InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Sing Me a New Song ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sango walked into the living room to see Kagome and Inuyasha on the couch. Kagome was laying on Inuyasha who had his arms around her, they were both sleeping. They shouldn't have to deal with all the junk that's pored on them.
“What do you need Sango?” Inuyasha asked opening his eyes and looking at her.
“Just making sure everything's ok, the gang is avoiding the living room like the plague.” Sango said with a shrug.
“I'll move up stairs with Kagome then.” Inuyasha said as he started to rub her back.
“I see.” Sango said as she looked down. “Later when you guys wake up, we should go out, this is way to much stress on everyone. That and we have to start training some of the new comers tomorrow.”
“Oh yeah I forgot about that.” Inuyasha said as he got Kagome awake enough to stand up with him. “And we'll go to Sesshomaru's club tonight, Naraku wouldn't dream of setting foot somewhere where he would be shot on sight. We can dance till we drop from exhaustion; I think it's what everyone needs.”
“I agree.” Sango said as Inuyasha led Kagome upstairs.
Kagome looked around the club they were currently in. It was in a word, which really do the place justice, awesome; the walls were white with writing all over it. Sesshomaru dedicated The Dog House to Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Souta, and Kohaku, they had written their names up on the walls, and had written various things. The younger boys were aloud in, but couldn't get alcohol. The Dog House was the only club Sesshomaru owned that served soda. Inuyasha lead her out into the crowed and then brought her against him when they stopped. Kagome was kinda shocked by how fast it seemed to happen.
“Kagome, you in there?” Inuyasha smirked as he moved her hips for her.
Kagome glared at him before taking over the job of moving her hips. “I'm perfectly fine dog boy.”
“Good.” Inuyasha growled in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. His one of his hands went from her hip to the small of her back, bringing her closer.
Kagome suddenly had hatred for the fact that she decided to wear a tube top and no over shirt. Inuyasha was insisting on letting his claw lightly touch her skin as he moved his thumb in circles, making her push into him more as she tried to escape without having to stop dancing.
“What's the matter Kago?” Inuyasha chuckled as he smirked down at her.
“Don't start with me Inuyasha.” Kagome breathed as he hovered his lips above hers.
“Hey Kagome let's sing a song!” Rin cheered as she grabbed Kagome's hand running off with her. Inuyasha growled as he followed the girls.
“What are we going to sing?” Kagome asked as she looked at Rin and Sango.
“Only you and Rin are doing this one I refuse to take part in this.” Sango said as she walked away.
“Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are joining us.” Rin said happily.
“Sesshomaru how much have you had to drink?” Inuyasha and Kagome asked as they looked at him.
“I haven't Rin beg and pleaded, and I gave in.” Sesshomaru said looking to the side.
“I'm not-“ Inuyasha started but was stopped when Kagome covered his mouth and smirked at him.
“You owe me, you're doing this.” Kagome said with a glint in her eyes.
“So what song?” Kagome asked ignoring Inuyasha as he scowled at her.
“My Oh My, by Aqua.” Rin said happily.
“Ok then.” Kagome said with a grin as she looked at the guys.
“Why us.” Inuyasha and Sesshomaru said as the walked to the other side of the stage and Rin and Kagome told the D.J. and the song started.
Rin and Kagome walked out on one side, and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru on the other. The girls started singing as the guys looked at them broadly as the girls circled them.
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have their Kingdom, baby, tell me why?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule a Country, baby, you and I?
If you were my King
Kagome stopped singing and Rin went on as Kagome stopped in front of the boys.
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have their Kingdom, baby, tell me why?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule a Country, baby, you and I?
Then Rin stopped singing and Kagome went on as she stopped were Kagome was and Kagome circled them.
A little princess in a terrible mess
A kingdom alone, with no lovers confess
Dreams of a prince on a tall white horse
Runs like a spirit by the castle walls
Then Inuyasha and Sesshomaru grinned and sang their part as Kagome stopped in front of them.
Gotta steal from the rich, when they don't know I'm coming
Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'
My oh my don't you cry, coz there is no way I'm staying
I will leave say "bye bye", I'm going my way
Kagome and Rin went on singing as the did little poses.
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have their Kingdom, baby, tell me why?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule a Country, baby, you and I?
If you were my King, I would be your Queen
If you were my King, I would be your Queen
Kagome then cut out as Rin went on and they stood the swaying their hips.
Mystery deep in the royal heart
Crying at night, I wanna be a part
Prince o prince are you really sincere
That you one day are gonna disappear
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru grinned as they circled the girls slowly making them turn from the grins they were getting not trusting them.
Gotta steal from the rich, when they don't know I'm coming
Gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'
My oh my don't you cry, coz there is no way I'm staying
I will leave say "bye bye", I'm going my way
The boys stood in front of the girls as they again did little posses.
My oh my, my oh my, my oh my
My oh my
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have their Kingdom, baby, tell me why?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule a Country, baby, you and I?
The girls then circled the boys again.
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have their Kingdom, baby, tell me why?
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule a Country, baby, you and I?
If you were my King, I would be your Queen
If you were my King, I would be your Queen
As it ended both girls and boys walked off stage.
“I can't believe you guys did something so utterly dumb.” Miroku laughed.
“Aw Miroku it was fun.” Rin cheered. Surprisingly everyone that was on stage nodded their head in agreement.
“Are they ill?” Sango asked as she eyed her friends.
“Defiantly.” Miroku said as he led Sango back into the crowd.
Kagome shook her head and then turned to Inuyasha saying, “Come on let's dance some more.”
Inuyasha nodded in agreement as he took the lead. Once they were back on the dance floor, and in the pretty much same potion they left thanks to Inuyasha. “Rin needs to stop doing that.”
“What?” Kagome asked as she did her best to ignore the clawed thumb making circles on the small of her back.
“Interrupting us. Every time we're about to get somewhere she some how pops up and ruins my fun.” Inuyasha said with a smirk.
“You don't need anymore fun.” Kagome said as she pulled her grey baggie pants up on one side.
“Yeah I do.” Inuyasha growled in her ear before nipping at the lobe.
“Not fair.” Kagome said as he leaned down and kissed her, hard.
“Life's not fair.” Inuyasha smirked at her as he leaned down and this time lightly kissing her, but Kagome deepened it as she put her arms around his neck.
Kagome then pulled back blushing as she looked around, some people were looking at them, some girls jealous of her, and some guys jealous of him.
“Just realize we're in a public place Kago?” Inuyasha asked with a slight laugh.
“I dislike you.” Kagome said as she smiled up at him.
“Sing me a new song.”