InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Rumiko High ❯ Movie Night ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: You gotta… maaaake your own kind of music! Siiiiiiiiing your own special song! Maaaake your own kind of music! E-ven if no-bod-y else sings alooooooooooong…
Ahem! Sorry. ^_^; Anyways, it's almost 3am O_o Ack! It's gonna be murder when school gets back in… meh. Yay for strike-age!
Alright, so, thanks everyone who reviewed ^_^ Well, thanks to everyone who reads, but when you comment on my writing it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside =P And yeah, it's nice to get a lot of reviews, but as long as one person likes what I'm writing then I'm happy.
Without further rambling or hippie songs, I give you…
Welcome to Rumiko High
Movie Night
Sango recovered from her hysterics first. “I take it the game's over?”
“No way in hell. Sango, truth or dare.” Kagome said, an annoyed edge in her voice. She needed some kind of revenge for being embarrassed like that. Even if she did get one hell of a kiss out of it.
Sango shrugged. “Dare” She grinned, then got a worried look on her face. “Just remember, it was Rin who gave you that dare!”
Kagome smirked wickedly. Inuyasha stared at her. He'd never seen her look like that before. Granted, he hadn't known her long, but for such an innocent girl to look so devious was a bit of a turn on for the hanyou to say the least.
“I kissed Inu, now you kiss the pervert.” Kagome grinned at the way the colour drained from Sango's face.
“As happy as I am with this dare, doesn't it require me breaking mine?” Miroku spoke up from his chair. He was trying half-heartedly to contain the lecherous grin.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “It's just a kiss. It doesn't have to be a perverted thing.”
“I got a different impression from you two.” Miroku winked.
Both Kagome and Inuyasha blushed.
“Just kiss the man, Sango!” Rin chimed happily.
Sango covered her face with her hand and groaned. Surprisingly though, she got up and walked over to Miroku's chair. She grasped the side of his head lightly and pressed her lips to his before demanding entrance. She ran her fingers through his hair pulling it out of the ponytail.
She pulled back all too quickly for Miroku's liking and walked calmly back to her chair only to find it taken by a snickering Rin. Sango huffed and sat down on the armrest.
Inuyasha and Kagome were stifling laughter at Miroku's impression of the Cheshire Cat.
“You'll notice that I wasn't a pervert.” He said happily after a moment.
“Yeah, I'm seriously surprised you didn't do what Yash did! I mean, he got more action than the infamous lecher!”
Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sango all blushed.
Miroku smirked. “I think Rin's feeling left out from the kissing club. Why don't we call back the ice king?”
Rin let out a short laugh. “He'd probably kill me with his laser eyes or something if I got within three feet of him. That guy's scary.”
“Aww, Rin's sad she can't kiss the tough businessman.” Kagome said in a mockingly pouty voice.
Inuyasha grinned and joined in the teasing. “Actually, he usually does this big “no one touches This Sesshomaru” show. And yet he shook your hand. Hmmm…”
Rin was blushing by now. “Guys! Shut up!” She whined. Everyone else laughed.
“So Rin, truth or dare?” Sango's voice promised evil at the end of either road.
“Oh no, this game is over!” Rin replied, shaking her head frantically.
“So what do you propose we do?” Kagome asked.
Rin shrugged. “Watch a movie? OOH! ONE OF THOSE REALLY OLD CHEESY HORROR ONES LIKE `PSYCHO'!!” She all but yelled excitedly, previous humiliation forgotten.
Kagome looked uneasy. “Rin, I'm really terrible with horror movies. Like, really terrible.”
Inuyasha laughed. “Coward.” He poked her arm.
She stuck her tongue out at him.
He stuck his tongue out at her.
“I hate to interrupt the childishly loving moment,” Miroku said, causing both hanyou and miko to blush, “but can we start the movie now?”
“Yeah, I think I have it somewhere in my nine hundred sixty million movies.” Inuyasha sighed and walked over to a closet. He pulled open the door, revealing a huge walk in closet with aisles of clothing (mostly red, white and black Kagome noted) stacks of books, and yes, a collection of movies probably larger than that of a video store.
“Whoa! If you were a girl, I'd spend hours raiding your clothes. I mean, look! The man's got a freaking shopping mall!” Rin exclaimed animatedly.
Sango and Kagome giggled at the girl's enthusiasm.
After a few moments of looking through movies, the group heard an “AHA!” from the closet.
“Found it?” Sango asked.
“No, I just felt like saying `aha' to fool you all.” Inuyasha said sarcastically and popped the DVD into the player.
