InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To Earth ❯ Vacation? Whats that? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
OMG! I Got two Reviews! I’d like to thank Lilcar12 and staralinga moonwicca for my first comments. well on to the story!

Welcome to Earth
Chap. 2
Vacation? What’s That?

“What Do you Mean Uncle INU!” Repeated Inuyasha

The blue haired girl looked at him and scowled when she noticed that he looked human. Then she looked at Inutashio and noticed he also looked human.

“Well I see you’ve decided to hide your past Inutashio.” The girl said with her scowl still in place, she heard Inutashio gulp right before she pasted out from blood loss.

“Sesshomaru go take her to Keade and have her cleaned up.” Inutashio said. His son nodded and went to pick up the girl and the red haired girl tried to follow after him but was stopped by Inutashio. She looked up at her adopted uncle and nodded knowing he wanted an explanation of why they where there.

“Okay I’m gonna only ask this one more time. WHO THE HELL ARE THOSE GIRLS!!!??” Inuyasha yelled now annoyed.

Inutashio sighed and took the girl by the hand and started leading them inside.
“Come inside and I’ll explain everything.” he stated and headed inside his family and friends close behind.
~`~`~`~` `~` `~` `~` ^_^ ^_~ -_-;;
~inside the healing room~
“okay let me get this straight” Inuyasha said after his father had explained who the girls are. “ These girls names are Kagome and Kairinu and they are from another planet called Miko and there father is King Naraku who is not exactly the most greatest guy but your best friend named Isis who was like a sister to you married him anyway. And now for some reason that we have yet to find out her seventeen year old daughter and fifteen year old Daughter have come to give us a visit and we you and Sesshomaru are from a planet called InuYoukai Where the whole planet is inhabited by Dog Demons and You came here to escape a marriage deal with an insane woman with Sesshomaru after your first wife was assassinated. And You me and Sesshomaru and Shippo are under a concealment spell to hide our demon traits that me and shippo have had before we where even out of moms gut.?” Inuyasha stated.

Inutashio and Izaiyo looked at their son in surprise that he had actually had listened.

“ Well yes Inuyasha.” inutashio Said still in shock.
“Okay” inuyasha said then noticed his parents looks and he turned to tem yelling “WHAT IS IT SO SURPRISING THAT I LISTENED TO YOUR LITTLE STORY?!”

“ Well yes it is little brother or now that you know what we are little half-Breed!” he said and spat the last two words out like they where acid. Inuyasha growled then turned away dropping the subject (a/n: Okay I know major OOC There Inuyasha would not have stopped,)

Inutashio sighed then turned to Kairinu

“Well now that I told my story I think its time you explained why you and Kagome are here.” He stated curious why his adopted nieces where here.

Kairinu looked down at the ground guilty and was about to say something when.

“She Doesn’t know why we’re here” said a voice behind them.

They all turned around to see Kagome trying to sit up while holding her side and trying to rip the IV out(a/n: I hate IV’s and I’m a diabetic so I have to get them if I ever go to the hospital) Kairinu ran to her sister and made her stop trying to get the IV out telling her it was helping her then helping her sit up.

“ Well Then would you tell us while you’re here then dear?” Izaiyo asked not quite believing this story but the girls tails, scales, claws, fangs, and unusual shining eyes had her believing it.

Kagome looked at the woman and gave a kind smile noticing her aura.

“So I take it this is your mate?” She asked Inutashio. Who blushed and turned away. Inuyasha looked at his father surprised to see the great Inutashio blush as Sesshomaru and Miroku, Sango, and Shippo raised an eye brow.

“Well.. Um..yes ..I..” Inutashio stumbled for the right words then stopped when he heard Kagome and Kairinu start to laugh. Everyone turned to them surprised at the beautiful sound that would make wind chimes jealous, while Sesshomaru and Inutashio just smiled. (A/n: OMG FLUFFY SMILED! 0o0!!) The girls stopped then looked at them with a serious expression.
“Well enough of that I guess I should tell you why I’m here” she said with a light smile.
When she saw everyone nod she began her story. She told everyone about her Naraku trying to rape her down to her getting here. She managed to get through the whole story with just two out bursts from Inutashio.

“ Okay that’s just sick” said inuyasha with a disgusted look on his face.

“I agree you are not to go back to MIKO Kagome you and Kairinu are to stay here and go with Inuyasha and his friends on Vacation with them.”

“Dad Are you Crazy this Vacation is Supposed to be just for us not with two crazy alien girls hanging around!” inuyasha argued.

“I have to Agree sir” Miroku said.

“I don’t” said Sango

“WHAT!” Miroku and Inuyasha said at once.

“What? I think there cool.” said Sango turning back to Kagome and Kairinu and starting a conversation with her new friends.

Inuyasha and Miroku sweat dropped and turned back to Inutashio.

“Come on dad can’t you keep them here?” inuyasha asked.
Inutashio scowled at his son.

“Absolutely not Inuyasha! Naraku knows where I live and will come here for her with out a doubt after he realizes there not on the planet anymore!” Inutashio explained

“ Fine but can you at least show me and shippo what we look like as Demons?” Inuyasha asked curious to what he really looked liked.

“Of Course.” Inutashio said with a smile and he quickly said an incantation and there was a puff of smoke and Inutashio stood there with a grin on his face with Pointed ears, Fangs, and claws. And his Violet eyes had turned amber and his black hair silver and he had two purple stripes on the sides of his face. Sesshomaru looked exactly like his father as well as Shippo except he had a puffy tail and his hair was still orange. And Inuyasha Had everything except the stripe and tail and instead of pointed ears he had two furry dog ears on his head.

Everyone looked at them ib surprise except Kagome and Kairinu who smiled. Kagome then put her head down and mumbled the incantation that Inutashio had said a little while ago and turned the boys back to there human disguises as well as put her and Kairinu under the spell.

Kagome now Had Pure black hair with a blur tint to it and brown eyes and all of her alien traits where gone replaced with human ones. Kairinu looked Exactly like her sister except her hair had a red tint to it and her eyes where turquoise.

“Okay We’re ready to go we just have one question.” Kagome and Kairinu looked at each other an then at the same time asked.

“What’s Vacation?”

There was a silence then at the same time everyone yelled.


^_^ ^_~ ^ ^

A/n: Well thats chapter two I hope you like it I thought it was pretty good well anyway Reveiw Reveiw and I’ll try to get the next chap out as soon as possible!
