InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ My Mate... ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: See first chapter! Damn this a lot of work!

The staff is talking and Eqlipse walks in. Everyone suddenly gets quiet.

Eqlipse: *Narrows eyes at the group* Alright what the hell is going on!

Kagome: *Bits lip* Well it has sort of been going around that you're a fox demon and…uh that over all of the years you have lived you…um…sort of had relationships with Naraku, Ronin, and a little with Kouga.

Everyone looks at her expectantly.


Sango: They did.

Eqlipse: *Eyes turn red* WHAT!!!! WGATH WADR TYGH TIJLO TGFJGK?!

Miroku looks to the demons.

Miroku: What did she say and what langauage??

Sess: Ancient demon and she said "What the fuck were those idiot assholes thinking?"

Miroku: Oh…

Kagome: I guess we should start the fic with out her

Hear Eqlipse ranting in background.

Chapter 6: My Mate…

*Late at Night*

Miroku and Inuyasha arrived right on schedule at the clearing where they were supposed to meet Ronin.

He stood in the shadows of the clearing.

"Inuyasha, Miroku. I am surprised you came. Don't get me wrong I am pleased, just didn't think you had the guts.

Inuyasha snarled.

"I am no coward!"

Ronin laughed coldly and the hairs on the back of the other men's necks stood on end.

"Very well. What is it you ask of me?" He regarded them carefully.

Miroku stepped forward and bowed in front of Ronin.

"We wished to be full-blooded dog demons; in return we will become your most loyal warriors."

Ronin raised a finely shaped eyebrow. This meeting was turning out more interesting than he thought it would.

"Done." Ronin responded, then stretched his energy and formed two balls; he broke them at both Miroku and Inuyasha's feet.

A glowing light surrounded them then disappeared. Where Miroku once stood there was an unbelievable charming dog-demon warrior. His eyes rivaled the color of blood and a sharp sword adorned his back.

Inuyasha looks the same except his ears are human ones only pointed. He attempted to pull Tetsusaiga but upon contact with his hand it surrounds itself with a powerful shield, he drops it to the floor and glares.

"Useless piece of shit."

Ronin and Miroku look on amused. Finally Ronin decides to leave.

"You two may go and test your powers. I shall come when I am in need of you two."

He disappeared yet again into the shadow as the two new dog demons raced off to have `fun' with their new powers.

*At Breakfast*

Kin and Haru looked at the distracted girls as did Sess-chan and Akirakane. Shippo and Rin chatted continuously throughout the time.

"What's wrong girls?" Kin whispered to them.

Kagome looked seriously into his eyes. "Father we need to find mates immediately"

Kin looked them over then sniffed, his eyes widened and he looked Kagome and Sango over carefully.

"You are both in heat."

Sango nodded. "Yes, father."

"Very well find yourselves mates immediately."

Shippo having heard this panicked and whispered to Rin.

"We have to pair them off quickly."

Rin nodded enthusiastically. "Okay"

After breakfast was finished Shippo pleaded to be with both Akirakane and Sango in the dojo. While Rin took the more direct approach and more or less dragged the passive adults with her to the garden.

*With Shippo.*

In a isolated part of the castle Shippo dragged them to the dojo and got them to sparr which was fun to watch but he had a job to do. His face displayed a very foxy smirk, which was soon replaced with an air of innocence and wide innocent puppy eyes.

"Auntie San?" Shippo called to Sango as the two adults rested.

"Yes, Shippo." She answered automatically.

"Can you be Akirakane's mate?"

Sango and Akira looked into each others eyes then turned away deep blushes stained their cheeks. Needless to say both adult were shocked. Sango from disbelief that sweet little Shippo even knew what a mate was and why Akira-kun. Akirakane was shocked because the child had just voiced one of his mental questions.

"Well…um…Shippo, I-I-…uh" Sango stumbled over her words and looked into his huge hopeful eyes.

"I don't see why not."

Akirakane looked her over was she just humoring the kit or did he really have a chance. When he was the glitter in her eyes, he knew part of it was to humor Shippo but there was a chance.

