InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 22

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
chappy 22
The date he had given to the old man had finally come and Sesshomaru was preparing for his journey. He hadn't been in the palace much that week and he felt only the slightest bit of guilt about leaving his family but it was his duty as lord over his family's lands and as he was the eldest son of the former ruler of the dog clan he had no choice but to do his duty. He woke next to his mate whose sleeping form was the very essence of peace in the still dark morning. Her hair was covering her face making her seem almost invisible to the human eye but to his youkai eyes it was as if she were sleeping in the light of high noon. He reached his right arm around and stroked her cheek carefully so as not to make her stir, but her ears twitched and she opened her eyes and smiled at him and asked, "You're going already?"
He nodded and said, "Yes, I want to be back by tomorrow for what's coming up and I need to stop off in another village for it." Taki stretched under the silken sheets and moved in closer and kissed his cheek and said, "Well, I'm sure Rin would be happy if you just showed up. After last year I don't think she can handle another disappointment like that." Sesshomaru snorted and said, "I have my duty, Taki and you know that it must be done." The demoness reached up and stroked his hair and and said, "I know, and Rin knows too but she's becoming a woman you know? And if your brother trains that kitsune right I don't think you'll be needing that stone." Sesshomaru didn't even move as her hand traced his chest and continued, "You created that thing about the time Koji was born, so it's a bit odd that you never said anything to the others."
Sesshomaru grabbed her hand and kissed it before saying, "It's no concern of theirs. I did what I promised to our daughter and when she is a woman I will use it on her unless that fox proves himself I won't need it anymore which will ." Taki sighed and said, "You know that a task like that is against the very laws of the gods so why do it?" Sesshomaru said nothing in reply making his mate sigh and say, "Fine, I guess something like that is between you and them and my say means nothing?" She was about to get out of the bed when her mate grabbed her and pulled her into a strong embrace and said, "I swore an unbreakable oath when I found it and you know that I can't go back on it." Taki nuzzled her mates neck and kissed his scar and laughed at the slight shiver of her mate before saying, "I know but it just seems wrong, but it can't be helped. You swore the Oath of the Rver and you must keep to it and I can't stop you."
Sesshomaru pulled her in closer and moved his hand along her hair a bit before reaching up and rubbing one of her ears earning him loud purr like growl. When he had first met her he had been tempted to throw her out thinking she was a hanyou like his brother because of her ears, but at Rins request he had allowed her to stay in his home. He had been some what indifferent to the woman when she first moved in but when he saw how Rin took to her he soon warmed to her if only slightly. At the time she arrived Naraku had just been killed and he was feeling truly disgusted with himself at the outcome of the battle. Even in his transformed state the former human turned youkai threw him around like a rag doll and it was only with the power of Inuyasha's fang was the Naraku slain. Sesshomaru had felt somewhat glad that the bastard was killed but his pride had taken a huge blow and he had spent 3 months locked in his room and never ate and hardly slept as he poured over all of his fathers books and notes. And only a few weeks after that battle did his mate show up at the steps of his castle, and it was only because of Rin that he had allowed her room and board in exchange for Taki being a sort of mother to the human girl.
Yet on the fourth month after the battle with Naraku did the full moon show itself one night as he sat in his study pouring over the piles of books infront of him with a fire roaring loudly in the back ground. But his thoughts were soon turning from his books to the urge to mate under the light of the moon. He had always separated himself from Rin during the nights of the full moon for fear of what he may and he was preparing to lock the doors and seal himself in the study when Taki knocked and entered. He could smell her blood and he realized that she was fertile and the need took control. As she was speaking words of thanks to him he got up and pulled her into a forceful kiss and felt her just melt into it. His nose picked up the scent of her accpetance and he moved them over to the bed that he kept in there when he actually could fall asleep and bit into her neck forcing her to do the same before falling into their primal urges.
The next morning he had awoken in the bed to find her sleeping peacefully next to him and he was prepared to throw her out when his nose told him that she was with his child. He knew now that they were marked that they would never separate and part of his heart was warming to her every second. From their bond he learned that she was in fact a pure Inuyoukai and was just born with her ears like a hanyous and that she had suffered the entire death of her family and was truly thankful that she had found a mate among the most powerful of the clan. Of course the realization that she was pregnant made Sesshomaru extremely afraid because of their completed mating if she were to die during the birth he would die as well if the child was strongly influenced by his poison youkai blood.
