InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 20

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 20
The morning rays of the sun were shining brightly over the village of Inuyasha Forest, the clouds were almost nonexistent and it was an almost picturesque sight. The trees were covered in snow and were sparkling with the sun hitting them. The stream was a sheet of ice on top with some small fish swimming underneath much to the delight of the kids who were out with their dogs and laughing as the animals tried to dig their way through to the little fish. The older villagers were out doing what they could in the snow, fixing some roofs and fences. Some were out in the forest hunting for deer or rabbits that were bound to be out looking for food. However, not everything was going as normal as it should be in this village for in the house of the priestess a holiday was being celebrated that wouldn't appear for at least another couple of centuries.
For in the house of Kaede a small blair of odd music was playing from a plastic box that was scaring all but 2 of the awake people in the village. At first Miroku began throwing some exorcism scrolls on it along with some prayers accompanied by Kaede and Sango was about to bash it with Hiraikotsu, when Souta and Shippou walked in and stopped her. "Let me go Souta, the thing is posessed!" But Souta wouldn't let go and said, "No, it's not Sango! It's called a stereo and it plays music." The demon slayer continued to try and get her bone boomerang from the boy when Miroku said, "That's not music. It's some sort of spell." Shippou threw one of his mushrooms at the monk and said, "How do you know? Have you been on the other side?" Both Miroku and Sango stopped what they were doing and stared at each other for a moment and then shook their heads.
Shippou laughed with an all knowing attitude and said, "Well, then how are you sure it's some sort of spell?" The monk and slayer just continued to stare when Kaede said, "The voices are high pitched and singing in a strange tongue." Asami laughed from the corner where she was watching from and said, "They are called 'The Chipmunks' and they sing in a language called English. I don't know much of the language but the people who speak it come up with a lot of good songs." Miroku lifted an eyebrow and asked, "What are animals doing speaking 'anglish'?" Souta let go of the giant weapon and fell to the floor saying, "They aren't real, Miroku. They're called cartoons which are basically drawings that move and people give them voices." The three were still confused and Asami laughed lightly and said, "Why don't you come through the well sometime and we can show you the modern time and all that goes on."
Sango looked to Miroku with a pleading smile on his face and he surrendered without a fight and said, "I guess once spring comes around we can go." Sango dropped her boomerang on top of Souta who groaned with pain as Sango hugged her husband and shouted, "Good then I can go and see those stores that Kagome brings all her gifts from." While she was hugginh her husband an agitated Shippou was helping an even more embarassed Kirara get the giant demon bone off of an almost passed out Souta, while his mother was busy getting an early lunch ready.
Rin was helping her and asking all sorts of questions about the modern world. Asami adored the girls innocence and was surprised to see that Kagome and her were alot alike in that they both saw the good in people. Taki was out going through the village and meeting some of the villagers, she had taken Koji who being a baby 3/4 Inu-yokai was taking to alot of dog like qualities as he was trying to mark things as his and it was better for him to be out of the house because not only would it smell bad but it would most likely disturb Inuyasha who considered the whole village and forest his.
So there they sat a 12 year old and the mother of her soon to be aunt, Rin was talkative but still very careful about what she said do to some of the events from a month ago when she said something at the breakfast table. Asami noticed this and asked, "So, Rin what's it like living with your parents in a castle like that?" Rin's eyes lit up and she said, "It's great we have lots of people coming and going and I have a lot of friends who are Kitsune like Shippou and the village kids like me too but I prefer to hang around with the demons I know." Asami raised her eyebrow and asked, "Why don't you like the humans that much?" It seemed that the whole village fell silent when she asked this and the others in the house save for Souta who didn't know either sat extremely still as Rin said, "Because my parents were killed by humans and Papa saved me after I was attacked by wolves."
Asami gasped in shock and said, "I am so sorry Rin, I didn't know." But the girl smiled broadly and said, "It's okay, I have my Mama and Papa to watch me and love me and I have a little brother too. So, I'm not sad!" Asami smiled at the girl and said, "Well, I guess since my daughters marrying your uncle you can call me grandma." Rin tilted her head and said, "But you're not old like Kaede." Everyone choked back their laughter excluding Kaede who left the hut mutterin and Asami laughed lightly and siad, "It's all right. Just call me grandma and apologize to Kaede later." Rin nodded and went back to mixing the batter that they were going to make cakes with later and hummed loudly while Shippou and Kirara tried to sneak into the presents.
Yet there were still two in the house who didn't notice the beautiful day for they had become too comfortable with the way they were sleeping. Yet at the lack of noise Inuyasha stirred from his sleep and rubbed his eyes and yawned loudly. He was glad to see that Kagome was still curled up against him and he moved her hair back and kissed her neck causing her to smile and wake up asking, "What time is it?" He got up and looked out the window and said, "Looks to be a little bit after 11. I smell some food cooking though and," he stopped for a moment and sniffed before saying, "Apparently Koji thinks this is his territory." Kagome sat up and looked at him stretching and asked, "How do you know that?" Inuyasha rolled his eyes and said, "Feh, my bastard brothers kid went to the bathroom on a few things." Kagome gawked in mixed humor and surpirse and asked, "Why on earth would he do that?"
