InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Rumiko High ❯ Enter the Insanity ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Le gasp! I'm making another fic! And it's an AU!! OMG SO FREAKY. Not really, I just need to lay off the sugar. So anyways, with me going back to school, the inspiration fairy was driving me insane, prodding me with her wand, yelling at me to write and add to the frillions of Inumuffin high school AU fanfics. I need to draw a picture of that happening… if I do, I'll be sure to link you to the picture.
So, I may as well put this here. I do not own Inuyasha and company as much as I may wish I did.
Alright, the fic rated as such for language and possible sexual situations. I really do not know what my mind is going to do with this fic, so I can't promise anything, so better safe than sorry, ne? I probably won't be able to write a lemon on account of the fact that I am socially retarded and essentially get embarrassed over nothing, but if for some reason I do, I obviously can't post it here, so I'll give you a link to the mediaminer version.
Anyways, with a high rating I don't have to worry about acting like myself xD *not a child appropriate person*
So, without further rambling … well, I'll pause my rambling to present you with the first chapter! OMGX0RZ!
Welcome to Rumiko High
Chapter One: Enter the Insanity
`AARG! Why do they have to make this school so damn big?!'
A rather lost 12th grade student ran through the halls of Rumiko High, flailing her arms while trying to weave through the students not yet in classes.
Something silver caught her eye. She stopped to see who or what it was. She gasped as she took in the sight before her eyes.
Standing, looking at a notice on the wall was a tall, silver haired guy, seemingly her age wearing dark blue worn jeans and a red dress shirt. To top everything off (literally) he had the cutest ears the girl had ever seen on a person. They looked just like dogs ears! Silver to match his hair.
She watched as one of his ears twitched and swiveled in her direction. She giggled, and the ear twitched again. This time the boy turned to face her. She gasped again as she saw his eyes. They were the most brilliant shade of gold the girl had ever seen. She also noticed that the first few buttons of his shirt were undone revealing part of his muscular shirt.
“Did you want something?” He asked irritably, snapping the girl back to reality.
“Er, sorry, what?” She asked rather stupidly.

”Jeez, you act like you've never seen a youkai before.”
She had seen youkai before, of course. Some youkai chose to live in big cities, but most stayed in packs outside the city usually in the wilderness because it was easier on their senses. In reality, she only gasped because she hadn't seen a youkai with ears that - well, cute! Most just had pointed ears. When they're in human form anyways. She had never seen a youkai in its animalistic form, but she had heard stories that some of them were grotesque and violent.
“You still alive?” His voice once again shook the girl out of her thoughts.
“Yeah, um, I'm Kagome.”
The strange demon looked at her suspiciously before shrugging to himself and replying. “Inuyasha.”
~-~-~-~-~-~ (A/N: SQUIGGLEY!! Sorry.)
`Who is this girl?' Inuyasha thought fleetingly. Here was this jumpy, cheerful, and (grudgingly admitted) beautiful girl talking to him. Usually humans of scared with everyone of youkai descent even if they had human blood too, and youkai hated hanyous for their `impurity'.
Well, she didn't know he was a hanyou. If she did she'd probably think him a disgusting half breed not worthy of anyone's attention.
“Er, do you know where Takahashi's room is? Room… 309?” Kagome said glancing at a paper in her hand briefly.
“No clue.” Inuyasha replied honestly. “I've been trying to find it myself. I guess we're in the same homeroom then…”
“Ooh, really? Can I see your schedule?”
“Why?” The hanyou asked skeptically.
Kagome shrugged. “I just wanted to see if we have any other classes together.”
“What would the odds of us being in another class together in a school of 3,000? It's amazing we even found someone else in our homeroom out of the whole school! But it doesn't even matter because you can't see my schedule. I don't even have one. I just got the name of my homeroom from that big list in the main entrance.”
“Then come with me to the office! I can get directions and you can pick up a schedule! I remember seeing the office just back there.” She pointed in the direction she ran from.
Inuyasha sighed, but agreed. No point in skipping the first and easiest class of the year. All they were doing was saying “Hi” and sitting around until the end of the day.
Kagome led Inuyasha back to the office, and he had a chance to admire her without the interruption of her chatter. She had long, thick ebony hair and a slim build. She wore tight dark green corduroy pants and a v-neck sleeveless white shirt that contrasted nicely with her hair. She didn't wear much makeup, just a bit of lip gloss, some eyeliner, and a light dusting of brown eyeliner that complimented her sapphire eyes. Essentially, she looked hot.
They stepped into the office and walked up to the desk. There was an elderly woman with a bandage over her eye humming softly to herself and flipping through a filing cabinet.
“Excuse me, um…”
“You may call me Kaede, child.” She told Kagome with a warm smile.
“Ok, Kaede! I need to get to room 309 and Inuyasha here needs a schedule.” She gestured to the bored hanyou.
“Well, child, 309 is around this corner and up the first set of stairs you see. Take a left at the top, and it's the first door on your left. Your teacher is Takahashi, aye?”
“Yes, she is. Have you memorized every classroom in this school?” Kagome asked in mild amazement.

