InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Tragedy ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome woke up around seven and looked up at Inuyasha. He looked so innocent, when he was sleeping. Kagome went to get out of his lap, but Inuyasha growled pulling her closer mumbling something. He's not awake…He isn't dreaming is he? Kagome thought as she studied his face. When Kagome went to move away he growled mine. Kagome stayed still looking at him. What the hell is he dreaming? Kagome reached up rubbing one of his ears in attempt to wake him up. Instead of waking him up he rolled over putting her under him. “Inuyasha…” Kagome said quietly as squirmed under him. “Inuyasha wake up.” Kagome said louder.
“Go to sleep Kagome…” Inuyasha said as he looked down at her.
“But I want to get up, and I'm not to please about the position we are currently in.” Kagome said as she blushed.
“You can never stay still huh?” Inuyasha asked with a yawn as he moved off her.
“It's not one of my favorite past times.” Kagome said as she sat up and stretched. “By the way what were you dreaming about?”
“Why?” Inuyasha asked when Kagome turned back and looked at him.
“When I tried to move away you growled, then when I tried again you growled mine.” Kagome said with a shrug.
“Oh I see…” Inuyasha said looking away from her. “I'm not sure.”
Kagome nodded her head and moved off the bed. “I'm going to go check on things.”
“I'll be surprised if someone's up at seven.” Inuyasha said pointing to the clock as he got up and put on a shirt and his long leather jacket. “But I'll join you.” Kagome smiled at him and nodded. He loved those smiles; he loved all her smiles, even the ones that meant she was up to something.
Once they got to the living room Kagome noticed Souta on the couch watching some T.V. “Hey Souta.” Souta turned around and looked at her and then turned back to the T.V. Kagome looked incredibly hurt and asked, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing.” Souta said bluntly.
Kagome walked over to him and stood next to the armrest he was leaning on. “Come on Souta tell me.”
“I don't want to.” Souta said in a low tone hiding his eye's from her. “You wouldn't care anyway.”
“Of course I care about you Souta.” Kagome said as she stood in front of him.
“Then why'd you come here? Why'd you stick up for him?!” Souta yelled as he stood up pointing at Inuyasha.
Kagome looked up at Inuyasha her eyes shined with the tears she was holding on to. “Souta…”
“Don't Souta me! Tell me! Why was he so important?! Why is he?! Why didn't you listen to papa and tell them to leave?!” Souta yelled as he looked up at her.
“Souta what's gotten in to you?” Kagome asked as she grabbed his arm stopping him from running.
“Mom's gone! It's your fault!” Souta cried as he snatched his arm away from his sister. “Dad joined up with the rival gang and he killed mom when she tried to stop him from going!” Souta walked away and up the stairs.
Inuyasha looked from the stairs to Kagome, the tears she had so desperately tried to keep from falling silently fell. “Kagome…” He hated to see her cry, it ripped his heart out. Inuyasha walked over and stood in front of her. “I'm sorry Kagome.”
Kagome desperately wiped away the tears before giving up and hugging him fiercely and crying into his shirt. “It's my fault.”
Inuyasha growled and hugged her back her small frame almost hidden by his jacket. “It's not your fault Kagome.”
“But Souta blames me for it.”
“Souta's just grieving.” Inuyasha assured her as he held her to him and he rested his head on hers. When and how did he find out? Last time we saw him he looked ok he was playing pool with Shippo, and that was late last night. Inuyasha looked to the side as Sesshomaru walked up.
“I take it she found out.” Sesshomaru said as he looked at Kagome. His heart went out for her; she was a tough girl and also kept Rin out of trouble, not to mention Inuyasha.
“Yeah, and possibly the worst way.” Inuyasha said as he nuzzled the top of her head with his cheek as she shook from trying to stop crying.
“Souta…” Sesshomaru said as he took a seat.
Inuyasha nodded as he picked Kagome up and took her back to his room. After a few minutes she fell back asleep, and he went back down stairs and sat next to Sesshomaru. “So how'd this information reach us?”
“We got it this morning about an hour ago. He gave us a call and I made the mistake of putting him on speaker phone. I was talking to Souta who for some reason was awake at that ungodly time blasting his music, waking up the people next to him and quite a few demons.” Sesshomaru said looking at Inuyasha. He looked like he felt so guilty.
“I'm such a selfish jerk; I should have let Kaede take them.” Inuyasha said as he let his claws dig into his palms.
“That wouldn't stop what happened.”
“Yes it would, I know Naraku got him to join just because of Kagome, though I'm sure Naraku's not smart enough to cause this intentionally, I'm sure it iced his cake.” Inuyasha said as he noticed the blood drip from his hands, and he relaxed his hands taking his claws from his palm.
Sesshomaru stood up but before he left he said, “You might have been selfish, but that's because you didn't want to loose her. I've never seen you so protective of some one. She was the only person you really put before yourself with out a second thought about it. It was for good reason, I'm sure I would have had to bring her back, for those two days you told Kaede you'd think about it you didn't eat, Kagome barely left your side, after a week I would have ended up beating you up for letting her leave and then went and got her.”
Inuyasha looked at his bother as he left. He was right, if that had happened just because he thought she was going to leave, he wouldn't have lasted if he had lost her. The thought was making him sick.
“INUYASHA!!” Kagome yelled as he heard a crash.