InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Graduation ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Here we go with chapter.....shit I forgot what one I was up to.. Oh well I got some new manga and anime!! *does a happy anime dance* Kizuna bonds of love go!!! *sweat drop* I gotta stop reading yaoi...but it’s much more interesting than half the stuff I’ve read..ENJOY FOR NOW IT IS TIME TO TURN THEM TASSLES LEFT! >:) Kagomes gown’s white, cuz when I graduated boys wore red, girls white and I’d just like to say FUCK CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL!! Located in columbus ohio, *Gives all the administration the bird*


Chapter 37...I think

“Attention all faculty and students! All seniors are to report to the auditorium in order to receive their gowns along with attending rehearsal for this Saturdays events. We are proud that you all have come so far in just four years and wish you all the best of luck to all those going to college or joining the working force. To all those with a year or more left, see you next semester.” Getting up from her chair, Kagome said good bye to her teacher as she and her fellow classmates headed out into the crowded hall. Apparently the principal decided to let everyone go an hour early, not that she minded, but she and her friends still had to stay for at least that final hour along with an extra one added to it since they were going to go through how to go about graduation.

Walking mindlessly through the halls towards the auditorium, Kagomes thoughts were interrupted by someone saying, “It’s not a good idea to walk around so aimlessly.” Jerking herself back to reality, Kagome looked at the voices origin to find Hojou grinning stupidly at her. Blushing slightly, Kagome said in a soft voice, “I was just trying to get used to the fact that after Saturday, we’ll finally be able to choose our path in life.”

Scratching his chin, Hojou said in a calm voice, “It’s not that hard to believe, I mean we can’t live at home and depend on our parents all the time, right?” Smiling Kagome knew she was being stupid. She’d spent nearly three years juggling school, as well as battling demons with the help of her friends. Problem was that none of her friends were able to grasp the complications of balancing her modern life with going through the well. Granted they knew it was tough for her, but they didn’t know just how much stress it placed on her shoulders.

Sighing loudly, Kagome looked to her friend as she said, “Well the good news is Inuyashas going to let me go to college, so long as I don’t forget about him or any of my friends and family.” Putting the cap back on the bottled water he’d brought with him, Hojou smirked before saying, “Judging by what I know about him, if you did anything of the sort he’d probably drag you home and keep you there, huh?” Shrugging, Kagome made her way into the auditorium and took a seat, next to her other friends along with Hojou.

Chatting quietly for a few moments, the low rumble of student voices was brought to a hault by the principal saying, “All right people, you all need to settle down and listen to me.” The group grew completely silenced as they watched their principal with a new found concentration, not only out of respect, but also out of the fact that should they do anything to disrupt the flow of rehearsal meant they would be excluded from the ceremonies. Not that they really cared, they just didn’t want to get chewed out by their parents when they got home from the ceremony.

Kagome listened as her principal explained the situation, which didn’t really require any explanation at all. They sat in alphabetical order, stood up by aisle, and went across the stage when their name was called. Letting out a loud yawn, Kagome thought to herself, This is so pointless, but she had to do it since it was her turn to get in line behind some of the people in her class and walked across the stage and went through the proper sequence of actions, and finally after shaking some of her teachers hands, she was greeted by Akio, who was holding her cap and gown. Smiling at her “future” nephew, Kagome took the articles of clothing, before taking her seat next to the people stood next to in line.

Back in her seat, Kagome listened to yet another half an hour or so of boring speeches about how proud some of the teachers were of them for making it and hoped that they’d take their time to think about the future. It seemed to last forever, but the senior class was finally able to get out of the auditorium and head home for the next few days before they had to return to the school, just for the simple pleasure of never having to return again.

Exiting the school, Kagome put her cap and gown into her bag, before being tackled by some of her friends as they asked, “Wanna go and get some Wacdonalds one last time?” Giggling, Kagome pulled her friends in close so that they could all walk arm and arm to their favorite hang out. Lucky for them it was before the lunch rush and they ordered as much food as was possible with the money they had on them, which was enough for twenty burgers, five fries, as well as a few sodas. Grabbing a seat they all cheered loudly, as they dug into the pile of grease and sugar that lay before them

Digging in, Kagome asked, “So what are you guys gonna do before you head out in the fall?” Sipping at one of the sodas one of the girls said, “I’m actually going to school in America.” Dropping their food the three other girls asked, “What do you mean you’re going to America?!” Grinning embarrassingly, the girl set her soda down and said, “Father got promoted to being a vice president in one of his companies departments. So, they thought he’d best be suited to start off that position in the companies new headquarters in the States.”

