InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Rumiko High ❯ Meet the Family ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Yay! I'm happy people are enjoying the ramblings of my sleep deprived brain ^^ Very sleep deprived at this point. I'm taking Valerian (rather disgusting herbal thingy) that's supposed to help, but it only makes my tongue feel like it's about to fall off (imagine drinking a bottle of mouthwash somehow concentrated into 1ml. That's about how I feel.), so I've been living off three hours of sleep a night (Um, morning) for a few days now and it's starting to make me lose my grip on sanity. More so. Well, ok, I tend to get an extra half hour's sleep in math class, but it's not the same and my comfeh smoosheh bed. It's awesome that the teacher doesn't care though!
Oh, and I couldn't update for a bit because my trial of Word 2003 ran out. ;_; But now I have my trusty ole' Word 2000 back. AND THAT MEANS I GET THE PAPER CLIP!! He's my buddy.
Alright, anyways, someone asked me about Kikyo. Well, what would a story be without antagonists? She will be OOC and not portrayed well, so I'm sorry to all her fans. I do like her in the anime/manga series, but the whole whimsical, tragic, intelligent, and modestly beautiful thing? Yeah, not gonna work here. She's gonna be the bitchy slut she is typically portrayed in AU fics, but hopefully - AAH! THE PAPERCLIP IS POKING MY SCREEN! - hopefully not quite to the extreme of most. She really is a complex character and I hate to destroy her like that. Even if I do sometimes feel that she should leave the hot guys for the living…
Anyways, ONWARD!
Welcome to Rumiko High
Meet the Family
“We should probably find everyone else, Inu.” Kagome said with a smile.
Inuyasha grinned and kissed down her neck. “Do we have to?”
Kagome giggled. “Yep!” She jumped off the counter and pulled Inuyasha with her.
He groaned, but led her into the living room where Kagome and Inuyasha stopped in their tracks.
Rin was putting pigtails in an amused Miroku's hair while Sango laughed hysterically.
“What's with Crazy and the lecher?” Inuyasha asked Sango and gestured to Rin and Miroku.
“I feel pretty.” Miroku grinned. Needless to say, that comment sent the rest of the group into hysterics.
“I can do your makeup too if you want.”
“No thanks Rin, the hair's enough.” Miroku laughed and turned to Inuyasha and Kagome. “Have fun?” He said lecherously.
Kagome just laughed. “I'm sorry Miroku, but it's too hard to be embarrassed when you look like that.” She got out between fits of giggles.
Miroku frowned. Where would he be if he could tease Inuyasha and Kagome?
Kagome laughed at him some more. Inuyasha joined in.
“See, I bet you're thanking me for that dare, Kagomerz!” Rin chirped loudly.
Kagome blushed and glanced over at Inuyasha. He was blushing too, but locked eyes with her and grinned. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “I'm thankful.” He whispered in a deep, husky voice, sending shivers up Kagome's spine.
Inuyasha smirked and kissed her neck briefly before picking her up bridal-style and taking her to the empty couch.
“I can walk seven feet.” Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Keh. Too bad, wench.” He grinned and sat down pulling her onto his lap.
Sango rolled her eyes and threw a turquoise pillow at the couple.
Kagome feigned emotional distress and buried her face in Inuyasha's shirt dramatically sobbing about how mean Sango is.
“Look what you've done!” Inuyasha shot playfully at Sango before stroking Kagome's hair.
“How sweet. The baka's finally found a girlfriend.” An emotionless voice sounded from the doorway.
Inuyasha growled. “You're one to talk. The closest relationship you have is with that one frog butler thing who thinks you're his god.”
Kagome snorted. “Frog butler thing?”
She didn't get her answer, because Sesshomaru suddenly walked swiftly towards the couches where Inuyasha and friends sat.
“Hey Rin.” Sango suddenly spoke up, calling all attention to her, thus stopping Sesshomaru's menacing stride. “Remember earlier when Kagome and I did something and you didn't get to, and we joked about you being sad because of it…?” She hinted lamely.
