InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Rumiko High ❯ Truth or Dare ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hello again! School's on strike (w00t!) so I'm home/out with friends more often. That might prove good for updates or not, if the latter is true. Of course a few of my friends are acting rather strangely… well, as am I actually. Hooray for schizophrenia-induced lesbian-ism… Um, extremely long story.
God, I need a shock collar or something that zaps me whenever I get off topic. Hah, right El, you might as well get an electric chair.
Oh, final little thing before I start the chapter, don't listen to “Dragostea Din Tei” (That Numa Numa song) at 1am while already insane. Yes, that is the excuse for any and all utter randomness you might encounter in this chapter. Also, I'm probably just gonna keep typing without aim for…. Until I pass out. So it'll probably be a long chapter… Maybe even longer than this note, ne? *slaps self* Bad Elly. Er, that's my nickname. Call me that if you want. Kami! *slaps self more* NO RAMBLING. *zaps self* Oww... *falls*
Welcome to Rumiko High
Truth or Dare
After staring at the class for a few minutes, Kagome dragged Inuyasha to some open seats. They were close to the dazed boy and the pissed off girl.
Kagome was feeling social. She turned to the girl. “So, what did he do?”

The girl turned to face Kagome for a moment before shooting a look at the boy. “What makes you think he did anything?” She said through gritted teeth.

Kagome giggled. “The grin screams perversion, and your scowl screams… well, `do that again and I'll have your head on a platter.'”
“Or something apparently more vital to his existence than that on a platter.” She muttered darkly.
“Well, Sango, if you wanted me on a platter all you had to do was ask.” He shot the girl a lecherous grin.
She blushed, and smacked him again. “Pervert!”
Inuyasha and Kagome were both stifling laughter.
“You gotta admit, it did sound kinda… wrong.” Kagome said, sticking her tongue out at the girl.
Sango groaned. “I think I'm done embarrassing myself for today. I'm Sango.”
“Kagome!” Said girl replied cheerfully. “That's Inuyasha.” She said gesturing to the hanyou beside her.
“Is he your boyfriend Kagome, or is the position open?” The rather abused boy said with a suggestive grin.
Sango hit him again. “The asshole's Miroku.”
Kagome and Inuyasha overcame their blushes just before a girl ran flailing into the classroom, piece of paper in one hand, overstuffed dark blue and red backpack in the other. She was wearing a pink and black miniskirt with many layers giving it the look of a tutu. It had suspenders, mildly obscuring her bright green t-shirt with a bright pink heart on it. Inside the heart were the words `your name here' in black. She had a green and orange headband, and part of her hair was in a ponytail at the side of her head. For makeup, she wore heavy metallic eye shadow of purple fading into turquoise. All in all, her fashion sense was eccentric, but cute.
“Sergeant Rin reporting for duty!” She said loudly after making sure she had the right room.
Mrs. Takahashi chuckled, then glanced at her list. “We're all here then!” She clapped her hands together and stood up. “So, who can tell me what we're supposed to do in homeroom?”
There were a few muttered and bored responses from the class. Most just continued socializing though.
“That's right my ever so attentive class!” She said with an evil glint in her eye before slamming her hand down on the desk making half the class jump in surprise.
Takahashi grinned and continued. “So, the faculty has no doubt told you of what we do. This class is supposed to be a support for you, almost like a family. You will be in this class the rest of your life at Rumiko, and we will hopefully become close! It is my hope, and that of the school that any problems you have, you will feel comfortable talking to me. Of course homeroom isn't just free psychiatry. It's also a place to catch up on your work, to get some instruction, and we've been told to give you assignments that will build character and help you through your adolescent life.”
Most of the class groaned.
“But in reality this is basically a party class. Store any snacks you may want to bring in that back closet! I have a few things in there to start the year off, so dig in!” She said while smiling happily.
The new students of the class stared, trying to figure out if this was real or not.
Inuyasha leaned towards Kagome and whispered into her ear. “Our homeroom teacher is insane.”
“Insane? Yes. Awesome? Even more!” She jumped up and ran to the closet in question. Throwing it open, she was delighted to find a stockpile of candy and junk food. “I love this school!” She grabbed a bag of chips and returned to her desk around Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku.