Her lip quivering Kagome said, “You’re leaving us?” Holding her hands up the girl said, “It’s all right, cuz father said when I have long periods off from school I can come back and visit you guys. So long as I have a place to stay and keep my grades up.” Going back to her normal happy self, Kagome wrapped her arms around her friend before digging back into her burger, and with a full mouth saying, “I’m goinfg foo stay in fwon fa schewel.”

Making sure they didn’t get sprayed by the mass quantities of half masticated cow by product and grain, one of the girls asked, “So you’re boyfriends not going to propose to you?” Choking on her burger, Kagome sucked down a good portion of her soda before saying, “Actually I was wondering if you guys wanna be brides maids in a couple of weeks?” All three of her friends spilt their sodas as they simultaneously asked, “You mean you guys are gonna....” Bearing a really stupid grin on her face, Kagome said, “Yeah we’re getting married shortly after graduation.”

Squealing so loud that even Beethoven would hear them the girls dog piled in attempts to congratulate her. Pulling herself out from under her friends, Kagome gasped for breath, while most of the stores customer smiled at her. Waving at them she stood up and said, “All right will you three behave yourselves or you can forget about attending.” In less than a thousandth of a second, the three girls were back at their seats eating quietly while wearing huge smiles on their faces.

With the food finally gone, and her friends persistent questioning finally over with, Kagome went headed towards home, while her friends all went back to theirs. Stumbling into the house, Kagome pulled her shoes off before dropping onto the couch, and after receiving a few claw swipes to the face from Buyo, she snuggled up into a pillow to fall asleep.

Yet, as with most of the things she wanted to have out of life, the nap she was so desperately seeking was interrupted by a light knocking on her head. Cracking open her eyes, she saw a silver haired half breed smiling happily at her. Groaning out of annoyance Kagome said, “What do you want, Inuyasha.” Huffing loudly, the hanyou dropped to his usual style of sitting as he said, “I can see somebody’s in a pissed off mood, today.”

Pulling the pillow off her face Kagome said, “Sorry, I was interrogated by my friends all afternoon.” Leaning forward, Inuyasha kissed her cheek before asking, “What’d you do?” Smacking him in the face with her pillow, Kagome said, “I asked them to attend the wedding.” Dropping to the ground, Inuyashas leg twitched in the air as he said, “Why the hell did you tell them about the wedding?” Knocking his leg down, Kagome sat up as she said, “Because they’re my friends and one of them is moving before the summers out and I want them there!”

Getting up immediately, Inuyasha began bowing down as he pleaded, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Just don’t cry!” Snorting loudly, Kagome said, “These are the times I wish I hadn’t agreed to taking that reliquary off of you.” Looking up, Inuyasha could see the aggravated look in her face, and putting on his cute smile he said, “Oh come on, I’ve been behaving since you took it off. So why do you want it back on me?”

Crossing her arms, Kagome was about to say, “Because I just want to sit you sometimes.” However, she didn’t get to say anything, as Inuyasha began snooping around in her bag as he asked, “What’s with this weird hat?” Looking over at him, Kagome couldn’t help but laugh as Inuyasha stared at her with a look of confusion on his face as he pointed at the hat that was now covering his ears. Stifling her laugh, Kagome tried to say something, but all she could do was fall to the floor laughing.

Growling, Inuyasha asked, “What the hell is so funny?!” Stepping into the room, Asami asked, “Inuyasha could you please keep your voice down?” Looking at his mother-in-law, Inuyasha blushed as he said, “Sorry, Asami-san I’m just trying to figure out why Kagome is laughing.” Giggling, Asami stepped forward as she pulled the cap off before saying, “I think it’s because you were wearing this. Now please give me this and the gown so I can put them away for Saturday.” Handing the lady the bag, Inuyasha turned back to Kagome once she was gone and asked, “ Are you going to stop laughing now?”

Wiping tears from her eyes, Kagome sat up as she said, “I’m sorry, it was just a really cute sight to see.” Huffing loudly, Inuyasha pouted as he said, “Well then the next time I see something like that, I won’t wear it so you don’t laugh at me.” Crawling forward, Kagome pulled the hanyou into a deep kiss. Caught off guard, Inuyasha was unable to close his eyes until Kagome pulled herself away as she said, “Sorry for laughing at you.”