Rin's eyes went wide. “Sango, drop it.”
Sango just grinned wickedly. “I think it's time you joined the club. C'mon, I dare you. Are you really the kind of person to back down on that?”
Rin huffed and pouted. “You suck! How'd you know I don't go back on a dare? Why should I even bother, we aren't playing so it's not official!”
Miroku joined the argument. “Would you really want to live with the guilt of walking away from a dare dangling right above you head, taunting you, and unwilling to leave? Would you? WOULD YOU?!”
Sango raised an eyebrow at his behaviour.
Miroku just shrugged at her.
Sango sighed and turned back to Rin. “Just go for it. Kagome and I both did and the world didn't end.”
“I'm gonna die.” Rin muttered softly before getting up and walking cautiously to a confused and slightly worried Sesshomaru.
He didn't outwardly show his confusion or slight worry of course, but all this talk of dares and mysterious tasks did not bode well.
Then the girl who he'd felt some kind of connection with just from the sight of her grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to meet her for a kiss.
Perhaps it boded better than he thought. He cupped her cheek with a hand and took over the kiss, running his tongue along her bottom lip. He smiled slightly when she melted into him.
When she pulled back, he regarded her with loving eyes. She truly was beautiful when she blushed.
“I take it from your conversation that you were dared to kiss me.” He said after a moment.
Rin's blush darkened. “Er, yeah. And I was kinda afraid because… no offense, but you don't come off as the most social person.” She said with a sheepish smile.
Sesshomaru smiled too. “That can change.” He said softly.
Rin grinned. “Yay! `Coz you're really pretty.”
He chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Ok, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Inuyasha yelled from one of the couches.
Kagome elbowed him.
“Ow! C'mon, you saw him earlier. Why's he acting all… Prince Charming now?”
“Because he looooves Rin!” Kagome replied in singsong voice.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“I happen to remember you being anti-social before today as well, little brother.”
Inuyasha was silent for a moment.
“Keh!” He said finally and turned to face away from the Inu Youkai.
Kagome giggled and kissed him softly.
Rin turned to face Sango and Miroku, who was currently inching his hand closer to Sango's backside.
“And when are you two getting together?” She grinned.
Sango blushed, but Miroku grinned right back. “It all depends on when I can Mushin out of the house for a night…”
Sango threw another pillow at him. “Lecher.” She muttered darkly.
An hour and a few uncomfortable conversations later, everyone parted ways to finally go home for dinner.
Well, they would have parted ways, but the only person with a car was already home.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, but offered everyone rides.
Soon enough, everyone was once again piled in the Element.
Sango's house was the closest, so they dropped her off first. She lived in a small apartment building on a crowded street. She said her goodbyes, slapped Miroku one last time for a lecherous comment about them having a sleepover, and ran up to the door.
Miroku smirked. “She loves me.”
Everyone else in the car rolled their eyes.
“Best of all, she's only two blocks away! Onward, my good fellow!” He directed to Inuyasha who sighed, but kept moving.
After dropping Miroku and Rin off at their houses in small back streets, he took the long way to the Higurashi Shrine.
When they arrived and pulled up at the large staircase, neither of them made any move to do anything.
“I… I don't really want to go home.” Kagome admitted sheepishly.
Inuyasha smiled, and got out of the car and opened the passenger side door for Kagome.
“I'll walk you in.”
Kagome smiled warmly and latched onto his arm.
He smirked and picked her up bridal style and jumped up the nearly never-ending steps.
She squealed out of surprise and clung to his neck.
When they reached the top of the stairs, Inuyasha didn't put her down, just continued on to the front door.
“What do you have against me walking?”
The hanyou ignored her. “Got a key?”
She rolled her eyes. “It should be open.”
Inuyasha grinned and reached for the door when someone inside opened it for them.
Kagome groaned.
“Put me down Inuyasha?” He complied, and looked curiously at the old man in the doorway who was rooting through his robes for something.
