InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ The Beginning of the Night ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I'm so tired…” Kagome whined as she crawled onto her bed. It was one in the morning and they had been running drills for the last hour with the new recruits.
“You're worse then the recruits.” Inuyasha said as he walked over to the bed and leaned over her kissing her cheek.
“I'm allowed to be.” Kagome said as she looked at Inuyasha. “I'm already in.”
“I guess so.” Inuyasha said as he hugged her. “Well get some rest.”
“Night.” Kagome said hugging him back and kissing him on the cheek.
“Night, Kagome.” Inuyasha said before kissing her forehead and letting her go. “Me, you, Sango, and Miroku are going to go check and see it the hang out and the hotel are ok tomorrow.”
“Ok.” Kagome said as she moved under the covers. “I'll see you in the morning.”
“See ya in the morning.” Inuyasha said before closing the door.
“A lot has happened lately brother. You should sleep.” Sesshomaru said when Inuyasha came into the training room.
“Can't.” Inuyasha said as he took out a punching bag and started working on it.
“Have you even tried?” Sesshomaru asked looking at him as he put his sword away.
“No, but I know that I'm not sleeping tonight.” Inuyasha said shaking his head.
“Not that I care about your health or anything, but you should either make that girl your mate, or curl up and die.” Sesshomaru said as he walked for the door.
“What does my health have to do with it?” Inuyasha asked as he stopped the punching back from swinging.
Sesshomaru grinned back at his brother, “Everything. She holds you in the palm of her hand and doesn't know it. If she rejected you, I really don't think you'd be strong enough to take it. I wasn't as bad as you when it came to Rin, sure I was sure that I would die if she said no, but you're just killing yourself over Kagome.”
“I am not.” Inuyasha mumbled as he punched the punching bag.
“I'm sure she'll catch on sooner or later, but move it along before I decide to tell her, and embellish a bit.” Sesshomaru said before leaving the room.
“The hell he'll tell her anything.” Inuyasha said as he put the punching bag away. Maybe I'll just try and sleep a little... Inuyasha thought as he walked out of the training room and headed back up stairs.
“Well looks like everything's fine.” Miroku said as he looked around at everybody.
“Everything was fine in my area.” Kagome said with a nod.
“Mine too.” Sango said nodding.
“Yeah, nothing.” Inuyasha said as he looked around. “And as far as I can tell, no one's been in since we cleaned the place up.”
“So we'll move everybody back in, and then clean out the rooms…” Miroku said looking around.
“Yeah…” Inuyasha said as he started for the door. “We'll get started tomorrow on that.”
They all nodded and followed after him.
“Let's have the clean up crews do that, and send everything to the families.” Sango said as they headed for the car. “I don't think we should subject everyone else to that.”
“Yeah, I don't know how most of us made it through cleaning the place.” Kagome said as she sat in the back with Sango.
“That's what we'll do then.” Inuyasha said from the passenger seat, as Miroku started the car. “I'll have Sesshomaru call them; they'll probably be done late tomorrow afternoon.”
“What should we do tonight?” Miroku asked as they went down the street.
“Me and Kagome have plans…” Inuyasha said looking out the window. “You and Sango are on your own.”
“We have plans?” Kagome asked sitting up and looking around his seat at him.
Inuyasha looked over at her and said, “Yeah, if ya don't mind. I'll take you to dinner, and then we can watch a movie.”
“Sure, I'll join you Inuyasha.” Kagome said with a smile.
Inuyasha smiled back at her and kissed her lightly, before Kagome sat back in her seat.
“Sango, I don't have anything to wear to a nice restaurant.” Kagome said as she looked in her closet. “Or at least not in this closet.”
“I'm sure you do.” Sango said from on the bed. “Besides Inuyasha said it was nice, and to dress nice, but not to over do it.”
“But Sango it's in my nature to want to look great when going somewhere nice.” Kagome said throwing a dress out at Sango. “I got the wonderful habit from you. That goes in the yes pile.”
“Kagome…” Sango said standing up.
“Fine put it in the no.” Kagome said coming out and blowing her bangs out of her face.
“No actually that was the best thing you pulled out of that closet.” Sango said with a sigh. “I'm telling you to try some of them on again.”
“Ok fine. I'll start with this one.” Kagome said grabbing the dress. “Might as well match Inuyasha.”
“How do you know he's going to wear red?” Sango said, but when she got a you-got-to-be-kidding look she realized what she just said. “Never mind, go see what it looks like, and this time I want to see the dress.”
“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.” Kagome said walking into her bathroom.
A few minutes later Kagome walked out in a blood red dress that ended right above her knee. It had a slit that went up to about mid thigh on her left side; it was backless and tied behind her neck. “How about hair style Sango?” Kagome asked holding up some chopsticks with sculls hanging on the end.
“You look great.” Sango said in awe.
“Thank you.” Kagome said bowing slightly. “So tell me could you see down the front?” Kagome asked when she stood back up.
“No I couldn't.” Sango said shaking her head with a smile.
“Good cause that was what was wrong with the last one.” Kagome said as she sat down on the bed.
“Oh, yes then this was defiantly the best choice.” Sango said as she sat on her knees behind Kagome.
After a few minutes Kagome's hair was up in the chopsticks. The bun was a little messy with stay hairs out and some falling out on the side of her face.
“Inuyasha will break his jaw.” Sango said with a grin as she looked at her friend. “Now to get you some shoes.”
“Hmmm…” Kagome thought to herself. “I don't suppose that you let me off with some black sneakers?”
“I wouldn't let you out of the room in sneakers.” Sango said shaking her head as she walked into Kagome's closet. When Sango came out she was swinging a pair of strappy heals in her hands.
“No!” Kagome whined. “Please, I don't know why I bought those; I don't even remember when I bought those.”
“You're wearing them, or I'll tell Inuyasha who took his boxers last month.” Sango said with a grin.
“So Sango, who took them?” Inuyasha asked as he walked in.
“She helped.” Kagome said pointing her finger at Sango.
“Then who helped her Kago?” Inuyasha asked with a smirk.
“Ahhh…Miroku?” Kagome said more like it was a question then a statement.
“Sure…” Inuyasha said grabbing the shoes from Sango. “Put them on, we're going to be late.”
Kagome sighed and took them slipping them on.
“How'd you get her to do that?” Sango asked in slight shock. “And since when do you own something that nice?”
“Because she listens to me…on occasion, and it's just something I have saved if I ever have to join Sesshomaru on a meeting.” Inuyasha said with a shrug. He was in a silk, blood red long-sleeve top, and some nice black pants, and some nice black sneakers.
“It's not fair, you get to wear sneakers.” Kagome said standing up. “And I'm still not taller then you.”
“That's because sneakers simply do not go with that dress, which by the way you look extremely hot in, and good, you shouldn't be taller then me.” Inuyasha said with a grin.
“You know I really am hot.” Kagome said fanning herself lightly with her hand. “And a little warm too.”
They all laughed as Souta and Kohaku walked in and said as he hit Kohaku over the head, “Kagome you aren't allowed to wear those dresses anymore, I thought I told you that.”
“I only own one, and excuse me but I'm your older sister, I'll wear what I please.” Kagome said with a smile.
“Ok, we got to go, see ya runt.” Inuyasha said leading Kagome out of her room.
“Stop calling me that!” Souta said as he went down the hallway in the opposite direction as them.