Not saying anything, Inuyasha pulled her into a hug before saying, “Ahh don’t worry about it, wench. But is that what you’re really going to wear at that thing in a few days.” Nodding, Kagome kissed the half breeds lips again before saying, “Don’t worry, I won’t wear it all day, just for a few hours and then I’ll be in my regular clothes and we can go out to celebrate.” Nuzzling her cheek, Inuyasha asked, “Just where exactly are we going to go for a celebration on you getting out of school for the next few months?”

Hopping into the demons lap, Kagome laughed to herself at the grunt of pain about her slamming her butt on his hips. Putting her head on his shoulder she said, “There’s an eighteen and older club near by. I thought we might meet a few friends there since that’s where most of us are going after we eat and celebrate with our families.” Holding her close Inuyasha realized that the new moon had already passed and that he’d still have his ears and claws that night. Kissing her neck he asked, “Are you sure you want to go out on that night, since the new moon’s already passed?”

Dozing off a bit Kagome said, “I don’t care, if you want to wear your hat so nobody’ll notice then go ahead. But if you just want to stay here we can invite some friends over so you’ll feel more comfortable.” Stroking her cheek, Inuyasha said nothing for a moment as he thought about her offer. He knew that she wanted to go out, and he didn’t want to risk her regretting any time she missed with her friend since she wouldn’t be able to see them as much.

Putting his chin on the top of her head he said, “We can go to this club thing. I’ll just wear my hat so nobody will see my ears.” Reaching up, Kagome placed her hands on the hanyous ears and began rubbing them lightly. Immediately relaxing under her touch, Inuyasha began to purr loudly as he felt her soft fingers rub the velvety fur of his sensitive ears. Smirking, Kagome could feel the slow vibrations of the hanyous purrs spread across her back as she caressed her chosens soft ears.

Inuyasha could feel himself begin to doze off, and would have been happy to do so except for one thing. At the moment he was about to drag Kagome to the floor with him, Souta decided to yell, “GET A ROOM!!” Growling loudly, Inuyasha chased after the teenager, while Kagome got up to prepare for bed. She’d been gone most of the afternoon, and after her little make out session in the living room with Inuyasha, the time seemed to fly by. Getting into her favorite pair of pajamas, Kagome hopped into bed falling almost instantly to sleep. It wasn’t until an hour later, and several lumps on Soutas head to boot, that Inuyasha finally climbed onto the soft mattress next to his chosen.

Saturday came all to quickly at the Higurashi residence, Sango was unable to make it due to Yasuo coming down with a slight fever, so Miroku was there dressed in a dress shirt, slacks, and a pair of loafers. Inuyasha was sitting on the couch playing with Buyo in his typical manner, while doing his best at keeping his new clothes from getting ruined. Shippou was making sure that his hair wasn’t poofing up after putting on his shirt. Souta on the other hand was lounging about on the deck playing a game of cards with his grandfather, while Kagome and Asami finished the final adjustment on her gown.

“There all finished, dear.” Smiling up at her daughter, Asami put the needle back in its case as she surveyed her daughters white gown. Spinning around, Kagome was glad to see that the gown wasn’t dragging on the ground anymore. The tailor had accidentally cut it three inches too long and they’d spent a better part of the morning fixing the mistake. But now, with three hours left to spare the girl was rearing to go. Hopping off the stool. Kagome hugged her mother tightly before heading downstairs to a loud, “Will ya be more careful! We don’t want to waste anymore time waiting for that dress to be fixed.” Hearing the proverbial ‘sit’ reach her ears, Asami was glad that the routine banging of Inuyashas head against the ground didn’t follow.

Putting her stuff back into it’s appropriate place, Asami slipped on one of her more, professional looking gowns, grabbed the tickets, and headed downstairs to find Kagome now playing with Buyo, while Inuyasha read a manga. She didn’t know what he saw in that book, but he was over eighteen and after reading it for awhile she found an incredibly romantic story behind it, although it could due without a sex scene in each chapter. Coughing lightly, the three adults left their stations and headed outside towards the bus stop, with Souta and Grandpa following a few steps behind them.

The auditorium was packed as Inuyasha sat next to Asami and Shippou. He hated being around humans in such massive quantities, especially indoors. Granted he’d used a concealment spell, but he wasn’t that great at using them since illusions weren’t exactly his forte. Making sure his hat was still on, Inuyasha sat patiently as the clock ticked away the final few minutes. Finally, after what he was sure to be an eternity, a slow song began to play.

