InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Exhaustion ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own Inuyasha

A/N: Here is it, the second chapter! Yay! I’m actually posting a chapter earlier than I said I would, aren’t you all proud of me, lol!

Chapter 2

“Hey Sango, how have things been today?” Kagome asked as she opened her locker and pulled out her bright yellow smock.

“Things have been hell, things normally aren’t this bad on Tuesdays, although it is senior citizen discount day so I guess I should have expected it.” Sango replied.

Kagome smiled as she put on her smock and walked over to the time clock. She put her clock number in and put her finger over the reader and waited for it to clock her in. Sango walked up to clock back in from her break.

“So, what time to you get off tonight?” Sango asked.

“Three, what about you?”

“Midnight, but I’ve been here since 3:30. Such a long day.”

Kagome giggled a little bit.

The pair walked to the front of the store.

“So, how was the doctor today?” Sango asked.

“It’s worse than I thought, his lost his eyesight earlier. It’s been coming back little by little. But the doctor wanted to take him to Takahoushi Youkai.”

Sango gasped. “Wow, that’s a really expensive place.”

“Yea I know, but the doctor said that we might be able to work something out as far as payment. I have to meet them at the hospital after work.”

They reached the front of the store.

“Who’s we?” Sango asked innocently.

“Shippo and my Inu….my mom.”

“The last time I checked your mom’s name didn’t start with Inu…” Sango teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“It’s nothing, the doctor’s name was Inuyasha at the clinic and he’s the one doing the tests.” Kagome replied while doing a very good impression of a tomato.

“Really, it I didn’t know better I’d say that you had a little bit of a crush on this Dr. Inuyasha.”

Kagome continued to blush as they walked up to the supervisor to find out where they were needed.

“Hey Kagura, where do you need me tonight?” Kagome asked.

“Well, Kagome how about you go to lane 9 and Sango you just go back lane 6.”

The girls nodded. Sango walked on to her check lane, but Kagome stayed behind.

“Hey Kagura I was wondering, if its at all possible could I leave a little early tonight? My son’s in the hospital at I’d really like to be there with him.” Kagome asked, not really wanting to give up the hours but needing to be with Shippo.

Kagura looked up, “I don’t really think so, but I’ll see what I can do. What’s wrong with Shippo anyways?”

“I’m not sure yet, they’re running tests. But if you could do something I’d really be thankful, he really needs his mom right now.”

Kagura nodded, “I can understand that, poor baby. I think I may be able to let you go at 2. I know it’s not much but I’ve had two people call in sick.”

Kagome nodded, “thank you.” She then walked over to her check lane.


Inuyasha pulled up to the hospital parking garage and into his personal reserved place. He had been practicing medicine since he was twenty two, when he started his residency. He was now thirty and had worked his way up in the hospital. His specialty was in emergency surgery, he didn’t like interacting with the patients once they were awake.

He shut off the car and opened his door. Quickly checking to make sure the back door was unlocked he closed his door and walked around to the kit’s.

He opened the door and shook the kit awake. Shippo looked up with sleepy eyes.

“Come on, kit we’re here.” Shippo unbuckled his seat belt as Inuyasha opened the front passenger door and grabbed the keys that he had left in the initiation. He then pressed the door locked and closed it.

Shippo was waiting next to the car. Inuyasha walked up to him.

“I guess it’s to much to ask you to walk on your own since ya can’t see.” He said as he picked up the kit with ease.

As they approached the entrance to the hospital Inuyasha slowed down. He opened the door with his right hand and held Shippo in with his left. He walked up to the next door and did the same. There was no real haste in his movement, simply attitude. He then turned right and went to the patient entrance.

There was a middle-aged woman with brown hair, wearing a sweater standing near the entrance, looking for someone. She smelled similar to Kagome and Inuyasha was sure that she was who he was looking for. He walked straight up to her.

“Mrs. Higurashi?” He asked gruffly.

“Oh there you are, I’ve been looking for you all for a few minutes.” She replied sweetly.

“Yea well I had to drop your daughter off at work.” Inuyasha said, very clearly in a bad mood.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded, disregarding the bad attitude. She walked closer to him and reached out to take Shippo. He handed him over.

“I just need to go and find a chart for him and get an exam room. You can go sit down over there in the waiting room and I’ll be right back.” Inuyasha didn’t wait for her to say anything as he walked away.

