InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 21

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 21
The snow was finally beginning to melt over both the feudal and modern eras despite the fact that it was mid February, yet the melting snow gave out the warning that it was going to be a nice spring and summer and for many the melting snow was a blessing. The village of Inuyasha Forest had been struck heavily and many of the houses had suffered from snow and many of the roofs had begun to fail leaving many to stay with neighbors. However now that the snow had melted from the roofs the villagers of the damaged homes had begun to repair their roofs and were happily back home. Inuyasha and Miroku had even decided to help after their women had left.
Sango had left due to a messenger arriving and wouldn't answer Miroku's questions, much to the monks dismay. All he got from her was a hurried hug and kiss and the slayer saying, "I'll be back soon love, don't worry about me just behave yourself." and took off on Kirara towards her village. Miroku just shrugged off the sudden fleeing of his wife and went back into the house. Soon after the holiday Inuyasha started to get extremely sulky because Kagome had to go back to school. The others had noticed that the two rarely left eachothers sides since the Kouga's recent attack and challenge. Inuyasha was becoming overly protective and even asked if he could follow Kagome to school.
"Just in case he is in the future!" was the excuse offered by the hanyou but Kagome just giggled and kissed his nose before saying, "Don't worry. If he was there, I'm sure he'd have shown up by now." Inuyasha just snorted and looked out the door of Kaede's hut while Kagome began to rub his ears from behind. However, Inuyasha still couldn't shake the sick feeling in his stomach that something was up with Kouga and it would happen fairly soon.
No amount of printed word could clarify Inuyasha's instincts for at the very moment he had thought that the leader of the Wolf Clan had sneezed loudly and muttered to himself, "Damn it! I hate it when people talk behind my back." The young wolf was standing on a cliff over looking his peoples territory and smiled broadly. He had been right to move what little of his clan to safer grounds for the winter months, but with the snow melting prey was returning. But he hated how he had to hunt over the past few years. Since the final battle with Naraku he'd given his shards back to Kagome and was now forced to train his body to function without them. His training had gone well, considering that he'd had only his inept clans men as partners, but he felt he was almost equal to Inuyasha in hand to hand.
Grinding his teeth he silently cursed the hanyou for taking the human he'd come to desire as a mate. He knew what would happen if he'd sired offspring with her, and without the shards of the Shikon No Tama he'd have a difficult time with the stronger demons. Yet, he could see that after that fight with Naraku he wouldn't stand a chance against Inuyasha. With the help of his brother and all from the power he'd gained from weilding the Tetsuisaiga, the wolf would have almost no chance of winning in armed combat with the piece of scrap sword he carried.
He looked down at the sword he'd carried for so long and smirked to himself at how he'd obtained the weapon on his 50th year. He was bigger than Shippou by a good 2 feet and his father was sitting in a tree with him. The young wolf demon was wondering what was going on when his nose caught the scent of humans passing by. He looked to his father who smirked and said, "Now, Kouga today you become an adult. As the Wolf Clan we have very little say in the world of the Yokai. We are cousins to the Dog Clan but they choose not to acknowledge us and the current Inu no Taisho is in a never ending battle with that stone dragon. And most of the demons dare not question him for his power is unmatched save for that dragon and his son Sesshomaru." Kouga looked to his father with wide eyes and asked, "But, Father what does that have to do with killing the humans?"
His father bared his fangs and laughed saying, "The Taisho has a soft spot for humans. I hear he recently fell for a human princess, whether they have mated is yet to be seen but I doubt that bastard will wait long to bear a disgusting half breed." Kouga watched a look of pure disgust cross his fathers face and he asked, "Why, would a human wish to mate with a demon?" The old wolf spat in disgust and said, "Don't worry about it. It just shows he's getting weak, now here comes our prey." Kouga looked to see the humans passing below them and was glad they were all men because he knew that to kill women and children, even if they were human, was considered disgraceful by the more noble yokai clans.
Kouga chuckled to himself and said, "Those poor fools, their blood was fun to spill the murderous bastards." The memory of the attack was still fresh in Kougas mind even after 200 years. He and his father could smell the strong stench of blood on the men who passed beneath them and both could smell that some of the blood spilt had been that of women with unborn pups in them which flung Kouga into a powerful fury. He couldn't remeber parts of the battle but he and his father took all the food and the finest weapons with them and divided them amongst the clan saving the best spoils for themselves. Kouga loved the sword he carried but it would do no good against the left fang of the Inu no Taisho and he knew that he must obtain a better weapon to face his rival.
