InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Their Job ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sango and Miroku were taking care of all the bodyguards while Kagome and Inuyasha were taking on Hinten and Manten.


"You got some bitch there Inuyasha." Hinten said as he went to punch Inuyasha.


"Keep your mind on the fight at hand not her." Inuyasha said dodging his punch and taking a chance to see if Kagome was ok. She was, her button up top had claw marks in the back, but by the looks of it she had the upper hand, so Inuyasha went back to fighting.


Kagome started backing Manten into the wall, his sword across the room were it had fallen.


"Come on Kagome you should join my brothers gang it would benefit you more." Manten said his hands in the air hoping he would be spared.


"No way would I join this fucking gang." Kagome said as she stopped moving as Manten back completely into the wall.


"What a shame." Manten said as he charged her. Kagome readied her sword and ran at him, but when they were about a foot away from Kagome's sword going threw him he jumped above her and over to his sword. "You would have had a long life."


"Shit." Kagome said as she put up a shield with her what little miko powers she had. It saved her and she let it down and saw Manten running at her with his sword pointing at her. She caught his sword with hers and he stumbled back a little as did she. "I'm surprised you can fight, but then again I guess your face had to get that way somehow." Kagome said smirking.


"You should watch you mouth." Manten said as he ran at her. He managed to send Kagome's sword across the room, but at the coast of his because his was not two feet away from hers.


Kagome pulled out her hand gun and shot his hand as he went to slash her shoulder. One shot was all she got out of it seeing as instead of her shoulder her got the front of the gun. "Damn." Kagome said to her self as she ran for her sword dodging a bolt of lightning form Inuyasha and Hiten's fight.


"Damn." Inuyasha said as he noticed Kagome's current position. He was going to have to finish Hinten off fast and help Kagome.


"What happened to keeping your mind on the fight?" Hinten chuckled as he came at Inuyasha. "Or are you afraid your bitch won't be around to fuck later."


Kagome almost got to the swords when Manten came down on her shoulder. Kagome fell and rolled away avoiding being landed on. The wound was deep but she would have to take care of it later. Kagome got up just in time to get away from Manten finishing her off.


"You were so ready to fight in the beginning. Now you're running away." Manten said as she got her sword and turned around just in time to keep his sword from coming down on her. "Everyone dies sometime. Your time just happens to be now."


Kagome's eyes widened when he dropped his sword and grabbed her around the neck. He grabbed her sword away from her and dropped it on the ground. Kagome's hands shot to her throat when he lifted her off the ground.


"Brother!" Hinten yelled as Inuyasha ran his hand threw his stomach. Manten dropped Kagome and turned to his brother just in time to see Inuyasha grab his head and turn it so far to the side to break his neck and then turn back to him his eye's blood red with blue pupils. Manten went to run away when Inuyasha got to him in a second and shred him to pieces with his claws.


Kagome looked up at him her hand on her shoulder, and started to back away. "Stay." Inuyasha growled at her as he bent down to her.


"Kagome!" Sango yelled. She went to run after her but Inuyasha turned around growling at her and Miroku pulled her back.


This had happened only once before with Kagome around, and it was because she was hurt and so was he. Sesshomaru had knocked him out, but Sesshomaru was with Rin on their honeymoon, so Kagome didn't know what to do. Inuyasha removed her hand from her shoulder and her button up top. The wound was deep and she was still losing a lot of blood. Inuyasha picked her up and walked passed Miroku and Sango without a sideways glance.


"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked attentively.


"What?" He growled at her.


"Where are you taking me?" Kagome said tears running down her face from the pain.


"Don't ask such stupid questions bitch, I'm taking you home." Inuyasha said as he jumped in the air.


Kagome avoided asking more questions and just sat there and thought, "He's still transformed so his thinking is somewhat primal and he's probably more prone to being ticked off. I just don't know what to do….I don't know what to do in this situation….I got to stay awake….but I've lost so much blood…….Sesshomaru said to try and calm him as much as possible and to listen to him….." Kagome stayed as much awake as she could but rational thinking was a no go at the time.


~With Sango and Miroku~


"Get us a cleanup crew down here, three people to take our bikes back, and anyone that sees Inuyasha stay away from him! Everyone in fact is to get out of the hang out now and go home!" Miroku yelled into his phone to make sure that the person on the other line got the message. He hung up the phone and turned back to Sango who was packing Inuyasha's sword onto the back of his bike. "Sango, Kagome is fine."


"I know Inuyasha wouldn't hurt her, but Kagome's probably scared and will probably set him off, and Inuyasha wouldn't be able to control himself." Sango said as Miroku got on his bike, and she got on behind him.


"She'll be fine Inuyasha took her to take care of her not hurt her more."


~back with Inuyasha and Kagome~


When Inuyasha got the club in order to avoid upsetting Kagome he jumped up to his window witch had a small balcony and went inside his room, shutting the window behind him. He laid her down on the bed then took off his jacket.


Kagome manage to sit up and look around. She was in his room so any hope of Sango coming home and doing something was out. Inuyasha growled at her saying, "Stop being so afraid." Kagome glared at him and he smirked at her his red eye's flashing. Inuyasha went and sat behind her pulling her into his lap. Kagome tried to get away but just ended up hurting herself. Inuyasha positioned Kagome so she was sitting facing him straddling his waist. The bleeding had slowed down a little and she would be fine he couldn't smell death or sickness on her so she would be ok. He leaned down and licked the wounds.


"Inuyasha….I'm tired." Kagome yawned. Inuyasha pulled her close and laid back.


She was a pain he couldn't remember that well why at the moment, but he knew she was. Right at the moment she needed him and no one and he meant no one was going to come near her with the intention of taking her away. Inuyasha growled at the thought and suddenly stopped when Kagome whimpered. "Damn." He said as he rubbed her back hopping to calm her down. Once Kagome calmed down Inuyasha slowly fell asleep.