Mrs. Higurashi walked over to the waiting room to sit down. She noticed that Shippo was already asleep in her arms. It really worried her, according to Kagome he had been sleeping a lot lately.


Inuyasha walked up to the nurses station. He looked over and saw that there was an empty room indicated on the board. He looked at one of the nurses. Her name was Yuka and she had had a crush on him for the past few months. She had gone to the point of cutting off some of his hair while he was sleeping in the faculty lounge between shifts one time.

He groaned, he really didn’t want to deal with her.

“Hey Yuka, I’ve got a patient back here that needs some tests, is there anyways I could get an exam room and a new chart for him?” He asked groaning at her.

“Well of course Inu-baby.” She replied, giving her best seductive smile.

“Yea, yea, I’ll just take the runt back to exam room 3c and you bring me the chart when you get it ready.” He huffed out as he turned to walk away.

Yuka sighed, and watched the sway in his ass as he walked off.

Inuyasha walked back to the waiting room to see Shippo asleep on Kagome’s mother’s lap. He sighed, he needed to find out if Shippo’s sleeping habits were upset in any way or if this was part of the illness. He began to formulate a list of questions to ask the girl’s mother when they got to the exam room.

He walked over to her and waved her to follow him. She stood up carefully, making sure not to upset Shippo, and followed the doctor.

When they got to the exam room Inuyasha motioned for them to sit down.

“I’ve gotta go find the nurse with the chart and I’ll be right back, sit the runt down on the table, there’s blankets in the cabinet there, get one out to cover him up with.”

He ran into Yuka as he exited the room. He tried to pull away, but she didn’t allow it as she handed him the new chart.

“Here’s the chart you wanted, I assume that’s what you were coming looking for,” she said as she grabbed a certain object in Inuyasha’s pants.

Inuyasha pushed her away immediately, “what the hell is the matter with you, that’s the fourth time you’ve done that in as many days. How many times do I have to say, stay the fuck away from me!”

Yuka smiled, she liked her man rough. She simply giggled as she turned and walked away.

Inuyasha groaned, good lord he hated when she did that. He walked down to the lounge and pulled the key to his locker out. He quickly opened the locker and pulled out his lab coat, his favorite, with the silts on the sides so he could reach in his pockets. It was especially tailored for him, a gift from his father when he graduated from med school. He took the one he was still wearing from his time at the clinic off and stuffed it in the locker. He’d rather wear this one, there was just something about it that him feel better about himself, like a damn good doctor. And something told him that he was going to need that added confidence while dealing with Kagome and Shippo.

He closed his locker and sighed, he was supposed to be at home right now. He had been at the clinic all day, and this was his only day off from the hospital this week.

He walked out of the lounge and down the hall to Shippo’s exam room. He walked into the room and noticed that Shippo was still asleep, a perfect time to ask Mrs. Higurashi some questions.

“Mrs. Higurashi, I just have a few questions, if you don’t mind.” Inuyasha asked.

Mrs. Higurashi looked up from her grandson and replied, “of course.”

“Ok, to start off with, have there been any changes in his living situation, anything happen at school, anything that may have really upset him?” He asked, trying not to be well, himself. The last thing he needed was this woman getting angry at him, he was getting tired and cranky, God himself only knew what would happen if he let himself get too upset at her.

The woman looked up, “well Kagome adopted him a few years ago, when he was only a little over a year old, and he’s been living with her in her apartment downtown since. He hasn’t started school yet, he starts in a couple months. Something may have happened at daycare, but Kagome hasn’t said anything. I’m sorry I don’t know more.”

Inuyasha wasn’t surprised to hear that Shippo was adopted, it would have been physically impossible for her to have given birth to him since she was a human.

“Ok, well what about sleeping habits?”

“He has been sleeping an awful lot lately, every time I watch him he sleeps for hours and Kagome says that he’s been going to bed earlier than normal and sleeping later.”

Inuyasha nodded, writing his findings down in the chart. “Ok, well I wanna go ahead and run a few blood tests and I’ll need a urine sample, if you could help out with that.” At Mrs. Higurashi’s nod he continued, “well then I’ll go get the phlebotomist to draw the blood and I’ll bring back the cup for the urine sample and we can do that afterwards.” He said as he walked out into the hall.

Suddenly over the intercom there was a call for a ’Mr. Inu-Sexy Pants’ that Inuyasha realized was meant for him. He walked over to the nurse’s station and grabbed the phone.

