InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
OI!!! how goes it fellow hanyous and ningens? THis chappy follows Shippou-kun and Rin-chan..however they aren't together during this chapter but off doing their own things. and i'm stuck on a later chapter but i shall discuss it with a friend. and apparently fluffy does grow his arm back but i've only seen about half the series so by what i've seen the fics accurate, but thanks for the info! and as we know the main series is done so anything after it is open game with the fics cuz we don't know, save for manga.

chapter 23

A few weeks had passsed since Rins birthday and it was a joyous occasion as the snow was pretty much gone and the grass and trees were returning to their lovely emerald green shades and the flowers were beginning to bloom in the garden. Rin had always loved flowers and plants, she guessed it was a trait of her mothers as her mother always kept a small garden of flowers near their home when her birth parents were alive and she remembered most of what her mother taught her about caring for them. When she came to her fathers castle for the first time she asked if she could grow a garden of her own, and in that time all Sesshomaru did was dismiss the comment by saying something like, "Do what you will." and left it at that.

Her garden wasn't overly huge but it was a nice one for it's size with lillies and orchids blooming year after year and she even had a small Sakura tree growing in it. She adored it and so did her mother. She could still remember the day that Taki had come to their home almost two years ago. It was shortly after the battle with that weird demon Naraku and it was one of Rins more truly horrifying experiences to see such a battle. Her father had risked a transformation which terrified Rin as she had never seen how vicious he could act in that body and she was glad that he did some damage to the demon. She was also afraid at what she had seen happen to her uncle as it was one of the few times she had ever seen him transform and his powers were incredible but without the help of his friends the battle would have been lost.

With the battle over and Sesshomaru injuried Rin and Jaken left the battle without a word and headed back to the castle and ordered for him to be placed in his room. She could remember the first time she had come across the castle in its shabby run down state, yet under Sesshomaru's direction the castle was back to its former glory in only a year. The demons who were still under oath to serve the dog tribe had worked tirelessly to fix up the palace and they had done so magnificently and even had rooms made for Rin under Sesshomaru's orders. But after that battle the normally light hearted staff grew very solemn as Sesshomaru was constantly in the mood to take someones head if they so much as made more noise than necessary.

Rin hated seeing him like that and dared not enter his room out of fear that she would fall victim to his wrath and she felt that he didn't want that to happen as well. And to save himself some aggrivation Sesshomaru sent Jaken away frequently on errands that kept him away for weeks at a time so Rin was left alone quite a bit, but she didn't really mind because about 3 weeks after the battle Rin saw a black haired woman approaching the castle from one of the towers that she sat and played in with a couple of her dolls. When she saw the woman she could tell that it wasn't a local villager as she was a bit too beautiful and had a soft glow around her. In her excitement she hurried down the ladder and headed towards the gate to have somebody open it and tripped and cut her knee. But, she picked herself up and continued to the castle gate yelling, "There's a lady youkai coming open the gate!"

The gate watchman looked at her and asked, "Lady Rin, we can't just open the gate. What if she was an enemy? And what happened to your knee?" Rin just stood there breathing a little heavily and said, " Cuz she has ears like Lord Sesshomaru's brother!" The demon stared at her questioningly and looked through one of the holes just in time to see Taki smile and say, "I come to speak to Sesshomaru, the Lord of the Inu-Youkai. I am Taki a fellow Inu-Youkai from a village further in the south. I come seeking the lords assistance." The demon peered at her and sniffed loudly and caught the scent of dog on her and noticed that she had dog ears like the hanyou brother of his lord and opened signaled for the gate to open.

When it was opened the guard bowed to the demoness and she bowed back politely and turned and stared at Rin who was bowing to. Taki bowed back and smiled at her saying, "And who are you young human?" Rin grinned up at her and said, "I'm Rin, one of Lord Sessomaru's followers. Sesshomaru-sama saved me from wolves and has been protecting and caring for me for the last two years. I can take you to him if you like?" Taki smiled and surveyed the girl a bit more before saying, "Well how about we clean up that cut first?" Rin tilted her head and looked at her knees and saw the cut she had received from her fall and giggled shyly before saying, "I guess I forgot about that." Taki just smiled and thought, I guess the rumors of the prince changing weren't lies.

