InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter following our precious miko....oh and what I meant by Shippou going in the well I meant traveling through it, but thanks for the info and I forgot to mention Rin’s other gift so I'll have that appear at a later time. Some citrusy goodness that is meant to be laughed at cuz god know's I laughed as I thought about it. and one of the funniest and most uncomfortable topics to discuss is mentioned as well.

chapter 24

BZZZ!! BZZZ!! BZZZ!! BZZZ!! BZZZ!! Kagome groaned loudly at the annoying sound of her alarm clock and reached her arm out to shut it off when she heard another hand slam down on the button and turn back over yawning and pulling her in. She smiled warmly and rather tiredly at the comfortable position she was in and thought to her self, I thought spooning was supposed to be a bit weirder, but this is rather close to heaven. She turned over to see Inuyasha's amber eyes filled with adoration and a smile before she asked, "How long have you been uh...uhh...up?" She shook her head from the yawn and smiled sheepishly as he stroked her cheek and said, "About a half hour. I've been drifting in and out between time spent watching you." Kagome felt her face burning hotly at his words making him chuckle and nuzzle her face before leaning in and kissing her, and wasn't surprised to feel her return the gesture strongly.

They laid there in the bed for what seemed like an eternity going through the motions that they had gone through many times before now. Although they were caught in the passion that was not uncommon during one of their "snuggling" sessions they were always careful to stop before things got too out of hand, although sometimes, well almost every time, they ended snuggling both were left feeling uncomfortable afterwards. This was due to two things, the first being that they were normally interrupted by someone knocking on the door, or the cat sneaking in, and if it was the feudal era they were interrupted by the villagers and their friends along with the occasional demon attack. The second reason was that instead of being mentally anguished they would have to deal with the physical problems that accompanied such passionate moments, and with Inuyasha's need to keep Kagome from being dishonored they had to deal with those problems alone........well Inuyasha dealt with his problem alone, Kagome's problem was sometimes remedied with a helpful hanyou........paw.

And Kagome was hoping that this would be one of those times. She loved his touch and it wasn't at all like she had expected the first time he touched her below the waist. She thought his claws would get in the way but that night they had gone on a date and he'd decided that he may as well clip his nails or suffer the wrath of Asami. At first he was clumsy not really knowing what to do but with some help from Kagome he soon knew exactly what to do and with some careful practice he became as skilled with his claws as with out them and Kagome need that sort of touch at that moment, and she knew Inuyasha wouldn't deny her. But just when she was about to move his hand a loud, "MREOW!!!" erupted from the floor making them both groan loudly in frustration.

Inuyasha looked down to see the butterball of a cat staring up at them with a cute look that screamed, "FEED ME!" before looking to Kagome and saying, "I guess we gotta cut it short this time.....again." Kagome whimpered and said, "Why? Just throw the cat out and we can continue, I don't have to be there for another 2 hours and I can shower quickly." Inuyasha smiled at her and said, "Trust me, I would love to continue but the cat ain't the only problem wench." Kagome raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh, really what's the other problem. Do I stink? Or am I just a little too ugly this morning? Because it's not your claws that are getting in the way of it, so tell me the problem." Inuyasha was laughing on the inside at her fit. He loved seeing her that flustered after an interruption and he would like nothing more than to help her and for her to help him but his honor kept her from giving him any sort of help.

So, he sat there for a moment letting her fume for a moment before saying, "First of all I don't think you're ugly at all so don't ever say that again. Second, you don't stink okay you smell as nice as you normally do save for those disgusting liquids you sometimes splash on. And thirdly it ain't my claws that are stopping me." Kagome continued to glare at him and asked, "So what's the problem?" Inuyasha sniffed and said, "You smell like blood." Kagome's face went from her usual somewhat pale complexion to a bright red as she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door before yelling, "You knew about this before we kissed didn't you?" Inuyasha said nothing as he stood and stretched out all the kinks in his body before saying, "Yeah, I knew! But it was a bit fun to get you revved up like that, though." BAM!!!! his face hit the floor before he knew it as Kagome turned on the shower leaving him face down and in a small amount of pain.