Over the course of the next 9 months he and Taki had grown so close that it was almost impossible to tell that they'd barely known eachother before mating, yet she had brought a new part of him alive. He had fully realized that there are more important things than his quest for power and tyranny, he had a pup on the way and while he was far from being a doting dad, Sesshomaru was still protective and rarely left her side during the pregnancy, he even went as far as to obtain the most powerful antidotes and poison nullifying potions known to both human and demon. Yet, it was on one of those rare moments when he left her side that he discovered a previously unknown door to him in one of the slightly less important part of the castle. The door was solid steel and looked as if it hadn't been opened in centuries. He could feel a strong barrier around it and reached his arm out and was surprised that it didn't repel him, but rather it opened slowly to see a room with his fathers armour and the clothing of his mother and what he could only guess was Inuyasha's mothers clothing as well.
He searched the articles and among his father's things found two notes, both with barriers written on them and the names Sesshomaru and Inuyasha written on the front. He was about to grab both when his hand was expelled from his brothers making him smirk and say, "Always the cautious one, aren't you father?" and snatched his note and tore it open and read.
If you are reading this you have taken a mate for yourself. I am glad that you have found someone to love and hopefully this mate will prove to you why I have left you Tessaiga. If you are still unconcerned with the sword I shall now tell you why I left you that sword.
Since your mothers death I raised you as a warrior and from that raising you gained a merciless disregard for the life of both humans and your fellow youkai. I blame myself for that, but the times you were raised in required that sort of thinking but I wish that I had enough sense to also teach you the value of life but as you grew I knew my words would fall on deaf ears. So I decided to leave you my right fang, Tessaiga, the sword with the power to bring the dead to life. I hope that in leaving you this sword you learn the value of life and you will use it wisely.
I know you also despise me for loving a human yet I cannot apologize for my heart. I loved you mother and she was a beautiful youkai and I grieved her death for many years and I still love her but I also love this mortal. She is with child as I write this and I have a strong notion that she is carrying a son so I ask you to take care of him. He is named Inuyasha and I know that him being a hanyou is considered disgusting by us but I do not care. I love you both so please look out for him and his mother if I'm to die. I fear that I won't even live past his birth so please take care of him.
Forgive me my son,
After reading the letter he burned it in the study and never thought of it again. He hadn't followed through with his father's request to take care of his brother or the human but he had gone to check up on them once and that was the only time he had seen the boy until he began searching for his fathers grave and the sword. He shuddered at the memory of losing his arm and backed away from his mate and said, "I must go now." She nodded and helped him dress, making sure she was careful of the remainder of his left arm. She wished he could get it back but knew the only way to do so was to go into the deepest depths of hell to retrieve it and that was a journey no one would take.
When he was dressed he kissed Taki and let her go back to sleep as he headed towards the entrance of the palace. But as he walked through the palace he stopped and entered his sons room and cautiously headed to his cradle and looked down at the sleeping child. He felt great pride as he looked at his son and was glad for his birth. The boy was as stoic as he was but could become as light hearted and carefree as his mother, yet when he was tired it took a couple of strong flicks to the nose to stop him from throwing a fit about sleeping.
He was strong and balanced for a one year old, as he was walking almost as well as most adults save for the occasional tumble, but he was prone to crawl because of his need to make claim to his territory and it took a while for him to stop going on "marking journies" around the palace. But his parents were certain he would make an excellent heir to the family territory. The child took to Rin like she was truly a blood relative and growled if people he didn't like came near her, but she could calm him down and he would just sit there glaring at the person. His fangs were incredibly sharp for one so young to the surpriseof his parents the poison youkai blood running through him was over powered by the Inuyoukai blood making the survival of both mother and child a great relief to the family.
Sesshomaru was glad that his fang was incredibly sharp which was why he was so keen to get one from his son even if it cost him a finger. That day had been a true trial of courage as the boy slashed and snapped at his father for a good hour before Sesshomaru could pry the tooth from his sons mouth leaving the boy wailing in pain at the loss of one tooth and the almost immediate regrowth of a new one. Since then the boy had barely been able to tolerate his father's presence and growled if Sesshomaru even tried to touch him.
But now that he was sleeping peacefully Sesshomaru reached down and stroked the black stripe running down the middle of the child's hair and gently rubbed his sons ears as his hand passed. The boy woke and yawned and cowered a little and said, "Papa hurt." Sesshomaru felt a small pain and said, "I know but I had to do it so I could get a present made for you." The boy yawned again and said, "No, want." Sesshomaru smirked and said, "Okay then, but if you want it I'll give it to you. And I promise to never do that again all right?" The child turned over and said, " 'kay. Sleepy?" Sesshomaru rubbed his sons back and said, "You can sleep now." before rubbing his sons right ear and feeling a deep purr come from the kid indicating he was asleep.