As they sat on the steps outside of the hallway leading to the living quarters Taki and Rin began discussing life at the castle and life. Taki had explained to Rin about what had recently happened to her home in the south and said that all Inu-Youkai were welcome at the home of the the Inu no Taisho if they needed help. She also talked about how she was accepted by the people of the village near her and how they were glad to help out with whatever was needed by her whether it was food or a place to hide in case people came to hunt her down. And after she told Rin the story of her life she asked Rin as to how she came to be in Sesshomaru's service.

Rin jumped at the chance and said, "Well I was living in a village at the time. Actually it was the village I was born in and my mama and papa were killed by bandits and so I lived in this little shack near the river and was treated nicely by some of the villagers while many just thought I was a burden. I didn't really talk either cuz of what happened and one day I was in the woods and saw Sesshomaru-sama laying on the ground hurt. I approached him but he snarled at me and told me to leave him alone. But I brought him food everyday and got caught stealing fish once and was beaten for it by villagers. I went back to Sesshomaru-sama and he asked me why that happened and I felt happy cuz someone cared about what happened to me." Taki sat in silence as she wrapped the girls knee in a cloth and listened as Rin continued, "So, I went back to the village but some time later wolves attacked and I ran towards Sesshomaru-sama as he was a strong demon but the wolves caught me in the woods. I thought I was dead but Lord Sesshomaru revived me with his sword and I've been tagging along behind him eversince!"

Taki glanced up and smiled at the girl and said, "And according to many demons you've changed his heart. Which many find disgusting but I can see you've made him stronger." Rin blushed brightly and said, "Thank you." before going, "And are you pure demon or a hanyou?" Taki laughed loudly and said, "Why on earth do you ask that?" Rin blushed again and said, "You have ears like Inuyasha and he's a hanyou and all the pure demons I've met have pointy human ears." Taki laughed even harder and Rin liked the musical sound to it. Taki laughed for a bit longer and said, "Well, to tell you the truth my father even wondered that. He was afraid my mother had taken a human lover which among mated demons is almost impossible." Rin tilted her head and asked, "How come?" Taki sighed and said, "Well when demons mate they mark their chosen with a symbol of the clan. With dog demons it's a cresent moon and it lets the mates know what happens with one another and if they're hurt and all that. A problem is that mated demons share life forces and so if one was to die the other would to. Which is why Lord Sesshomaru's father lived after the death of Sesshomaru-sama's mother. She was a Poison Youkai and the females almost never survive a birth so they never mark out of survival. But with me having these ears my father got extremely nervous and questioned my mother even though he knew she was true. So they just thought it was some sort of rarity with our clan."

At the end of her explanation however the two ladies felt a powerful presence and stood and bowed to the current Inu no Taisho who just stared at them for a moment before asking, "Why is she in the castle Rin?" Rin looked up and said, "She needed help, her home was destroyed and she said that by laws made by your father any Inu Youkai could come and receive help if needed from the current lord." Sesshomaru snorted and looked at her and said, "I heard all of what you said and I've known of your family for many years. One of the lucky few of us demons that have found a home without persecution. I will allow you to stay as long as you care for this girl." Taki dropped to her knees and placed her head on the ground and said, "As you wish Lord Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru looked to Rin and the dog demoness and nodded to her before saying, "Good. And I only tell you this once. If any harm is to fall to this girl this Sesshomaru will not hesitate to remove your head." Taki never moved and said, "Of course my lord." When he had left Rin helped Taki up and asked, "Wanna see my room?" Taki who was a bit unnerved by the threat smiled nervously and allowed the girl to lead her to her room by the hand.

And so the weeks passed with Sesshomaru rarely even making himself seen or heard in the castle and leaving Taki and Rin alone to bond. Which they did to a great extent as Taki showed Rin how to plant her flowers and how to cook, and Rin taught her about the instruments Sesshomaru had her learn to play and all the books she read and learned from. But, Rin and Taki started to feel more like mother and daughter than friends and so it was one night that Rin asked Taki, "Do you think Sesshomaru-sama will mate with you?" Taki blushed brightly and said, "I doubt it. But even if he doesn't I'll stay and be with you, okay?" Rin nodded and said, " 'night Taki-sama." Taki smiled and kissed the girls forhead as she fell asleep.

