InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Daddy? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This chapter is just a little bit shorter than the past two, although not by much. I promise to make up for it in the next chapter though!

Chapter 3

Kagome had woken up to find the car pulling into the parking lot. Inuyasha parked and looked over to her.

“Well, what’s the hold up, get out of the car.” Kagome sighed, maybe he really wasn’t a nice person? Still, she unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door to the car the same time Inuyasha did.

Inuyasha started to walk, and Kagome followed since she didn’t know where they were going. He went through the patient entrance and allowed the door to nearly hit Kagome. He smirked when she began to get upset.

He walked up to the nurse’s station and saw that Yuka wasn’t there, whether it be because her shift was over, she was on break, or she was helping a patient he didn’t know nor did he care. He breathed a sigh of relief as he walked over to Keade.

“Hey hag what room’d you put the runt in?”

Kagome had been standing in front of the nurse’s station but huffed when she heard him talk that way to Keade and yelled, “Inuyasha, you really should respect your elders.”

Inuyasha ignored her.

“The child is in room 429 and his grandmother is with him.” She answered, smiling at Kagome.

Inuyasha walked back over to Kagome without another word, walked past her and over to the elevator. He pressed a button and to his surprise - and delight the elevator opened right away. He stepped in and allowed the door to close, just as Kagome caught up to him and was running up to the elevator. He smirked at her as the door closed.

By the time Kagome made it to Shippo’s room Inuyasha was already there. He smirked at her as she walked into the room. “So did ya have any problems findin’ the place?” He asked.

“Nope, none at all.” She answered, smiling. ‘I’m not going to let him get to me.’ She thought with a smirk that mirrored Inuyasha’s.

Somehow the smirk on her face scared Inuyasha, although he didn’t know why.

Kagome looked over to her mother, to find that she was asleep. She went over to chair her mother was sleeping in and shook her awake.

Mrs. Higurashi awoke slowly. When she opened her eyes to see her daughter. “Oh, hello Kagome, what time is it?” She asked.

“It’s around 2:30,” Kagome answered.

Her mother stood up and yawned and then stretched out her tired muscles. “Well then, if you don’t need anything else I guess I better be getting home. I left Souta with your Grandfather I’m a little afraid the house may be burnt down by the time I get home.” The girls laughed.

“Thanks Mama.” Kagome said quietly.

Mrs. Higurashi had turned to pick up her coat and said, “no problem dear. I’ll stop by your apartment after I drop Souta off at school tomorrow and pick up some clothes for you and Shippo and bring them by. Are you going to work at the restaurant?”

“I don’t think so, he’s probably going to need more tests and I’d like to be there for him. Plus, tomorrow’s just a Wednesday, we normally aren’t just busy in the middle of the week so I won’t be giving up too much in tips.” Kagome answered.

Her mother nodded. Kagome reached over and hugged her mother.

“So, I guess I’ll see you around nine then?” Kagome asked.

“That sounds about right, I’ll try to bring you some breakfast too.”

“Ok Mama, see you tomorrow.”

Mrs. Higurashi finished putting her coat on and left.

Kagome looked over to find Inuyasha writing down something in Shippo’s chart. She realized how tired he looked, almost as if he hadn’t slept in a week and a half. Then again, being an emergency doctor he might not have.

“I’m sorry to keep you here so late, I know you must have better things to do.” Kagome said suddenly.

“Keh,” was the only response she got.

She decided he must not have heard her, either that or he didn’t believe her.

“No really, I’m sure you’ve got a wife or a girlfriend at home waiting for you and Shippo and I are really just an inconvenience. But thanks for staying to take care of him, I really can’t thank you enough.”

Inuyasha kept writing as he said, “look wench I ain’t got nobody waitin’ for me, or did you not go through my phone book on my cell, which by the way you haven’t given back.”

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the phone and handed it to him. “I honestly had forgotten that I had it. I forget a lot of things when I wake up.”

He grunted a response and she nodded to his back.

She turned back to Shippo and brushed hair from his cheek.

“And just so you know I didn’t go through your phone.” Kagome said. He grunted once again in response.

Inuyasha turned and looked over at the girl. She looked so fragile, and so young. How had someone allowed her to adopt a child? She was still a child herself. He found his mind going to a place he wasn’t sure he was ready to go. He had just gotten out of a serious relationship and he was most definitely not ready to feel anything towards another woman. Sure he could picture himself with her, but having feelings for her was a different story.

