InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Not For Anything in the World.. ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lucky Chapter 13!!
Sesshomaru couldn't help the good mood he was in as he walked down the hall to inform his brother that the kit was out of surgery and alright. He wasn't sure what exactly it was, but performing brain surgery always put a spring in his step. Perhaps it was the power of actually being in someone else's head or perhaps it was the case in this particular situation that he was helping his brother. There was a time long past when the older inu was idolized by the hanyou. The Tai-Youkai didn't like to admit it often, but being idolized, seeing that look in your younger siblings eyes when you help them felt really good.
Catching himself before anyone noticed the spring in his step, he tightened his jaw, realigned his face into a mixture of annoyance and coldness and walked on.
He reached the hospital room that currently held his younger sibling fairly quickly. He quickly noticed that his patient's mother was in a hospital bed with a chart at the end that most certainly could not have been Shippo's. It didn't take a criminal profiler to see that the girl was exhausted. She was currently sleeping rather peacefully, as was his baka brother. It didn't take long before Sesshomaru's scent woke Inuyasha up.
The hanyou looked over to his brother expectantly and the older youkai nodded. Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked out of the room. Sesshomaru followed.
“So everything is alright?”
“The kitsume is in recovery I told him that I would retrieve you and his mother and return. His senses have returned fully.”
Inuyasha nodded and turned to walk back into the room to get Kagome, but Sesshomaru extended his left arm to catch Inuyasha's right. Inuyasha looked back up and Sesshomaru.
“What the fuck Sesshomaru?”
“I would like to know what is wrong with the girl.”
“What do ya mean?”
“She has been admitted has she not?”
“Yea, she's been pushing herself too hard lately and hasn't been sleeping enough. She passed out earlier and I had to admit her for exhaustion.”
Sesshomaru nodded, “you do know that we are not in the practice of admitting human patients but considering the circumstances I believe it was necessary. Now do you care to explain why you were asleep in the same room as a patient? I do not believe that that is common procedure.”
Inuyasha growled, but blushed. “I told her I would take care of her and I wanted to be there when Shippo came out of surgery I guess the past few weeks caught up with me and I fell asleep.”
Sesshomaru did not look convinced, “I would like to remind you that dating a patient is unethical.”
Inuyasha had a look of shock on his face. How did he know?
“Do not make it public until both she and Shippo are released and the bills are paid. I do not wish to have to deal with legal about this matter. The kit is in recovery room 8,” with that Sesshomaru walked away.
Inuyasha stood there another minute wondering why Sesshomaru hadn't just fired him. It seemed like the perfect solution for his older brother. Shaking his head he walked back into the room to get Kagome.
It was time for her to see Shippo again.
Naraku sat in his living room trying to think of ways to get Sesshomaru back for all of the pain he had caused him. He looked through the photo albums that he and the inuyoukai had kept in college. They were full of memories.
He smiled as he looked at a picture of Sesshomaru and himself at a dance. It had been their first date. Sesshomaru asked him out so it was Sesshomaru that had planned the date. They had started out with a nice dinner at an upscale restaurant. Then they continued on to the winter formal.
He had been a little apprehensive before they went into the dance. He hadn't officially come out yet and while it was nice to go on a date with someone who he was actually attracted to, he wasn't sure he wanted to walk into the dance on the arm of another man. He wasn't sure what kind of reactions he would receive. However, Sesshomaru coaxed him through it and the one thing that had kept him going as he walked into the building was Sesshomaru whispering in his ear that he wouldn't let any harm come to him.
His smile soon turned into a scowl as he remembered that the inuyoukai had not kept his promise. Reaching over his picked up his cell phone to call in some help.
The next phase of his plan was about to go into effect.
Kagome awoke slowly, enjoying the warmth in her ear. She giggled a little when it started to tickle. She reached her hand up to swat Inuyasha away.
Inuyasha wasn't expecting the blow and loudly yelled “ouch.”