He felt the cold wind against his face as he pondered how to get a weapon to match that of Tetsuisaiga, but he knew that with Inuyasha's battle even if he were to obtain Sesshomaru's sword Tokajin he would be destroyed by it's power after awhile, and the Tessaiga was no good as the sword would only answer to Sesshomaru and even if it did answer to him it would take him away from the battle once his life was in danger. Kouga howled in frustration at how he was to destroy Inuyasha when a shaky voice asked, "Uhhhh, Kouga? Are we going to be moving soon? Because I doubt the lair will be empty if we don't hurry up." Kouga turned to his mohawked clansmen and said, "Fine. Let's get the hell out of here and get home."
The remaining demons and there wolves all cheered loudly and followed Kouga down the steep cliff and headed off towards there water fall hideout. To Kougas amazement there was almost no scent of any demons or humans in the area since the last time he and the tribe had been there and he was thankful for that since it meant their lair was safe. He looked to his side to see one of his favorite wolfs keeping up with him and he smiled at the wolfs stamina and speed. He had trained tremendously with using stones as weights and through that training his speed and strength had improved dramatically but he was plauged by the feeling tha the was still no longer Inuyasha's equal.
Again his mind grew furious as he remembered the ring that Kagome had shown him and he felt sick because the only thing he'd had of any value was the sword at his side and how could a mere sword compete with something as beautiful as the ring she wore. He quickened his pace leaving his fellow wolves behind him and was soon at the entrance to their cave. The water was flowing slowly but that was to be expected from the ice still blocking much of the water and he entered the cave and sat in his corner with his favorite dog and thought.
How in the name of the seven hells am I to compete with that foul mutt? There's no doubt that he's the son of the Inu no Taisho, hell it's not that hard to see the similarities in the powers that the old one had and he now has. But it's that sword he carries which is the problem, and it wouldn't do any good to take it from him because he'd transform on me and without a suitable weapon I don't stand a chance against him with those attacks at his disposal. Kouga kicked himself mentally at the thought of what would happen if he were to face Inuyasha without his shards and he couldn't get them back with all the security placed around it now.
It took about another 20 minutes for the other wolf clansmen to appear and they were all excited to see that the home was still intact and had their scent in it. Many plopped down on the ground and began to sleep while one approached Kouga and said, "Kouga, what should we do now that we're back?" Kouga reached out and punched the clansmen and said, "Get out there and get some wood and food!" At the sound of his fist and voice almost half the clan got up and rushed out in a panic while some of the stronger ones and more tired wolves stayed behind to guard the cave.
When they were gone Kouga leaned back again and closed his eyes and was about to fall into a deep sleep when a wolf demon asked, "Hey Kouga, why are you acting like this? Ever since you went to that village you've been really edgy." Kouga opened his eyes and said, "That damn mutt has marked the girl." The demon gulped loudly and said, "You mean she bears his crest?" Kouga shook his head and said, "No, she has a ring from him and has accepted to become his mate. Problem is they plan to wait giving me time to challenge him to take her." The demon smirked and said, "Well that shouldn't be a problem then? I mean you're way stronger than you've ever been, save for when you had the shards, but why didn't you challenge him?" Kouga snorted and planted his fist on the demons head and said, "Because of that damn sword he carries. I wouldn't stand a chance if he were to transform without it and I stand very little chance of beating him when he draws it."
The demon next to him nodded and said, "Yeah, that fang of his is a problem. If only we knew where to get one like it, I mean it is one of a kind but maybe it's maker can create a weapon for you like that hanyous." Kouga slunk back into the wall and said, "Yeah, if only I could have......" at the thought of getting a sword Kouga stood up and said, "Now, I have it. That old demon Totousai! He's the maker of Inuyasha's sword so maybe he can make one for me and then Kagome will be mine!"
At his shouting the whole cave looked up in time to see a blur of brown pass by them as Kouga exited the cave and headed towards the area he was once told where Totousai lived. The old man's skills were legendary and many demons knew where he lived yet many came back empty handed out of the old mans incessent morality in the making of swords. With Totousai something was needed from the person who wanted a weapon made by him, and only if the old man thought you worthy would he make you one. But the problem was that the ones who carried his swords had to give up something of themselves for the weapon to be made. Kouga grimaced at the possiblity of giving up a leg bone or something any other major body part. Sure he could grow the bone back but it'd take months to do so and he didn't have that amount of time, his challenge was in spring and he needed to get used to his weapon by then.
The journey would take him at least three days with the snow on the ground keeping him from reaching full speed but he didn't mind because it was another type of training to him. His speed was great and difficult areas to pass would only help his speed and stamina and once he got his weapon his strength would be unbeliveable and the only obstacle in his path would be Inuyasha. He chuckled to himself and thought That mutt will grovel at my feet and you will be my mate Kagome. As he ran thoughts of him and Kagome having pups and being happy kept him going for the full journey fueling him so much that he never even stopped once until he reached the fire grounds of where the swordsmith demon lived.