“Yea, who the hell is it and what do you want?” Inuyasha yelled, allowing all of the built up frustration to come forth.

“Well, I did want to know about my son.” The feminine voice on the other end of the phone answered.

Inuyasha looked up the clock, and realized that it was almost ten. When had it gotten so late?

“Shippo’s fine, he’s sleeping. I’m getting ready to take some blood and do a urine test. Hopefully that’ll pinpoint something and we can work from there.” Inuyasha said in a huff.

“Ok, well is my Mom there with him?”

“Keh, of course she is. Don’t you trust your own mother?”

“Of course I trust my own mother, you dolt! I just wanna make sure my son is safe from certain Half Demons!”

“Keh, whatever, like I care.”

“You, you, I don’t even know what to say to you!”

“Of course you don’t” Inuyasha said smirking.

“Whatever, I’ll call back at midnight when I get my next break.”

She hung up before Inuyasha could reply. He shrugged and hung the phone up, walking back into the station.

Looking around he groaned, the only nurse there that could draw the blood for him was this old hag, Keade. He walked over to her. “Hey, hag I gotta job for you.”

The elderly woman looked up, “yes, and what is that?”

“I’ve gotta patient that needs some blood work done.” He said irritated.

“Ok, well I’ll be right there.” She said with wisdom. She knew that Inuyasha doesn’t like to draw his own patients blood. His claws get in the way and more than once he’s ‘accidentally’ hurt one of them. Now he reserved the right to draw the blood of his more annoying and irritating patients but asked others to do it for patients that didn’t deserve it. Although all patients had to deal with his attitude.

Keade followed Inuyasha to the exam room.

When they reached the room Inuyasha walked in before her, holding the door open a small bit, trying to help her a bit without her knowing it, he did have a reputation to uphold after all.

Keade walked over to the counter on the left side of the room and picked over the items she’d be needing. She turned back to the table.

While she was getting ready, Inuyasha had Mrs. Higurashi put the kit on the table and wake him up.

Now ready to begin, Keade walked over to the table. “What’s his name?” She asked, to write it on the label she was making.

“Shippo Higurashi,” the woman answered. Keade nodded and wrote the name down.

“Now Shippo I’m going to draw a little blood from you, okay?” At his nod she continued. “Ok then, you should only feel a little pinch.”

Keade quickly cleaned the area on his arm and swabbed it. She then took a needle and connected it to the tube. After putting the tourniquet on his arm she stuck him.

Mrs. Higurashi held his hand the entire time. “Grandma, you can let go now.” Shippo said after Keade had finished and his grandmother was still holding his hands tightly.

Inuyasha nearly laughed at that, but stopped himself.

He had prepared the urine cup while Keade was taking the blood and handed it to Mrs. Higurashi. She accepted it.

“Ok Shippo, they need a urine sample, so what I want you to do is to go into the bathroom and pee in this cup, see if you can fill it up to this line.” Mrs. Higurashi said pointing to a line on the cup that was about half way up. “Can you do that for me?” She asked.

Shippo nodded at took the cup form her.

“Where is the nearest bathroom?” Mrs. Higurashi asked Inuyasha.

“Take a right out of this room, walk down and take a left and it’ll be on your left.”

When they left he walked over to Keade and picked up the six tubes of Shippo’s blood she had taken. “I’ll take these down to the lab and start processing them, can you kinda keep an eye on the runt while I’m gone?”

Keade looked at him weirdly, “of course, Inuyasha. But ye normally doesn’t care so much about your patients.”

“Keh, I don’t really care about the runt, I just don’t wanna have to listen to him, or his mother when they don’t see me for a while and don’t know what’s goin’ on. That damn wench has a mouth on her.”

“Well, maybe it’s simply me, but she doesn’t seem to have a mouth on her.” Keade replied.

“Well that’s cause that ain’t Shippo’s mother, that’s his grandmother, his mother had to work and called her to come sit with him.”

“Oh, I see, then why are you worried about her? She isn’t even here.”

“Because…because…Keh I don’t care anything about that stupid wench.” Inuyasha yelled, then proceeded to stomp out of the room, be turned back to yell, “and don’t forget to bring me that urine sample when he’s done!”

Keade smiled, the hanyou was easy to irritate.