Rin came running up to them. “Hi! You guys seem more interesting than those ditzes and the jocks and I think that artist girl would yell at me for disrupting her creative flow or something if I got near, so I'm sitting with you guys.” After finishing her run-on sentence, she jumped onto Miroku's desk and sat cross legged showing off her white go-go boots. “Ooh! All dressed!” She squealed in glee and grabbed the chip bag.
Inuyasha stared at the strange girl.
Sango tried to stifle her laughter.
Miroku was trying (and failing) to resist staring up the girl's skirt.
Kagome was shocked and angry. “You stole my chips!” She nearly tackled Rin trying to grab the bag back.
Rin squealed. “No junk food until I know your name!”
“Kagome, now gimme my chips!”
Rin giggled, and opened the bag, stealing a handful before giving the rest back to Kagome.
A satisfied Kagome returned to her seat and munched on her chips, smiling happily as if she had never gone half insane over some chips.
Inuyasha looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Why so spastic?” He asked with obvious amusement.
Kagome blushed a bit. “I like all dressed, ok?” She reached into the bag and took out a chip, only to have it stolen by Inuyasha, who quickly popped it into his mouth and grinned wickedly.
Kagome huffed and pulled one of his ears.
“Ow! Wench, that hurts!”
Miroku, Sango and Rin watched the exchange in mild amusement and mild fear.
“Remind me to never get between her and her chips again.” Rin spoke up.
“Hey Kaggers, you never did tell us if Inuyasha was your boyfriend. Because it kinda seems like it.” Miroku stuck out his tongue at the pair.
“No, he's not my boyfriend, and don't call me Kaggers or I'll be forced to hurt you.”
Inuyasha felt hurt at the comment before mentally slapping himself for being an idiot.
Miroku pretended to be terrified of Kagome so he could use Sango as a shield, therefore have an excuse to touch her. Sango slapped him.
Rin started laughing hysterically. “I definitely need to hang out with you guys, like constantly. You're better than TV.”
“What kind of TV do you watch Rin? Because it's clearly not as good as mine…” Miroku said with a heavy lecherous tone. Sango slapped him again. Rin laughed again.
Kagome was watching the pair, highly amused, therefore too distracted to notice the hanyou stealthily stealing chips.
Rin saw this, and started humming Mission Impossible.
Inuyasha shot her a glare while everyone else looked at her very oddly.
Rin saw Inuyasha's glare and squeaked. “Kagome! Save me from the nasty demon!”
Kagome turned around to look at the hanyou, who had his hand halfway in the chip bag. He pulled it back quickly causing potato chips to fly everywhere. Kagome glared at him for a moment before quickly stealing a chip that had managed to land between his ears.
She laughed when his ears twitched, then reached up to scratch one.
Inuyasha was about to pull back when he realized that it felt really good. Every stroke of her fingers only served to arouse Inuyasha more. He growled low in his throat, and Kagome pulled her hand back.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” He said with genuine concern.
Inuyasha blushed and stuck his nose in the air. “Keh! Like you could hurt me.”
Miroku sniggered. “I'm guessing it did the opposite of hurt him, Kagome, judging by that blush.”
This time both Inuyasha and Sango hit the boy. Kagome just blushed and reached for the remaining chips.
Rin broke into song. “Yasha and `Gome sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
Miroku joined in. “First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then -”
The song ended abruptly when Inuyasha thumped Miroku on the head again.
The bell suddenly rung and Mrs. Takahashi jumped. “Oops, I forgot today's just an intro day thing! My bad! Everyone go to the next class for your Monday schedules! Go! Run! Flee, children, flee!”
She got many strange looks from students as they left. Rin just giggled and jumped off the desk. “Musical Theatre here I come!”
Sango muttered darkly about having math with the lecher.
Kagome announced that her and Inuyasha had a language class to get to, and pulled said hanyou out the door.
“Meet us at the east wing door at lunch!” They heard Rin yell after them.
Two blocks later the group managed to find each other at the doors. Rin dragged them over to an old tree before jumping at it and swinging onto the lowest limb.
The others stared at her. “The woman's a monkey.” Miroku muttered, amazed.
“Keh. I can do better easily.” Inuyasha bragged before jumping halfway up the tree, then the remaining way to the top. He looked down at his friends, at least 40 feet below him. `Tall tree…' he thought the obvious, as he jumped back to the ground and landed gracefully beside Kagome, who turned to him.
