InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Wedding ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey it’s alive again!


“Damn it! Will you just give me what is rightfully mine you pure-bred bastard?!” Swinging his claw down hard, Inuyasha was met with his brothers own elegant claws. He’d been fighting with the demon for over an hour and both weren’t willing to give in so that the other can claim the rest of their father’s belongings. Since he and Kagome had mated, Inuyasha had spent a week trying to figure out how to get to his brother’s palace to obtain the garments and jewels that had been left to him by his parents.

Keeping his claw locked in place, Sesshomaru snorted saying, “Watch your tongue whelp. My son is present and I dare say that he doesn’t need your filthy mouth tarnishing his mind, even though your stench is enough to make his blood less pure.” He knew that it was the right thing to say as his brother then tried to headbutt him. Only problem was Sesshomaru had seen this coming and bashed his own skull against his brother’s nose before the half-breeds head could move more than a few inches.

Staggering backwards, Inuyasha held his now broken nose and felt his blood pour between his fingers. Instead of whining, Inuyasha stared at the blood and smirked broadly as he swung his hand at the pure blood. Sesshomaru attempted to dodge every one of the blade like drops of blood, but he was a bit off pace and he hissed as a few deep cuts appeared on his body, staining the pure white of his robes with his own vermillion colored blood. Sneering at his brother, Sesshomaru removed Tokijin and looked to his son saying, “Now you shall see true battle Koji.”

His eyes still a bit hazy, Inuyasha could easily smell the blood lust that he’d come to know so well emanate from his brother. Despite knowing where and what it was coming from, the lack of blood to his brain caused the hanyo8u to barely escape a huge wave of energy that had emitted from his brother’s sword. He landed a bit clumsily onto a nearby roof top only to be forced off again by an air born version of the attack.

In the air, he felt his eye sight returning and unsheathed his own fang, sending a massive shockwave at the pure blood. Swinging the blade upward, Sesshomaru sliced through the lazily sent, Kaze no Kizu, but was surprised to find that it had instead created a huge cloud of dust around him. Leaping out of the cloud, Sesshomaru looked up and felt his brothers fist collide with his face, sending him into the ground, where he easily flipped to land gracefully on his feet while wiping some blood from his lip.

Smirking at the connection, Inuyasha raised his sword and rushed forward, only to be side stepped and cut by his brothers blade. Growling loudly, Inuyasha swung back and sent a shockwave at his brother that blew the demon backwards into a wall. Sesshomaru vaulted off the wall and sped towards the half breed, sword raised. Inuyasha swung his fang upwards and heard the metal scrape against the ogre blade forcing a stalemate.

Sesshomaru was indeed impressed at the reaction time of his brother. As lord over his lands, Sesshomaru faced opponents daily and many were strong enough to keep his skills honed. However, his brother lived in a peaceful village that was plauged by week demons which he could easily defeat. But, afer so many pointless tussles, Sesshomaru knew better than to denounce his brother’s skills because of a few years of dealing with weaklings.

Enraged by his the fact that he was once again even with his brother, Inuyasha began pushing forward with his blade focusing on trying to overcome the demon with brute strength as he normally did. Only thing was that Sesshomaru decided to follow suit instead of doing his typical dodge and strike. Grunting with effort, Inuyasha smirked as he pushed forward more.

Feeling that his brother would actually defeat him, Sesshomaru began focusing his own physical strength into his blade and began to push against his brothers fang. The scraping metal hurt both their ears as they tried to win the battle. Growing tired of their game though, Sesshomaru turned his blade and slid it off his brother’s and raised it before swinging down in a powerful arc.

Seeing this, INuyasha swung back upwards and caught the blade just in time to send a powerful shockwave throughout the palace. They could hear wood snap and the foundation shake as their blades sent the vibrations through the dwelling. But, besides the sounds of wood breaking and people screaming, both heard the sound of metal breaking as the jumped away from each other, dazed by the flash of light from their blades contact.

Rubbing his eyes a bit, Inuyasha looked at his fang to see the edge had cracked accompanied by one in the center looking as if one more blow would snap it in two. Worried, he placed the sword back into its sheath and prepared for hand to hand when he saw that Sesshomaru’s blade was only a handle with half the blade sticking out of it. Relaxing a bit Inuyasha asked, “So does that mean I win?”