It was then he allowed himself to notice how much she looked like Kikyo, he’d been avoiding the thought all day, avoiding admitting it to himself.

Kikyo was a young lawyer in the hospital. She was working on making partner in the firm that handled all of the malpractice suits aimed at the hospital. He had had to go in for his weekly ‘attitude adjustment’ where they basically yelled at him not to cuss out the patients or harass them in some other way. That’s when he noticed her. She was beautiful and after one conversation with her he knew she was intelligent. She had come from a long line of Mikos, and took her responsibilities as a Miko very seriously. That had been their biggest problem from day one.

That and he was a half-breed. Sure hanyou were more common now than they were 500 years ago, but they were still looked down upon by most people. And to humans, especially Priests and Priestesses they were impure. Kikyo could never come to terms with him being a hanyou. Worse yet, she hated herself for falling in love with something so impure. Inuyasha simply couldn’t allow himself to be the reason for her self-hatred and they decided mutually that the relationship could not survive.

He still wasn’t over her and doubted that he ever really would be. She was the love of his life and a constant reminder that he would never be good enough, even for those who truly loved him.

Inuyasha was pulled out of his musings by Kagome’s soft snores.

He looked over to see her asleep, hunched over Shippo’s hospital bed. Stupid wench, didn’t she know how much pain she’d be in tomorrow morning if she slept like that all night?

He got up and walked over to the chair on the left side of the bed and lifted it up. He carried it over to the right side, which had more room and set it down, opposite the other chair. He then picked Kagome up and settled her down into the makeshift bed. He then walked over and pulled out a blanket from under the sink and used it to cover her with. Looking down he noticed that it was a little small and she’d probably still have a sore neck tomorrow, but there was little else he could do.

He walked out of the room at 3:30, grabbing the chart and stopping at the nurse’s station to give instructions to page him if something happened to Shippo overnight. He then went down to the doctor’s lounge and took a nap on the sofa.


It had been a week since Shippo had been brought into the hospital. Because Inuyasha couldn’t figure out what else Shippo had he didn’t want him to leave the hospital grounds. His eyesight had been coming and going the whole time and he was still getting the headaches. Only now his hearing was going to.

Kagome was frantic. She couldn’t stand the feeling of helplessness that came from having her baby in the hospital for so long. She had been going to work everyday and having her mother, her brother and grandfather sit with Shippo while she was working. The only problem was that her brother had a soccer game tomorrow after school and her grandfather had a doctor’s appointment that her mother had to take him to. So Kagome was actively running Inuyasha’s cell phone bill up trying to find someone to come and stay with Shippo while she was at the restaurant.

This is what Inuyasha walked in on when he got back to Shippo’s room with lunch for three. It was nothing special, just two hospital sandwiches that Kagome had forced him to buy, and Shippo’s tray.

“Hey wench what are you doin’ I don’t have that many minutes. You were on the phone when I left, please tell me this is a different call!” Inuyasha said annoyed.

Kagome shushed him while she waited for Kagura to answer the phone. She had already called Sango, but she had to work. Kagura didn’t have to be at work until later. Finally Kagura’s voicemail picked up.

“Hey Kagura, it’s Kagome. I was wondering what you had planned today. I really need someone to come and sit with Shippo. My mom can’t do it today and I have to be at work in two hours. It’d only be for two or three hours, until my mom can get here. I’d really appreciate it. If you can call me back at this number. Bye.”

By the time Kagome looked up from the phone, Inuyasha had pulled the tray over to Shippo and sat his plate on it, and he and Shippo were already eating. She threw the cell phone at his head.

He caught it without turning around.

“I’ll have you know, that was a different call. I can’t find anyone to come sit with him while my Mom takes my Grandpa to the doctor’s office.”

“So, why do ya need someone here, I’m here and it’s only a couple of hours right?” Inuyasha said, clearly annoyed that she didn’t trust him.

“Well, yeah but you have rounds and stuff I want someone in the room with him.” Kagome replied, getting upset that he didn’t understand.

“Look, the kid’ll probably sleep the whole time anyway, look he’s falling asleep in his food. I’ll come an check on him whenever I get a chance til your Mom gets here. And by the way, who said you could have people calling my phone?” He almost screamed.

Kagome blushed, “um, no one but I didn’t think you would care. I guess it won’t hurt if no one comes in for a couple of hours. He did survive being in the car with you alone, and this is a hospital with security cameras everywhere…”

“Look wench if I wanted to hurt the little runt I’d have done it already. And I do mind. I don’t want anyone calling my phone in the middle of my sleeping to ask for you. So you’d better make sure they don’t.”