The next morning Rin woke to find that Taki wasn't around and none of the servants had seen her since last night when she put Rin to sleep. Afraid that something might have happened Rin ran to Sesshomaru's room only to find her lord shutting the door quietly and look down at her with a softened look and said, "Come with me to the garden Rin." Rin nodded and followed. Once in the garden Sesshomaru sat on one of the many benches followed closely by Rin. They sat for a moment in silence when Sesshomaru asked, "Rin what do you think of Taki?" Rin glanced up at him questioningly and said, "I think she's wonderful. She's kind and pure like my mother." Sesshomaru nodded and shifted his amber eyes towards her and said, "Rin I have taken Taki as my mate. And I feel that it is important for you to be involved. So I must ask you something." Rin nodded and he continued, "She is with child now but this morning she asked me if I would consider taking you as my own daughter." Rin felt tears in her eyes and he gave her a rare smile and said, "So, you wish to stay here as our daughter?" Rin nodded and cried into his shoulder and said, "Yes, Sesshomaru-sama." Sesshomaru did his best to comfort her and said, "NO more calling me that. Only father or papa now."

The memory faded and Rin found herself back in the garden with her mother walking towards her with Koji in her arms. She beamed at them and said, "Hi, mama!" Taki smiled at her and placed Koji on the ground and he ran over to Rin yelling, "RIN!" She caught her little brother and asked, "You need me to watch him?" Taki nodded and said, "Yes, only for a couple hours okay?" Rin nodded and said, "Okay, mama." Taki knelt down and tried to kiss her son who just ran around hiding behind Rin and when she finally got him she left the castle.

When she was gone Rin looked to Koji and said, "Koji, what do you think of Shippou-chan?" Koji looked up from his toy and started chanting, "Shippou,Shippou,Shippou,Shippou,Shippou,Shippou." Rin laughed and said, "I guess you like him about as much as me?"

Meanwhile in the village of Inuyasha forest a young kitsune was distracted from his game by a series of strong sneezes. The kids around him laughed as he sneezed and looked up too late to feel the ball collide against his face making him fall back with spiraled eyes. When he recovered though he laughed with them and thought, Someones talking about me behind my back.

He threw the ball to someone else and fell into thoughts of his parents, which wasn't all too uncommon as of late. The young kitsune was starting to reach a more adult look now. In the past few months he had grown at least five to six inches and he was no longer the tiny cuddly kitsune that would bound into Kagomes arms. In fact he was pretty much half of Inuyashas height now and his voice was changing too. He wished his mother and father were around as he didn't know who else to ask about what was happening to him. He knew Kagome and Sango would be embarassed and Miroku would be vauge about certain things and Inuyasha would just say it happens to everyone and leave it at that.

He felt a pain of lonliness and remembered the times before he met Kagome and Inuyasha. His mother had died when he was young but he could remember her pretty well. She had a beautiful fur and two tails compared to his fathers one and was strong and sweet at the same time. She was a bit over protective and never liked to let him roam on his own or too far away from their home. And his father had done his best with him after her death. His father was alot like his mother but was a bit more adamant about him needing to go off on his own to make him strong. But, his father fell to his mothers will before her death and became extremely protective over him. Shippou knew his father was feeling weak since his mothers death had broken their bond and his spirit was only left around to care for his son, so he thought it best to teach Shippou as much about the illusions of fox magic as possible.