While it was starting, he closed the curtains and turned off the lights causing Kagome to jump.
“You can't watch horror movies with the light on.” He said, smirking.
Kagome pouted, pulled her legs onto the sofa and hugged her knees.
“Quit whining. A horror movie's a perfect excuse to cuddle up with Yasha for safety.” Rin taunted from her new spot on the lap of a mildly put off Sango.
Kagome blushed, realizing fully that she was probably going to jump on Inuyasha several times throughout the movie, and she won't be in the least bit mad at herself for it.
Inuyasha sat back down next to her, and teasingly said “Want a blankie?” When the first scene started.
She shot him a dangerous look, but at the first mildly scary part she had her arms thrown around Inuyasha's neck and was stubbornly refusing to let go.
The hanyou sighed and pulled her onto his lap and soothingly stroked her hair. She let go of his neck after a few minutes and turned back to face the movie, but still clung onto his arm, which was wrapped tightly around her waist.
Inuyasha tried to focus on the movie and forget about the beautiful girl in his arms and the fact that it felt completely right, but it was a losing battle. In the end he just put rested his head on the top of hers, and thought about how the hell he had grown so attached to her already.
At one apparently scary part, Kagome whirled around and buried her face in Inuyasha's chest. He chuckled and stroked her hair some more to calm her down.
“How can you watch this?” She whispered.
Inuyasha shrugged. “I'm not actually paying attention.”
Kagome hit him lightly on the chest. “So I hate horror movies and I've been watching, and you're Mister Tough, Nothing-Scares-Me Hanyou, and you're not even paying attention?”
“Basically.” He smiled.
“You're such an ass!” She grinned.
“Born and raised.” He quipped.
“Could you two please take your verbal foreplay elsewhere? Some of us are actually watching.” Miroku interrupted the childish sparring.
“I think we've been kicked out by the usher.” Inuyasha smirked and picked Kagome up, carrying her out of the room.
She blushed. “What'd you do that for?”
Inuyasha grinned and shrugged. “Like I said, we were kicked out. Let's go get some food.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and followed.
“I don't know how the hell you find your way around this place.” Kagome took another bite of her sugar cookie and looked around the huge kitchen.
“I mostly just smell out where the important things are. Like food.” He grinned and opened another package of ramen before jumping onto the pristine white kitchen island to sit across from Kagome on the counter.
“How many of those do you eat a day?” She asked, amused.
The hanyou shrugged. “Eleven?”
Kagome laughed and reached for another cookie.
Inuyasha's ears twitched when he heard Kagome moan in pleasure. He looked up at her to find her holding a bitten cookie, with her eyes closed and her face giving the impression of someone who just fell into heaven.
“These are the best cookies in the history of the world. Ever.” She gestured to the double chocolate fudge cookie she was holding.
Inuyasha laughed. “Women and their chocolate.”
“You got something against chocolate, buddy? Because if you do I just can't be around you anymore.” She said jokingly.
“On the contrary, chocolate's great. In fact, can I try that cookie?”
“No! Mine!” She said and brought the cookie to her chest and covered it with her free hand.
Inuyasha smirked. “You realize that I can take it by force, right?”
Kagome paused for a moment before jumping off the counter and running out of the kitchen with a cry of “You've gotta catch me first!”
Inuyasha grinned. “Stubborn wench.” He muttered before running after the girl.
Noticing that Inuyasha was right behind her, Kagome squealed and took a left in the first hallway she saw. She ducked into a room and found it to be a bedroom, apparently a guest room. It looked very much like a hotel room without any lived-in accents.
Kagome ran to hide in the closet, but Inuyasha burst through the door wearing a wicked smirk. He jumped across the room and grabbed Kagome around the waist from behind.
“Gotcha.” He muttered cockily as she shrieked.
Kagome glanced down at the forgotten cookie in her hand. She quickly stuffed it in her mouth then turned her head to face the hanyou. She gave a muffled laugh of triumph.
Inuyasha let her go and pouted. Then he got an idea. `Why not…' he thought fleetingly before pulling her roughly against him and kissing her passionately, effectively tasting the cookie. She moaned as he pulled away.
“You're right. That's one damn good cookie.” He said huskily.
Kagome blushed and swallowed the rest of the food. She lifted her head to face him to ask what possessed him to be so bold, but she stopped when she saw his eyes.