“Jii-chan, this is Inuyasha. Not evil, ok?”
“He's got you tricked, Kagome! I told you to stay away from the demons at this new school of yours!”
With an `Aha!' he produced a sutra and stuck it on Inuyasha's nose.
The hanyou looked at the offending piece of paper and blinked.
Kagome sighed and removed the sutra. “I've told you a million times that these don't work.”
Jii-chan was halfway between tears and anger. “You… my own granddaughter… fraternizing with demons…! This is a tragedy!”
A kind looking woman appeared in the hallway and took in the scene. She chose to ignore the near hysterical old man.
“Welcome home Kagome! Who's your friend?”
Kagome smiled. “Hi mama! This is Inuyasha. I went to his house after school with some friends. Sorry I didn't call…”
Mrs. Higurashi brushed it off with a wave of her hand.
“Dinner's almost ready, if you would like to join us, Inuyasha.”
Kagome smiled up at him. “Yeah, can you stay? I mean, you probably don't have close-knit family dinners with Sesshomaru, so you may as well, right?”
Inuyasha laughed at her enthusiasm. “Sure, wench.”
Kagome grinned. “Yay!” She hugged him quickly before pulling him inside.
Mrs. Higurashi chuckled and went back to the kitchen leaving her father still sputtering and mourning over his defective sutras and the loss of his granddaughter to `evil'.
Kagome was leading Inuyasha into the living room when they were intercepted by Souta.
“Hey sis, who's thi - WOW, DOG EARS!”
Kagome laughed as Inuyasha shifted nervously. “This is Inuyasha.”
Souta cocked his head. “Care to elaborate on that a bit? Is he your boyfriend?” He teased.
Kagome blushed but Inuyasha smirked and picked her up again causing her to shriek. Again.
“Yep” He answered simply.
“And when did I agree to that?” Kagome asked playfully.
“You were mine from the start.” He retorted.
“Do you have a tail too?!” Souta asked out of the blue.
Both Kagome and Inuyasha had forgotten the boy was in the room. Kagome jumped out of his arms sheepishly.
“Um… no. My brother does though.” He sniggered at the memory of the ridiculous appendage.
Kagome gave him a look.
He grinned. “You'll see one day.”
She rolled her eyes. “Anyways, no tail. Just the ears, claws,” she grabbed his hand and held it out for Souta to see. “and fangs. Open.” She commanded.
“Yes, Mistress.” He replied sarcastically, but opened his mouth obediently to show off his fangs.
“WHOA! COOL!” Souta exclaimed. “You're so much more awesome than Houjou ever was.”
Inuyasha growled at the reminder of the boy who stole Kagome's first kiss. His youkai half demanded that she be his alone. While his human side knew this was unreasonable, he didn't really care. He still automatically hated the `Hobo' twit.
“Yeah,” Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's arm. “Houjou sucked.” Kagome said while grinning at the hanyou, obviously amused by his jealousy.
“Kids! Dinner!” Mrs. Higurashi yelled from the kitchen.
“I'm not a kid, I'm 12!” Souta yelled back while running into the kitchen.
“We'll believe that when you get rid of the footie pajamas.”
Kagome just giggled and sat down around the table pulling Inuyasha to sit beside her, leaving him across the table from a glaring old man. He shifted uncomfortably.
“Don't mind him, he's just bitter that I'm more interested in having a social life than his `priceless' artifacts.” Kagome said teasingly.
“It is the fact that my granddaughter, a miko, the purest form of life is fraternizing with demons - a hanyou, no less! The most tainted form of life.”
“Jii-chan! You can't say that!”
Inuyasha ignored Kagome's protests. `He's right' he thought. `I'm just… a filthy hanyou. How could I ever think someone like Kagome'd accept me? Someone so pure…'
“Excuse me.” He said softly, then stood up and walked out of the kitchen towards the door.
Kagome shot a glare at her grandfather before getting up and following Inuyasha. She caught up with him a few steps out the door.