About an hour later the couple was standing at the opening to the well hugging and discussing their day. "So, are you staying through the well tonight?" Kagome asked in the middle of the hug. Inuyasha nodded and said, "Yeah, full moon and all and besides Shippou needs a bit more help on some of his attacks." Kagome backed away and asked, "So his training is going well?" Inuyasha shrugged before saying, "He's not the little fox from a few years ago. He seems determined to prove his strength and I need to get back into shape a little because I have a feeling Kouga will show up soon and I need some sort of exercise." Kagome giggled a little and said, "Yeah, you've gotten a bit lazy. But I think Taki should be able to help you a little bit don't ya think?" Inuyasha snorted and said, "I guess she could. Now can I get a kiss before you go?" Kagome snickered and kissed him on the cheek before he disappeared into the past.

The bell signaling the start of the day shook Kagome from her reminiscing about the morning and she opened her book and prepared for her lesson. The class was boring as usual since it was one of her best yet least favorite subjects, history. She lived history and knew more about what happened during the Feudal Era than any history book could tell them, but her teacher was teaching them about World War 2 and the history behind why Japan got involved. Kagome just sat there taking her notes and sighed loudly as the bell signaled their next class which for her was chemistry. On her way there she talked to some people she knew and then went to her class where her day went a little down hill as the teacher dropped a test in front of her. She took her seat with a loud groan and waited for the teacher to signaled for them to begin.

It wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be as it was mostly on Mol conversion and the like. Most of the class was stressing over the whole thing and got mad at the end of the class when the teacher said that it was only a practice test and wouldn't count. So, she left in a bit of a foul mood and went about the rest of her day, with lunch being the only interesting part since she was sitting by herself that day as her friends were busy with clubs. Her bento was filled with some of her favorite foods and just as she was about to dig in a voice said, "Mind if I join you Kagome?"

Kagome looked up from her spot under the tree and looked around her before glancing up to see Hojou standing in front of her with a broad smile. She smiled back nervously and said, "Uhhhh, sure Hojou." The young man sat down and opened his lunch and dug in smiling. She chuckled nervously and asked, "So how're you doing." He swallowed a particularly big bite of food and said, "Great, actually. I just got some letters from some colleges asking me to register. I don't really know why since I'm not really up there with the top scorers ya know?" She nodded and said, "Yeah, I've gotten some letters too which is odd considering 9th grade." Hojou coughed some food up and said, "I remember that. You were always sick and I kept bringing you remedies and stuff. I guess that's sort of what pushed you to that other guy, huh?"

Kagome swallowed her food and said, "What do you mean?" Hojou chuckled and said, "That guy your friends saw you with in November during a carnival. They said he was good looking and yelled at them about some comments but they knew that they deserved it but I guess I was trying to force you to like me and you guys just grew to love each other." Hojou turned his head back to his food and looking somber. Kagome set her food down and said, "Well it's not like I didn't appreciate you giving me those gifts and asking me out. It was rather sweet of you and I have used them since the times you gave them to me, but I don't really know how we ended up together but I know I hurt you when I stood you up those times and I'm sorry."

Hojou looked up and smiled a little bit and shook his head saying, "Nahhh, it's okay. It's in the past now so let's move forward. We're friends now though right?" Kagome nodded and Hojou nodded too and said, "So, that's better than nothing. No hard feelings?" Kagome looked and saw his hand sticking out and shook it. With that done they continued eating their lunches and started talking about what they would be doing after high school. As Kagome had guessed Hojou was planning on going to a university but which one was still up to him although he was expressing a keen interest in an architectural degree. And that was the topic of their discussion until Hojou asked her, "So are you going to college?" Kagome started to cough on her tea and was a bit uncomfortable with Hojou hitting her back trying to get the her pipe to open up.