The entire place smelled of sulfur and burning ash. Kougas nose was assaulted by the disgusting stench and it was all he could do from running back down the mountain but his resolve to get the old man to make him a weapon pushed him on into the firey waste land. As he walked he saw what looked to be a giant fish head sticking out of the ground and a small hut next to it witha two headed dragon tethered to it's little fence. He knew who that dragon belonged to and his suspicion was clarified with the smell of Sesshomaru coming from the giant head. As he grew nearer the dragon stared at him and voices from inside the head became clearer.
Kouga crept up and heard the low voice of Sesshomaru say, "He didn't like it but I thought it best for him to have his sword made now than later. Granted taking a tooth from a pup isn't exactly kind, but I want him to be stronger than his cousins." Then the raspy voice of the old smith said, "Yes, you are more like your father then I thought and I am bound to him to do this for you. Granted I wouldn't have done so in the past but you have finally accepted why he gave you Tessaiga and have used it's power to protect what you care for so I think making your son this sword for you son is within reason." Kouga could hear the rustle of Sesshomaru's clothes as the new Inu no Taisho stood and said, "I will take my leave now as you have another guest."
Kouga jumped back from the door and got into a defensive posture as the two demons came out and looked at him. Sesshomaru's face remained blank as he asked, "I take it you know of my brother and the miko?" Kouga was too shocked to even move which gave Sesshomaru the answer he seeked and said, "Then I must warn you that your fang maybe stronger but if he makes a sword for you, you shall truly know just how weak you've been." and without saying another word the dog demon headed to his dragon and took off shouting down, "I expect it in a week old man!" and left the smith's realm.
When Sesshomaru's shadow was gone from the sky Totousai asked, "So you wish to challenge Inuyasha for Kagome's hand do you?" Kouga looked to the old man and said, "Yes. He isn't suitable for her he's nothing but a mangy half blood and...." WHAM!! Kougaa felt Totousai's hammer on his cheek and he fell to the ground tasting his blood before shakily sitting up and and asking, 'What was that for?!" Totousai's face showed some anger as he said, "That half breed is the son of a dear friend and any bad mouthing of the boy is bad mouthing of the General. So, if you want your swords I suggest holding your tongue." Kouga knocked his tongue around and spat out a couple of teeth and asked, "What do you mean swords? And why are you making them for me?"
Totousai sighed loudly and said, "That is none of your concern about my reasons. But I mean swords as you are more fitting to carry kodachis or claws rather than a sword the size of Inuyasha's because of your speed. Now if you'll hand me your fangs I'll get to them as soon as I finish Lord Sesshomaru's childs fang." Kouga looked down at the three teeth that had been knocked out and threw them to the smith and asked, "Why does that guy need a sword for his son if he's still a pup. I take it he's a rival of Inuyasha as well." Totousai sighed and said, "Yes, I'm afraid you're right. Despite them getting over their past they still bear that need to prove who is the stronger since they are both pretty much equaled they'll push it to their children to show who the greater brother is."
Kouga chuckled and said, "Well that's interesting. And what did that guy mean by saying that I'll be shown how weak I am by my swords?" Totousai snorted and dug into his ear before saying, "Because my swords can release potential. When Inuyasha first carried Tetsuisaiga it was made by his father's fang. Since his father had already acheived his full potential the General had no problem carrying the blade the same goes for Inuyasha as it wasn't his strength. But, when Inuyasha fought that ogre offspring of Naraku I reforged the blade from his own fang and it was extremely heavy. And the reason for that was because Inuyasha wasn't up to par with his father until he defeated Ryukotsei. And then with all the battles afterwards I wouldn't be surprised if the old dog had a difficult time beating either one of his sons."
Kouga gulped loudly at the words the old man had just spoken. The former Inu no Taisho, one of the most powerful demons to have ever existed bearing the Swords of World Conquest outclassed by a hanyou? It's one thing for a full blooded demon like Sesshomaru but a hanyou like Inuyasha? Kouga looked up and asked, "So if Inuyasha were to become a pure blood now he would more than likely be stronger than both his father and brother?" Totousai picked at his ear again and said, "Who knows for the dog general is dead. Now if you'll excuse me I have weapons to make and you have training to do."
And with that Totousai turned and entered his dwelling and soon the sounds of metal being beaten and hissing water fillled the area as Kouga began to practice handling a sword. Yet, unbeknownst to them Sesshomaru was nearby and heard every word and chuckled to himself as he watched the wolf prepare for his fight with Inuyasha. But he was also chuckling because he was glad the the old man had done what he had asked. Sesshomaru knew this would be a good test for his brother to see if he could defend his mate. But the fight would also give him time to do have some of his other plans fall into place.

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