InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Lesson ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha ran up to see Kouga's back and in front of him Kagome was standing there looking afraid. The crash had been the vase of flowers she planted awhile ago; she had thrown it at Kouga. Inuyasha grabbed Kouga throwing him back into the wall. Kagome fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Inuyasha looked back and noticed Kouga wasn't moving, and a slight glow was coming from him. His head snapped back to Kagome as he walked over to her. “What happened?”
Kagome shook her head backing away from him. She had lost control, she never took pleasure in killing, but right then she had.
Inuyasha pulled Kagome to him and he noticed the claw marks on her back near her hips. “Kagome its ok…”
“No it's not.” Kagome whined as she nuzzled his chest. “I enjoyed it; I killed him and enjoyed it.”
Sesshomaru was behind him, but wasn't saying anything.
“Kagome calm down, you were protecting your self.” Inuyasha said as he laid his cheek on the top of her head. Inuyasha rocked them back and fourth trying to calm her down.
“I didn't mean to.” Kagome cried into Inuyasha's chest.
“I know.” Inuyasha said as he picked Kagome up bridle style and turned to Sesshomaru. “What?”
“Just keep her calm, I'll deal with it, you don't need to.” Sesshomaru said as he left.
Inuyasha walked into his room and sat down with Kagome in his lap. “Kagome it's ok.” Inuyasha said as he looked down to see tears running down her face.
“Inuyasha I didn't mean to…I just wanted him to stop…” Kagome whispered. “I belong to you, not him…” Kagome finish as she fell asleep.
Inuyasha held her closer to him and whispered in her ear, even though he knew she was asleep, “That's right Kagome, and I'll protect you, don't worry.”
Sesshomaru was outside the door when he heard that and decided that he'd let them rest. He walked down the hall, he had, had some of the clean up crew that was in the house take care of Kouga, and back downstairs to Souta who was on the couch. “She's sleeping.”
“I wanted to say sorry.” Souta said his eyes brimming with tears.
“I know.” Sesshomaru said as he stood in front of the boy.
“I didn't mean it.”
“I'm sure she knows.” Sesshomaru said walking away. “Just stay calm, and don't break anything else in my house.”
Souta stood up and walked over to the kitchen. “Hey Lin, I'm sorry I yelled at you.”
“It's ok.” Lin said with a smile as she pushed her black hair behind her. “I wouldn't be a ball of sunshine either if I just found out my mom died.”
“I can't believe I blamed Kagome though…” Souta said shaking his head.
“I'm sure forgives you.” Lin said.
“I also blamed Inuyasha.” Souta said hitting his head on the table.
“Now he might take longer then Kagome, but I'm sure he'll forget about it.” Lin said shaking her head.
“I'm going to go at least see if she's up. If not I can always said sorry to Inuyasha.” Souta said standing up and heading up stairs. He knocked and opened the door when he heard a muffled come in.
“Yeah runt?” Inuyasha said with a glare.
“I just wanted to say I'm sorry.” Souta said lowering his head.
“It's fine, I understand how you feel. The first person I blamed when my parents died was Sesshomaru, only he beat me senseless.” Inuyasha snorted and shifted Kagome so she was lying next to him and not in his lap.
“Kagome should have done that to me, or you, probably would have made me feel better.” Souta said a shrug.
“Nah you wouldn't have been able to move for a day or two with out some kind of pain. All that leaves you to do is wallow in self pity and blame more people. After the first day I did realize that only the person who killed them deserved to be blamed. You figured it out before I beat you down and Kagome had to stop me.” Inuyasha said standing up and leading Souta out of the room.
“What did you do after you could move again?” Souta asked following Inuyasha into the training room down stairs.
“I tried to beat Sessh up, ended up in bed for another day. After that I trained for a few days, went out did something stupid and Sango and Miroku introduced me to Kagome for the first time. She had to bandage me up; I left a few minutes before you walked in.” Inuyasha said as he pulled out the punching bag and hung it up. “Take a swing.”
Souta walked up to it and then looked at Inuyasha. “It's made for the demons in the gang.”
“So your point is?” Inuyasha said lifting an eyebrow at him. “This way you can hit it and not be worried about it coming back at you. I've seen you hit the human one, you landed on your butt.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “Besides if you're anything like your sister, you'll enjoy the challenge.”
“But Kagome can use this now.” Souta said, “And Kagome's also a miko.”
“Just punch it runt, I don't care if you can move it.” Inuyasha said with an annoyed growl.
Souta nodded and punch it. “Damn!” Souta yelled shaking his hand.
Inuyasha started laughing as he said, “Yup you and Kagome are defiantly related.”
“Inuyasha you knew that would happen!” Souta yelled at him.
Inuyasha calmed down and looked at him seriously, “Yeah I knew it would.”
“So why'd you tell me to punch it?” Souta asked as he stopped shaking his hand the sting disappearing.
“To teach you something.” Inuyasha said taking down the punching bag, and putting up the human one.
Inuyasha smirked and shook his head, “Take it how you will.”
“You did that just to see me make a fool of myself huh?” Souta asked as he started punching the punching bag.
“If that's how you want to take it.” Inuyasha said as he walked out of the training room, and shut the door.
“You finally teach that boy something and you don't tell him what you were trying to teach him.” Kagome said as they walked down the hall.
“I did that to you and told you what it meant because you were giving up on everything. Your lesson was clear; you only fail when you stop trying. You needed to be told, you needed it beat into your head before you gave up one yourself. He his lesson isn't clear yet, when he needs it, he'll know he's it's been taught to him.” Inuyasha said as they sat down on the couch.
“You finally do something wise for him, and he thinks you just wanted him to look like a fool.” Kagome said with a sigh.