Shippo gave a bright smile. "I have to go to class now okay? See ya!"

He quickly sped from the room. The silence around them was tense yet comfortable. Finally he broke the silence, his voice was low and smooth, it felt as if his word were caressing her ears.

"Is there really a chance that you would be my mate?"

She turned to him surprised and began to stutter in embarrassment.


He smiled at her and his eyes glittered with one of the things she could see if she had no eyes at all. His eyes shown with what she had to protect, she now realized that he was her main reason. Akirakane was her main reason for being the protector of love.

He walked to her slowly, temptingly. She had to pull on some of Kagome's control to keep herself from jumping him and fucking him `til he was covered in sweat and her scent and probably couldn't walk.

Pulling her into a deep hug he breathed in her lulling scent.

"Sango daughter of Lord Kin, princess to the Eastern Lands, legendary silver fox demon will you become my mate?"

Being unable to speak at the moment she pulled his lips to her and kissed him passionately. Finally releasing him she nodded.

"Yes I would love to be your mate!"

He pulled her into another kiss. This one was sweet, gentle, loving. It contained all it needed to make her beg for more. His tongue swept across her fangs causing her to shudder in enjoyment. Her hands caressed his back sliding lower by the passing seconds. Sango's hands found the base of his tail and stroked it sensuously, jerked in her grip as waves of pleasure crashed over him, groaning softly into her mouth he ground his hips into hers. Sango growled hungrily at the feel of his hard member against her clothed wet core. He pulled back from her and she whimpered at the loss but as quickly as he had left he was back and pushing up on her roughly against the dojo wall. Having had locked the door he had no problems with taking her in the dojo. His hands ran over her body gently memorizing every inch of the sexy vixen that would soon be his.

Knowing from her scent that she was a virgin he took it slow letting her get wet enough for an easier entry. He licked her across her jaw line instantly hooked on the flavor of her skin. Bit by bit her cloths hit the floor and not long after his joined. She smoothed her hands over his well muscled body then jumped a little wrapping her legs around his waist. Looking his eyes lustily she voiced her desire.

"Akira-kun give me what I want."

He chuckled at her demand and nipped the juncture between her neck and shoulder.

"And what would that be my mate?"

Sango tossed him an annoyed look but could not do as she wished because he held her hips in place.

"I want you in me; I want to fuck so hard neither of us will be able to talk for a week from all of the strength of our orgasms."

With that said he slid into her breaking through her maidenhood easily bring a whimper from her throat he looked at her and ground hips. She pushed into it signaling she was ready. He pumped hard into her. She cried out his name. " Oooooooooh! Faster…harder…faster."

He complied with her ever wish pushing roughly into her. Just as Sango was getting high on the churning feeling inside her Akirakane bit into the juncture between the neck and shoulder in return she bit him and they lapped up each other's blood. They came together and lay against the wall mildly tired. Akira slipped out of her brushing off her protests by simply saying the few words that would calm her now.

"Behave my mate. I shall be taking you again tonight so you should rest up but for now we bath."

They went to the dojo's hot spring to bath.

*About the Same time as Shippo reaching the dojo: Rin and the garden*

Rin raced around the field and wove flowers into crowns. Going up to the two seated adults Rin gave Sess the item made of Kagome's favorite flower in dark blue then whispered so low even her ears didn't pick up the words. He nodded.

"By Kagome-chan, Daddy Sess! I have to go to class now."

She smiled happily and ran off.

Kagome looked after her. "What did she say?" She had been dieing to ask for a while.

"Oh, just to do this…" He swiftly placed the crown on her head and brought his lips to hers savoring in the wonderful taste of her lips. The scent of her arousal excited him more. He pulled back from the kiss and searched her eyes and she his.

Both shown with unhindered love yet his eyes like hers always would, held sadness. That is something they would need to discuss. Sesshoumaru moved closer to her scooping her up and placing her gently in his lap he nuzzled her neck.

"Kagome?" He questioned.

"Hmmm…" Was her only response.

