InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Kagome's Pain and Inuyasha Blame ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome woke up to Inuyasha being in front of her. Remembering last night she slowly backed away ignoring the stinging sensation in her arm and stopped when Inuyasha opened his eyes. They were gold again, so everything was back to normal. Inuyasha pulled her back growling at her, "What the hell were you thinking last night when you didn't call for my help?"


"That I could handle myself." Kagome said trying to get away. Yeah things were defiantly back to normal he was growling at her asking her dumb questions.


"Bitch, what have I told you about things like that?" Inuyasha growled pushing her over and straddling her stomach.


"Carry more then one weapon, and that's why I should bring my own weapon and not one I got two weeks ago." Kagome said with a smirk.


Inuyasha nipped at her throat. "Wrong answer."


"Take care of it yourself and don't bother you." Kagome said still playing her way.


Inuyasha was not in the mood this morning for her being a smart ass, so he did what he knew would work in getting his way, he kissed her roughly, intentionally robbing her of any rational thinking. "Wrong, you ask for my help."


Kagome knew he did that on purpose, he knew she couldn't think straight now, "Damn you." Kagome breathed out.


"You're still hurt so you're staying here." Inuyasha said getting up and picking his jacket up and putting it back on. "I'm going to go tell Sango that everything's fine and you'll be back in your apartment tomorrow."


"Tomorrow? Why?" Kagome said not really able to think properly as to yell at him.


"Because I need to reopen that wound and get whatever the hell kind of poison that is out of you." Inuyasha said walking out the door.


Kagome got up and followed him to the living room and to the front door. "When hell freezes over you will!"


"It must be pretty damn cold in hell!" Inuyasha said closing the door.


Kagome heard a click which meant that she was locked in Inuyasha's apartment till he came back. Inuyasha was a technology freak when it came to something's but the stereo and the T.V. were awesome. Seeing as she wasn't going any where anytime soon she might as well watch some T.V.


Inuyasha headed down stairs listening to all the noise downstairs apparently Sango and Miroku were trying to get the gang to shut up and except the fact that they were in charge for the moment.


"He changed because of Kagome again, huh? What is it with him and that bitch anyway?" someone yelled out.


Inuyasha didn't like the fact that the idiot was talking about Kagome when she wasn't around to kick the dude's ass, but he wouldn't show that. They weren't anything he just liked to get under her skin. She never knew her place so he'd show it to her. Inuyasha took out his gun and shot the ceiling. "Listen up everyone, and shut the hell up."


Everyone turned to Inuyasha their eyes on him ready to do what he told them to. "Now that I got your attention, yes I did change last night, but it was because I was hurt. Kagome happen to be hurt and in the same situation as me so I guess my demon took her to, so know that that's done. I'm going to be helping Kags heal so we don't loose our best assassin, so Miroku is in charge, and Sango is second hand. Piss either of them off and they will hog-tie your ass, and leave you in the storage room till I deal with you, because kami knows I'm going to need a punching bag after dealing with Kagome." Inuyasha looked around to see everyone nod knowing after a day in the same room with Kagome he'd be ready to kill the first person that made him mad.


"Yes sir!" everyone chorused. After they did so Inuyasha turned and walked back upstairs. He was A: going to hog-tie Kagome when she was healed and keep her in his office for a few days, or B: go to the nearest club and get drunk. Defiantly A. Inuyasha thought when he got to the door. He could smell blood…Inuyasha threw open the door and ran in to see Kagome grabbing her shoulder, her nails digging into her flesh. Her eyes were glowing bright blue.


"Damnit." Inuyasha said as he ran and tackled her. Her flesh was fire to his, her miko powers were over loading. He straddled her waist taking her hand from shoulder and replacing it with his own. He dug his claws threw her shoulder, she screamed trying to get him to get off of her. "Kagome calm down." Inuyasha growled at her, she was burning him, although she probably didn't realize it. Her wound was bleeding fast that was a good sign. There wasn't too much poison in her. "Kagome stop right now!" He yelled at her. He was just trying to get her to listen to him, not that he expected too much from her.


Kagome couldn't feel anything but the immense pain in her shoulder. It was spreading threw her body, and she was starting to feel numb to anything but the pain. She could tell Inuyasha was there she just couldn't keep her powers down. It was too much for her. "It hurts so much…." Kagome whimpered.


"Kagome you're stronger then this, calm down." He was still growling at her, because of the pain but he wouldn't let her go he wouldn't abandon her for her to destroy herself. "Get a hold of yourself. Keep it under control. You're strong Kags, don't let this happen." She wasn't getting this. He didn't want to, but he was going to have to start a rant of things that could happen. It could break her down for a while, but she was a danger to everyone, including herself. Inuyasha growled looking her in the eyes, "Kagome if you don't stop this you could kill yourself, the pain isn't wroth it, you could kill Sango, Miroku, and the whole gang. Kagome, you're brother is down there with Kohaku, and Shippo, what about them?" Inuyasha could feel her power going down. She had tears going down her face. "Kagome you can't do this to me! You can't do this to yourself!" Her power completely stopped, she was crying threw out this, not because of them pain, but because what she might have done to everyone she cared for.


"Inuyasha, I'm so sorry." Kagome whimpered looking away from him. "It just hurt so much. I couldn't stand it any longer."


"It's ok Kagome. Just clam down, it wasn't your fault." Inuyasha said as he put one arm around her waist, and one around her upper back, and turned over so she was lying on his chest. Inuyasha rubbed her back thinking, It's my fault she's in this gang…it's my fault she brought her brother.


At the time he thought it was the right thing to do. They on some level knew each other, she help him, Sango and Miroku out a few times. Back then she was the kind of girl that people halfway around the globe would gasp if she cursed. He's the reason she changed, she defended their honor, and got hurt for it. Her dad was an alcoholic, and her mother was too scared to tell her husband to stop. The first time he hit Kagome Inuyasha was there, and he almost took his head off. A few weeks later Souta was sporting a bruise and she was with him on his doorstep saying she didn't want to take it anymore. She was only six-teen then, and Souta was four-teen. It's been four years since then. If it wasn't for him her dad wouldn't have hit her, or for that matter probably Souta. She stood up for him and she had to leave to get away from her dad, because of it all.


"Inuyasha…next time don't let it go that far…just…" Kagome heard him growl and stopped for a second.


Before she could go on Inuyasha said, "No I won't do that Kagome. I'll never."


"But I couldn't have…" Kagome sobbed.


"I don't care." Inuyasha replied with a low growl. "I would be lying if I told you I would. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't my fault."