Snorting, Sesshomaru put the blade in his belt and said, “Since I have another blade and you still have most of yours I would say that the battle is a draw.”Going over to his son, Sesshomaru was glad to see that the boy was unharmed, yet looking very frightened. Taking the boy in his arms, Sesshomaru muttered some words of comfort as Taki came out and asked what had happened. Handing the boy to his mother, Sesshomaru gave his mate a comforting look as he said, “His uncle earned the part of his inheritance as he wanted.”

Walking off without another bit of acknowledgment to his brother and headed off towards the vault. Feeling his heart pound happily, the half-breed whistled loudly summoning the fire-cat Kirara from her place in the stables. Pouncing out in her smaller form, the cat demon hopped onto the hanyou’s shoulder as he told her to wait in the courtyard and be prepared for a long journey. Mewing happily, Kirara transformed and laid out in the sun as she waited for her master’s friend to return.

Giving his sister-in-law a small smile, Inuyasha followed his brother’s stench to the vault and found it open with his brother waiting. Walking in, Inuyasha began searching for a smaller chest and rope to carry the items needed for the journey. He didn’t really want to do this, but Kagome had pressured him into retrieving his father’s regal robes along with his mother’s kimonos and jewelry. He could have cared less about his father’s things, but he wanted what had belonged to his mother.

Finding the desired items, Inuyasha carefully put his mothers’ items into the trunk. He was about to use the rope to tie off the chest and leave, when his brother growled, “You’d better take at least one of these robes or I’ll have your head whelp.” Inuyasha hissed loudly and began to draw his sword when he remembered that it was in no shape for battle. He had no time to get it fixed, and he didn’t dare leave it in his brother’s hands. So begrudgingly, the hanyou walked over and opened the chest with his father’s things.

He pulled out a purple silk kimono and folded it up before shoving it into the trunk. He was about to leave when Sesshomaru said, “Now that you have opened it, the spell will allow me to send the items to you. By the way, why did you need these things so suddenly?” Sesshomaru could smell the embarrassment on his brother’s skin and not only that the stench of that human girl was permanently fixated upon him. Chuckling to himself, Sesshomaru said to his brother, “When is that pathetic human ritual supposed to happen?”

Growling deeply, Inuyasha said, “It’s not happening in the village. It’s happening where Kagome lives and it’s going to be in ten days. Remember that and hopefully you will show up.” Inuyasha knew this confused his brother greatly. Sesshomaru knew about the well, but other than that, the demon knew nothing more about the future’s dates and how they had changed in five hundred years.
Not saying another word, Inuyasha tied the rope to the chest and walked out of there with his head high and a smug look on his face.

Well that’s how he told his friends that he’d left the palace. It was now eight days later, and Inuyasha was sitting in the Higurashi living room while Sango fed her baby and the others listened. As he told the story, the hanyou absent mindedly stroked Kagome’s hair as he told the tale of how he had to leave his sword at Toutosai’s along with one of his fangs to use as a binding agent. He missed the blade and he had left the past in order to keep himself from getting into a life threatening battle forcing yet another unwanted transformation on his part. Little did Kagome know that he’d forced the old demon to keep his mouth shut about Inuyasha burying the reliquary in the scorching hot fields that surrounded the demon’s home.

When he’d left the blade, Inuyasha was told that due to the damage being done mostly to the swords foundation rather than the blade itself, it would take a bit longer than the usual repair job of three to four days. After hearing this, Inuyasha asked what he meant by the swords foundation only to have the demon say, “You damaged the binding agents hold over the swords power! Had you not gotten into such a battle, this would be a snap to fix. However such a powerful collision of demonic energy without regular sharpening and reforging, I have to reshape, resharpen, and most importantly, fuse an actual fang into the blade, rather than melt it into the metal. Now leave me be so I can get started since I’m sure your brother will be around to have me fix his blade soon.”

He pondered what the demon meant as he lay there with his mate only to hear Souta snicker at how the two were laying together. Inuyasha growled at the boys actions and went back to talking to his friends. The half breed still couldn’t fully look Asami in the face as it was her who’d caught them in bed three days after he and Kagome had mated. She wasn’t mad at them, in fact she was a bit relieved, but she was mad that no protection was used and she said that it didn’t matter if Inuyasha could sense Kagome’s fertile moments. It was still reckless on their part and they’d been doing what they could to apologize since their talk.

Yawning loudly, Shippou rubbed his eyes and asked, “So did you see Rin at all?” Popping the fox on the head, Inuyasha waited for him to complain but the demon just sat there, and shot a bit of fire at the hanyou in retaliation. Growling loudly, INuyasha patted the flames on his arm out as Shippou snickered as he hid in the doorway.