At exactly midnight ’Mr. Inu-Sexy Pants’ got another page. He was still in the lab processing Shippo’s blood work and urine.

He picked up the phone in the lab and pressed the button for line four. “Yea wench?” He asked grumpily.

“We’ve really got to work on your manners.” She said. At Inuyasha’s snort she continued, “so do you know anything yet?”

“Well the urine showed trace amounts of a youkai virus closely related to mono, which would explain why he’s been sleeping so much. The blood sample backs that up, but also shows something else. I’m working on finishing it right now. I’m hoping whatever else is in here explains the other symptoms.” He said off-handedly.

“Ok, well that’s good right, I mean, it’s not life threatening? It can be treated?”

Inuyasha softened at the hope in her voice. “It looks good right now, be we’ll talk more when you get here. By the way, what time do you get off work?” He asked, his lack of sleep affecting him more than normal.

“I wasn’t supposed to get off until 3:30 but they’re letting me leave at two. I should be able to catch the 2:10 bus and be there by 3.” She said as though she rode the bus at 2 or 3 in the morning all the time, but then again Inuyasha guessed that she did.

For some reason Inuyasha found himself upset that she was taking such a stupid risk, although the area the supermarket was in wasn’t the worst, it also wasn’t the best. A young woman alone in the middle of the night was just asking for trouble. He didn’t know why but Kagome taking such a risk upset him, a lot. He decided not to dwell on it.

“Why don’t I just come get ya, you’ll get here a lot faster.” He said suddenly, surprising himself. He’d been doing that a lot today.


Kagome was surprised, Inuyasha, the mysterious doctor had just asked to come get her from work. She had to wonder if it was really because she’d get to the hospital faster.

“Ok, sure if you want to, I don’t want to put you out.” She said, kind of happy that she’d be getting some time alone with the handsome doctor. She’d been fantasizing about him for the past few hours while trying to get her mind off Shippo and her worry. Somehow he found his way into her thoughts, and they wouldn’t go away.

“Keh, of course you’re putting me out, but since I offered I won’t make a big deal out of it.” She could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Whatever, I’ve got to get back to work.”

“Ok, whatever.” Inuyasha hung up.

Kagome closed the red flip phone, and then reopened it to shut it off. She sighed before realizing that her break really was over. She got up went over to the time clock and clocked back in.


Two a.m. came quickly for Inuyasha, one minute he was processing the last of the blood work and the next he looked up and noticed that it was already 1:40 and if he didn’t hurry he’s be late to pick her up from work.

He got up quickly, grabbing the paperwork and walking out of the door. On his way out he looked in the exam room and noticed that both grandmother and grandson were fast asleep.

He went up to the nurse’s station and found Keade again. “Hey hag, can you go ahead and admit Shippo Higurashi for the night? I’ve gotta go run an errand.”

The older woman looked up and said, “of course I was just waiting for you to say something, I’ll have him in a room by the time ye get back from this mysterious two am errand ye is running.”

Inuyasha snorted and said, “just do it.” He then turned and walked out the door next to the station and went out to the parking lot.


Kagome was getting irritated. She had made sure that she was walking out of the store at exactly 2 a.m. but it was now 2:05 and Inuyasha wasn’t here yet. It’s not like there’s any traffic.

Just as she was getting ready to walk back in the store she heard a car horn. She looked up to see Inuyasha.

She sighed and walked over to the car, opened the door and climbed in.

“There was a wreck on Fifth and Broadway.” Was all he said when she got in and she had a feeling that that was as close to an apology as she was going to get from him.

She nodded. “So did you find anything else in the blood work?”

“No, I’ve been working on it for the past three and a half hours. There’s an elevated white count so I know there’s something I just can’t figure out what.”

Kagome could tell he was upset at not being able to figure it out. “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure out what is it.” Inuyasha glanced over. How was it that this woman he had just met had more confidence in him than his own flesh and blood?

A soft snore interrupted his thoughts and he looked over to find Kagome asleep. He decided to let her sleep, she’d had a long day.

A/N: The characters may have been a little OOC this character, if they were I’m sorry. I’m trying to keep them in character while getting this story where I want it to go. Right now I’m thinking that it’s going to be 10-15 chapters give or take. There’s still a lot of plot that hasn’t been introduced yet and some of it probably won’t be for another few chapters. Well I should have the next chapter posted on Wednesday, so see you then!
