InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
here we go number 25! and do the japanese have proms? AND I FUCKED UP THE ENTIRE FULL METAL ALCHEMIST SERIES FOR ME!!! *SOBS LOUDLY* I was doing an image search cuz I’m getting tats of transmutation circles and the cadeuscus on eds jacket and I saw what happens to ed and al at the end of the series!

chappy 25

"Come on, Shippou you can do it! It's not that far now just keep on pushing." Inuyasha was growing tired of the kitsune talking to himself as they trained. The exercise wasn't that hard for him but for a kitsune who had fox feet instead of human feet it was proving a bit more difficult for Shippou. But difficulty was good for this type of thing, it made you push yourself harder and figure out ways to conquer your own weaknesses and in the case of Shippou it was climbing up the side of a cliff with a giant rock attached to his back for an even harder climb. Hell the climb even winded Inuyasha a little as he'd attached rocks to his arms, legs and back but he still made it without jumping but Shippou's ordeal was even funnier. The rock wasn't as big as the one Inuyasha had carried but for Shippou it took him a good five minutes just to be able to stand up and walk around and it was a bit amusing to see him finally make it half way up the cliff without falling off and using the rock as a cushion.

Inuyasha yawned loudly and then looked down at his protege's progress and smirked at seeing Shippou at the three quarters mark. He was about to climb back down when he thought of something better and yelled, "OI!! Shippou!" The kitsune looked up as he climbed the cliff, carefully placing his hands and feet on the rock and shouted, "What do you want?!" Inuyasha smirked even more at the annoyance in Shippou's voice and yelled, "You need me to carry you up? Or are you just gonna keep going until you gotta cry because you're so weak?" The hanyou's grin grew as Shippou's body seemed to flare from the anger forcing SHippou to scramble up the side shouting, "I'll show you who's weak you stupid hanyou!"

Laughing loudly Inuyasha jumped back a little and waited for a moment until Shippou was standing on the top of the cliff with him breathing heavily and threw his top making it grow to an insane size and made it speed towards Inuyasha. The hanyou withdrew his sword and turned it on its side and braced himself as the top clashed against Tetsuisaiga and forced him back a few inches. As the top spun against him Inuyasha pushed back and finally after a moment turned the blade and severed the giant toy in half and transform to it's smaller size with a loud puff of smoke. Inuyasha coughed a little at the smell and looked up to see Shippou pointing at him and yell, "Kitsune-bi!" Inuyasha jumped into the fire and swung his sword but Shippou disappeared in a puff of smoke and Inuyasha landed to looking around and sniffed.

After a few moments of sniffing Inuyasha growled in frustration at both his nose and Shippou's shape shifting powers. Although he was proud of the kid for being able to transform so perfectly he was mad that the kid was also able to take on the smell of the thing he turned into. Deciding that his nose was now useless he started looking for anything suspicious and found what he was looking for immediately. A small rock near the wooded area was sitting there naturally but a small trail of freshly turned dirt told him differently. Lifting his fang over his head Inuyasha ran at the rock shouting, "Not good enough Shippou!" and swung downwards but was stumped as the fox landed on his head and jumped down and kicked him in the back almost making the hanyou fall had he not used the Tetsuisaiga as a prop and swung his leg back and forcing Shippou to crash his head into a near by tree nearly sending both the tree and the fox over the cliff had the tree not been rooted so deeply.

Laughing loudly Inuyasha said, "I told you Shippou you're too weak for me! But you are strong I'll grant you that. Now why don't you be good and finish the hike like a good kid." Growling to himself Shippou staggered up and said, "I won't stop until I'm unconscious or dead Inuyasha. I may be weaker than you but I have something to prove just like you do in awhile and I won't stop getting stronger." Inuyasha felt a small lump of pride for the boy grow and spread his legs and put Tetsuisaiga infront of him saying, "Fine then come at me with all you got Shippou!"

Staggering to his feet Shippou with drew his favorite weapon and rushed at Inuyasha with all his might. Inuyasha knew the kid was going all out and despite how strong Shippou had gotten a full force Kaze no kizu would instantly destroy him, so as soon as Shippou’s swung at him Inuyasha dropped his sword and put his hands up and caught the weapon only to receive a fox foot to the rib. He hissed in surprise at the strength behind the kick and swiped at Shippou with his claw sending him face first and skidding into the entrance of the woods. Inuyasha cracked his neck in annoyance and said, "You ready to get back to this hike or not?" but only received silence as an answer.