After leaving his sons room he headed towards Rins and entered to find her already awake and going over her lessons. She beamed up and smiled at him and asked, "Are you leaving already?" Sesshomaru nodded and walked over to her and said, "Yes, I have to go pick up Koji's fang and something for you." Rin's eyes lit up and she asked, "You remembered?!" Sesshomaru nodded and smirked at her delight and said, "Yes, and I promise that I will be here tomorrow for your day, okay?" Rin nodded and held out her hand and asked, "You, promise?" Sesshomaru clasped her hand and kissed her forhead and said, "I promise." Rin hugged her father and said, "Well, I guess you better leave if you gotta be back tomorrow." Sesshomaru stood and left and said, "Take care of your mother." before shutting the door and exiting the house.
When he reached the stable he found Jaken already sitting on Ah-Un and shouting to him, "We're all set milord!" Sesshomaru climbed on to the dragon and kicked its sides and they took to the sky and headed towards the old mans smithery. The journey was silent as the dragon sped through the brightening day and they only stopped once around midday to let the dragon rest and were soon back in the sky. They reached the smithery at around dusk and weren't surprised to see the wolf demon slashing out at a tree with stones attached to his arms and legs. He paid the dragon no mind and continued his attacks as they landed and Sesshomaru went in to find the old demon pounding on a kodachi.
Sesshomaru coughed and asked, "I take it, that you have finished my request?" Totousai looked up and blinked absent mindedly and said, "Oh, Sesshomaru. I just finished the blade this morning. It's next to the entrance in the blue sheath." Sesshomaru turned and grabbed the blade and removed it. It shown brightly in the evening sun and was perfect. He swung it and felt his childs latent power in it and asked, "What is it's powers?" The old man blew another flame and pounded the kodachi before saying, "I have no clue. Unlike your father, I know nothign of your sons power except that his fang was hard to bond to the steel much like your fathers and brothers. But with some training I think he'll be able to bring out whatever attacks may lay in it." Sesshomaru nodded and turned to leave before Totousai said, "Hold on." Sesshomaru turned and caught a small box and stared at the old man and asked, "For Rin?" Totousai nodded and went silently back to his work which to Sesshomaru meant that he could leave.
Once outside he watched Kouga training and thought He certainly has improved. He may prove an actual challenge for Inuyasha. He climbed onto Ah-Un and took off heading back to the palace. The sky was dark and it took them a bit longer than expected to reach the village he was heading towards. The village lights came into view and Sesshomaru set down behind a house and knocked on the door to see a young woman holding a pacakge expectingly. She smiled at him and said, "On time, milord I hope your little one likes it." Sesshomaru took the package and set a small pouch in the womans hands and said, "You have my gratitude." The lady just smiled and said, "You are most welcome milord."
She bowed deeply and Sesshomaru inclined his head lightly before turning back and throwing the pacakge to the toad. Jaken caught it and hastiliy put it in a pouch for safe keeping and clung to it with his life as they took off and sped towards the castle. The trip went according to schedule save for a few hours that Sesshomaru took to toy with some Youkai trying to invade his lands. They were lowly demons and he could have killed them easily but he hadn't had any exercise for awhile so he decided a game of "dog and cat" was in order, but his game had cost him dearly and he soon took off towards the castle leaving Jaken to find his way back alone.
It was after sunset when he arrived and he was glad to see that they were still eating. When he entered the dining hall Koji walked to him and hugged him saying, "Present." Sesshomaru took the blade from his side and said, "This is yours but you'll get to play with it when you're older." The boy pouted and bared his fangs and ran away laughing when Sesshomaru did the same. He then headed to Rin and took out the package and said, "I know I give these to you alot but I think this one will be suitable for you." Rin opened the package and squealed at the silk kimono. She jumped up and hugged him and asked, "Why's it so big though?" Sesshomaru just stared at her and said, "For when Shippou proves himself." Rin blushed and ran off to her room leaving her father laughing.....on the inside and trying to keep a sniffing Koji from stealing his sword.
Meanwhile in the privacy of her room Rin was rubbing the silk clothing and saying, "It's my thirteenth birthday but father gives me a wedding kimono? I guess he must like Shippou enough to put that much faith in him." Rin put the garment away neatly and curled up in her bed and fell asleep smiling to herself at an image of a puffed up Shippou standing victoriously over chibi passed out version of her father.

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