InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Kikyo ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry for the delay, but my computer completely stopped working on me, and I just got it back a few days ago, and I've been trying to get it back to normal, I had to get everything of mine off mediaminer and what I save on my e-mail on yahoo. For everyone who reads my other stories, you'll be happy to know that over the next few days I'll be updating my other fanfictions.
“Kagome you ok?” Inuyasha asked as they drove down the street at top speed.
“I'm fine.” Kagome said as she jumped back up front in loose fitting jeans and a tank top. “Thank god we put extra clothes in the back just in case.”
“Yeah other wise you'd be screwed.” Inuyasha said taking a sharp right down a nearly empty rode.
“Thank you.” Kagome said sarcastically. “This is not how I thought we would end our date.”
“Well I didn't think that Kikyo would come after us, because she saw us in a restaurant.” Inuyasha said as he swerved in and out of cars.
“What did you ever see in her?” Kagome said as he turned down a dirt rode that was for the construction site down the way, but no one was around.
“I don't know ok.” Inuyasha said as Kikyo started shooting at them. “I was being stupid; it was before I met you.”
“How does a woman like her make friends willing to drive as she shoots at an ex-boyfriend?!” Kagome yelled at him as she shot back after putting the top down. “Thank god for this convertible.”
“God is screwing us over, thank me!” Inuyasha said as he turned and went at them.
“Warn me next time!” Kagome yelled at him as she threw the gun in the back seat and started throwing miko energy at them.
“Stop or go by?!”
“Stop!” Kagome said when Kikyo's friend stopped in front of them.
“Kago be careful.” Inuyasha said as they jumped out of the car and advanced on Kikyo and her friend who turned out to be some male fire demon they didn't know.
“No problem.” Kagome said in a low tone.
“Inuyasha what are you doing with this slut?” Kikyo said as she glared at Kagome.
“Don't call her that.” Inuyasha growled. “The only slut here is you.”
“You said that you loved me.” Kikyo said sadly.
“I don't.” Inuyasha said as he caught the look Kagome had for a second, a look he never wanted to see again. It looked like her heart had been crushed.
Kikyo's gaze turned on Kagome. “Oh, do you love him? Is that why you're so hurt by this.” Kikyo didn't give Kagome time to answer as she started to throw balls of energy at the girl. “You can't have him!”
“Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled as he pulled her out of the way.
Kagome pulled away from him and went after Kikyo yelling at her, “That's not your choice!”
Inuyasha went to go after Kagome and stop her, but the fire demon got in front of him and said, “This is their fight.”
“Like hell!” Inuyasha growled as he punched at the fire demon.
Kagome threw up her shield as Kikyo threw another energy ball at her, and then started throwing her own.
“You stupid little girl, you don't deserve him!” Kikyo yelled at her as the both let out strong blasts of energy, and tried to over come the other.
“You sure as hell don't!” Kagome growled at her.
“He told me that he loved me, has he even told you he likes you?” Kikyo asked a cold smile on her face.
“He said he doesn't love you!” Kagome yelled sending making the power she was directing at Kikyo increase.
“That's because you've corrupted his mind.” Kikyo said keeping calm.
“I did no such thing!” Kagome said shaking her head.
“Don't lie!” Kikyo yelled increasing her power, pushing Kagome back a few feet. “You aren't even fully trained, how do you know you're not doing it without thinking about it?”
“I'm not!” Kagome said sliding back another foot, her mind clouding with self-doubt. “I'm not doing anything to him!”
“I heard you killed someone, you lost control and killed him.” Kikyo said with grin. “Did you like it? If you did, it's only a matter of time before your powers turn dark.”
“No I'm not like that!” Kagome said as she lost nearly all of her concentration, the little she had left was just barely keeping her from being blown away, but she kept sliding back as Kikyo walked towards her.
“Admit it; you welcomed that dark surge of energy.” Kikyo demanded.
Kagome felt someone wrap their arms around her as she said, “No, I didn't mean to kill him, Kouga was trying to take me from Inuyasha!”
“Calm down Kagome…” Inuyasha said rubbing his cheek to hers. “Concentrate and blow her away.”
“Inuyasha…” Kagome breathed. What he said had blocked out what Kikyo tried to tell her at the same time.
“Come on, I know I helped teach you better then this, Kagome.” Inuyasha said as Kagome's power started to increase again. “You know I care about you. More then anyone, I care about you more then anyone. I still have to tell you what we are, and what you mean to me.”
“Inuyasha I'm not as strong as her.” Kagome panted as her power reached it's full. Kikyo was barely breaking a sweat by the looks of it, and didn't look like she was going to loose any power anytime soon.
“Don't say that, it's not true.” Inuyasha growled in her ear as he tightened his grip on her, making sure she was securely against his body. “You're stronger then her, you have me.”
“You know he just feels sorry for you!” Kikyo yelled her energy spiking.
“Not true Kagome.” Inuyasha said before he kissed her cheek. “You know I don't feel sorry for you, I'm incapable of it.” He noticed her power was wavering and nipped her ear. “Kagome don't you dare give up on yourself. How do you expect me to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself? I've already taught you this! Kagome you want to know what we are, we're mates. My mate is strong, so prove me right, and be strong!”
Kagome and Inuyasha could feel power pulsing through them. It was amazing; it was like they were one person. Like no one could touch them, like they could beat anything.
Kikyo was pushed back a few feet before she got hit with the power. She lay on the ground a purple cloud of smoke covered her and disappeared with her.
Kagome stopped using her power and she and Inuyasha struggled to stay standing. “Inuyasha…did you mean that?”
“Yes I meant every word.” Inuyasha said as he and Kagome made it over to his car. “I wouldn't lie about that.”
Kagome smiled at him as he sat down and pulled her into his lap. “What happened back there? That wasn't all me.”
“It was me. My power went into you somehow.” Inuyasha said as he dialed his car phone. “Hey Sesshomaru, we need a ride back.”
“Are you drunk?” Sesshomaru questioned him from the other line.
“No, we were just in a battle.” Inuyasha said as he ran his fingers through Kagome's hair.
“You didn't take your sword, did you?” Sesshomaru growled.
“Yes as a matter of fact I did. It is currently in its sheath tied to my belt.” Inuyasha said arrogantly.
“Then what the hell happened?!”
“I'll tell you in the morning, right now we need someone to come get us, and I need them to bring someone to take home my car, and I need someone to come and take a fire demon to a hospital along with said fire demon's car.” Inuyasha said as Kagome yawned.
“You can't go anywhere without injuring someone, huh?” Sesshomaru growled.
“No he can't!” Sesshomaru heard Kagome comment.
“Tell Kagome I thank her for agreeing with me, and I'll be right there along with some other people.” Sesshomaru said before hanging up.
Inuyasha hung up before smiling down at Kagome who was barely awake. “Kagome you can go to sleep, I'll watch after you.”
Kagome yawned before asking, “Will you be there in the morning?”
“Of course I will Kagome.” Inuyasha said with a content smile. “I'll be there in the morning for you.