InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Earth ❯ Uncle INU? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome To Earth
Chap. 1
Uncle Inu?

“YO INUYASHA!” yelled a young seventeen year old girl.
Inuyasha Takahashi turned around to face his two friends Sango Taijyna and Miroku Houshi.

“ What took you guys so long?” yelled Inuyasha
“ Oh *pant* shut up we’re *pant* sorry we’re not *pant* as fast as you dog boy!” Sango yelled back getting her breath back from running to catch up with him.

“ Keh whatever lets go.”
Inuyasha was the son of Inutashio one of the greatest Business men in Japan. So Inuyasha was pretty much rich!. He had long black waist length hair with violet eyes. He was wearing baggy jeans and a red Hollister shirt his father had shipped over from America. He was a senior in high school and was eighteen years old.

Sango was a year younger than Inuyasha but in the same grade. She had long black hair tied in a high ponytail. She had hazel eyes and even though she had an innocent appearance she could very well send you to the hospital. She wore khaki capri’s and a purple t-shirt with the words `You wanna go to hell?` On the front.

Miroku was the same age as Inuyasha and had short hair tied in a small ponytail in the back. He had violet/blue eyes and though he was a nice guy was a total pervert and has gotten on Sango’s bad side several times for groping her ass. He was wearing black baggy jeans with a shirt that said ` Kiss me I’m a Monk` an the front.

“ Jeez Inu who got on your bad side?” asked Miroku
“ My stupid ass brother decided it would be funny to dump water on my head this morning in order to wake me up.” he responded in a very angry sounding voice.
Silence reined for a while before both Sango and Miroku cracked up laughing.

“ Oh My God Sess did that! That is hilarious!” Sango yelled still laughing, she quickly stopped laughing when she felt the all familiar feeling of something rubbing her backside.

*BOOM*< br> There on the sidewalk lay an unconscious Miroku with a bright red hand print on his face.

“Humph served him right the stupid pervert.” said Sango still red in the face.
“ Jeez San I think you really got him this time!” Said Inuyasha as he hauled the unconscious Miroku on his shoulder.
“ Like I care lets just get to school it’s the last day before summer vacation and I want this day over as soon as possible so are trip to your private vacation home is faster!” Sango finished with a squeal of excitement.
So with their Vacation in mind they headed to the hell hole also known as school...except Miroku who was still unconscious.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Dad?” yelled a young girl with raven hair and bright blue eyes.
“In here Kagome.” said her father, King Naraku, from his room.
“ Father you summoned me?” said Kagome in a timid voice.
“Yes you see I’m tired of you misbehaving so I’m going to punish you” said naraku as he advanced towards his daughter.
“Wh..what a..are you ta..talking about?” said kagome now afraid of her usually kind father.
“ DON’T LIE TO ME GIRL!!” Naraku yelled as he threw his daughter on the bed and lept on top of her tearing her dress apart revealing her to him except for a pair of panties and a bra which he quickly rid her of. Kagome screamed for help with her powers of a siren but to no avail for her father simply dug his claws into her skin causing her to yelp in pain.
Naraku tried to take the opportunity to shove his tongue in her mouth but she put a small barrier up across her face to stop him. He hissed in pain and slapped her across the face and she yelped again but this time instead naraku put his mouth on her breast and began to suck. Kagome once again tried to get free but got clawed again.
Finally growing tired of her struggling naraku got up leaned over off his night stand and got a small dagger and brought it across her milky white flesh causing her to scream in pain as well as through naraku off her covering his ears and kagome took the chance and ran out the door into her sister’s, Kairinu, bedroom and grab her telling her they had to leave now.
“ But Why Kagome?” asked her fifteen year old sister
“ Because Fathers gone insane” Said the seventeen year old.
“ don’t tell me he’s the one who gave you those wounds...and strip you of your clothes” asked Kairinu wondering if what she thought happened to her sister was real.
When Kagome didn’t answer Kairinu knew what happened. Her father had tried to Rape Kagome.

Kagome led them to a small room where she they scanned her eyes on a machine and requested a place to go and disappeared in a small blue bubble.
The place said: Inutashio Mansion Tokyo Japan Planet Earth
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
“Finally we’re free!” exclaimed Sango
“ yeah and a whole three months on the beach with just us!” said shippo

Shippo was a freshman and Inuyasha’s younger brother, he had fiery red hair and green eye’s. He was the weakest of the group but also a master of pranks but he never played any on Inuyasha since they where such great friends but he gave them to sesshomaru because he didn’t know he played them on Inuyasha. He was wearing the same outfit as his brother but had a blue shirt instead of a red one.

“Yeah Ship and Because it’s just us we can stay up real late and do what eva we want with no parents what so ever!” Inuyasha agreed
“ yeah and thanks to you guy’s me and the lovely Sango are included.” Miroku said as his hand inched to sango’s ass.
“you know miroku one day she’ll nock your brain out with a slap well what’s left of it anyway” said Inuyasha with shippo nodding his head at the side.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
That night everyone had finished there packing in the takahashi house. Inuyasha was in the back yard of there Mansion Playing catch with his dad and brothers while his mom read a book When they saw a bright light headed toward them falling from the sky.
“ Oh shit” inutashio mumbled
“MOVE” yelled sess
Everyone ran while the ball of light smashed into the yard.
“What the hell is that thing !” Yelled Inuyasha
“ow” said a small voice
“What was that Who’s there!” Yelled inuyasha
“yeah show your self!” Shippo added
“ Okay Jeez just stop yelling!” Exclaimed the voice as the people revealed them selves.
Everyone gasped as they stared at the two creatures standing in front of them.

There where two girls...but they weren’t human (a/N: Guess who!)
One looked about seventeen and had waist length Black hair With long Blue bangs and had shining blue eyes and had no clothes on. Much to Miroku’s Pleasure.(a/n: yeah there, there to)The other had Black hair to her mid back with long red bangs and red eyes and was about fifteen with a long red dress on.
The only thing that mad them in human was the tails in the back of them and wings and pointy ears.

“Uncle Inu” Weezed out the blue eyed one who they noticed Had a long gash on her side.

“Kagome, Kairinu” Inutashio mumbled
“ wait a minute Uncle!” Inuyasha Yelled

To be continued...

Ah How you like it left a nice cliffy there!~_^ Reviews equal new chapter so tell me whatcha think !