When she stopped coughing she pushed him away and said, "Thanks, although if I get a bruise you're going to have to tell my boyfriend about it." Hojou laughed nervously and said, "Sorry, but what are you thinking about doing after school?" Kagome shrugged and said, "Probably go to college or get a job and make my way on my own for awhile. I don't know I've had a lot on my plate lately and it's just hard to worry about it with everything else going on." Hojou was about to reply when the bell rang signaling the end of lunch and said, "Well, it was nice talking to you. How about you invite this guy you're seeing to double up with me and my girlfriend?" Kagome arched her eyebrow and asked, "You're dating someone?" Hojou winked and said, "If you don't tell I don't tell. You know how schools can get sometimes." and then left for his next class.

The day followed it's boring, mundane and somewhat depressing path and it was a great relief to Kagome when the bell signaled the end of the school day. Just as she was about to leave a voice said, "Ms. Higurashi might I have a word?" She turned to see her professor looking at her with a smile on his face, she didn't know what he wanted and her friends were a bit weirded out to but she could sense that his intentions were pure and she told her friends that they'd hang out tomorrow and sat down in front of her chemistry teacher. She always liked Mr.Higashi and he never complained about her and never paid any special attention to her save for the occasional greeting or congratulatory comment on a test, but today was a bit different as Kagome could see part of him she never had before a pair of dog ears sticking out of his black hair.

She let out a loud gasp and he snickered and said, "I guess you can finally see through masking spells then?" Kagome was speechless for a moment before she asked, "Are you who I think you are?" Mr. Higashi pulled off his glasses and cleaned the lint and dust off of them before placing them back on his head and asked, "Well who do you think I am?" Kagome looked at his ears again and then saw his eyes were a deep amber and said, "You're one of Taki and Sesshomaru’s pups." The man let out a bark like laugh and said, "You are correct in that assumption Ms. Higurashi, or should I say Aunt Kagome?" He could see a wave of discomfort pass over her face at the comment and he said, "Okay, just Kagome. But yes you are right. I'm the third of the litter, the names Akio." Kagome nodded and asked, "So, why are you here?"

Akio reached into his pocket and pulled out a card and said, "I'm the only one allowed any contact with you since we see each other every day, and the mechanics of time still seem to have an odd effect on you and Inuyasha as you don't have a future self anywhere in this world. I think the gods are a bit pissed at you two. But, that's off topic. The reason I asked you to stay is that father has given me instructions to give you this card after you and Uncle mate and should you be in this time and need some help he would be happy to lend a hand or two." Kagome noticed a small twinkle in his eye at the word two but thought it better not to ask and she took it and said, "Okay, I guess it's understandable no contact has been made since it'd reveal our future right?" The child of Taki and Sesshomaru nodded and said, "Exactly, but don't lose that card and don't tell Uncle, okay? Father wants to make him squirm."

Kagome rolled her eyes and said, "Fine, but whatever happens when we meet I will not be held responsible for." Her nephew gave out another of his barking laughs and said, "Don't worry they'll have their bouts over the course of the years about the dumbest things you could ever imagine so don't worry about this meaningless task." Kagome stared at him and asked, "You haven't been messing with my tests or anything have you? I mean out of favoritism?" Akio shook his head and said, "No, your scores are your own so don't worry." But instead of just saying bye Kagome asked, "Do you have a mate?" Akio's face dropped a little and said, "No, she was killed before we could mark each other during the Bakumatsu. But we had a child and she's all I have." Kagome could see he was on the verge of tears and put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." he shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it. Now go before someone gets suspicious." She smiled at him and left with a wave and was glad that she at least knew her and Inuyasha would still be together.

That night Kagome was sitting in her room going over her history homework when she was frightened from it by Souta pounding on her door saying, "Kagome! Ummmmmm, some weird lady off a letter for you!" Kagome opened her door and looked down to see her brother holding a small envelope that said, "Kagome Higurashi," in bold letters written on it. She took the letter and asked her brother, "They leave a name." Souta shook his head no but then said, "I don't know why but she seemed really familiar." Kagome ripped the brown envelope open and unfolded a note that read.