“Of course you can do that, you're a hanyou. Showoff.”
Inuyasha smirked evilly, grabbed Kagome around the waist, and once again jumped to the top of the tree.
Kagome shrieked in surprise and clung to Inuyasha's neck.
Inuyasha grinned. “You can let go a bit, I'm not gonna drop you. Take a look down.”
Kagome loosened her grip on Inuyasha's neck and glanced down to the group of people below looking up at them. She noticed that Rin had gotten out of the tree. “Wow.”
“Not afraid of heights then?” Inuyasha was mildly disappointed. Part of him wanted Kagome to burry her face in his chest again.
“Nope! I like heights actually.” She said proudly.
Inuyasha got an idea and smirked again. “Good.” He picked her up again and started jumping through the nearby buildings and streets. Kagome clung to him again, but looked at the scenery flying by and laughed in delight.
Inuyasha smiled. He decided that he liked hearing her laugh. After about a five minute `ride', Inuyasha returned to the school and landed in front of his dumbfounded friends.
Kagome immediately let go of his neck and started jumping around giggling excitedly. “That was so much fun, Inu! We can do that again sometime, right?!”
Inuyasha grinned at her enthusiasm. She reminded him of a little kid wanting to go on a rollercoaster. “Of course.”
“Yay!” She launched herself into the hanyou's arms. Inuyasha was temporarily stunned, but hugged her back after a moment.
“Someone's easily excitable.” He said with a grin and released her.
“Better file that away for later use, eh Yash?” Miroku winked at the boy.
Kagome blushed and hit Miroku. Inuyasha glanced at her suspiciously. “You don't seem like the violent type… am I already rubbing off on you?” He said with a smirk.
“Yep. This way I can blame you when I get in trouble for it.” She stuck out her tongue.
Inuyasha stuck his tongue out too.
Rin childishly tried to push their heads together, resulting in Inuyasha licking Kagome's nose. Both of them blushed before Kagome started laughing and wiped off her nose. Inuyasha laughed too. Rin came out of hiding behind the tree and started giggling hysterically.
All the came from Sango and Miroku was a slapping sound, and a yell of `HENTAI!!' making everyone look at the couple.
Miroku was seemingly unconscious with a throbbing red handprint on his face. Sango was fuming.
After a pause, Inuyasha, Kagome, and Rin burst out laughing again.
After lunch, Inuyasha and Kagome had Math and Gym. Math was taught by a middle aged balding man who had the amazing ability to put you to sleep with his voice alone. Gym was taught by a young Kitsune youkai woman. Needless to say, she was hyperactive. Kagome thought of introducing her to Rin.
Finally the day ended and the group found each other at the same tree they spent their lunch hour.
“Lets all go somewhere!” Kagome said excitedly.
“Yeah! Who's got the best house?” Rin asked and looked around at everyone.
“Not me, that's for sure.” Kagome said. “We'd be tormented by my younger brother, and my Jiichan would stick you with useless ofudas, Inuyasha.”
“Ofudas? He is a priest then?” Miroku asked.
“Yeah, we live at a shrine.”
“You are a miko then? How coincidental, I am a monk! In training at least.”
The group looked skeptically at Miroku.
“How exactly are you a monk, you lecher?” Sango asked, tapping her foot testily.
“In training! And it helps when your legal guardian is also a monk.”
Sango sighed. “My house is out. It's tiny, and my dad would yell at me for not training 24/7.”
“Training?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah, I study Aikido. Anyways, Rin, your house?”
“No-go. Daddy's having some friends over for poker tonight. I'd rather not hang around drunken old men shrouded in cigar smoke, much less subject you all to it.”
“What about you Inuyasha? Can we all come to your house?” Kagome turned and poked the hanyou in the chest.
“Um… I don't know if that's such a good idea.”
“Why not? If not your place then we'll be stuck going to the lecher's house.”
“Hey!” The objection went unheard as everyone was interested in hearing Inuyasha's reason.
“Well… Toutousai's an incompetent senile fool and my brother's an asshole, and it's… kinda… just no.”
“It's what?” Kagome poked him again.
