InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
hope you guys liked the last chapter!! now let's go and check in on wolf boy!

Chapter 27

"Will you get off of me! I said that I'm fine now go home!" was the sound that resonated thorough the forest as Kouga shouted at his unwanted companion. It had been almost 3 months since had left Toutosai's and his swords were finally getting lighter and he was feeling infinitely stronger than he ever had in his whole life. Well save for the fact that every time he moved it felt like his arms would fall off but now that he could swing his Kodachi with little difficulty he felt that he should push himself past the pain and aching joints until he could move with ease under the weight of the swords, and he would have except for one minor detail.

About a month ago just as the last of the snow was melting in his region, Kouga was on a cliff in an attempt to find some way to counter the Kaze no Kizu when for no reason at all the ground he was standing on gave way causing him to fall. Normally he would have been able to jump back quickly but the intense training was causing his reflexes to work slower than usual not to mention his swords were still feeling heavy so it was all he could do to stick the swords into the side of the cliff and fall and he would have landed unharmed had it not been for the fact that his kodachi had cut out a good portion of rock that fell onto his head and knocked him unconscious.

Hours later he woke to the sight of a wolf sniffing at him and he groaned in agony at both the pain in his head and at the site of the wolf. It was a white wolf from the northern mountains and he only knew of one clansmen who traveled with white wolves and her smell filled the air around him. After a failed attempt to sit up he heard a small laugh and a girl say, "You should no better than to try and move after an injury like that Kouga-kun." Glancing in the direction of the voice he asked, "What the hell are you doing here Ayame?" and received a loud huff of annoyance at his question.

He heard the rustle of leaves around her as she walked forward and held a small bowl to his lips and said, "I was just passing by when I found you unconscious. But if you're too much of a tough guy to accept my help in making the pain go away you can just lay here and hopefully bleed to death from that head wound." Glaring up at her Kouga sniffed the liquid and snarled at it's stench but accepted it and said a low, "thanks," before he felt his eyes go heavy and fell asleep. As she watched him fall asleep Ayame felt her heart swell up with the love that she'd sworn to get rid of but it was all she could do to kiss his fore head and let him sleep.

The next morning Kouga woke to the smell of cooking pig and was about to rush to it when he heard Ayame saying, "Where did he get blades of this quality? These are hundreds of times the quality of that old sword he carried so how did he come by them?" Getting cautiously to his feet Kouga quietly walked over and tapped the female wolf on the shoulder making her scream and jump before turning around and smiling shyly, "Feeling better I see." Kouga smirked and said sarcastically, "Much better," before snatching his kodachi and saying, "so lay off the swords girl."

Sticking her tongue out at him Ayame said, "Instead of being mean you should be thanking me for giving you that potion. Because if I didn't you'd be out for another 3 days." Kouga snorted and said, "Well, that's besides the point because I still can't move really well and my head's still pounding." Snickering Ayame said, "Well that's to be expected after a blow like that to the head. And what were you doing to cause a land slide like that?" A vein in Kouga's head twitched as he said, "I wasn't doing anything but training when the cliff collapse. And I got the head wound from using my kodachi to slow the fall but I guess it cut a boulder out of the cliff side and it hit me in the head."

Ayame was doing her best not to laugh when she asked, "But shouldn't you have been able to jump away before you fell?" Feeling his head throb even more Kouga said, "Yes but my swords are heavy and I've been training almost non-stop for two months and my muscles aren't exactly responsive Ayame." Tilting her head in confusion Ayame asked, "Those things are heavy? I took them out no problem how are they....." but before she could finish Kouga shouted, "Because the damn things are made out of my fangs!!!" Ayame's face grew nervous as she held up her hands and said, "Okay, okay that makes sense." But after thinking about it for a moment she came to a realization and said, "You mean those swords were made by Totousai?!"

Grinning arrogantly Kouga took the blades out and said, "Yep, custom made for yours truly to wipe the floor with that mutt Inuyasha's head." But as soon as he finished he saw Ayame's face darken and asked, "What's up Ayame? You're still not mad about Kagome are ya?" Shaking her head no Ayame said, "No I just want to know why you're so worked up over a hanyou. Honestly it seems that you care more about that hanyou than the girl. Kouga are you by any chance...." Needless to say the question went unfinished as it was now Ayame who was now knocked out by a rock and Kouga stalking off in anger.