We have received word from Akio that you have been given the card and left the instructions about not pursuing any answers. We wish we could tell you but with the powerful forces keeping time and space held together, while allowing for the extremely disturbing fact that you and Inuyasha have no future selves in this era, can cause said time and space to become even more unstable than it is. So, it is with deep regret that I must inform you no information about you and Inuyasha's futures will be discussed even after you mate.

With deepest regards and love,

A friend.

Kagome looked at her brother and asked, "Did you get a look at the person dropping this off?" Souta shook his head and said, "No, but I'm pretty sure it was a girl by the sound of their voice but they wore a heavy cloak so I couldn't tell." Kagome nodded and sniffed and smiled before shouting, "ODEN!" and rushed off to the kitchen knocking Souta to the ground and unable to stop an even fatter buyo from walking over him carrying a four year old Kappa foot towards the boys room

With dinner done and it well passed midnight by the time she had gotten done with her homework Kagome nestled into her bed and looked out the window for awhile and watched the moon while her radio played softly. She hummed along with the music and smiled at her memories with Inuyasha and her friends and wished he were there but with her in her "siring mode," as Inuyasha so distastefully put it one day, and even though the night sky was dominated by the full moon,, Kagome still wished to be near her favorite, warm, and cuddly hanyou. But, she knew that with Kouga coming for them soon and Shippou's need for training their being separated was a bit of a necessity for the three of them, well four if Rin was counted. So, she snuggled under her covers and fell into a deep sleep dreaming of a silver haired hanyou.

Meanwhile Five Hundred Years in the past:

Inuyasha was sitting on a cliff nursing a small cut on his shoulder. He chuckled to himself at Shippou being able to hurt him, although he couldn't really say it was too surprising considering how easy he was going on the boy but even at the strength he was using most humans would have given up. Inuyasha was proud of the young fox's improvements, and as far as he knew he was easily ten times stronger than he was when they first met. "Just goes to show what going after Naraku for as long as we did can do to you. Not to mention Sesshomaru's warning of turning him into a piece of clothing adding fuel to an already roaring fire." When he was satisfied with his job he looked down to see Shippou hauling out a bunch of fish and shouted, "Good job tonight Shippou!" At the sound of Inuyasha's voice Shippou yelling a compliment the young fox smiled up at the hanyou and waved while shouting, "It was easy!" before setting the bundle of logs on the river bed ablaze with his Kitsune-bi and began gutting and cleaning their meal.

With the food gone and their stomachs full Inuyasha set about cleaning Shippou's wounds while the fox cleaned up and organized all of his items. Inuyasha watched how carefully the boy treated them and said, "Good thing you take care of those things like that or else you wouldn't last as long as you have been." Shippou was about to retort when Inuyasha smacked his back and said, "There all done." leaving the kitsune to hold his tears back and say, "Well they aren't all those kid toys I carried around when we traveled. Well except for my top and stuff." Inuyasha smirked and said, "Yeah, you've grown kid but still not a match for me."

Instead of his normal violent reply Shippou simply asked, "Who do you think I'm a match for?" Inuyasha let out a loud yawn and said, "If they were still in vast numbers I think you'd give some of the Taijiya a run for their money." The silence that followed was tense for a moment before Inuyasha said, "Go to sleep we have an early day tomorrow." And without a word Shippou fell asleep hoping that tomorrow may choose more of a challenge.

There ya go and someone EMAIL me about what happens to Kohaku after he gets taken over. I mean does he travel til the end of the series or what? It's been bugging me lately I don't know why. Well see ya later everyone.Oh and the name Higashi for Akio is a cover I have no real clue as to what I would give them for a last name unless that works with you since it’s close to Higurashi.
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