Worried Inuyasha walked to where the fox had landed and saw he was unconscious and still had the rock tied to his back. Slashing at the binds with his claw and throwing the rock away, Inuyasha turned Shippou over and felt for a pulse and any signs of breathing. When he was sure that the kid had both he sent him on the ground and went back to retrieve Tetsuisaiga, but as soon as he sheathed the blade he felt a chill run down his spine and turned to see Shippou standing with a blue flame surrounding him and his eyes glowing with a similar light. He had only seen this a few times and knew what was about to happen and grew worried. Not for his own safety but for Shippou's.

Unsheathing Tetsuisaiga Inuyasha stepped forward and said, "Okay Shippou, that's enough now let's just go back to the training all right?" However the words fell on deaf ears as the flame grew bigger and Shippou's tail separated into three and his clothes ripped as he got on all fours and growled loudly. Inuyasha watched in a bit of disgust and amazement at how the the process was going. First off Shippou's body elongated and widened to roughly 6 times the size of an average fox before sprouting golden brown fur all over. Then his face grew into that of a real fox and his mouth turned into a snout turning his teeth into razor sharp fangs. With the final physical transformations done his eyes flashed brightly making the flame around him burst turning all the plants around him to ash and scorching the earth.

Inuyasha sighed and sheathed his sword knowing that he'd probably use the Wave against him out of reflex and killing the youkai he grew to love as a brother. Standing with his claws bared and a small grin on his face Inuyasha rushed at the new Shippou standing infront of him and shouted, "Sankontetsuo!" but was surprised to find that Shippou blocked his claws with a barrier of flame and forced Inuyasha back before head butting the hanyou in the stomach before biting into his arm. Yelling loudly Inuyasha lifted his free fist and slammed it down onto Shippou's head.

Yelping loudly Shippou jumped back and snarled loudly before flaring up and rushing again. Inuyasha knew that if this continued Shippou would either die or Shippou would kill him. He didn't know why but he was getting tired to quickly and decided to end their fight. So as Shippou rushed him Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsuisaiga and turned it as he raised it and prepared to side step the attack and slam the blunt side of his sword against Shippou's head to knock him unconscious when out of no where a blue flash of light appeared and knocked Shippou into a nearby boulder and fall to the ground unconscious.

Growling loudly at the interference Inuyasha looked behind him to see his brother standing there with a smug smirk on his face that seemed to say, "You really are weak." Putting away his sword Inuyasha stomped forward and when he was right in front of his brother said, "What the hell do you think you're doing here? I could have dealt with him!" Chuckling lowly Sesshomaru shoved his brother forcing the hanyou to fall back and start rolling towards the forest, but before he could get all the way over Sesshomaru cut the rope tying the giant boulder to his brothers back and causing Inuyasha to roll of the side and hop up panting, and wearing a look of murderous intent on his face.
But before his brother could attack Sesshomaru said, "Seems that was the reason the boy was doing so well against you. All that weight wore you down much to quickly brother. Although I bet it's getting you back into fighting form?" Inuyasha spat and said, "What's it to ya, bastard." Sesshomaru smirked and said, "Well, with the way you were against that mole you seemed to be getting soft but at least you're making an effort although I must say that you're wolf friend is turning out to be a somewhat decent fighter."

Inuyasha's ears twitched at the mention of Kouga, but for the words to come from Sesshomaru's mouth was even more interesting. Cutting away the rest of his weights the hanyou glared at his brother and asked, "So you've seen him then?" Sesshomaru nodded and said, "Yes, he's at Toutosai's training with a weapon made of his fang." Inuyasha snarled and asked, "That old fool made that wolf a sword? Why?" Inuyasha could see something in his brothers eyes and grabbed Sesshomaru by the throat and snarled, "You told him to?! Why the hell did you do that?" Sesshomaru just smirked and grabbed Inuyasha’s arm and separated himself from his half-breed brother before saying, "Because for you to prove yourself as a mate you must defeat your rival at his strongest. Although seeing how heavy that weapon was for the poor wolf was truly humourous. He could barely remove them from the sheaths when he got them where as you could at least get it off the ground."

Raising an eyebrow Inuyasha asked, "Them? What do you mean them? Is he learning a two sword style?" Sesshomaru nodded and said, "Yes, his weapons are kodachi to make full use of his speed. And he is fast for being a member of such a weak tribe, and exceptionally strong too." Inuyasha spat at his brothers words and said, "Just means I have to run with more weight on." Sesshomaru nodded and said, "That would be a good idea because you aren't as fast as he is with the way you are." Snarling Inuyasha said, "Thanks for the information." Sesshomaru bowed mockingly but the bow was surprising to Inuyasha as he saw that his brothers left arm was sticking out.

