness.
“Why?!” I demanded, not caring if I were screaming. I knew I was losing my cool and my temper, but nothing cared anymore. Nothing cared most than his answer, and I wasn't going to take a `no' from him.
I ran towards the hut, constantly tripping over my feet. My legs sprinted and I ran like never before in my life. My heart pounded, blood rushing to my ears and my body ached from the previous battle wounds. I heard Kikyou's cold laugh and I felt his hand grab my arms. I screamed bloody murder, clawing at him with my nails and teeth. He yelped and let me go. I made it to the hut and grabbed the jewel. I didn't even pause to catch my breath, just sprinted to the well.
The cold night wind suffocated me. My legs already hurt from the effort. The terrain was rocky and I kept falling and scraping my knees. I could see nothing but darkness and I heard the crickets busying themselves with their nocturnal song. I felt Inuyasha tackle me, pushing me down cruelly onto the ground. My lungs felt as if they were full of water; every breath was a challenge. I kicked him in the stomach and he smacked me, sending my head crashing onto the hard earth. My head felt as if it was about to explode and I was sure I had a bump somewhere.
I could see little dots dancing in front of my eyes and my vision blurred. I let out a groan and I clawed at him again. My hand made contact with his cheek, leaving red welts on his smooth skin. Tiny drops of blood ran down and I felt a sickening satisfaction at watching him bleed.
“Bitch!” he roared, smacking me again. I cried out in pain and felt the energy crackling around me. My hand constricted around his left forearm and he yelled, pulling his arm away from me. I could see him, kneeling down, clutching the arm and hissing in pain. It was bright pink and smelled unmistakably like burnt flesh.
I ran off again, unable to keep my balance for long. My head was still dizzy and it throbbed alarmingly. `Oh, Kami! Please let me escape!' I prayed. My heart gave a lurch as I saw the well in the distance. It was maybe fifty feet away, no more. My legs could hold me no longer; I could already feel my knees shaking violently.
“Kaza No Kizu!”
The thick cloud of grey smoke slowly began to clear up. I was tossed twenty feet in the air by Inuyasha's attack and I lay there, immobile. The well was no more.
I tried to roll over but instantly regretted it. I felt side-splitting pain around my ribcage and I knew I had broken a rib one or two. My mouth was full of dirt but I did not have the force to even spit it out. There was a piece of wood right next to my head. `From the well . . .' I thought desperately. I had failed Sango and Shippou, and even Miroku. `I couldn't protect the jewel, guys. Please, forgive me. I tried.'
I heard steps not far away from where I was lying, and saw him come near me again. “No more, Inuyasha.” I pleaded, when I felt him pull me up. He had a cold demeanor that chilled me to the bone. Purple stripes emerged from his face and his eyes bleed crimson, his nails elongating at least three times their normal size. “You promised.” He said in a low voice. “You promised you would always stay by my side.”
I spat at his face. “Monster.”
He bared his fangs at me and shoved me down again. I sat there, a disgusted look on my face. He kneeled down, looking into my eyes and I could see the turmoil in the depth of his ruby eyes, imagining they were the usual amber pools instead; every brownish fleck a reflection of whom I thought he was. My breath hitched inside my throat and I could no nothing but call him a monster over and over again, my tiny fists punching his chest feebly.
I was furious! I could do nothing, but demonstrate to him how weak I really was. `I am weak for YOU, Inuyasha' I thought bitterly, shutting my eyes closed. The grip on my fists tightened, nails digging into the flesh of my palm. I ignored the dull throb and the feel of the sticky liquid, but rather gasped when I felt his strong hand tilt my chin to face him.
His hands.
How many times had these hands saved me? How many times had these hands saved one of our friends? How many times had these hands fought an enemy? How many times had these hands offered comfort and the warmness of an embrace? How many times had these hands intrigued me so?
I hated myself for it. I loathed myself for it, for falling for his lies, for being caught up in a big farce. Had the base of our so called friendship been born on betrayal, on an unspoken bond broken? Had the base of our so called friendship been born on greed? On lust?
“Look at me.” He commanded in a voice far from his own. He seemed too cold. `Too bitter.' I thought disapprovingly. `What has that witch done to you, Inuyasha?' I mused sadly. “Look at me, Kagome.”
I gazed into his eyes, his haunting crimson eyes framed with the thickest black lashes I'd ever seen. Time stood still and I could not hear a sound; my heart was pounding too loudly. Two solitary tears rolled down my cheeks. His eyes seemed to turn glossy and for a moment I had thought he would change his mind. He would take me in his arms and say everything would be alright again.
His calloused fingers pressed against my neck, my pulse ringing against his skin. Then sharp nails dug into my flesh, tearing my breath out of me. My eyes grew wide at the unexpected action. I choked, grabbing handfuls of the red cloth he always wore. My body grew limp and my mind blacked out for a few seconds. His stoic face peered down at my pale and bloodied face.
I could not breathe. My death was prolonged and I would have wished he'd stabbed my heart instead. I'd even choose being cut to pieces with the Tetsusaiga before this. My hands went slack at my sides and I collapsed on top of his shoulder. “I love you.” I managed to choke out, the torrent of blood rushing down my shirt; and then nothing, not even a sound. There was just the fraction of a second when I last exhaled and then nothing.
Nothing but the roughness of his embrace.
It was HIS embrace. It was him embracing my unresponsive body, my eyes peacefully vacant, staring at him.
And the vision of his face twisted in shock, the purple marks disappearing from his cheekbones, how he sobbed loudly and cradled my limp frame against his own, the sound of his breaking voice and how he hoarsely called my name over and over again.
Nothing but the coldness of the ground.
Too bad I was dead and couldn't hear his apology.
Yes, Kagome is dead. And no, I won't change it. It's all part of the plot! =)
<Review Responses>
A Single Spark
NailPolish- Thanks for the good wishes! I'll be sure to be on the lookout for your fic!
swasdiva- My god! You're the only one that got the whole Miroku/Kagome kiss. Kudos to you! I absolutely loved your review. I suppose there is a gothic treatment here. Thank you for all your compliments. I truly appreciate it!
Sephirona- Sorry for the Japanese mix-up! I appreciate you taking time to clarify instead of flaming! Thank you for your review!
bubblegumcandy09- Thanks to you! Much love! =)
Dancing Pickle- Thanks! I'll try to update as soon as I can, but please be patient!
Megan Consoer- I hope you have an awesome day, too! Don't worry about it! I love it when people like what one writes!
chocotour- That's not such a bad idea! This one's for you, man! =)
freakypunk- Yeah, I know. The whole death was really sad, but it all has a meaning! You'll see what I'm talking about.
White Luna: Thanks a lot! =)
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Single Spark: For everyone else that reviewed and rated, thank you so much! Why won't you people leave reviews? XD Same for you guys. =P
-Fourth Child of Destiny-