Inuyasha growled and said, "He's almost a pure-bred Inu, Kagome. Like normal dogs we have an instinct to mark places we view as our territory when we're young, but he's only one and he doesn't know what he's doing it's just instinct." Kagome tried to block mental images of Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Taki doing that but she shuddered as the site of a baby Inuyasha marking his bedroom as his appeared in her mind.
Inuyasha stretched a bit and said, "Come on let's get out there. I think Shippous getting a bit restless and wants to open those things." Kagome smiled and said, "You go out and let me get dressed." Inuyasha stared and said, "What's the big deal I'm gonna see you naked sooner or later." Kagome blushed and said, "Well I'd prefer later for now. So if you please...." Inuyasha let out cries of protest as Kagome handed him Tetsuisaiga and pushed him out the door and shut it, leaving Inuyasha to knock Shippou in the head as he shouted, "Morning Kagome!"
The little kitsune sniffled and looked up and said, "Well, excuse me!" Inuyasha scoffed and said, "Listen runt, use your nose more all right. I'm tired of you always pouncing on her so if you'd please stop it I wouldn't have to enjoy knocking you in the head." Shippou stuck his tongue out and said, "Yeah, well don't sleep with her then my nose wouldn't get confused cuz you both smell of each other." Inuyasha punted the kitsune into Sango who snatched him out of mid air and went back to sharpening her sword.
Inuyasha walked out and saw that three people were still missing and asked, "Where's Kaede, Taki and Koji?" Miroku looked over his cup and said, "Kaede left after Rin called her old and Taki had to take Koji out for awhile until he stopped trying to mark everything." Inuyasha scrunched his nose and said, "God, that kid goes at it." Inuyasha could smell the kid everywhere and thought it best to let him think this was his place even though by technicality the whole village was Inuyasha's.
Just as he was about to sit down Kagome came out and said happily, "Morning all!" Everyone muttered their greetings and she walked over to her mother and asked, "Mom, is that thing in your bag?" Asami thought for a moment and asked, "What thing? I brought alot of things, dear." Kagome leaned in and whispered and Asami nodded and said, "Oh, yes it's in my bag but are you sure you want to do that now?" Kagome thought for a moment and said, "Naw, we can wait a bit besides I don't think now's a good time since we just woke up."
Inuyasha's ears stood on end as he asked, "What are you going to do to me wench?" Kagome laughed mischieviously and said, "None of your business dog-boy." Inuyasha glared at her and just snorted as Shippou walked up to him with a small piece of coal and asked, "Inuyasha, this has your name on it and it came with a note." The hanyou grabbed the note and mutterd a small thanks and read aloud, The next time you do that the gloves are off dog-boy but let this be a warning. Signed, THE FAT MAN. The only people to laugh were Kagome, Souta and Asami at the note and weren't shocked to find out the guy was real since with what they'd seen it was hard not to think it.
When he finished reading he had a look of extreme confusion on his face and was asked, "Why do you have coal, Inuyasha?" He looked up to see Taki smiliing at him and Koji tottering over to play with Kirara. Inuyasha looked confused and said, "I have no clue, but I guess you can give it to that bastard brother of mine." Taki glared at him and said, "Why would I want to give that to my mate?" Inuyasha shurgged and said, "Well he can shove it up his......" SMACK!!! Inuyasha's comment was cut as Miroku's staff met his head. The hanyou growled and stood up shouting, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR YA LECHER?!" Miroku sipped his tea with his free hand and said, "I don't think that comment is appropriate around a baby who is starting to talk." Inuyasha was about to attack him when he heard the command, "SIT BOY!" come from the corner of the room.
Inuyasha was soon face down in the wood and staring up at his sister-in-law and said, "I thought that your mate could make a diamond with how uptight he is." Taki laughed loudly and said, "I guess you're right but honestly did you have to almost swear?" Inuyasha groaned loudly as his face was once again pressed into the floor while Koji sat on his head and played with his ears saying, "Unca, sit!" But once the spell had worn off he grabbed the little demon by the back of the neck and glared at him and said, "Watch it, twerp or you won't live to see 2." Taki grabbed her baby and said, "Oh, it's not his fault he was marking everything. At least he's stopped now." Inuyasha just glared at the kid as it laughed and knawed on his mothers robe.
A few hours later after the sun began to set the whole house was loud and was kind of frightening to the villagers who heard odd music blaring from the house and the group celebrating the holiday. Kaede had come back and was showing Rin how to draw some protection charms on some papers in case of an emergency and not only that but Shippou was showing some tricks to Koji who kept eating the mushrooms that Shippou conjured up. Kagome and Inuyasha however were out walking through the village waiting for dinner to get ready. Inuyasha had given her his cloak again and sat walking with his arm around Kagome, who was had her own arm around his waist and just happy sitting there walking.