Walking over he lifted the sleeve to see the two marks on the fore arm and asked, "I see you decided to keep it this time." Snarling loudly Sesshomaru swung his right claw at his brother forcing Inuyasha to jump out of the way laughing with delight and saying, "Well next time we fight you might actually be a bit more of a challenge."
Running at full speed Sesshomaru swung Tokijin at Inuyasha only to be met by Tetsuisaiga blocking it. They struggled for awhile trying to make one another back down before a small voice said, "Papa, is everything okay?"

At the sound of the voice the two brothers sheathed there weapons to see Rin standing there holding Koji's hand as they watched in interest. Sesshomaru nodded and said, "Everything's fine. Your uncle and I were just discussing some things are you ready to go back to the village?" Rin nodded and Koji yelled, "Uncle!!!!" Before breaking loose of his sisters grasp. Inuyasha knelt down and scooped the kid into his arms before setting the almost 2 year old on his shoulders and immediately regretted it as the kid started tugging on his ears.

With his nephew tugging on his ears Inuyasha forced a smile at his niece and said, "I see you're wearing a new kimono." Rin beamed and said, "Yes, mama got it for my birthday a few weeks ago." Inuyasha raised his eyebrow at his brother before saying, "Well I'll do my best to get you a gift then. How old are you?" Rin blushed a little and said, "Thirteen uncle." Inuyasha nodded and said, "Come back in a couple weeks and I'll have something for ya. It's okay if it's late, right?" Rin nodded and said, "It's okay. You don't need to get me anything though I don't mind since you didn't know." Inuyasha smirked and said, "What kind of uncle would I be if I didn't spoil you a little." Giggling at her uncles reply and his look of pain at Koji's tugging Rin said, "Where's Shippou-kun? Papa said he was around here with you."

Before Inuyasha could answer Sesshomaru said, "He's behind you Rin. He's asleep because he's had a hard day training." Rin raised her eyebrow and said, "It's barely after mid day." before turning around to look at the sleeping Shippou. But just as she turned around she turned right back around with a red face and said, "He's naked." Giving Koji to his father Inuyasha ran forward to see Shippou asleep in all his nakedness. Somehow the kitsune had managed to end up propped against a tree and was snoring in all his naked glory. Blushing in his own embarrassment Inuyasha wrapped Shippou in his haori and said, "I guess he wanted to get comfortable." before tying the cloak up and lifting the sleeping kid in his arms and saying, "Well let's head back."

The time was after sunset when he opened his eyes and shut them almost instantly at the light of the candle in the room. He sniffed a bit and discovered that he was in the back room of Kaede's house and was sleeping on the spare futon. He sat up, stretched, and rubbed his belly and looked down to see that he was wearing a strange new set of clothes. He looked at them and noticed that they were a deep blue and made much like Inuyasha's clothes except the jacket was no where near as baggy. He stood up and stretched and felt his tail swish to his surprise as it seemed a bit longer than normal. He looked back and jumped in shock and fell on his butt with three fox like tails sticking between his legs.

Reaching out he stroked each one gently and felt that they were real and connected to his body. Once that was over he got up and headed to the wash basin and saw some marks on his cheeks like the ones Inuyasha got when he transformed except for the fact they were gold instead of purple, also his fangs were a bit sharper and his ears pointer but other than that he was the same Shippou he'd always seen when he looked into the water. Getting in one last good stretch he sniffed again to find that there was a lot of people in the house despite the fact that Kagome, Sango, Miroku and Kirara were gone, but he knew the smells of Taki, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Koji and of course Rin.

Opening the door he walked into the main room where Kaede, Inuyasha and the others were all eating some stew save for Sesshomaru who was sitting next to Taki and trying to get Koji to keep food in his mouth and not on the floor. Shippou's presence seemed to go unnoticed even to the dog demons, he guessed it had something to do with the insence that was burning, but it wasn't until he let out a loud cough that silence fell and they looked at him. He grinned sheepishly and asked, "How long have I been asleep?" Looking up from his bowl Inuyasha thought for a moment and said, "About, I'd say what a day and a half?" Sesshomaru nodded and said, "Yes, about that. You had my brother worried, fox. I hope you don't do something like that again."

Shippou gulped at the hidden meaning in Sesshomarus voice and Taki and Inuyasha chuckled as he asked, "What'd I do? All I remember is climbing up the mountain, fighting with Inuyasha and now I'm awake in these weird clothes. What happened to my old ones?" Sighing loudly Taki said, "You transformed into a full fox demon. Not under the human enchantment spell you use to look like that." Shippou's jaw dropped as he said, "WOW!! Did I do a number on Inuyasha?" Growling Inuyasha said, "Yeah, you took a nice chunk outta my arm." and then threw his bowl at Shippou's head. Shippou caught it and smirked, "I can transform now, huh? I guess that explains the three tails sticking out of me."