”Just about.” The old woman said with a glint in her eye. “Now, about that schedule. Inuyasha was it? And an Inu Hanyou. It'll just take me a moment to print the page. Ye may take a seat if ye wish.” She pointed to a few chairs sitting by the office door.
“You didn't tell me you were a hanyou” Inuyasha cringed. He hoped she had missed Kaede's comment.
“Excuse me for not broadcasting the fact that I'm a freak caught between two worlds.” He said with resounding bitterness.
“I didn't say it was a bad thing! I was wondering why you had such cute ears, actually. Guess that answers it, ne?” Kagome said with a smile. “Besides, this way you get the best of both worlds.”
“How exactly is being taunted by humans and youkai alike the best of both worlds?”
“You're so cynical!” The girl said and threw her hands in the air.
“He has had a hard life, child. I've seen the counselor's files on ye, Inuyasha. Father died before birth, mother died during your childhood, raised by an old man with as much sense as a walnut.” Kaede said as she walked up to the two students, two pieces of paper in hand.
Inuyasha cringed again. He just met Kagome and already she seemed to know his whole life in a nutshell. “Isn't that supposed to be confidential?” He retorted angrily.
Kaede ignored the comment. “Here is your schedule. I wrote a letter explaining why ye two are late. Best run along now so ye won't miss anything of grave importance. Remember, up the stairs, first door to your left!” She all but pushed the two teens out of the office, smiling rather mischievously all the while.
They glanced back at the door, then to each other, and shrugged. Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's schedule from his hands. He protested a bit, but stopped at her expression.
Kagome was shocked to say the least. Her mouth was hanging open, and her eyes wide.
“What is it, wench?” He said with mild concern and glanced at the paper. `No writing in blood, no death threats… what's gotten her so worked up?'
“This is exactly my schedule.”
“What?! We have every class together?! How is that even possible?!”
“How should I know?” Kagome turned back to the office and pulled the door open. “KAEDE!”
“Yes, child?” The old woman said with a smile.
“Why is his schedule exactly the same as mine? The odds are literally a million to one.” She thrust the paper towards the desk before digging through her purse and getting her own schedule. She straightened that one out and set it down too.
Kaede glanced at them both. “Well, it seems that either fate or the computer system wants ye two together. Now I really must insist ye get to class. Bye now!”
Kagome stood, still shocked for another minute before grabbing the papers and leaving.
Inuyasha had just been standing there thinking. `How did this happen? That woman's plotting something.'
`Why is it so bad that I'm in all her classes?'
`Because it's scary! Things shouldn't happen like that!'
`But it did, so shouldn't you embrace it?'
`Shut the fuck up! Gah! And stop talking to yourself!'
Inuyasha noticed Kagome leaving and followed her. He grabbed his schedule back, and distinctly caught the sound of Kaede laughing to herself in the distance. `Definitely planning something.'
After a short walk smothered in awkward silence, they reached homeroom. Walking through the door was an interesting experience in itself.
There was a noticeably pissed off girl with long brown hair pulled into a high pony tail, wearing pink eye shadow, clear lip gloss, a pink baby tee with a vintage effect and black belt over top sitting on her hips, and light blue jeans. She was seated in the front row, tapping her fingers irritably on the desk.
Beside her was a smiling (rather idiotically, too) boy with a lump on his head. His shoulder length black hair was pulled into a ponytail, and he was wearing a dark purple hoodie and baggy black jeans. He had a black rocker glove on his right hand.
There was a group of girls sitting in the corner chatting with one another, looking very snobby. The one who caught Inuyasha's eye looked almost exactly like Kagome, but slightly longer straighter hair. She also gave the impression of being much colder, and the sneer and close to obsessive nail filing wasn't helping that image.
There were three guys talking to one another, or more like one bragging loudly while the other two hang on his every word like he's some kind of hero. The one bragging had long black hair, a tight white t-shirt showing off his chest, and khaki jeans. He was obviously a demon. What caught Kagome's attention were his brilliant blue eyes.
Not to mention the other half of the class occupied by nervous freshmen taking in their new surroundings, a few people who were the perfect embodiment of a stereotypical `goth', a girl sitting in the far corner with a sketch book on her lap and a pencil in her mouth, a bunch of chatty girls grouped in the middle of the room, and the occasional seemingly normal person interspersed throughout the groups.
“You must be… Inuyasha and Kagome?” A middle aged woman with short curly hair and glasses spoke up from behind her desk.
The two nodded.
“Welcome to class 309!” She said with a grin, and a gesture towards the class.
`This is gonna be a long year.'
A/N: Phew! Chapter one, finito! *parties* Sorry if it sucks, but it's just the intros and stuff. Bound to be boring. I stuck myself in there too. I'm the girl in class with the sketch book. That's how you can basically always find me… I dunno, I was looking for some more `extras' so I chose myself. Haha, go me! So anyways, I'm not gonna stop writing The Game. Just satisfying the inspiration fairy. If I don't write down her ideas, she throws things at me. I need to draw that too.
Anyways I should do homework… fuck it, I'm going to SLEEP!
So, please review and offer suggestions. ^_^ I have a basic plot, but if you want me to somehow tie in some completely random subplot I'd be happy to. Even if it involves drunken acorns. (Um, long and pointless story.)