The gifts still weren't open because Kagome had to go with Kaede to help a sick villager and now with that over and everyone hungry Asami set to the cooking with Taki and Rin's help leaving Kagome and the others some free time. Inuyasha had suggested the walk and she was glad to get outta the house and really take in the beauty of the village. As they walked some villagers waved to them and they acknowledged and they were about to head back when Inuyasha stopped and said, "Damn it." Kagome looked at him with a slightly fearful look and asked, "What?" Inuyasha began to growl deeply and said, "Get out here wolf!"
Kagome looked to her right at the rustle of leaves and saw Kouga smirking broadly. She was a little worried about what would happen and heard Kouga ask, "What are you doing getting cozy with my mate mutt-breath?" Inuyasha growled loudly and said, "She's not yours you damn wolf. She's got no mark of yours to prove it!" Kouga laughed loudly and said, "Yeah but she will soon........." he paused and siffed a bit and slanted his eyes and said, "You worthless half breed. You've covered her with scent marking!" Inuyasha laughed loudly and said, "Yeah, and you know the laws Kouga so I suggest you not do anything." Kagome watched as Inuyasha reached for the handle of his sword and Kouga poise for attack.
She didn't want to see a fight today and said, "Kouga, stop it!" The two demons looked at her in surprise as she stepped forward and presented her left hand. Kouga snarled loudly and said, "You bastard! You're lucky I have to worry about my tribe right now but come spring you'll die and she'll be mine!" The two watched as the wolf blurred away leaving Inuyasha and Kagome alone.
When Kouga was out of sight Inuyasha stood straight and asked, "Why did you interfere?" Kagome turned and said, "Because I didn't want to see anyone hurt all right." Inuyasha growled loudly and said, "Well, now I will have to hurt him. He challenged me when you showed the ring and I have to challenge or else forfeit you." Kagome stared and said, "Well, you're half human, so why do you have to go by the demon laws?" Inuyasha growled again and said, "BECAUSE HE'S PURE BLOOD DAMN IT! And by demon law and instinct until he loses to me in a true one on one battle over you he'll keep coming back!" Kagome took a step back and said, "I didn't know! How was I supposed to know you should have said something about it!" Inuyasha growled and took a deep breath and said, "Yeah well what's done is done. I can't do anything about it and you didn't know so I guess I can't blame you. I'm sorry."
Kagome's mouth fell open at the last two words and she asked, "Did you apologize." Inuyasha snorted and said, "Yeah, I can't blame you for doing something you didn't know so it can't be helped." Kagome smiled and ran up and hugged him hard. Inuyasha stood there and asked, "Okay, I guess I should apologize more often." Kagome laughed a bit and said, "You should, because then you wouldn't get sat so much." Inuyash his lip and thought, Yes! I found a way to get out of it!
A few minutes later they were all sitting in Kaede's home and were digging into some food. Asami had made a little bit of steak, chicken and a few other modern recipies and smiled as her cooking went so appreciated by the others. The cider she had brought was also a big hit along with the roasted chestnuts and some of the desserts she had brought. Everyone sighed loudly after the big meal and were settling down and were starting to talk when Koji toddled over to the pile of presents and started rummaging.
Asami walked over and grabbed the baby and said, "I guess someone wants his presents." Everyone laughed as Koji chewed on the end of a wrapped box trying to get into it. As they laughed Kagome snuck up behind Inuyasha and threw a hat on his head and Souta snapped a picture really quick of a distressed Inuyasha who reached up and pulled a hat with little holes in it for his ears. He looked at it and saw that the top was really long with a white poof ball on the end and he asked, "What's this for?" Kagome laughed letting him see her own and said, "I just thought it'd be cute to see you wear it." Inuyasha curled his lip at the thing and said, "Don't expect me to all the time." Kagome shrugged and said, "I got a cute picture of you in it so I got my wish." She kissed his nose and handed him a package and said, "Now get to your presents."
The presents had gone over really big with the Inuyasha group. Kagome had gotten some new clothes, cd's and movies, While her brother got a bunch of games and some books. Sango was given some charms to help with her extermination and some modern jewelry. Shippou had received all his favorite candies and foods. Miroku got some food as well and some books on how to be a better buddhist monk. Kaede got some modern medicine books with natural herbal remedies listed. And Inuyasha had gotten some modern clothes and was about to ask when Asami said, "It's just so you can get used to them a bit more if you want to go around town and stuff." He looked around and saw that the others of the group had also received a set of the clothes in their sizes for when they travelled through the to the other side.
When the gifts were all done Kagome sat with Inuyasha and was talking to Sango and Miroku about marriage and stuff while Souta and Taki played with Koji. Asami had gone to bed early and out of the corner of his eye Inuyasha saw Shippou in the corner with Rin handing her a small box. Rin opened it and pulled out a little necklace with a nice piece of quartz on the end of it. He heard Shippou say, "It's not great but I thought you might like it." Before he could say anything else Rin hugged the little fox and gave him a gift of some expensive candy that her father had gotten at her request. Shippou bit into a piece and seemed to swoon at the taste and smiled at the human girl who giggled back and took a piece as well.
Before long Kagome was asleep and Inuyasha took her into the back and carefully set her in the bag and laid next to her listening to the others begin going to bed. He smiled to himself for a moment and then became consumed with the thoughts of spring and wondered just how strong Kouga truly was without his shards.

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