Everyone in the room got a good laugh at the remark and Koji shouted, "I WANT TAIL!" Taki pinched his cheek earning an attempted snap from the kid and a flick to his nose from his father making him whine in pain as his father said, "You may get one or you may not. But snap at your mother again and I'll do worse than flick your nose, so hush up and eat." The little dog demon stuck his tongue out at his father and went back to his food and the adults went back to talking. Not feeling hungry, but more like an intruder on the meal Shippou walked outside and up the hill towards the shrine that was once again home to Kikyo's bones. He stopped by her grave marker and paid his respects to the dead miko and sat down on paved path heading towards the shrine and watched the stars.
After what seemed like forever Shippou heard some light foot steps coming up the stairs and he sat up and watched as Rin appeared at the top of the steps and headed towards him with a big smile. He smiled back shyly and took off his top and set it on the ground for her and she accepted happily. Shippou's heart was beating really fast now as this was the closest she'd ever been to him while they were alone and he was getting really nervous about being alone with her and messing up the moment. So, they sat for awhile staring up at the stars before Rin said, "You like watching the stars Shippou?" The young fox looked down to see her head propped on her knees staring at him and he nodded before saying, "Yeah, it's just weird how we're down here and they're up there."

Rin nodded and said, "It is weird. I guess the gods had some purpose in doing that don't you? Like to make us wonder if we're alone on the Earth." Shippou nodded and said, "It'd be pretty cool if we weren't the only things ever made. I mean other things out there like us or completely different........WHOA!" Shippou shot up as he felt a finger lightly brushed his tail and Rin laughed loudly before saying, "I'm sorry I didn't know that it would bother you." Shippou shivered a bit before saying, "No, it's not that it's just I'm not used to the tails yet so it's a little weird feeling someone touch them." Rin nodded and stuck her hand back near her before saying, "I made those clothes for you."

Shippou cocked an eyebrow, pulled at his undershirt and said, "You did? But how'd you make 'em fit so well." Rin smirked and said, "They're sort of like uncles Fire Rat clothes except they aren't fire proof but they take on the right size for your body and they won't shred up like your old clothes when you transform." When she said this Shippou saw her face turn beet red and he blushed to saying, "I guess you saw me after that, huh?" Rin nodded and Shippou just said, "Sorry, about that I didn't really plan on that happening."

After that they fell into an uncomfortable silence until Shippou decided to put his hand on Rin’s. At first she jumped at the contact but when she felt his hand close around hers she calmed and did the same as they went back to watching the stars. For a moment they said nothing until Rin asked, "Shippou, do you like me?" Taken a back Shippou said, "Yeah, I like you a lot Rin, why?" Rin looked at him and smiled before saying, "Enough to want to be my mate?" Shippou felt his face burn red as he nodded and Rin smiled to before pulling out the necklace he had given her on Christmas and said, "I like you enough for that to." Shippou's face burned even more as he leaned in and kissed her.

Rin’s eyes flew open in shock at what Shippou had just done but she soon closed her eyes and kissed him back squeezing his hand harder and kissing him back. It was a nice kiss warm, loving and not like Shippou had seen what Inuyasha and Kagome did with their tongues as they kissed, which he thought was just gross. It seemed to last forever until a loud cough broke them apart and they saw Sesshomaru staring at them. Rin let go of Shippou's hand and he hid his face when Sesshomaru said, "Rin, your mother wants you back so we can leave early tomorrow." Rin stood up and smiled at Shippou before running down the steps towards Kaede.
Shippou took his haori and put it back on and stood up facing Sesshomaru ready to receive some sort of punishment but it never came. All Sesshomaru did was warn him, "I heard that she accepts your gift and wishes to mate when old enough. You have gotten much stronger than when we first met, but let me tell you this boy. There are many humans and demons who would wish to take her and you better get stronger before you fully mate. Do you understand?" Shippou nodded and Sesshomaru left leaving the fox to his own thoughts of figuring out how to get even stronger now that he could transform.

if I hear anything about kawaiiness I'm gonna go berserk although I wrote the stuff so go ahead and lay it on folks. :P And the flicking of the nose is a way to punish a dog so since Koji is mostly Inuyokai I think flicking the nose is an effective punishment.
Next chapter the monk and the tajiya! oh and there's only two fangs of kouga the third fang was disposed of cuz it wasn't needed I just thought it'd be easier to have an odd number than an even number of teeth get knocked out.

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