Looking to his left, Inuyasha saw a group of students dressed in white walking down the aisle. It took about ten minutes for everybody to be seated, but finally the students were seated and the principal began to speak. The old mans speech seemed to drag on in the fashion of frozen molasses being poured from a jar. Jerking his head up, Inuyasha realized that he’d started to fall asleep and was jabbed in the ribs by Asami. Grinning shamefully, Inuyasha was surprised to see that he’d slept through most of the speakers, and they were now at the students progression.

He didn’t know who nearly ninety-nine percent of all the people that were walking across the stage. Finally he recognized some people that he’d met with Kagome. First came her two of her three chattering friends, Hojou, and Kagome. Jumping to his feet and applauding loudly, Inuyasha realized that he’d dropped his spell and immediately sat down to recast it. Remaining in his seat for the rest of the ceremony, Inuyasha was finally glad that he and their friends were heading back to the house, where Asami, along with Shippou, Soutas, and even Inuyashas help, started reheating some food.

Miroku would have stayed, but he needed to get back to Sango and Yasuo as quickly as possible. Thanking her friend Kagome kissed him goodbye before making sure nobody saw him jump through the well. With the monk gone, Kagome and her friends immediately began digging into whatever food was available to them. Inuyasha stayed in the kitchen while Kagome chatted with her friends.

Normally, Inuyasha would have jumped in, but he wasn’t wearing his cap and knowing him he’d drop the spell and frighten all her friends. Munching on some oden, Inuyasha was getting ready to start on some chips when a loud groan of agony hit his ears. Jumping out of his chair, Inuyasha headed to the living room to find Grandpa laying on the ground clutching his stomach with everybody asking him what’s wrong. Pushing people out of the way, Kagome and Inuyasha began to check him for any sort of outward ailments. Not finding anything wrong on the outside, Kagome pressed the lower left side of her grandfathers abdomen, Kagome jumped back as the old man screamed loudly.

“Call an ambulance mom.” Rushing towards the phone, Asami dialed the emergency line and explained the situation. With the help of their friends, Kagome and Inuyasha were able to keep the old man in stable condition until the paramedics arrive. Souta, Shippou, and Asami went with the old man, while Inuyasha, Kagome, and the guests cleaned up the mess and food that was going to be dinner for the next week or so. When all of the guests were gone, Kagome headed upstairs to shower while Inuyasha waited by the phone.

Their plans about going out for the evening now ruined, Inuyasha stared at the phone like it was a bomb about to go off. Two hours passed, and Kagome still hadn’t left her room, Inuyasha would have gone up but he thought she’d like it better if somebody was there to answer the phone when it rang. Giving up on waiting, Inuyasha started towards the stairs when the loud blaring of the ringing echoed through the house.

Rushing to it, Inuyasha snatched it up asking, “Is he all right?” Hearing a loud groan from the question Souta said, “Calm down, Inuyasha. Gramps is fine, his appendix just started acting up and they had to remove it. Apparently they thought his appendicitis was an ulcer, but they were wrong so now they’re removing it. He’ll be here a couple of days, but he’ll survive.” Sighing loudly, Inuyasha thanked the young Higurashi for the news. Saying goodbye, the hanyou hung up the phone and headed upstairs. Knocking on the door, he entered Kagomes room to find it nearly pitch black and Kagome laying in bed staring at the ceiling.

Getting out of his clothes, Inuyasha sat on the bed saying, “Gramps’ll be fine. They have to take out his appendix or something. And he’ll be home in couple days.” Brushing her bangs away from her face, Inuyasha was surprised to see Kagome smiling. Staring curiously he was about to ask why she was smiling, but the young priestess said, “I know I picked up the phone just as you did, but you spoke first so I just listened.”

Chuckling, Inuyasha kissed her lips in a comforting way. Kissing back, Kagome pulled the half breed into her body. Laughing inwardly, Inuyasha crawled on top of his chosen before sliding his tongue into her mouth. Sucking on the muscle, Kagome breathed heavily when she felt Inuyashas hand begin rubbing her breast. Pushing him away Kagome asked, “We have the house to ourselves for once.”

Seeing the red creeping up her face, Inuyasha stared into her brown eyes and was surprised to see an aching of lust in them. Kissing her again he asked, “Are you sure? Once we do this there’s no going back.” Nibbling on his neck, Kagome placed his claw on one of her bare breasts. Growling deeply, Inuyasha pulled her away and kissed his way down her body

Shivering at his feather light kisses, Kagome let out a small moan of pleasure as she felt his cold breath on one of her nipples. Inuyasha smirked to himself as he took the little mound into his mouth and began sucking it lightly. Using hands, Inuyasha began massaging the other breast while his claw traced small lines down his chosens body.