Inuyasha sighed. “I live in a mansion, ok? Before my dad died he was the most respected and feared businessman in Japan. I just hate living in that place.”
“A mansion?! Well now we have to go. C'mon Inu!” Kagome grabbed the hanyou's wrist and pulled him towards the parking lot.
Inuyasha sighed, but didn't resist. “Whatever. Just help me avoid the other people in there.”
“Will do!” She smiled brightly up at him. Inuyasha decided he liked her smile too.
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't have a car.” Miroku spoke up.
“Um… me neither.” came three hesitant and embarrassed voices.
Inuyasha sighed. “Everyone can probably fit in my car.”
Rin let out a whoop and ran the rest of the way to the parking lot.
“Moochers…” Inuyasha muttered before following.
“Shotgun!” Kagome yelled and ran after Rin, who was running up to random cars, yelling “is this it?!” and running to another car, repeating the process without waiting for an answer.
“Rin, you're on the wrong side of the parking lot. Not stop running around before you get hit.” Inuyasha said irritably. He didn't mind them coming over to his house or knowing he's rich or anything, he was just weird about making friends so quickly after being a loner for so many years.
“Cheer up, ladies man.” Miroku said, and stuck his tongue out at the hanyou.
“What's that supposed to mean?” He growled.
“Just that Kagome's basically in love with you after less than a day. Some talent you got there… care to tell me your secret?”
Inuyasha blushed. “Keh!”
He led three girls and one grinning lechers across the parking lot to a metallic maroon Honda Element.
Kagome saw it and started squealing. “This is yours?! I love these cars! It seems kinda… not you though…. Except the colour. You seem more the type to have a sports car or a motorcycle or something…” As Kagome analyzed his choice in transportation, Sango spoke up.
“We should totally go camping sometime!”
“Except for the fact that it's fall now.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Sango can cuddle up with me for warmth…I wouldn't mind helping Rin too! I have enough body heat to go around. You can have Kagome, of course.” Miroku said, the ever-present lecherous tone in his voice.
Sango hit him again.
“Can we go camping sometime, Inu? Please? It would be so much fun!” Kagome said excitedly and latched onto his arm.
He sighed. “My family has a cabin out in the forest. Maybe we can go sometime.”
Kagome squealed and hugged him again. “Thanks Inu!”
“Keh.” Inuyasha blushed. He never let anyone call him Inu before, so why her?
He unlocked the doors. “If you're coming, then get in.”
Kagome ran around to the passenger side and hopped in. Rin jumped into the back first, followed by Miroku. Sango looked mortified.
“I have to squish in beside Miroku?!”
“Or you could sit on my lap. It's really your choice.” He said and winked.
Sango huffed and got into the car. She hit Miroku on the back of the head, then turned her head to look out the window and away from the grinning idiot.
Kagome and Rin laughed at the couple. Inuyasha shook his head and pulled out of the lot.
After fifteen minutes of `I Spy' (Rin's idea.) the group pulled up into a Western Style modern house bigger than two of Kagome's shrine grounds, and five stories tall. The gardens were perfectly manicured, and were overflowing with white and blue flowers.
Four of the five in the car gaped at their surroundings in awe.
Inuyasha pulled into one of the garages, and shooed everyone out of his car. He led them back out to the main entrance which was two stories of white stone walls and turquoise tinted glass windows.
The group kicked off their shoes before stepping over the light hardwood floors inlaid with pure white carpeting.
When they got to the living room, Inuyasha collapsed on a white couch with hard edges and light blue pillows.
The other four gaped at the room around them.
Miroku was the first to speak. “Holy fuck.”
“This place is amazing, Inu!” Kagome said before jumping onto the couch next to him.
“Keh. I hate it. It's so… cold and impersonal.”
“I guess you're right… it's still a really pretty house though.” She stuck out her tongue at him.
Inuyasha grinned. “Yeah, I just wish it was more… cozy. But the only room I get control over is mine.”
“Ooh! Can we see your room then?”
“Wow, only a day and she's already begging you to take her to your room…” Miroku let out a low whistle.
Inuyasha got up and hit him before heading to the stairs. Kagome jumped up and followed, as did everyone else. After seemingly thousands of steps, they reached the fourth floor.