People always say that you can see emotions in people's eyes. Kagome had never really believed it. It was just a poetic image that hopeless romantics liked to believe, it wasn't reality. But she was proved wrong by the look of love and want in Inuyasha's eyes. It scared her a bit, the sheer intensity of his gaze, but more than anything it excited her. She wanted him to look at her like that every day. She wanted to hear him confess the feelings swimming just under the surface. She wanted him to be with her constantly. She wanted him. It made her realize that she was already falling in love with the hanyou.
Her eyes widened for a minute at the realization before the rational part of her brain turned itself off and her instincts were all that was left. She grabbed the sides Inuyasha's face and pulled him down for a searing kiss. He groaned, and took over the kiss by wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her impossibly close to him while using the other hand to roughly grasp the back of her head. He lightly dragged his claws over the skin on her waist causing her to moan loudly.
A simple touch could drive her crazy, and Inuyasha used this to his advantage. Kagome didn't know what was happening. One minute she and Inuyasha were locked in a passionate and needy kiss in the middle of the room, the next she was flat on her back on the bed with Inuyasha roughly nipping at her neck. She gasped and dug her nails into his back trying to get him as close as possible.
Inuyasha growled and pressed his face to the crook of her neck. “Kagome” he said breathlessly. “If you keep doing that I'm going to lose control and neither of us are ready for that yet.” It took all of his willpower, but he rolled off the girl and sat on the edge of the bed watching her.
Her lips were swollen and her face flushed. She had red marks down her neck from where Inuyasha had bit her. She was breathing heavily, and her ebony hair was fanned out under her. `God, she's beautiful.'
After a moment she sat beside him. “So, what is it about my nails?” She said teasingly.
Inuyasha blushed a bit, but grinned. “It's an Inu-youkai thing. Claws aren't just for cutting, after all” He emphasized his point by lightly trailing a claw along her neck and collarbone. He chuckled as she whimpered softly.
Noticing the still prominent marks on her neck, he softly ran the pad of his finger along the marked area. “Did I hurt you?” The concern in his voice was obvious.
Kagome blushed. “No, it actually felt really good.” She smiled at him sheepishly. He grinned, and kissed along her neck softly. She sighed happily and reached up to gently rub one of his ears.
“Kagoooooomerz! Yaaaaasheeey booooy!” The call came from somewhere down the hall. They both froze, and pulled away.
“Yashey boy?” Kagome raised an eyebrow at the hanyou.
“Kagomerz?” He asked back.
A moment of silence passed before they both started laughing hysterically. Kagome fell back on the bed, flat on her back. Inuyasha grabbed onto the headboard to keep him from falling too.
Rin came bouncing through the door. She cocked her head at the pair in the room before shrugging and poking her head out of the door. “I found them! And they're acting like hyenas!”
Inuyasha recovered first. “Yashey boy and Kagomerz?” He asked the girl, barely containing his laughter.
“Well, I already used Inumuffin, and `Gome threatened anyone who calls her `Kaggers', so I went with what I had.” She said as if it was the most normal thing ever.
Kagome, whose laughter had subsided, went into hysterics all over again. “Can't… breathe… laughing too hard…” she managed to get out before Sango and Miroku entered. Sango looked confused. Miroku looked lecherous.
“What's with the laughter?” Sango asked.

“And what exactly were you two doing alone in a bedroom?” Miroku grinned.
Sango hit him.
Kagome sat up and breathed deeply a few times to make the laughter go away. “I have no idea why that was so funny.”
“I believe it was how quickly the mood changed.” Inuyasha grinned at her, forgetting there were others in the room.
“Oh yes, and what exactly was the mood before?” Miroku was still grinning.
Kagome and Inuyasha blushed.
“Would it explain the marks on your neck Kagome?” Rin stuck her tongue out at the couple.
Kagome grabbed a pillow and threw it at Rin. Who squealed and jumped behind Sango.
“Anyways, what was so funny?” Sango asked.
Kagome turned to Inuyasha “Um…”
“Rin and her nicknames.” He supplied, grinning.
“Right, and why were you in a bedroom?” Miroku asked again. “No, I will not give it up till I know.” He added as an afterthought.
Kagome blushed again. Inuyasha went for the abridged version. “I wanted to try some of Kagome's cookie, she wouldn't let me, and so I was forced to chase her around the house. We ended up here.”
“You wanted to try some of Kagome's `cookie'? And what exactly would that be code for?” Miroku sniggered.
Kagome and Inuyasha both went beet red. Sango was busy laughing hysterically with Rin, so Inuyasha went and hit Miroku on the head.
“If you're all quite finished being lunatics, I'm going back to the kitchen.” Kagome said and pushed past Miroku.