Kagome jumped up and pulled his hand away from his face to look at the mark she left. “Oh my God I am so sorry.”
She was startled, however, when she suddenly found herself beneath the hanyou. He was smirking as he began to tickle her sides. She started jumping and giggled. She tried to move away from him, but his hands kept finding her. She closed her eyes as she began laughing harder.
Suddenly Inuyasha stopped tickling her. “Look at me Kagome,” he said in a serious voice. She peaked an eye open.
“All the way,” he ordered with smile on his face.
She opened her eyes the rest of the way, just in time to see Inuyasha lean his head down to kiss her.
It wasn't a deeply romance kiss, but it had the desired effect of making her smile.
He got up and reached for her hand. She took his hand and allowed him to help her up.
“Shippo's out of surgery,” he said simply.
“Really?” She asked excitedly.
“Yup, and Sesshomaru said his senses are back.”
Kagome jumped up. “Well what are we waiting for?”
Inuyasha followed closely behind, loving the view of her in the care bear pajamas that Kaede had changed her into from her bag. He hadn't wanted her in a paper gown and he knew that she wouldn't have wanted to be in one either so he had her changed into her jammies. He had to admit that they did look amazingly cute on her. Normally ha wouldn't have let himself think such things, but she was his girlfriend now, so who could stop him?
Coming back to his senses he realized that they were going the wrong direction and rushed to catch up with her.
Shippo was hesitant to turn on the television. His senses may have been back, but they were hurting his head. Whoever the doctor was that did the surgery had said that he was going to get his mom and Inuyasha but that was a almost ten minutes ago. He wanted someone to explain everything that had happened to him during his blindness.
To be honest he didn't even know how long he'd been in the hospital, its very hard to gage time when you can't see, hear, or smell. He hoped that his mommy would show up and make everything better. He started to cry, he wanted her to kiss his forehead and rub his head. He just wanted his mommy.
It was only another few seconds before Kagome and Inuyasha walked into the room. Kagome ran to him, kissing him on the forehead. He stopped crying and looked over to Inuyasha and noticed that he looked very uncomfortable.
Kagome sat on the bed next to him and Shippo leaned into her frame.
“Inuyasha, is it alright for him to sleep this soon after surgery?” Kagome asked after noticing how tired he looked.
Inuyasha stood there and looked at him for a for a minute before answering, “yeah I think that'll be alright. He's got heart and brain wave monitors on him and the nurse's will know if he needs to be woken up.”
Kagome nodded to him and then turned back to Shippo. She was afraid it would hurt him to run her hands over his head so she settled for rubbing his stomach.
“Shippo sweetie if you want to sleep it's okay; I'll be right here when you wake up.”
“But Mommy, I don't understand what happened.”
That's when it really hit Kagome, Shippo had literally been through a living hell the past two weeks. He hadn't been able to see or hear or smell. He had been cut off form the world, not even able to talk because he didn't know who was there. She had known on some level what he had been going through but forced herself not to realize it completely. It hurt too much. But he was okay now and that's what mattered.
“Sweetie, we'll explain everything when you wake up. I promise.”
That seemed to appease him and he nodded. “Mommy, can Inuyasha come over here too?”
“What?” She asked, startled more than anything.
“Can Inuyasha at least come sit next to the bed, I know he wouldn't want to lay down too but it would make me feel better.”
Kagome looked over to Inuyasha, who had simply been standing at the door, smiling at the two and feeling a little out of place.
He blushed after hearing what Shippo said, but nonetheless he walked over to the left side of the bed and settled next to the kitsume, opposite Kagome.
Shippo didn't seem to surprised by his move, or if he did he didn't say anything. He just got comfortable between the two of them and went to sleep.
Kagome smiled over to Inuyasha and reached her hand across Shippo to take his. Inuyasha ran his thumb over her knuckles and the two blushed as they looked into each other's eyes.
“My baby is really okay isn't he?”