"Will you be my mate?"

He had to have her now, her heat scent had been killing him. She beamed brightly at him making is heart jump. She threw herself at him knocking him over.

"I thought you'd never ask! I've been waiting since our first kiss."

Sess sighed in relief. He was about to wrap his arms around her when she moved out of reach.

"But first my dear Sess-chan. You have to catch me!"

In her true form she raced off into the forest. He could not help but be in awe at her untamed beauty. The silver streaks lit up as she ran such a beautiful creature.

~And she is mine, all mine.~

He changed fairly fast and left at top speed following her alluring scent.

The trees brushing past Kagome's large form tickled her sides and she giggled in her mind.

~This is so much fun. Sooner or later I'll let him catch me but for now my lord will have to wait.~

Sesshoumaru head was swirling with her scent. Trees swished past him but he took no notice as he thought of all the things he wanted and would do to her. Oh, how he wanted to slam into her hot, moist body. How he wanted to…

~Okay!! Time to stop thinking of these things so I can move faster and catch her!~

Sesshoumaru sped up thinking of how he was going to take her in the forest and then tonight until early morning. His thoughts were interrupted when he came to a clearing. Kagome's lovely scent was covering it. As he took in the surroundings he finally spotted her looking intently at him with her mesmerizing blue orbs they looked haunting in the sun with the silver that would forever glisten sorrow. Yes, she was an extraordinarily beautiful creature.

He stepped closer and she stepped back with a wolfish grin on her face. Sesshoumaru changed into his human form seeing this she did too. He stepped forward again and she backed away.

"Why don't you just submit?"

Sesshoumaru managed between lust filled pants.

"Because I'm not like that."

She shot back at him. Kagome front flipped over him when her back almost hit a tree. She got ready to make a break for it but soon felt herself tackled to the ground. Sesshoumaru flipped Kagome over so he could look into her eyes; she let out a little laugh.

"Alright you caught me…so what are going to do now?"

She asked playfully, mischief danced around her eyes.

He watched her in amusement before answering in a husky voice.

"Oh, something like this."

He ground his hips into her and she moaned his name softly.

"Yes, that's it. Moan it for me again my Kagome, beg for me."

Sesshoumaru commanded into her ear as he circled it with his hot tongue. She pushed into him with a muffled moan but did not do as he wanted in defiance. He ground harder and she pushed into him more longing for him to be out of his cloths and in her but he would have to earn it from her. Sesshoumaru gave a smirk to her defiance and began to whisper in her ear more and she ground harder into her.

"Why not just do as I say Kagome? Don't you yearn for the feel of me being inside you? I have exactly what you want, fulfill your desires Kagome. Have me as I will have you."

She pushed into him more but did not do as he desired. He continued his whispering.

"Kagome how I want to feel you around me, I want to run my hands along your body…"

As he continued she shivered in anticipation and arched her back to him. She moaned his name again.

"Good girl."

He whispered against her heated skin, and kissed her firmly on the lips. She poured all he lust and passion for him into the kiss as did he. Sesshoumaru moved his hands enticingly over her perfectly shaped body. Kagome moaned and arched further from the ground. Sesshoumaru removed his mouth from hers and nipped lightly at her neck, then trailed open mouth kisses to the collar of her shirt. With one swift move of his hand all her clothing had been taken from her body. Sesshoumaru caressed her left breast softly and suckled on the right nipple roughly. When it was hard he blew on it and moved to the left for a repeat performance. Kagome moaned over and over.

"Oh…Sess…hou…maru. Don't stop."