“Fine, fine I’ll tell them not to call your phone geez.”

“Well?” Inuyasha asked growing more annoyed than he’d ever been in his whole life.

“Well what?” Kagome asked confused.

“Well, are ya gonna leave the runt with me or not?”

“Oh, yeah I don’t think it’d hurt anything. So why not? You get to babysat.”

“Yeah, yeah, wonderful.” Inuyasha whispered. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to do it. Maybe so he’d be able to believe she trusted him. For some reason that seemed important. Although he didn’t have the slightest clue as to why.


Inuyasha had just dropped Kagome off at work. He returned to the hospital to find Shippo wide awake and being more of a chatterbox than he’d been all week. Inuyasha had been trying to ignore him.

He had went in to check on him three times and every time the kit had a question. Last time it had been ‘what’s wrong with me.’ To which Inuyasha replied that he didn’t know really, which was why he was still there.

This time it was, “what‘s sex?” Inuyasha freaked out and ran out of the room. When he came back the kit asked again.

“Inuyasha, why won’t you tell me want sex is?” Shippo asked innocently.

“Cause it ain’t my place to tell ya, that’s why.”

“But why not?”

“Cause it ain’t. I’m not your dad or even related to ya. Have your Grandpa tell ya when your older. Or ask your Mom.”

“Oh, I see, it’s cause you don’t wanna be my dad, it that it?”

Inuyasha had no idea what to say.

“Cause I think my Mommy likes you and I think he wants you to be my new daddy, but since you don’t wanna be I guess I’ll have to find someone else.”

“What?” Inuyasha asked, still recovering.

“My friend at school said that I needed a Mommy and a Daddy. He said that the reason I don’t have a Daddy is cause I’m stupid and my Mommy ran him off. Then he said a bunch of stuff about my Mom and said she was a bad Mom cause I don’t have a Dad anymore. I tried to tell him that I used to have a Dad, but he didn’t believe me.”

Inuyasha looked over at the boy and felt bad for him, he had gone through the same thing.

“Look kid, not havin’ a dad don’t mean nothin’. I don’t have a dad either. He died the day I was born in a car accident that caught on fire. I never even saw him. It didn’t hurt me much and it won’t hurt you anymore than you let it.”

Shippo looked up almost crying. “Really? Your Dad died in a car accident?”

His voice was so small that Inuyasha almost didn’t hear it. “Yeah, what of it?”

“That’s how my real Dad died. He and my Mom were goin’ to a play or something and their car got hit by a drunk driver and caught on fire. It killed both of them. That’s when Mom and Kouga adopted me.”

Inuyasha frowned, who was this Kouga guy and did he really adopt Shippo too? If he did, where was he?

His questions were soon answered though, when Shippo continued, “but then Kouga left. Mommy and Kouga found me after I was thrown from the car when my parents died. They took me the hospital and stayed with me til I was better. Then Mommy told me she wanted to take me home with her. I don’t remember everything, I was only a year and a half old. But we were a family til I was three. That’s when Kouga left. He didn’t want me and Mom did. That’s all I really remember. That’s why I want you to be my new Daddy. I know it’ll make Mom happy. Please?”

Inuyasha fell over. “I don’t know runt, I’ll think about it.”

“You think? The world is gonna explode!” Shippo joked.

Inuyasha hit him over the head.

“Hey, that hurt I don’t want you to be my new Dad anymore. I;m gonna tell my Mom on you.”

“Oh yeah, tell and good I don’t wanna be a Dad to a runt like you anyway!” Inuyasha yelled.

Shippo started crying. Inuyasha’s eyebrow started to twitch. Just then Kagome’s mom came in.

“Well good morning Shippo.” His Grandmother sang happily as she walked over to her grandson.

“Grandma Inuyasha’s being mean to me!” Shippo cried.

She simply shook her head. “I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by whatever he did. Isn’t that right Inuyasha?”

“Keh, I meant it alright!”


Man, she must were Kagome gets it, she is scary! “Fine, I take it back.” He relented.

“Now then, Shippo, accept his apology and stop crying.”

“Fine, I accept your apology Inuyasha.” Shippo said.

Inuyasha walked out of Shippo’s room thinking about what he had said, ‘could it be that Kagome likes me? Does she really think that I would make a good father for Shippo?’

A/N: There you go, chapter 3! Yay! Chapter 4 will be up an Saturday! See you all then!