Inuyasha walked down the hall and opened the furthest door. “Home sweet home.” He said, obviously happier about his room than the rest of the house.
Everyone followed him in and took in their surroundings. It was much cozier than the rest of the house with chocolate brown walls and carpeting and maroon overstuffed couches and chairs surrounding a wall-mounted television and a dark wood bookcase. In the far corner there was a dark wood four poster bed with sheer red fabric wrapped around each post. One of the walls was completely made of windows, keeping with the modern theme of the house, but it had been covered in chocolate brown curtains. The room was illuminated by soft yellow tinted hanging lights.
Kagome flopped down on a loveseat. “I like your room best. It's comfier.” She said with a grin.
“Second!” Rin said before running over to jump on Inuyasha's bed.
Sango took a seat on the chair closest to Kagome, and furthest away from the chair Miroku chose.
“Oh, Sango, there's no need to sit all the way over there. You can sit on my lap if you'd like.” He smirked and wiggled an eyebrow suggestively.
Kagome started laughing hysterically at how stupid he looked.
Inuyasha snorted and sat down on the loveseat next to Kagome.
Rin jumped off the bed and sat on the arm of Sango's chair. “Truth or dare!” She said to the girl.
“Oh no, Rin, I am not playing truth or dare with the lecher involved.”
“Pleeeease?! C'mon, I dare you to play! That's your first dare. Now you go.”
Sango sighed. “Fine! But I suck at coming up with questions and embarrassing dares. Anyways, KAGOME!” She pointed at said girl. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Everyone groaned. “What? I don't want to have to do something really stupid and make a fool of myself!”
Sango sighed. “Um…I don't know, simple one. When was your first kiss, who was it with, how, etc.”
Kagome blushed. “Well, this guy I went to junior high with, Houjou, he was somehow the popular guy around school that all the girls liked, except me. And of course I'm the one that he liked. Anyways, he'd asked me out a few times and my friends accepted for me, and once he just… kissed me. Not exactly the most romantic first kiss ever.” She rolled her eyes. “The guy was so boring too.”
Sango and Rin giggled. Inuyasha and Miroku looked at each other and shrugged.
“So, Miroku! Truth or dare?”
“Dare. Gimme a good one, Kags!” He grinned suggestively at Sango.
“What is it with you and nicknames?”
Inuyasha poked her. “You're the one always calling me Inu.”
“Well yeah, `coz it's cute, Inu.” She stuck her tongue out at the hanyou. “Alright, a dare… hmm… go a whole hour without being a pervert.”
The girls started laughing. Inuyasha snorted. Miroku looked horrified.
“Somehow, I don't think he'll make it, `Gome.” Sango said, obviously liking the dare.
Miroku sighed. “I'm so misunderstood.”
Inuyasha snorted again. “Oh yeah, real misunderstood. Just pick someone, `monk'.” He said teasingly.
“Fine. Inuyasha. Truth or dare.”
“Truth. I don't even want to know what you'd come up with for a dare.”
Miroku sighed. “Fine then.” He pondered things for a minute before deciding. “What was your first impression of the lovely Kagome here? Remember, full truth.” Miroku smirked evilly.
Inuyasha blushed heavily. He muttered something about idiotic lechers. “I thought you looked hot, ok?” He directed to the girl sitting beside him, also blushing heavily before turning to Rin. “You, truth or dare.”
Rin stuck out her tongue. “Dare. I'm not a sissy like you.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Hold a civilized conversation with my brother. I smell him coming down the hall.”
Rin cocked her head. “That's a stupid dare. How hard is it to have a conversation with someone?”
“You haven't met the ice king.” Inuyasha said simply.
Almost as if on cue, the door opened revealing a tall, lean Inu Youkai with silver hair falling to his waist. He had dark purple demonic marks on his cheeks and arms, and an almost black crescent moon on his forehead. His eyes were golden, like Inuyasha's, but harsher, and narrower. He wore black slacks and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“I see you have company.” He said simply, his voice smooth and emotionless.
It took Rin a moment to get over his good looks and jump off the arm of Sango's chair.
“Hi! I'm Rin. That's Sango, Kagome, and Miroku. You know Inumuffin, obviously.”
The stoic youkai raised an eyebrow at the last comment. “Interesting nickname, brother.”
Inuyasha blushed and growled.