He gave her a smirk and let go of her nipple as she kissed down to her stomach. Alternating between licking, nipping, and kissing Sesshoumaru made designs around her belly button before he finally dipped his tongue into it. She jumped in surprise and wiggled beneath him. Sesshoumaru licked back up to her face and kissed her gently. Kagome wound her arms around his neck and pressed against the bulge in his pants. Sesshoumaru moaned in need but he wouldn't, not yet. He slid to fingers into her wet core and she bucked against him. She pushed harder into his fingers and he pumped fast into her. Kagome pushed her face to his chest to muffle her scream from her orgasm; she shivered as it raced through her body. He took his fingers from her and licked her juices from them. God she tasted so good, so sweet. Kagome whimpered at the sight it was just so…so hott!!! Kagome pulled him down roughly for a kiss and plunged her tongue into his mouth to taste herself on him. She let out a possessive growl and pulled him closer to her body. Kagome rubbed her hot core against his hard member. She howled her pleas for him to the morning wind.

"That's right my bitch growl, howl out your desire for me."

He whispered seductively and nipped at her earlobe earning another growl.

Having had enough of his torture Kagome flipped him onto his back with her on top. She pushed down hard on his erect and Sesshoumaru moaned loudly. She hastily rid him of his cloths and licked his inner thigh before she licked up his erection eliciting a mix between a groan and growl from her lover.

Kagome circled his tip with her tongue before deep throating him.


Sesshoumaru growled and his thrust his hips up. He put a firm grip in her hair as she sucked him hard. He growled again, oh he was so close and she wanted it right now. Not being able to control himself he brought her back under him and rubbed his erection around her entrance then slid into her smoothly. She winced a little when he broke her virginity but felt no more pain. Sesshoumaru pushed into Kagome slowing getting her rather agitated.


He growled as he complied with her request. Kagome whimpered as she felt she was near. Sesshoumaru slowed down wanting to hear her scream his name.

"Oh…Sesshoumaru this feels so good."

He groaned in ecstasy.

"How good Kagome? Express it to me."

Kagome howled again, loudly.

"So…so good…umm…harder."

He couldn't control himself anymore and slammed harder into her.


She howls as she cums.


He growls lowly and pushed himself deeper into her body and released, biting into her the juncture of her shoulder and neck at the same time they lapped at each other's blood hungrily.

God he didn't know what to do. It just felt so good. He collapsed on to the ground next to her. They panted rapidly as Sesshoumaru held her to him. Looking around they noticed it was about time for dinner. They got up wordlessly and dressed. Then they looked into each other's eyes.

"Mate you will be moving into my room after dinner."

She nodded.

"That is fine Sess-chan."

She responded and giggled. He loved when she called him by her pet name. Though he was not going to tell her that any time soon. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear before outlining with his tongue.

"Shall we go and bath before lunch Kag-chan?"

Sesshoumaru asked her lovingly, with a heart melting smile she nods.

"YEAH! Come on we need to bath!"

Changing into their True forms they sped off to the castle together.


Eqlipse: Oh so YOU guys could say those things about ME and get away? Mawahahahaha! Think again my loves.

Walks past the tied and gagged Ronin and Naraku. Taps foot impatiently.

Eqlipse: Where the hell is everyone else?! AND where the HELL IS MY KOUGA?! *Glares at the door temperamentally, then starts to pout* Where is Sess-chan? I gave him his lemon!

Sango and Kagome walk in dragging a knocked out Inuyasha and Miroku.

Eqlipse:*Starts to eye the knocked out guys* What the fuck did they do now?

Sango: *Shrugs shoulders* They decided to attack Akirakane and Sesshoumaru, lost really bad.

Eqlipse: *Snickers* I can see.

Akira walks in and Sesshoumaru shortly behind.

Eqlipse: *Jumps around happily* Where is he? Where is he?!

Sess: *Pulls cowering Kouga* Right here.

Kouga: O.o You're not seriously going to give me to her are you??!

Eqlipse: *Growls excitedly* Yes he is *Snaps the ropes in hands. Tie and gag Kouga while everyone holds him down.* Now what shall I do with you…

Kagome: Lemme pick!

Eqlipse: `Kay

Kagome: The Laptop cage.

All captives: nmph! Nmph! Mnmpph! O.O @_@' O.o'

Eqlipse::*Evil Grin* Yes that will do. Mawahahahahaaha!

Lights turn off then on Naraku's, Ronin's and Kouga's eyes pop out.

They are inside a….