But now it was a month later and Ayame still hadn't left for the north saying that the path ways were too flooded to travel and she couldn't take her wolf through the mountain as it was still a youngster and the ever lame excuse of, "You need a training partner and someone to help with your wounds, so I'm staying with you til the day of the fight and then I'll head back north, deal?" Kouga's answer was a very audible and angry, "NO!" but the female didn't catch the hint and stayed with him. And watched him train and hurt himself on a daily basis. For awhile he wouldn't even let her look at his wounds but after 2 weeks he gave in and let her nurse his wounds and help get all the cricks out of his body before they fell asleep.

Although Ayame said Kouga needed a training partner she never once fought him and he was glad for it. Granted that he could use the experience of wielding these things against a real opponent, Kouga knew he would more than likely hurt her and instead picked his fights with the demons who tried to attack them while they slept or men who tried to rob them. Although he would have loved to slit the mens throats Ayame begged him not to so he just sliced their weapons to bits with his own and they ran away scared out of their minds much to Kouga's amusement and Ayame's relief.

And now after a month of training and picking fights with his two companions Kouga was no longer held down by the weight of his swords and felt lighter and more powerful than ever but he still wished for a worthy adversary to fight before going after Inuyasha. Even though he had decided to let Ayame join in when he trained he still couldn't bring himself to go all out on her no matter how much she whined about him treating her like a nigen woman, which didn't exactly fly with Kouga as he was trying to win the heart of a ningen but he let it slide as he came to the conclusion that he wouldn't even make Kagome train with him either if she was ever a full demon.

He was about to give up and send Ayame home as they had received word of the northern passes had become safe to travel through and the weather was much warmer when he, Ayame, and the wolf caught a strong aura heading their way. Sniffing around Kouga got the direction and he motioned for the two to follow him as they rushed to the north and spotted a glowing object flying with a white haired man on top of it. Kouga smirked and looked to Ayame and said, "Stay here." and jumped up the highest tree and rocketed himself into the air while throwing a kodachi at the man who merely caught it and looked down at the fast approaching wolf and removed the broad sword from his belt and knocked the wolf away and watched him land before floating down and staring at his brothers rival face to face.

When he landed he saw Kouga staring at him from a short distance with a broad grin on his face as he watched Sesshomaru stare blankly at him and say, "Impressive wolf, in only three months you've pretty much mastered the swords that I requested the old man make for you." At those words Kouga's face faltered at the realization that Sesshomaru was the reason the old man had made his weapons but he regained his composure and said, " I thank you Sesshomaru. But if you want to fight me I suggest you give me my fang back or else it won't exactly be a fair match." Smirking slightly Sesshomaru threw the short sword back to it's owner who caught it deftly in his free hand and crouched into a charging stance.

Sesshomaru on the other hand just held his sword at his side and said, "Well, I guess I have no choice. But I warn you this bout will be quick I have other matters to attend to today so if you want to test out your strength against a true demon you will strike fast and accurate." And as if on cue Kouga immediately shot forward and slashed to at the demon's neck only to be met by the sword Tokijin and the blank stare of Sesshomaru's face. Smirking Kouga then brought the other kodachi up and swung at Sesshomaru's mid section only to have the Dog jump back and rush forward and slash at his opponents chest. It was all Kouga could do to block and he grunted at the force behind the swords blow and skidded a good 10 feet before rushing back forward and attempting a down pincer like attack only to be blocked again by Tokijin and this time the Tessaiga.

Although Sesshomaru was having some difficulty holding back the blows he knew he could end the fight quickly but knew that he needed the wolfs blood to boil for the fight so that his brother would take care of the pest himself. It wasn't that Sesshomaru had anything against the wolf, he just hated how much of a pest the little bastard was. As they struggled for control Sesshomaru smirked between the blades and said, "I see that you've improved many fold but you still need to train harder or else you will fall at the hands of my brother." Snorting Kouga slid his swords down and jumped back saying, "Don't worry about me, it's you who should watch it." Chuckling Sesshomaru looked at the wolf and said, "I doubt it," but was caught off guard as the wolf began spinning in a corkscrew motion and rocketed at him. Sesshomaru sheathed the Tessaiga and swung Tokijin in front of him and caught the attack just in time as the wolf's swords drove against the blade making a disturbingly high scraping noise as the metal clashed.

As they stood there trying to throw one another off Ayame rushed through the woods shouting Kouga's name causing the wolf to lose his concentration enough so that Sesshomaru tossed him aside like a head of rotten lettuce and into a near by tree. Replacing his sword to his side at the sound of the body hitting the tree and without even looking at him Sesshomaru told Kouga, "If you wish to defeat me or my brother you must not let anything remove your mind from the task at hand or else it will not only cause your death but possibly the death of the one you wish to win or protect." And without another word he took to the skies once more leaving Kouga and Ayame alone.