“Yes he is.”
Kagome followed Shippo into dreamland as Inuyasha watched over the two of them, this had to have been the greatest day of his life.
Kagome's mom found the three of them in the twin size hospital bed and smiled. She had come and met Kouga. That's when she had gotten a call from her son's school. Knowing that the surgery was going to take a few hours and that her daughter was likely to be busy with everything that was going on she had gotten back on the elevator and went to the school to pick up her sick child. She knew Kagome would understand.
She had had a feeling that her daughter liked Inuyasha. She also had a feeling that the young doctor liked her daughter as well. When she saw Kouga she knew trouble was coming. But her daughter was fully capable of handling the situation, especially if Inuyasha was near by, that had been more than evidenced in the past few weeks.
Inuyasha looked up when she entered the room and put his index finger to his mouth, telling her to be quiet. He slowly got up and walked over to her. Both Shippo and Kagome grew a little unsettled when he got up, but settled down quickly.
He and Kagome's mother walked out into the corridor to talk so they wouldn't wake up Shippo or Kagome.
“So, is everything okay with Shippo?”
“Keh, the runt's fine. His senses are back although I think they're hurting his head a little more than he'd like me or Kagome to believe. Give him a few days and he'll be back o his feet. It may be a while before he's back to normal through, you never know what the secondary consequences will be when you remove a part of the brain.”
The woman nodded. “I figured as much.” She then gave him a sly smile and he knew what was coming.
“Yes,” he said before she could ask.
“Yes?” She asked, knowing what he was referring to.
“Yea, we're talking `bout it anyway.” Then a thought hit him, “you can't tell her I told you. She'll have a fit, I'll never hear the end of it.”
She laughed. “Don't worry I won't say a word. I'm just glad it is.”
He nodded.
“So do you think either of them will be waking up soon?”
“Not a clue. I had to admit Kagome yesterday for exhaustion and with everything Shippo's been through lately I wouldn't be surprised if he slept for a while. I don't think he's been sleeping very well since he hasn't been able to smell.”
Kagome's mother nodded, “I figured as much. Kagome always cares about everyone else, never herself. She'd push herself to the end's of the earth to help a perfect stranger. This isn't the first time she's been hospitalized for exhaustion.”
Inuyasha wasn't very surprised to hear that, “well if I have anything to say about it, this will be the last time.”
“For her sake, I hope you're right.”
Inuyasha grunted.
“Well, I'm going to go to the cafeteria and get some coffee since it looks like I'll be here a while. I want to see them before I go. Do you want anything?”
“Yes, some coffee, black.”
She nodded.
Miroku followed Sango into the hospital through the ambulance entrance. They had walked from the restaurant, which was a couple of blocks away. Sango was extremely eager to see Kagome and Shippo, and Miroku needed to speak to Sesshomaru.
He had been doing a lot of thinking about the problems with his clinic and the problems the hospital clinic was having. He believed that he had the perfect solution.
After looking on the board and showing Sango to Shippo's recovery room, he went off to find Sesshomaru.
The youkai was not very hard to find, he was in his office writing up a report about the surgery. Miroku knocked softly on the door, surprised to find that Jaken wasn't there for the day.
Miroku opened the door and walked into the office. Sesshomaru looked up at him and pointed to a chair. Miroku went over and sat down.
“So, do you have any suggestions about a clinic director?”
“Well yes actually, and a few other suggestions if you don't mind.”
“Go ahead.”
“Well, you see my clinic recently lost our sponsorship. We are having problems paying our bills and paying for upkeep.”
Sesshomaru gave him a intolerant look and he hurried to continue, “now I'm not suggesting that we close my clinic and I take over this one by any means. What I'm suggesting is a merger of sorts.”
Sesshomaru looked up at Miroku.