Removing his mouth from her breast, Inuyasha placed a soft kiss on Kagomes lips before kissing his way back down her body. Stopping every now and then to test certain areas, Inuyasha paid special attention to her lower ribs, her stomach and her waist line. He loved the way she reacted each time he kissed or licked each spot.

His efforts became painfully clear, because in only a matter of minutes his nose was filled with the scent of her arousal. Reaching down he felt how damp she’d become from his caresses. Looking up at her he grinned savagely as he spread her legs apart and placed kisses along her inner thigh. Gasping loudly Kagome bit onto one of her knuckles as she felt the hanyous warm tongue lick her wet opening.

Lapping hungrily, Inuyasha was surprised at how sensitive his mate was down here. Sliding his tongue in, Inuyasha felt his muscle brush against a small little bump inside her opening. He knew this was a good thing because he felt Kagomes legs tighten around his head. Licking deeper, Inuyasha felt a small shudder pass through Kagomes body, followed closely by a small rush of liquid. Cleaning all the liquids off of her, Inuyasha sat up to see the result of his handy work. He felt proud at the sight of her glowing body. Leaning over her, he kissed her lips and laughed as she licked his lips clean of her essence.

Opening her eyes, she silently pleaded for Inuyasha to claim her. Getting up, Inuyasha removed his undergarments and turned around to reveal his erect member to her. Blushing out of embarrassment, Inuyasha climbed back into the bed, setting himself on top of her. Kissing her neck he asked, “Why are you embarrassed?” Massaging his back, Kagome rubbed her thigh against the surprisingly large member. Kissing his head she said, “I was expecting you to be big, but not that big.” Judging by her sight he was at least two inches above normal and a little bit thicker.

Parting her legs, Inuyasha rubbed the head of his member against her opening saying, “I promise if it hurts you I’ll stop.” Relaxing as best she could, Kagome bit down on her lower lip so hard she tasted blood as Inuyasha slid into her. It wasn’t as painful as she thought, Inuyasha was so gentle that she didn’t even feel a rip happen. When he was all the way in, Kagome had to stop herself from moving on her own.

Noticing her impatience, the hanyou slowly pulled out of her tight entrance and thrust back in gently. Hearing her panting, Inuyasha began to rock his hips against his mates, pulling out a bit more with each thrust. Grabbing the head board, Kagome moaned loudly as she felt Inuyashas claws lift her hips so he can thrust in deeper. Brushing the head of his cock against the roof of her pussy. Each time he hit the spot, he felt Kagomes crotch tighten around his member. Thrusting in harder, Inuyasha could hear her panting grow louder as he thrust into her. Pressing his lips against hers, the hanyou smiled inwardly as he felt her shudder against him, soaking him with her juices.

Feeling his own release arriving, Inuyasha thrusts into her hard for a few more minutes before giving a violent jerk as he came. Staying inside her for a few moments, Inuyasha brushed her sweat drenched hair out of her eyes smiling happily. Letting out her own satisfied sigh, Kagome tiredly asked, “Now what do we do?” Unsure of what to do, Inuyasha felt his mind grow blank. Feeling his sudden change, Kagome saw a heavy glaze grow over her loves eyes as he licked her neck for a few moments. Thinking he was being stupid, Kagome was about to say something when she felt his fangs pierce the flesh around her collarbone. Gasping loudly, Kagome felt Inuyashas tongue lick a little bit of blood from her neck.

A bit distraught, Kagome pushed Inuyasha away from her. Trying to shake him to his senses, Kagome could see his eyes were back to normal, the only problem was he looked sad at what had just happened. Pulling her into a hug he said, “I’m sorry about that. It was my demon side claiming you as mine.” Gingerly wrapping her arms around his body, Kagome kissed his shoulder and asked, “If I do it will it stop that from happening again?” Shrugging, Inuyasha pushed her away before bearing his shoulder to her saying, “Do it and we’ll see.”

Leaning in, Kagome carefully bit into Inuyashas collar bone. Feeling the blood rush into her mouth drank only a couple of drops before pulling back and placing a tissue on the cut. Laughing, Inuyasha pulled the paper product away to reveal the already healed wound. Falling to the mattress, the hanyou fell into a deep sleep with his face down in the mattress, while Kagome spent the whole night watching him with content smile on her face.

There ya chapter wedding later!

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