“Inuyasha wait!” She grabbed his arm and ran around to face him. His eyes were shadowed by his bangs and his ears were drooped. “Please, ignore my grandfather. He can be completely unreasonable.”
“He's right though.” The hanyou spoke softly. “I'm just a no good half-breed. You deserve so much more than me, Kagome.”
Kagome stood shocked for a moment. “How can you think that?” She gently cupped his cheek and raised his face to meet her eyes. “He's not right. You're not right. If anything you're too good for me.”
“What? Kagome, I'm an outcast! I've been rejected by both worlds just for what I am. How could anyone ever accept me?”
“I accept you. Your friends accept you. We don't care whether you're human, youkai, or hanyou! Inuyasha, I've known you for a day and I feel like I've known you all my life or something. I'm not gonna suddenly start hating you because of my grandfather's delusions!”
There was a long pause as Kagome collected herself. “Even after such a short time, you mean so much to me. My family could disown me and I wouldn't care as long as I get to see you.” She said honestly.
Inuyasha searched her eyes for lies, but found none. He didn't know what to say, so just kissed her with all the emotion he couldn't put into words.
As they reluctantly pulled apart, Kagome grinned. “I sounded like some B-rated drama series a minute ago, didn't I?
Inuyasha smirked. “A little.”
“C'mon, I've got a grandfather to yell at.” Kagome tugged on Inuyasha's sleeve and started towards the door.
“Don't start a fight with your family over me.” He said, serious again.
“I'm not standing by and letting him be a complete jerk to you, and you can't stop me from doing something about it, so you may as well watch.” She stuck out her tongue and went back into the kitchen.
The rest of the family watched her quietly from their seats.
“Jii-chan.” She said seriously. “You cannot talk to anyone you don't know that way, much less my boyfriend. Yes, I am romantically involved with a supposed `filthy half breed' or whatever else you're going to say, but before you start the lecture just let me tell you that I don't care and I won't listen to anything you have to say against Inuyasha.” With that she crossed her arms and stood her ground, even if Inuyasha flinched a bit.
The old man looked almost appalled that his granddaughter wasn't respecting her elders, but thought better about saying anything. Instead he sighed. “I guess I owe you an apology, Inuyasha. You are part youkai and will be able to protect my daughter. I don't trust you yet, but I won't purify you tonight.”
Kagome managed to keep her stern façade up for another few seconds before giggling. “No offense Jii-chan, but you'll never be able to purify him.”
“Can I eat now?” Souta whined.
Mrs. Higurashi chuckled. “Yes, sit down while we're all happy.”
Inuyasha smiled and took his seat again. Even if he hadn't fully won her family's trust, they accepted him along with Kagome and the rest of his friends. It had been a pretty good day.
If only high school stayed perfect longer than a day at any given time…
A/N: AAH! IMPLOSION! So, sorry for not updating sooner. I wanted to, but my schedule has spontaneously erupted in a mass of performing arts and counseling. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school until March I have to stay and rehearse for Aida (Ah-EE-da!) and on Tuesdays I have singing lessons that involve me taking a completely crowded bus almost downtown and walking to the music place and finding my way through the building so I'm totally winded then I have to belt out `All That Jazz' which I'm singing for another musical, then every second Friday I meet with my counselor to go over whatever shit recently happened and try to make me less anti-social. Honestly, I only bother seeing her because she buys me coffee. It's a pretty sweet deal.
So, on top of the madness of the timing, there's the madness of the social life. My friends are FUCKHEADS. It's been pretty calm recently, but only because one of my friends actually ran away and is living at one of his friends houses so not coming to school. But seriously, I'm the one who always has to talk people out of suicide, or talk to the police about someone contemplating suicide, or talk to the police about someone running off, or getting yelled at by my friend's father because daddy man is completely bat-shit insane over the fact that his daughter was a few hours late from school…
Nutshell: That last line of this chapter here? I totally speak from experience.
I really need to shorten these notes.