Getting to his feet, Inuyasha pounced at the fox and chased him outside screaming his head off while Kagome groaned and laid back on the ground with a pillow over her face and screamed at the actions her soon to be husband was taking. Ever since they’d been caught, Inuyasha was hasty in lashing out at people and he was about to get a new necklace if he kept it up. Even though he acted this way, Kagome knew that it was more about pre wedding jitters than anything else. His whole life he’d done his best to disassociate himself from humanity and he was about to take part in a human ceremony of mating.

Sitting up she saw that Miroku and Sango had decided to turn in. Asami had kicked Souta out of his room and put them up in there while he was given a spare futon in the living room. He wasn’t exactly mad, he was just worried about what would go on if he wasn’t in the room. But, after hours of drilling the two on what not to do, he was content with leaving them and the baby alone while they visited.

But, now Kagome was alone...and bored. She had nothing to do since the sounds of Inuyasha and Shippou’s fight died down meaning that they must have gone through the well. Souta was out for the night and Mrs. Higurashi was upstairs. She got an idea at that point. She’d go and say hi to her mom since the woman had isolated herself for the past four hours and nobody knew what she was up to.
Kagome was a bit nervous about talking to her mom. Asami had been making a lot of noise at times and cursed before shouting that she was okay.

There had been no noise from the room for about three hours which means that the woman was either dead or finished with whatever she was doing. As she approached, Kagome knocked carefully and heard her mother say, “Come in.” Sighing in relief at hearing her mom’s happy voice, Kagome opened the door to see her mother making a couple of minor adjustments to a purple shiromuku. Kagome was a bit shocked at what her mom was doing.

Smiling politely, Asami said happily, “Don’t worry I’m not changing the Princess’ kimono. I was finishing up one that was left for you by an old aunt.” Holding it up Asami let Kagome see that the fabric was actually a shade lighter than the one Inuyasha brought back. Luckily it didn’t have any blood on it from when Inuyasha dug it out after his fight with Sesshomaru. For some weird reason his nose had stopped bleeding shortly after being broken and didn’t need anyone to set it. They all assumed that it was because of his demon blood and they were glad that the half breed had brought in a few of his mother’s jewelry.

The barrettes were the same golden color as Inuyasha’s eyes and with diamonds embedded in them. Kagome also had her parent’s rings to wear, which were hidden away and refitted. Of course Asami didn’t tell Kagome that, it was a surprise that would be sprung by Inuyasha when they put them on after they finished the vows. Setting the under garment down, Asami said to her daughter, “Okay now get undressed.”

Staring at her mother, the young woman asked, “What do you mean undress? I’m not undressing.” Kagome realized that this the wrong thing to say as her mother stood over her menacingly. It was almost unheard of for Asami to take such an offensive posture meant that something was wrong. Thinking it wise to do what her mother wanted, Kagome stripped down to her underwear and undershirt.

Grinning happily Asami handed her daughter the undergarment she’d just finished and told her to try it out. Sliding it on, Kagome fastened it and had to admit that it fit perfectly with the right amount of room. Staring in the mirror, Kagome ran her hands along the material and asked, “Why do I have to wear purple Mama?”

Kissing her daughters head, Asami smiled saying, “It’s because from what I’ve heard Inuyasha is descended from royalty and in those times purple was only worn by nobility. And since it is a shinto wedding you are obligated to take on the colors appropriate to your husbands status.” She could see that Kagome was a bit saddened by having to wear colors of nobility. Feeling that she said the wrong thing, Asami grabbed Inuyasha’s mother’s shiromuku and slid it onto her daughters body and put the hood up.

Kagome looked on the verge of tears which worried Asami. Hugging her daughter she asked, “Why are you crying? You’re about to be married sweetheart and you look so beautiful. Your father would be proud of you.” At that sentence, Kagome burst into tears and slumped to the floor sobbing loudly. She couldn’t have picked a worse time though as Inuyasha burst in to find her on the floor dressed in her wedding robes crying.

He growled loudly at seeing his mate crying and hissed, “What happened to her?” Asami didn’t say anything which only made things worse as Inuyasha shouted, “Why is she crying?!” Jumping back afraid, Asami told the hanyou about what had just happened before Inuyasha had walked into find his mate crying. Apologizing for his outburst the half breed asked, “Can you leave us alone please?”

