InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Is That Normal Affection? ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“These idiots are going to be the end of me…” Kagome said as she slumped against the wall as the new recruits left.
“They did well; Sesshomaru got some good people this time around.” Inuyasha said looking down at her.
“People my butt…We have a fox demon, a cat demon, a shape shifter, and something akin to a werewolf, and two humans that are experts in the field of martial arts.” Kagome said counting them off on her fingers. “I thought that cat was going to shish kabob me with that sword.”
“You held your own pretty well, you did win after all.” Inuyasha said sitting next to her.
“Of course I won; I've been up against you so many times I'd tell you to kick me out of the gang if I didn't know every trick in the book.” Kagome said with a half smile
“I'd have to.” Inuyasha said with a shrug. “I expect a lot out of you.”
“You're so kind to me.” Kagome said sarcastically as she stood up.
“Eh.” Inuyasha said standing up and putting an arm around her waist.
“So who did you give the rest of the gang?” Kagome said as they walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, and she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“They mostly got humans, we'll have they pleasure of partying with them and the rest of the club in a few days down at the Dog House.” Inuyasha said as he turned on the T.V.
Kagome nodded as she watched the channels flash at a fast speed.
Inuyasha smiled contently before rolling his eyes and looking behind him at the cat demon that clear his throat for his attention. “Yes?”
“I need to speak with you.” He said simply with a shrug.
Inuyasha sighed and got up handing Kagome the remote, who already had her hand out for it. “Be back soon.” Inuyasha said before kissing her on the cheek. Inuyasha got up and followed the cat demon in to the kitchen.
“Is that normal dog demon affection you're showing her?” He asked his eyebrow raised.
“Ketsui, Kagome's mine and if you bother her in anyway, I'll rip your heart out and then stuff it down your throat.” Inuyasha said glaring at him.
“Ok, ok, I understand she's off limits.” Ketsui said holding up his hands. “She's not my type anyway, I was just curious because I heard you growling throughout all her fights, and you were down right scary looking when me and her finished.”
Inuyasha nodded, “Sorry Ketsui, I shouldn't have jumped on you like that.”
“Inuyasha just said sorry.” Kagome said with a mocking gasp as she walked by them getting some soda out of the fridge. “It's a miracle.”
Inuyasha shook his head and Ketsui smiled trying to hold back a laugh.
“It really is Ketsui; you got him to do something I couldn't get him to do for months.” Kagome said with a smirk. “Nice fight, you almost had me for a second.”
“It was a nice fight, quite a workout.” Ketsui said with a nod before Kagome excused herself.
“Is there anything else you needed?” Inuyasha said looking from where Kagome had gone to Ketsui.
“Oh no, I'll see you later, I'm going for food.” Ketsui said point his thumb at the door.
“Ok then, be back before twelve tonight, you have something to do.” Inuyasha said as they walked in the living room and he sat down with Kagome.
“So what were you saying sorry for?” Kagome asked once Ketsui walked out the door.
“Nothing unparticular.” Inuyasha said with a shrug.
“Nothing?!” Kagome glared at him and poked him in the shoulder. “Tell me.”
Inuyasha smirked at her but before he could open his mouth she said, “Don't give me that “we're done cuz I'm the boss” crap, and tell me.”
“We're done cuz I'm the boss.” Inuyasha said mocking her.
“Inuyasha, tell me.” Kagome whined at him. “Please…”
Inuyasha looked at her before looking quickly away. “Not the face.”
“Come on Inuyasha, it won't hurt to tell me.” Kagome said batting her eyelashes innocently.
“Down puppy.” Shippo laughed as he Souta and Kohaku walked into the living room from upstairs.
Kagome smiled up at them and said, “Inuyasha's being stubborn, it's the only way to get it out of him. So what are you guys up to?”
“We're going down to the dog house, in hopes of cheering Souta up.” Kohaku said with a shrug.
Kagome looked at her brother, he looked better then the last time she saw him, but not that good. “Souta, mama wouldn't want you to be so unhappy…”
“I know Kagome, but still.” Souta said looking at her like he was a kid again. It was like when they first showed up on Inuyasha's doorstep, he didn't know why they came here.
“Go have fun cheer up, bring Lin along.” Kagome said with a sly grin.
Souta blushed and looked to the side rubbing the back of his head saying, “I did she's getting ready.”
Shippo and Kohaku smiled holding back laughs.
“I see…” Kagome said then caught Shippo and Kohaku's looks. “Shippo what about Satsuki, oh and Kohaku I heard that Sen likes you.” The two boys mumbled incoherently, as they blushed. “Thought so…”
“I'm ready, and Satsuki and Sen are coming too.” Lin said as she walked down stairs the other girls in tow with blushes to match the boys.
The boys nodded dumbly and followed the girls, who wave goodbye to Kagome Inuyasha.
“Now then…” Kagome said turning back to Inuyasha. “Tell me.”
“No.” Inuyasha said simply as he looked at her through the side of his eye.
“Pl-“ Kagome was cut off as Inuyasha some how got on top of her, straddling her waist and holding her wrists above her head.
“If you really must know, he asked me if I was showing you normal dog demon affection, like towards pack. I took it the wrong way assuming he wanted you, and threatened him.” Inuyasha said with a smirk.
“Are you showing me normal dog demon affection?” Kagome asked as she tried to get her wrists back.
“Not for pack.” Inuyasha said bringing his head down closer to hers.
Kagome blushed a bit making an “o” shape with her lips, as she averted her eyes.
“Yeah.” Inuyasha said looking at her lips. “That's why I always keep you closer to me when the new recruits come.”
“I said I'd tell you later…” Inuyasha said before he brushed his lips lightly against hers. He moved off her and then brought her into his lap kissing her more passionately.
“Wow…” Kagome said when they broke apart for air.
“Yeah, wow…” Inuyasha said as Kagome moved off him and then back next to him.