Although he was still a child Shippou still seemed to have a knack for the magic and excelled at his illusions, although his transformation skills left much too be desired. Yet he was learning extremely quick and his father was going to pass on a Shikon shard to him to help with his powers when the Hiten and Manten came and killed him. Shippou ran as his father battled the brothers but died right before his sons eyes taking his father from him and leaving him alone. Well, he hadn't been alone for as long as he thought. After a short time of searching for shards he came upon Inuyasha and Kagome and helped them kill the two brothers before meeting Miroku and going after that bastard Naraku.
Shippou shuddered at the thought of the final battle. His friends all lay unconcious, Miroku was covering Sango from the debris that had flown at them, Inuyasha lay in the same spot where he had fired the Bakuryuha and Rin and Jaken were flying away on that dragon with Sesshomaru. Shippou was with Kagome and somehow managed to protect Kagome with his fox magic and went around waking up his friends. Miroku and Sango woke easily and much to everyones surprise Sango thanked Miroku instead of slapping his face as he was laying on top of her when they woke up. Kagome woke a bit more slowly as they had noticed that Kikyo's body had returned to earth and bone and they realized that the rest of Kagome's soul had returned. However, Inuyasha was passed out and it took a couple of days before he woke up and returned to his old self.

Shippou smiled at Inuyasha's waking up from the battle as he had looked to Kagome and Inuyasha as sort of replacement parents. Granted Inuyasha smacked him around still and Kagome was becoming less defensive of Inuyasha's actions to teach Shippou to grow up but he knew it was for the best and he loved to get them into arguements sometimes. But now that they were as the others called it, "engaged" the didn't seem to fight as much and were more wrapped up in each other than the world around them. And that's when Shippou started to think about Rin alot. He knew that she was alot like Kagome but she was also different as she was more along the lines of Shippous maturity and she seeemd to not care about what others said or thought.

The biggest shock about her was when she came with that weird dog demoness Taki and took him and her brother to play and told her everything. About how Taki had come to the castle and had mated with Sesshomaru, a topic he knew much of due to his father explaining it to him on his 40th year. And about how Koji was born and was alot like both his parents. Stubborn, proud and strong like his father yet he was inclined to be more kind hearted and joyous like his mother. Shippou knew the tiny demon liked him as he started climbing on Shippou and tried to rough house with him. And it was with that time with Rin that he heard her laughter and felt his heart leap into his throat and he learned that he was in love with her.

Sure he was young by demon standards but he'd lived long enough to at least know his feelings and he just couldn't stop thinking of her. And his feelings to prove himself to her were solidified when Sesshomaru said to him, "You'll have to become strong if you want me to accept your feelings for her and if you become worthy I'll let you know, until then watch your back boy or I'll have a fox fur cloak for her next year." that pushed him to train on his own.

When he wasn't busy with the villagers or with Inuyasha and the others Shippou had taken to practicing his Kitsune-bi near the river. His spells were alot stronger than they were before as his top had gone from illusion to actually growing and being able to break through stone and his transformation skills had become pretty good too. He was no longer limited to turning into Kagome or that giant pink thing but could transform into rocks and things like that to hide himself except his scent always gave him away to Inuyasha and other demons. His fire magic was much stronger too, as he once caught a couple of trees on fire and was able to light big fires instead of those pathetic little jets of flame he was once limited too.
But now his training needed to go into over drive, he knew that he had to get really strong to prove himself to Sesshomaru but was afraid of how that would happen. He got sick if he thought he'd have to fight Sesshomaru and he knew he would never be that powerful even if he trained with a sword like Tetsuisaiga. And he knew that it couldn't be Koji because he was still a baby and he could easily beat him up so he just thought about what would happen when the time came. Dog demons were rare to find and he'd fought many battles with the others in front of Sesshomaru but he knew that this would be a one on one with no help from his friends so he had to get strong. The Taijiya were still in the middle of reforming and Sango was the only strong one left.

And then the thought came to him, he could train with his friends! Of course he couldn't with Sango as she was expecting a child but Miroku and Inuyasha would train him. So, he bounded off leaving his friends shouting after him about the game but he ran to Kaedes hut to find Inuyasha just coming back from checking on Kagome and shouted, "INUYAHA!!" the hanyou stopped and stared at him and asked, "What is it?" The kitsune stopped infront of him and breathing heavily asked, "Do you think you can train me?" But, Shippou could sense this was kind of bad as Inuyasha got a weird smile on his face and eagerly said, "Yeah, I think I can train you."

Next chapter Kagome at school! Boy this was a long chapter!

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