Kagome giggled and patted him on the head, which only caused him to blush more.
The demon smirked at his brother's predicament before turning back to the girl before him. “Sesshomaru.” He held out his hand.
Rin took it cautiously. “I'm assuming you don't go to school with us.”
“I graduated last year. I now attend business school. I intend to follow in my father's footsteps and take over the company.”
Rin nodded and there was an awkward pause. “Um, you're full demon, right? But, Inuyasha's a hanyou.”
“He is only my half brother. Our father's relationship with my mother did not last. Isn't that right, dear brother?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “I know you're bitter about a human taking your mother's place, but get over it already.”
“It is not the fact that she took my mother's place that I am bitter about.” He replied. “Good day everyone. Rin.” He nodded to the girl and turned to leave.
Once he closed the door behind him, Rin went back to the chair arm.
“Well, that was about as civilized as conversation can get around Fluffy there. You win that dare.” Inuyasha said, and relaxed into the couch again.
Kagome turned to him. “Fluffy?” She said disbelievingly. “He doesn't exactly seem very fluffy.”
“You haven't seen him with that ridiculous `tail' of his.” The Hanyou smirked.
“I'm not gonna ask.” Rin shook her head. “Kagome, truth or dare.”
“Chicken.” Inuyasha taunted her with a grin.
“Hey, you picked truth too!”
“That's because it was the lecher asking.”
“I don't think you can call me `lecher' anymore when I've been sitting here quietly and politely since Kagome dared me to stop all perversion for an hour.” Miroku spoke up.
“Yeah, a whole five minutes, that changes a lot.” He turned back to Kagome. “You're still not off the hook though.”
“Yeah, it's an unwritten rule of the game. You can't pick truth twice. You just… don't.” Sango said.
“Ugh! Fine!” Kagome threw up her hands. “Dare.”
Rin squealed excitedly. “I should do something really evil!”
“Nothing really perverted, Rin!” Kagome exclaimed at the look on her friend's face.
“Fine.” Rin sighed. “I won't be too perverted. But I'm still gonna make you kiss Yash.” She declared. “Oh, and none of this cheek crap. Full on the lips, tongue and all.” She added as an afterthought, grinning evilly.
Kagome and Inuyasha both blushed furiously. “You all suck.” Kagome muttered before leaning over on the couch and capturing Inuyasha's lips.
He was shocked that she actually followed through on the dare and gasped, opening his mouth to her. The feel of her tongue timidly probing his was too much for Inuyasha, and he felt his instincts take over. He growled in pleasure and grasped the back of her head pulling her closer. She gasped, but melted into his embrace when he gently nipped her lower lip.
She gently licked his lip, then traced the contours of his fangs with her tongue. Inuyasha growled and tilted her head slightly before plunging his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, and reached a hand up to the top of his head to scratch one of his ears.
The sensation was too much for the already overwhelmed hanyou. He let out a low whine and crushed Kagome to him before flipping them over on the sofa so his torso was covering hers. “Fuck.” He murmured before nipping along her jaw line.
“We can leave if you want.” Miroku said, grinning madly.
Inuyasha and Kagome were brought harshly back to reality by the comment, and both blushed enough to make a tomato jealous. They quickly jumped to opposite sides of the couch.
Rin was on the floor giggling hysterically. Sango was giggling also, but managed to stay in her chair. Miroku had his trademark lecherous grin plastered on his face.
“Shut up.” Inuyasha huffed.
The girls just giggled harder.
A/N: Holy shit, did I write that much?! O_o; Anyways, YAY! TRUTH OR DARE! I love that game. Well, I more like watching the havoc ensue because of it. Such is seen in this fic. ^_~
Also, I totally love Rin's outfit. I want it. I'd buy five of them so I can wear it every day. Not really. I don't have the self-confidence to wear mini-skirts… anyways, yeah, the school is completely modeled after mine. Ok, my homeroom teacher's a guy, but he teaches Japanese and is all “Yeah, we do nothing in this class. Have a party.” Which I thought would be fun to shove in here. And yes, my math teacher can put you to sleep with his voice. It's rather annoying.
Oh, and no, when someone comes near me, I don't yell at them for disrupting my creative flow. The inspiration fairy sometimes throws things at them though.
Hi media miner people!