Once he was gone Ayame ran to Kouga and asked, "Are you all right, Kouga? He didn't hurt you did he?" As she sat there fawning over him Kouga replayed the words of advice that Sesshomaru had spoken before taking off and knew that he was right. Looking to Ayame he grabbed her hand and said, "Get the hell away from me." and threw her hand away as she stared at him in shock as he got to his feet and said, "Don't look at me like that, Ayame. You're nothing but a burden to me as I do this. I have to prepare myself for a battle and having you around is keeping me from achieving the power I need to beat that hanyou. So if you know what's good for you and you wish for me to become truly strong you'll leave right now and not come back."

Looking up at him in disgust Ayame stood and said, "So, you still think of me as a nuisance and not a friend or even a sister. Well Kouga I have this to say to you, take that stupid woman as your wife and skin the hanyou alive. See if I care since now you are as good as dead to me, but should you choose to reconcile I will accept as long as you are sincere with the apology and are truly as strong as you wanted to become." And without another word she whistled for her wolf and headed off towards one of the passes that led to the northern territory of the wolves. Letting out a loud sigh he looked in the direction that Ayame had left and said, "Sorry, but I need to do this to prove that I'm at least worthy of leading the wolves."

Looking down at his blades he noticed a slight chip in the edge of one and let out a howl of frustration and said, "Great, now I gotta head back to the old man for a repair job. Sheathing his swords he got his bearings and decided that the best way to go would be west and ran off to the dark smoke that was emitting from the mountains near there. As he ran Kouga kept replaying the battle in his mind and the final moment that caused him to lose the duel. He knew Sesshomaru was playing with him but was also taking him seriously as he'd seen the look on the dogs face as he saw Kouga's latest attack, but why did Ayame's voice break his concentration so easily. Normally it was only Kagome who could keep him from his prey but now Ayame too.

"Could it be that.....Nahhhh, Kagome's the only one for me." was all he said as he shook the thought of being in love with Ayame from his mind and continued his pace towards the old timers smithy. It was an easy journey to make with almost no problems save for a couple of weak oni that tried to take his blades but he'd slaughtered them easily enough and he continued onwards and pretty soon upwards as it was nearly night fall by the time he had reached the mountain. It came as a bit of a shock to him since he didn't realize that he was so close as to make the journey in a few hours but it also came as a great relief to him as well.

He took the mountain side carefully since his last time on a rocky surface ended with him getting a head injury and it was well after night fall by the time he had reached the top and made his way to the the smith's home. Walking along the hot ground he was glad that he was a demon since the heat from the ground would have driven off any normal human but as usual he hated his nose since the stench of ash and sulfur made it nearly impossible to get a good breath of air which is why he the week after receiving his swords, much to the dismay of Totousai but now he was back and in need of the old man's talents. And sure enough when he knocked on the door he found the old man at work on yet another sword and waiting for him.

Stepping in Kouga said, "Who's this sword for old man?" The smith looked up from his blade and said, "None of your business you young punk. The only weapons of mine that require your attention are the ones hanging around your waist and to which I must ask as to why you are here?" Kouga snorted and pulled the chipped blade out and said, "I tested it against a worthy opponent and it got damaged so I need it fixed as soon as possible." Glancing at the blade Totousai took it from Kouga, set it on his anvil and set a piece of metal on it before breathing fire on it and pounding it with his hammer.

As he went about the repairs Totousai spoke to Kouga about his sword by saying, "I'm glad to see you show some responsibility about your weapons. I can see you take care of it and I'm glad you do. A craftsman appreciates his work being cared for and unlike that Inuyasha I can see you sharpen it on a daily basis and polish it as well." Chuckling to himself Kouga said, "Of course, I know a good weapon when I see it and unlike that mutt I kept the same weapon in prime condition for 200 years and plan on giving it to the first son Kagome bears me." Blowing yet another blaze on the weapon after a quick cool the old demon spoke as he fixed the chip and said, "Well I expected your arrival anyways as Lord Sesshomaru told me what happened with your battle. He himself was doing a favor for Inuyasha by picking up the Tetsuisaiga."

