InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ What A Morning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Where the fuck is she, because I'm going to kick her ass?!" Inuyasha yelled as he walked into his hotel, that housed his gang.


"She's still in her room boss." The guy behind the desk said. Inuyasha was ready to do his job; he was wearing his work clothes, which contained black baggie pants, tight black top and a long black leather jacket.


Inuyasha walked over to him growling, "When did she come back in last night?"


"Around two this morning." The guy said backing up. "Sango said she went to a club when she left this morning."


"Let me get this straight." Inuyasha said trying to calm down, but failing miserable. "Sango let Kagome go to a club, by, her, self, and she didn't come back till two in the fucking morning?!"


The guy backed up to the wall nodding. When it came to Kagome Inuyasha would kill the messenger that told him she did something wrong or something was happening to her. Kagome was the only person he knew, in the gang that ever took on Inuyasha. She wasn't his girl so he was surprised she wasn't dead.


Inuyasha growled closing his eyes and sticking out his hand, "Give me the keys to her damn room. NOW!"


The guy put the key in his hand, and Inuyasha walked over to the stairs and started up them.


Inuyasha opened the door and closed the door quietly, and headed back to Kagome's room. He stood at the foot of her bed looking at her; she was in black baggie pants, and a black tube top. Kagome turned over on to her back and stretched as Inuyasha thought, "Should I nicely wake her up or scare her out of her mind?"


Inuyasha moved over to the side of her bed and smirked. Inuyasha got on the bed and sat on his knees over Kagome and leaned down, his white/silver hair falling over his shoulders, and whispered in her ear, "Kagome wake up you're late."


Kagome muttered in a half asleep state, "Inuyasha can wait I'm still tired."


Inuyasha smiled and licked her neck. "No I can't."


"What the hell?!" Kagome yelled waking up and going to sit up but she was pushed back on to the bed.


"You heard me I can't wait for you to sleep." Inuyasha growled looking at her. "Also mind telling me why you weren't in my office at noon when I told you to be?"


"I came in late and forgot to set my alarm." Kagome stated trying to push him off her.


"And what may I ask were you doing till two in the morning?" Inuyasha asked grabbing her hands and holding them above her head.


"Partying. It's not a crime." Kagome said trying to get her hands back.


"It is when in the morning you have to meet with me." Inuyasha said his lips dangerously close to hers.


"I break the rules of the city, might as well break yours." Kagome said trying to sink into the pillows to put some space between them.


"But I won't send you to jail I'll kick you out of the gang and into the river." Inuyasha said smirking. He would never do that to her, but she didn't need to know that.


"Give it up, and get out so I can get dressed and do whatever it is you want me to do." Kagome said moving around uncomfortable.


Inuyasha got off her and sat beside her. "Go on get ready."


"Get out." Kagome said pointing to the door.


"I don't have to do anything you say, I'm your boss. Now get up and get dressed." Inuyasha said smirking. "If you would have gotten to my office on time you wouldn't have to be supervised to make sure you move."


Kagome got off the bed and walked over to her closet and pulled out her clothes and walked towards the bathroom.


"Where do you think you're going?" Inuyasha said grinning at her.


"To get changed cuz I'm sure not getting changed in front of you." Kagome said turning around.


"Yes you are." Inuyasha got up and pulled her back into the room, "You either get dressed yourself or I can change you."


Kagome turned her back to him and removed her tube top and replaced it with another one only it said `bite me' she stepped into the closet and pulled on a button up top the covered her butt.


"Aww Kagome you're teasing me." Inuyasha chuckled.


Kagome turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him.


"Nice blush." Inuyasha smirked at her.


Kagome pulled off her pants and underwear and threw it in the closet and then pulled on another pair then some baggie blue jeans. "Baka."


"Well stop going out late when you got to talk to your boss in the morning." Inuyasha said standing up and walking out the door with Kagome behind him.


"I'm not five; I can do whatever I want." Kagome said locking the door behind her


When she turned around Inuyasha slammed his hands on either side of her head saying, "I let you get away with to much around here. I should make you work harder for your keep."


"I work harder then half your gang put together." Kagome growled at him.


Inuyasha smirked saying, "Now that you're railed up we can get to work."


He liked getting under her skin, and she liked to get under his, they couldn't get through one day without getting in a fight, which would explain why the next thing that came out of her mouth did, "You've lost your touch. You haven't insulted me, are you feeling ok, did I punch you too hard yesterday, I told you to get a cat-scan."


"You have some kind of death wench." Inuyasha said dropping his hands down to his side.


"You know it." Kagome smirked. "So who, where, when, why, and do I get to kill some one?"


Inuyasha turned and started walking down the hall with Kagome beside him. "Hintan, and Mentan, their privet hide out, now, because they are closing in on my territory, and most likely, unless everyone in there drops dead before we get there."


"Anyone else coming?" Kagome asked as they walked outside the hotel and across the street to a warehouse.


"Sango and Miroku, by now you should know even though you and I are the best at this we never go on a mission with out at least one other person, so start asking who's coming with us would you." Inuyasha said as they stopped in front of the door in the ally to the warehouse knocking. "Leeko lets us in now."


The door opened and they walked into an oversized game room with a bar. About half of the gang was in there lounging. They walked through nodding at anyone who said hi, and into the garage and up to Sango and Miroku who were gearing up.


"Hey, Sango thanks for the wake-up call." Kagome said sarcastically as she took of the button up top and put on a holster and put a hand gun in the side, her sword in the sheath on her back.


"I tried you threw a pillow at me threatening to throw something sharper next time." Sango chuckled grabbing her helmet and sitting on her motorcycle.


Inuyasha threw Kagome her helmet sick of listening to them. He had been prepared for this since twelve in the morning seeing as he didn't need sleep being a hanyou. "Get on you bike and let's go."


"But they have such interesting conversations." Miroku chuckled from his bike as he put on his helmet.


Inuyasha flipped him off seeing as he had already put his on. He opened the garage door type thing and they took off.