Rin suddenly jumped and ran after her with a yell of “FOOD!!”
Everyone else shrugged and followed. They found Kagome back on her counter while Rin was raiding all the cupboards. And there were plenty.
Inuyasha jumped up next to Kagome and stole a bite of the peanut butter cookie she was holding.
“That's the second time you've stolen some of my cookie.” She pouted.
“You didn't mind when I took some last time.” He whispered huskily in her ear, deliberately breathing heavily sending shivers down Kagome's spine. She let out a soft moan before realizing who was also in the room and elbowed him in the ribs lightly.
Inuyasha smirked evilly and stole another rather large bite of the cookie.
Kagome sighed exasperatedly. “What is it with you and my food?! This morning it was the chips and now three times with the cookie…” She blushed a little. “Well, two and a half.”
Inuyasha smirked at her, but kept his mouth closed as it was obviously still full.
Kagome grinned. “Screw it.” She said and pulled Inuyasha down for a gentle but passionate kiss. He growled and wrapped an arm tightly around her waist while the other hand went to gently stroke her cheek and ear.
Inuyasha's growl sent waves of pleasure through Kagome, and at the moment he was all she cared about. He gently dragged his fangs along her jaw line making Kagome shudder and made his way to her ear. He rolled her lobe between his teeth before licking along the shell of her ear and gently blowing a puff of air on the soft skin behind it.
“Inu…!” she gasped quietly. Kagome remembered what Inuyasha had said earlier by Inu-youkai being driven wild by claws and lightly dragged the nail of her index finger down his neck slowly, torturously. He groaned loudly and effortlessly pulled her onto him so she was straddling his lap and held her as close as he could.
She pushed him away from the ear he was still worshipping and reclaimed his lips. She managed to latch onto his ears and dragged her nails along the base of them lightly. He hissed in pleasure and started kissing her hungrily, any traces of gentleness forgotten. He plundered her mouth and left her gasping for more.
Kagome was in heaven. Her last coherent thought before succumbing to passion was `I never want to leave him.'
Inuyasha ran his hand up her side and cupped her breast. Kagome moaned loudly, but snapped back to reality in an instant.
“Inu, everyone's still…” she looked around the room. “Not here…” she said, obviously confused.
Inuyasha lifted Kagome off his lap and set her back down before jumping off the counter. He sniffed the air quickly before turning back to Kagome. “They went to the living room.” He said with a smirk.
Kagome groaned and covered her face with a hand. “They actually left and we had no idea.”
Inuyasha snorted. “Dunno about you, wench, but I was a little distracted.”
Kagome stuck out her tongue.
Inuyasha looked at her for a moment before smiling warmly. “How do you do this to me?”
Kagome raised an eyebrow at the un-Inuyasha-like smile. “What do you mean?” She asked softly.
He sighed and walked closer so he was standing between the girl's legs. “I feel like I've known you forever. I'm just so comfortable around you that it's crazy! I've known you for a day and we've made out three times.” He stuck his tongue out at Kagome. “All of which you started, I may point out…”
“Hey, Rin dared me to so that doesn't count, and in the bedroom you kissed me first.”
“You were still the one who leant over and kissed be first, and yeah I kissed you in the bedroom but that was just a kiss. The making out was something completely different, and you started it.” He grinned triumphantly.
Kagome stared at him blankly for a few seconds before bursting into giggles. “For a tough, arrogant, dominant hanyou I'm having to do a lot of the work around here.”
“Are you sure you're not just pretending to be an innocent schoolgirl to get into my bed?” He asked with a cocky grin.
She laughed. “You think I can fake feeling this way?”
“How is it that you feel exactly. I told you, you tell me.”
She sighed happily. “When I'm around you, everything's just… right. You know? There's no uncertainties, no problems, I just feel like I can completely be me. I've never felt like that before and it should probably scare me, but it doesn't. I can't help but think that we were meant to meet.” She paused. “And now you probably think I'm some kind of crazy stalker.”
Inuyasha grinned. “Even so, you're my crazy stalker.” He said teasingly and pulled her in for a romantic kiss.
A/N: *squee*!! Sorry, I'm in such a happy mood lately, I couldn't help but put in enough sugary fluff to make you die from diabetes. I don't know why I'm in a sugary-fluffy-happy mood since my own social life is a train wreck, but hey. Oh, and don't worry. I have some actual plot planned out for this. It's not just the fangirlish ramblings of my mind. Well, it is, but it's more than that. Anyways, I'm just gonna shut up and upload this insanity I call a fanfiction now.