InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ What are We? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome looked at Inuyasha threw the side of her eye and said, “Can I please go down stairs and do something.”
“No for the fifteenth time…” Inuyasha growled turning off the T.V.
“But I feel better, please Inuyasha.” Kagome pleaded sitting on her knee's facing him.
“Do you know you're acting like you're five?” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “It's very unbecoming for an assassin in my gang. So show some self control and be bored for a while.” Inuyasha said standing up and going into his room.
“Inuyasha where's the remote?” Kagome asked as she looked under all the pillows on the couch.
“I don't know.” Inuyasha said coming back out.
Kagome got up and walked over to him and looked him up and down, “Talk about acting like you're five.”
“Well that's what you get.” Inuyasha said leading her across the hall to his office. “I guess we can spar for a while.”
“You, me spar?” Kagome said with a smile. “Ok.”
“Inuyasha! Kagome! We have problems!” Sango yelled running up the stairs with her giant boomerang.
“Kagome get your sword, and be careful down there.” Inuyasha said as Kagome ran back into his room. “What's wrong down there?”
“Naraku's trying to get in here.” Sango said as a loud crash sounded from downstairs.
Kagome came out with her sword saying, “Correction is here.”
Inuyasha pulled out his sword from the sheath on his back. “Well let's go.”
They all ran downstairs, and started killing anything they didn't know. It wasn't looking to good for either side after about an hour, everyone was injured in someway and about half from each side were dead.
Kagome looked around as she came back down the stairs from killing two demons who were trying to get into Inuyasha's office. Sango and Miroku were fighting together, and Inuyasha, “Damn…” Kagome muttered, Inuyasha was in his demon form, and he was fighting Naraku, who looked ready to loose it himself.
Naraku's head snapped in here direction and he momentarily disappeared reappearing in front of her. “Hi there pretty little bitch.” He cooed as he picked her up by the back her neck and turned around to bring Kagome face to face with a Inuyasha who now had blood red eyes. Kagome's eyes were watering from the pain she chocked back a sob when Naraku started talking to Inuyasha, “I think she a real pretty bitch, how about you Inuyasha, I think I'll keep her.”
Inuyasha growled louder, “No one touches what's mine.”
Naraku brought Kagome roughly back to him in a hug, “Inuyasha there's no mark besides your sent all over her, but sent isn't permanent just sickening.” Naraku grinned as he tapped his fingers on Kagome's stomach. “Just too much to bare, I like the smell of blood better.” With that Naraku dug his claws into Kagome's stomach and the dropped her as he disappeared in smoke.
Inuyasha caught her before she it the ground he growled at her, “Kagome wake up.” She wouldn't move though. All the demons from Naraku's gang were gone and everyone from his gang was dead or close to it, two of them were checking it out. “Kagome.” She was his not officially, but she knew and everyone respected it, so she would listen to him, she had to, and she would make some move. “Kagome wake up now.” He growled and shook her a little. “Kago listen to me wake up now.” He nuzzled her cheek and licked her lips.
Kagome moved her head towards him, and parted her lips slightly, her eyes flickered open for a second.
“Kagome come on.” Inuyasha said as calmly as he could. He rapped his arms around her more securely and nipped at her throat.
“Inuyasha…I'm sorry…” Kagome said as best she could, then laughed a little but only hurt herself. “I really messed up…”
“Shut up.” Inuyasha growled at her.
“Inuyasha we called Sesshomaru he's on his way back a day early.” Sango said from behind him. “He said to move everyone to the mansion.”
“Fine…” Inuyasha said turning his head to the side to acknowledge her. “Lode everyone into the vans you two drive…it should only take two vans.”
“Where are Souta and the other boys?” Kagome chocked.
“They went out after Inuyasha talked to Souta I called they're heading to the mansion.” Miroku said as Sango moved closer to him.
“Sango I'm fine my eyes just haven't changed.” Inuyasha said standing up with Kagome in his arms. “I'll take my car.”
“Yeah Kagome.” Inuyasha said looking down at her.
“What are we?” Kagome asked shivering when he walked into the garage.
“I'll tell you later.” Inuyasha said putting her feet on the ground, but still leaning all her wait on him as he unlocked the passenger side door.
“But I need to know.” Kagome said as he put her inside.
“And you will, just not now.” Inuyasha said as he put her seat so it was leaning back a little.
“Are we friends?” Kagome asked when he got in the drivers seat. “Or are we more?”
“More.” Inuyasha said as he pulled out.
“What?” Kagome asked looking at him as his eye's faded back to gold.
“I'll tell you later, I promise.” Inuyasha said looking at her quickly threw the side of his eye.
“What if later never comes?” Kagome asked looking out the window.
“It will don't worry.” Inuyasha said as she fell asleep.