Quietly leaving the room, Asami shut the door as Inuyasha walked over to his mate and removed his mother’s robe and gently placed it in the dresser before scooping up his mate and sitting on the bed with her. Kagome sobbed into the demon’s shoulder as he stroked her back and let her cry before saying, “It’s going to be all right Kagome. Your father is happy for you, but he doesn’t need to see you go to pieces about him not being here.”

The crying girl looked at the picture of her family and saw her dad smiling broadly as he held Souta on his shoulders while Kagome sat between her father and mother holding their hands. Rubbing her eyes, Kagome nuzzled the demons arm and said, “Thanks INuyasha, I’m just sad that he’s not here. He always said he wanted to be here for all the great things in our lives, but now he’s not and there’s nothing I can do about it which is why I’m mad. I want him back if only for a day.”

Inuyasha felt his heart sink into his stomach as he remembered what he’d been offered by his brother. He’d destroyed it and now he had a reason to use it. Holding his mate close Inuyasha said, “I could have brought him back for you. Sesshomaru offered me that stone thing but I destroyed it. I should have kept it until today and made you happy but it felt wrong holding it and so I shattered it with my blade. I’m sorry Kagome, I never thought about what I could do for you if I had it.”

He felt Kagome stroke his ears and he began purring on instinct before shaking his head away and asked, “What the hell are you doing? I’m supposed to be comforting you.” The half breed could see that his mate was smiling happily at him. He would never understand women and how they could go from sad to motherly and it angered him. Staring at her he asked, “I thought you were sad?”

Keeping her smile, Kagome kissed the half-breeds cheek and said, “I wouldn’t want you to do anything like that. It’s true I want to see my father but not in that way. You did the right thing and I’m glad. Thanks Inuyasha.” Blushing a bit Inuyasha let his mate get out of the under robe and set it with the other one and stared at her mate watching his face burn red with seeing her in her underwear and a tank top. Giggling, Kagome pushed the half breed onto the bed and curled up next to him sleeping soundly. Inuyasha didn’t sleep at all that night, he felt the need to stay awake and was justified because Kagome ended up crying for her father.

Two days later, the Higurashi house was a war zone as Inuyasha attempted to stay out of the way only to be shoved into the middle of a war between Kagome and her friends. He hated being around large crowds in tight areas but today it was unavoidable because it was afternoon and the new moon wasn’t scheduled for two weeks meaning that they had to figure out why Inuyasha had dog ears because that was the first thing the three girls asked about once they saw him sitting in living room eating some vinegar and salt chips.

Staring at them with a mouthful of chips, Inuyasha watched as Kagome explained why he looked the way he did. They seemed to think that she was lying but once he twitched his ears, the three girls shrieked and began to rub them almost immediately. Which was a bad move because Inuyasha was already stressed out because the old man wanted to speak with him. He never got along with the old man but he knew why. He was a priest and Inuyasha was a half demon and as a priest it was his job to exorcize them, but Inuyasha was now marrying into his family meaning that he had to bury the grudge due to Kagome’s love for him.

Once he had wrestled himself away from the girls, Inuyasha ran out into the courtyard to find Hojou walking up to the house smirking. Growling, Inuyasha bared a claw and swung at the half panther half human. Barely dodging the blow, Hojou jumped into the tree asking, “What the heck did I do?” Jumping after him, Inuyasha began a typical dog cat chase around the court yard for a good half an hour before Hojou blew some air at him and froze his legs to the ground..

Stopping in his tracks from both the ice and surprise at the attack, Inuyasha glared at him saying, “Wait a minute? A hanyou panther with the ability to freeze ice? Don’t tell me that you’re related to...” He never got to finish as Hojou snapped his fingers and released his friends feet as he jumped down smirking. Shaking his feet to warm them up a bit, Inuyasha said, “Great now I have to deal with that witches offspring.”

Brushing his pants off, Hojou walked off without so much as a word to the hanyou leaving the dog to deal with the growing presence of Kagome’s grandfather. When he caught sight of the old man, INuyasha smirked and said, “Don’t tell me, you want me to tell you that although you don’t want me to marry your granddaughter but since she’s in love with me you can’t stop her and are doing this out of love for her.”

Nodding the old priest said, “That and I’ve grown to respect you. You’ve put her in much danger but have been able to get her out of it and protect her no matter what. I hate to say it but that demonic blood in you has had it’s uses and I hope it continues to keep her safe.” Scoffing at the comment, Inuyasha went back into the house to get ready.