“Your clinic here is in a perfect position to serve youkai and hanyou patients, and mine is in the perfect location to serve humans. I know that a lot of people would have a problem with my clinic merging with yours, but I believe that it would help the hospital's profits. I also know that one of the reasons you were hired was to increase the relations this establishment has with human hospitals. Adding a human clinic could help do that.”
“So what exactly are you proposing?”
Miroku smiled, he knew that would get him. “I'm proposing that my clinic and yours merge. I would keep up management of the satellite clinic and you would find someone to look over this one and coordinate the two.”
“And who do you suggest I get to run this clinic and coordinate the two?”
“Well, actually I was thinking Inuyasha would be good for the job.”
Sesshomaru gave him a blank stare.
“He took quite a few business classes in college before he decided to focus on medicine. He knows the business aspect almost as well as he knows the medical. I believe that he would be the perfect candidate for the job.”
“Have you talked to him about this?”
“No I haven't. I wanted to get your opinion before I said anything.”
“Okay then, how do you plan on getting him to take the job?”
“He wants an attending position right? So you make this coordinator job an attending position.” Miroku replied, a little surprised that he was even considering it.
“Okay, write up a formal presentation. There's a board meeting next week you will need to present it at. If you can get Inuyasha on board with the plan and get everything written up by then I'll out you on the calendar. I don't think it'll be a big deal as long as I give you my full support. It's not a lot of money and the benefits for the hospital are great.”
Miroku nodded, “I'll have it written up by Tuesday then?”
“The meeting isn't until Thursday so if you could have everything to me by Tuesday would be satisfactory.”
“Okay then I'll get Inuyasha on board,” Miroku said on his way out.
Sango had just got to the recovery room when they were moving him back to his room. She followed Kagome and her mother as they walked to the elevator.
“So every thing's okay?” Sango asked Kagome.
“Yup Shippo is doing a lot better. All of his senses have returned.”
“Thank God.”
“Yea I know.”
“So how has he been taking it?”
“Well, I haven't actually had a chance to talk to him about all of it yet but I think he'll be okay.”
“Good, and are you feeling better?”
“Yes, I am.”
Sango noticed that Kagome was staring in front of her with a smile on her face. She followed her eyes and saw what Kagome must have been smiling about. Inuyasha doting over Shippo. Inuyasha wasn't even letting the nurse who came to get Shippo touch the bed he was on. He kept retucking the blankets in around him so he wouldn't get cold and kept looking over to the monitors to check his heart rate. It was very cute.
Sango leaned close to Kagome's ear and whispered, “so what's goin' on between you and Inuyasha?”
Kagome blushed but said nothing, they hadn't talked about whether or not they were comfortable telling everyone yet. She was technically still his patient and it was unethical.
When they reached the room Miroku was waiting for them. Sango blushed when she saw him, and Kagome leaned close to her and asked what was going on between the two of them. Sango didn't answer her either.
Shippo was now wide awake and looked around with fascination. He hadn't been able to see in weeks, so he watched the colors with amazement.
Inuyasha pushed the bed into place and lowered the guardrails. Kagome walked over to the other bed and sat down, followed closely behind by Sango and her mother. Miroku was already sitting in a chair next to the bed. They waited as Inuyasha put things the way he wanted them.
Shippo looked over to Kagome and asked, “Mommy, will you tell me what happened now?”
Kagome looked over to Inuyasha who nodded at her. “Of course sweetheart.”
Miroku grabbed Inuyasha's arm and said, “I need to talk you. It'll only take a minute.”
Inuyasha nodded, “Kagome we'll be right back.”
Kagome looked up and nodded.
“Now what do you want to know?”
Miroku pulled Inuyasha out into the hall while Kagome explained things to Shippo.
“Alright what do ya want?”
“What makes you think I want something Inuyasha?”
Miroku laughed a nervous laugh. “Well you see the clinic is kind of in some trouble.”
“How much?”
“I'm not asking for money.”
“I didn't say you were, I asked you how much you need to keep it running.”
“More than I will allow myself to ask you for. But I do have a way to get the money if you'll help me.”
