InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Something's Up ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha held Kagome close to him when she cuddled against him. It was really early, but he couldn't sleep anymore. He didn't know why but he just couldn't. The house was quiet so it couldn't have been that someone was moving around, but something was keeping him awake.
Kagome yawned opening her eyes slightly smiling lazily at him, “Hey Inuyasha…”
“Morning Kago.” Inuyasha said kissing her forehead. “Why are you up?”
“I don't know.” Kagome said shrugging slightly. “Just felt like I needed to wake up. Nothing to worry about.”
“How do you feel?” Inuyasha said looking down at her.
“Really good.” Kagome's smile could have melted ice, or so Inuyasha thought.
Maybe…just maybe, nothing definite, Sesshomaru was right about telling Kagome. He did feel on top of the world with her here, now that she knew. She hadn't really said yes yet, but somehow he knew she accepted what he had told her. Inuyasha nodded as he let go of her and sat up. “Wonder if anyone else is up?”
Kagome sat up and then got up and followed Inuyasha out the door.
After checking the house everything seemed normal enough with the exception that everyone was still sleeping. Most of the occupants in the house were demon, and didn't need sleep; there was never a time when some one wasn't awake.
“Something's wrong Inuyasha…” Kagome said as she quickly walked back into the living room, almost running.
“What?” Inuyasha said looking at her as she pulled him off the couch, though if he didn't want to be moved he wouldn't have moved.
“Ketsui's on the ground and he's not walking waking up.” Kagome said as she pulled him into the kitchen. “And he's breathing…” Kagome added before Inuyasha jumped to any conclusions.
“Kagome calm down Ketsui's probably just a heavy sleeper.” Inuyasha said doubting himself; even he knew that it sounded incredibly stupid demons barely slept, like hell were they heavy sleepers.
“He left his soda on the counter and his snack…” Kagome said pointing to an opened can of soda and a bag of chips.
“Then why is he the only one not in bed?” Inuyasha asked as he nudged Ketsui with his foot like Ketsui was a odd object that Inuyasha wasn't sure he wanted to pick up.
Kagome stood there in deep thought for a while. “Well I couldn't see him when I walked in could you?”
“No…” Inuyasha said eyeing Kagome suspiciously, wondering what she was getting at, but then it clicked, “You watch too many cop dramas”
“What can I say? I'm a very sad person but you want me anyway.” Kagome said with a grin before it dropped and hopped from foot to foot in a disgusted way whining, “I'm starting to sound like you! You've corrupted my mind!”
“Yes, yes I have.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “And I'm so very happy to know that I have gotten into your head.”
Kagome settled down and looked around for that sign that says you've found what you've been looking for. Then she looked at Inuyasha her vision ending up on his ears then she smirked a very Inu-ish smirk as he eyes landed on his nose, “Does anything smell off to you?”
“What am I your canine unit?” Inuyasha said as he looked at her like she had asked him to do a back flip for a Scooby snack.
Kagome smiled widely and said, “yup” in a very childish way.
Inuyasha glared at her before scenting the air for anything out of place that he didn't notice. “There's nothing out of the norm in the air oh childish one.”
“I'll let that slide…” Kagome said glaring at him, “But I can't believe that not one person, besides us, is awake.” Kagome said shaking her head. “That and some one had to come in here and put everyone in bed.”
“And in the right bed too.” Inuyasha said shaking his head. “Everyone's here, so we can rule out the whole house…and the only one who's left is Kouga but he's dead…”
“Who could have done this though?” Kagome said looking around. “No one would know where everyone sleeps and the new recruits where all in the right rooms, right?”
“Yeah they were in the right spots.” Inuyasha said as he sat on the counter next to the soda and chips. “Maybe we should call Kaede, maybe she could help us out.”
“Maybe…You work on getting Kaede here, and I'll go to Sesshomaru's office and try to find a book that could help us out, god knows he has enough of them on the subject of magic and spells.” Kagome said as she headed out of the room.