The door to Kagome’s mother’s room was shut and there was a lot of excited chatter at the prospect of Kagome’s gowns. Entering the shower, Inuyasha cleaned himself up as best he could and actually attempted to comb his hair. It was more painful than a sword through the stomach as he got a bunch of knots from his hair and pulled out a fair bit as well. When the ordeal was done, he even brushed his teeth and used the liquid called Listerine. It stung like hell but he was doing it for Kagome and he knew how much girls liked fresh breath .

When he got out of the bathroom he went into Kagome’s room to find a black dress kimono set out for him. He stripped himself of his fire rat cloth and got into the new robes. The outfit was well made and from the smell of it he knew that it didn’t belong to a mere mortal. Breathing deep again he smelt the lingering scent of his father. He’d only smelt it twice in his life, but his father’s smell was always in his mind, and now he was wearing his clothes.

Tying it up, Inuyasha headed back outside to find Miroku and the old man purifying the ground with salt and sutras. When he stepped forward, Inuyasha smelt a small bit of burning and realized that it was his feet. Jumping back he said, “Miroku! Ya mind getting rid of the sutras, they’re making it a bit hard to walk around there.”

Smirking at his friend, the monk picked up the sutras and said, “My apologies Inuyasha, I forgot that these make it hard for you to go in and out of places.” Putting them inside his robe, Miroku saw the guests appear and begin taking their seats. Inuyasha jumped to his spot under the tree and watched as the small gathering joined under the growing shade of the shrine’s tree.

Once the guests were seated, Kagome made a slow progression toward the tree and her mate. She had a smile placed on her face that made Inuyasha feel content with his life. She loved him and the same went for his love of her. He watched her make her way toward him and it was over too soon as they both had to kneel and let the old man pray for them and their life together.

Finishing his prayer the old man set a small bottle of sake on the altar in front of him. Picking up a saucer, Inuyasha allowed Kagome to pour a small bit into the dish and he soon sipped it slowly before handing her the saucer. When she had finished that saucer, they did the procedure twice more with two other saucers and when they were done, Inuysha pulled out two rings and slid one onto Kagome’s hand hearing her gasp in surprise.

Holding the hand gently, Inuyasha said, “This was your mother’s. She had me measure your finger so it could be fitted for you. The same went for me.” He handed Kagome her father’s wedding ring and she slipped it onto his finger with ease. When that was done they kissed gently to a small smattering of applause and got up to face their friends.

Once she turned around, Kagome shouted happily, “LET’S PARTY!” That was a bad idea because as soon as the words had left her mouth Shippou turned on a stereo full blast and they all raided the food table and began congratulating their friends at getting married and wishing them luck. MIroku and Sango gave them a couple of small gifts for when they got their own place in the past. The gifts were some items from the past that were supposed to protect them and grant them a long life together.

The other gifts were all wrapped but the most shocking one came from two people they didn’t expect to see show up. And it was Inuyasha who caught their scents and he growled at the sight of his brother. Following her mate’s gaze, Kagome gasped to find Taki and Sesshomaru wearing modern clothes and smiling. Well, Taki smiled while Sesshomaru just stood there waiting for them to get off their butts and greet them.

Taking his wife’s hand, Inuyasha walked over to his brother and asked, “What the hell are you doing here? I don’t mind your wife, but I don’t recall inviting you.” He could see his brother scoff and Inuyasha was more than ready to fight only to have Kagome grip his hand and squeeze lightly. Relaxing a bit, INuyasha said, “All right I did tell you to show up but what the hell do you want?’

Pulling out a small envelope, Sesshomaru put it in his brother’s hand and said, “A friend of yours told me to drop this off. Said it was a gift for his ‘little brother.’” Inuyasha pulled open the envelope and said saw a letter and some train tickets fall out. Handing the tickets to Kagome he opened the letter and read.

To my little brother,

It’s come to my attention through the demonic community that you’re to marry a human priestess that is the reincarnation of the one who was originally responsible for purifying it. I’m glad that you have found somebody and hope that you will stop by for a visit. I’ve turned our clans forest territory into a hot springs resort so that we can live in safety without causing suspicion. All you need to do is show up and you and your friends can stay as long as you want to free of charge. Remember I’m your big brother. Hope to see you soon.


Smirking, Inuyasha looked to his wife and said, “Well looks like we have a vacation spot for this era.” Laughing Kagome hugged her sister in law and even dared a hug from Sesshomaru. She didn’t get him to hug her back but she knew that the demon lord was embarrassed at being touched by her in such a manner. Saying good bye the pair headed over to enjoy the party before getting ready for a long vacation at a hot springs resort where they could be alone.