“Oh yea and what do I get out of it?”
“An attending position.”
That got Inuyasha's attention. He'd been trying to get an attending position for the past year. His residency was ending and it was beginning to look like he was going to have to find another hospital.
“And how are ya gonna do that. They gave the attending position to Naraku.”
“I can have one created for you. You'll even get to use your business skills.”
“How in the world are you gonna do that?”
“Well the other day I got a call from your brother,” Miroku started to explain.
“So let me get this straight, you want me to help you merge your clinic with the hospital clinic and if I do it I'll get an attending position?” Inuyasha asked after hearing the story.
“That is correct.”
“I'll have to think about it. It would be a lot of work, especially in the beginning.”
“Yes, but look at all of the people you'd be helping.”
Inuyasha sighed, he really needed to talk to Kagome about this. “Look I'm not makin any promises but I'll think about it.”
“Fair enough.”
When the boys went back into the room Sango and Kagome's mother were getting ready to leave. It was getting late and they had to get home.
“Are you ready Miroku?” Sango asked, surprising Inuyasha who didn't know they had come together.
“Yes,” he replied holding his arm out for her. She reluctantly took it with her own and walked out with him.
“Well I guess I better get going. Souta has a small fever and I think I may be pushing it to leave him with your grandfather too long.
Kagome laughed and hugged her mother. “See ya later Mama.”
Inuyasha looked over to Shippo, “did ya tell him yet?”
“No I was waiting for you.”
Shippo looked at them suspiciously, “tell me what?”
Inuyasha walked over and sat down in the chair next to the bed and Kagome took her place next to her baby.
“Shippo sweetie Inuyasha and I have decided to date.”
Shippo looked up hopefully, “really?”
“Yup, now we aren't making any promises. We aren't getting married or anything so I don't want you to get your hopes up okay?” At Shippo's nod Kagome continued, “but we are going to try.”
Shippo looked over to Inuyasha and said, “see I told you that you were gonna be my new daddy.”
Inuyasha would have choked if he could have and Kagome just blushed and shrugged.
The three of them watched television for a little while before Shippo fell asleep once again. Inuyasha looked over and noticed that Kagome was wide awake. He nodded his head towards her bed and she got up and moved over there.
Kagome laid down on the left side and Inuyasha sat on the right, facing her.
“Is there something you wanted to talk about Inuyasha?”
“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about a promotion I may be getting.”
Inuyasha explained the situation with the clinics and the amount of work that he would have to put on the first few months.
“So do you want to do it or not?” She asked when he finished.
“I do, but I won't have a lot of time for you and Shippo. I'm just not sure if it's the best thing to do if it's going to hurt our relationship, especially since we just started dating.”
“Inuyasha I understand that you're worried about me and Shippo but we'll be fine. Maybe we could even help sometimes.”
“So you think I should take it?”
“I think you should do what you want.”
“I want to take the job.”
“Okay then, take the job.”
Inuyasha smiled and then leaned down and kissed her. He smiled as he looked at her face, for the first time in his life things were working out okay, and he looked forward to the next day. He could honestly thank her for that. He looked forward to the next day because her and Shippo were going to be there. Sure the runt was probably going to start getting on his nerves again soon and Kagome was irrational at times, but he wouldn't trade either of them for anything.
Smiling to himself he laid back, and Kagome leaned her head on his chest, his arm around her.
No, he thought to himself, life didn't get better than this.
The End
A/N: Ok so you have questions, I know you do. That's what the sequel is for.
Sequel Info:
Title: It's A Wonderful Life
Summary: Now that Shippo's out of the hospital and Inuyasha and Kagome are together what lays ahead for them? Especially now that Kouga has visitation rights. Just what is Naraku up to? And what is the deal with Rin?
The first chapter will be up the 18th. I plan on editing WTML first.
Thank you to everyone who reviewed, I appreciate every one of them. You guys are awesome!