Choking on the water he had poured himself Kouga said, " So I guess Sesshomaru told you about our battle? What'd he say?" Dipping the hot steel in his cooling basin Totousai examined the blade and began sharpening it before continuing. "He said he was impressed but his brother was also training himself to new limits as well, while training that little fox demon who hangs around him." Looking over his cup Kouga asked, "He's training that fox demon? The kids a weakling I bet he's already given up."

Flipping over the blade and shaking his head Toutosai said, "Not really. I hear the lad has grown three tails and is now able to become a true fox thanks to Inuyasha's help and the boy even gave Inuyasha a tough time. Of course that's due to the fact Inuyasha was carrying all this extra weight that threw his balance and striking power off as well." Kouga watched as the old man began to polish the blade and asked, "So why train the fox?" Cleaning off the excess polish and noticing a nitch the old man reset his whetstone and began sharpening the blade again as he said, "The lad has taken a liking to Sesshomaru's adopted human daughter Rin. Apparently the girl and fox have already started the courting process and Rin has vowed to become his mate when they're old enough and at Sesshomaru's orders the fox has been under going training to prove himself worthy of the girl. Of course I already prepared wedding jewelry for her at Lord Sesshomaru's request but he thought it best to give it to her on the day she weds instead of her birthday."

Glancing at the blade he set about polishing it again and asked, "What's this I hear of you hanging with a young wolf demoness?" Blushing a bit Kouga said, "Nothing, she's just a girl who's obsessed with me and wants me to marry her but I love Kagome which is why I needed the swords as you know." Wiping the yet another amount of excess polish from the blade Toutosai said, "Of course, yet it's always odd how discussions involving Kagome end up more focused on...." *bam* The old demons head was met by Kouga's fist and him growling, "Don't even finish that sentence geezer just finish fixing the weapon so I can get back to my clan and rest up for next month all right."

Nursing his latest head wound Toutosai finished the blade and examined it once more and struck it against a stone. Looking in confusion at the old man Kouga's eyes went back to the rock and beamed when he saw it slice into two neat halves and said, "Thanks a lot old man. What do I owe ya?" Turning to Kouga and giving it back and smiling at Kouga's appreciation he said, "Nothing, just continue to care for those swords and we'll call it even." Looking with gratitude at the old demon Kouga nodded and said, "Well this is a great job you've done. Will it slice through the Tetsuisaiga like that." Chuckling to himself Toutosai shook his head and said, "Not likely my boy. Inuyasha has surpassed his father in strength and is dead even with his brother instead of brute strength you're going to need a keen head and a lot of stamina to where that boy down."

But as he spoke Kouga was too busy dancing around ogling his sword and it's sharpness and received another hammer to the head and dropped like a rock before sitting up and shouting, "I HEARD YA OKAY!!" Laughing out loud Toutosai walked over and snatched the other sword and said, "Now I need to do this one since it's no use having two swords of equal power not being equal in strength and sharpness." Sitting like a little kid waiting for candy Kouga watched Toutosai repeat the whole process as he thought of the advice he'd received that day and vowed that he would get Kagome and if not he'd at least walk away with his pride and said quietly, "I will get you Kagome. You will be mine."Meanwhile a few days travel away Kagome sneezed loudly for the second time in less than ten minutes making Inuyasha look at her and ask, "You ain't getting sick are ya Kagome cuz if so we can just put this trip off till you're weak human body is better." BAM!!! Inuyasha's face met the floor as Kagome said, "No, I think people are talking about me. But anyways the other three want to go through the well so I can't back out now." With the spell gone Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and held her in his lap saying, "You owe me for that sit wench." Laughing at the feeling of Inuyasha's claws tickling her Kagome turned around and did her best to kiss him and once their lips made contact she felt his hands stop and return the kiss while leaning back onto the sleeping bag and throwing the thing over them before breaking off and saying, "I hate having my honor." Kagome laughed and said, "Just a few more months and you don't have to control yourself....well most of the time." Smiling at her he pulled her in and began purring loudly as she reached up and rubbed an ear and lulled him to sleep while humming "the lullaby," and hoped that the weekend wouldn't become a disaster.

The lullaby is the song she sang in chapter 5 from the prince of Egypt and we all know what was in the box toutosai gave to Sesshomaru when he visited on Rins birthday, wedding jewelry. Next 3 chapters the Inuyasha crew in the present day era!!
here's a preview
28: INuyasha, Shippou, and Miroku go around Tokyo and get into a bit of trouble
29: Asami, Kagome, and Sango go around town and baby shop
30: The whole gang hits a spring festival.

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