InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Souta ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Souta I'm sure Kagome's fine…” Kohaku said looking to his friend sitting in front of one of the many computer's in the room.
“Yeah Inuyasha wouldn't let her get too hurt unless he did it himself.” Shippo said from the in front of another computer. Shippo was the youngest at seven-teen, Kohaku and Souta were both the same age but Kohaku was older by two months. “So all's well for Kagome, she's in good hands.”
“I know but I didn't get a chance to see her, to make sure, and Inuyasha has this thing about people and his room.” Souta said as he threw a plush ball to Shippo.
“Yeah I haven't even seen the inside of his room. I think the only person, other then Inuyasha, who has seen it, is Kagome.” Kohaku said as the ball came to him, and he threw it to Souta.
“I haven't even seen the door to his room.” Shippo said as the ball came his way.
“I'm not surprised, and it's probably for the best, some dude in the gang, I forget who, when I was about twelve got thrown down the stairs because he wouldn't stop knocking on the door. Of course I think that wasn't one of his best days.” Kohaku said missing the ball being thrown, and was hit in the head.
“When does that man have a good day may I ask?” Shippo said turning around and shutting down his computer.
“When he's at the club with Souta's sister, and they dance for the whole time we're there.” Kohaku said turning off his and walked out the door.
“How hard did Shippo hit you with that ball, because I've never seen them in the same room with out fighting, each other or anyone else for that matter.” Souta said as they walked over to Miroku and Sango who were playing pool.
“They've been in a room without fighting. They were in a club.” Miroku said with a smile.
“I've seen them fight while they dance, and only God knows how they do that.” Sango said with a sigh.
“Yeah my sister and Inuyasha need help.” Souta said looking in the direction of Inuyasha's room.
“Eight-ball corner pocket.” Miroku said pointing to the one nearest Sango.
“Don't worry Souta she's fine, Inuyasha would have told us, and especially you Souta she's your sister.” Sango said with a smile, as Miroku hit the eight-ball in the wrong pocket.
“Yeah I know but when it comes to those two, they might come down with more bruises then when they went up.” Souta said taking a seat on a stool next to a table.
“Nah Inuyasha will wait till she's better then probably tie her up in his office till he gets a headache.” Shippo said directing Sango's and Miroku's attention to Kouga who was walking over to the stairs to Inuyasha's room.
“Sango, can you deal with him?” Miroku said as he headed over to the bar to stop a fight that was starting.
Sango ran over grabbing the back of Kouga's shirt, “Where the fuck do you think you're going?”
“I left one of my weapons in Inuyasha's office.” Kouga said pointing upstairs. “I was going to steer clear of his room.”
“Sure and I'm a law abiding citizen.” Sango said walking up before him. “I'll get you're damned weapon.” A few seconds later Sango threw Kouga's gun down the stairs hitting him in the head. “There you go!” Sango then walked over to Inuyasha's room and knocked.
Inside Inuyasha woke up, and moved Kagome off his chest and got the door saying, “Sango this better be good.”
“It is.” Sango said looking at her friend and boss, who looked both tired and unhappy. “Souta's worried about his sister.”
“The runt should know I wouldn't let anything happen to her.” Inuyasha said running his claws threw his hair instead of looking for a brush.
“Ya can't blame the kid though. All you and Kags do is fight, and he came here when he was fourteen, from all that he and Kagome had to deal with.” Sango sighed.
Inuyasha stepped out the room and closed the door behind him saying, “Yeah I know. Tell the runt to get up here to my office I'm gon'na tell him something.” Inuyasha said walking across the hallway and into his office.
Souta came in a few seconds later saying, “Yeah Yash you need something?”
“Yeah, don't be worried about your sis she'll be fine, she'll be back in her own room back to her loud self tomorrow considering I don't tie her up, runt.” Inuyasha said from his desk leaning back in his leather chair.
“Yeah I know I'm more worried about you two trying to kill each other.” Souta said taking a seat in front of his desk thinking, he still calls me runt…that needs to stop.
“I'd never kill her, tie her up yes.” Inuyasha said with a smirk thinking, and ware her out in a couple of ways that Kago would yell at me for telling you…and for a different reason to. “But yeah anyway Souta don't worry about me and Kags fighting it's not like we're mates yet.”
“Yet, huh?” Souta asked with a grin.
“I didn't say yet…” Inuyasha said almost falling out of his chair. “I said it's not like we're mates! Get out of here, go steal something or hack in to someone's computer!” Inuyasha yelled standing up and pointing to the door.
“Yeah no problem Yash, and feel free to do what you want with my sister.” Souta said as he walked out of his office.
“Souta shut your mouth!” Kagome yelled at him.
“Kagome what are you doing?!” Inuyasha yelled at her as he grabbed her hand and pulled back into his room.
“Walking around, or is that against one of The Great Inuyasha's laws?” Kagome said mockingly.
“For you right now yes.” Inuyasha said closing the door and going over to his small kitchen and grabbing two sodas.