InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Two Days Later ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Two days later: 1:00 A.M.~
Kagome sluggishly got up off the couch, and looked around. Everyone was sleeping she didn't need to look around to know that. Everyone had, had a long day. They had all went to the hang out, to finish up cleaning. Cleaning your friends and families blood of the ground and walls was not a happy thing. The whole club had dwindled down to only a few. It was a slaughter. There had been fifty people there, now there was only twenty. It was a blood bath. Naraku it turned out after they saw him at the club disappeared from the state, moving most of his club. Sesshomaru decided that they'd send some of the club from Kyoto over. They had started recruiting there and they would be sending over, mostly, the newbie's for training, if they didn't cut it they'd be sent to an office run by Sesshomaru. Inuyasha ran the gang, and Sesshomaru ran the finances, it's how they liked it. Kagome would help Inuyasha train the new recruits they always underestimated women, she and Inuyasha would change that. Inuyasha had been the same way before he met Sango, and he finally admitted it when Kagome showed up and became part of the gang, especially after her first real job. The first time she shot some one though he had to calm her down, it didn't help that Souta had been there and had almost gone into shock. Kagome shook her head at the memory; it wasn't one that needed to be remembered.
“I thought you went to bed.” Inuyasha said as the room went dark from Kagome turning off the T.V.
“I did.” Kagome mumbled as she made it to where he was. “I woke up.”
Inuyasha nodded. He hadn't slept at all; his senses were still clouded with his friends' blood from earlier. He was going to go to take another shower but noticed Kagome's door open.
“I'm going to go check on Souta, and then go to bed.” Kagome said with a small smile.
“I'll come with you.” Inuyasha said following her up stairs.
Kagome walked into Souta's room and Inuyasha stood in the doorway watching her. Kagome pulled the kicked covers back over him and leaned down and kissed his cheek. Souta shrunk away from her touch mumbling something Inuyasha didn't hear. Kagome looked like she had just been slapped, but quickly shook her head and stood up straight walking back out of his room behind Inuyasha.
“What did he say?” Inuyasha asked her once they got to her room.
“Nothing I could understand.” Kagome said as she walked in.
Inuyasha stopped her from closing the door on him and asked again with more force, “What did Souta say, and don't you dare lie to me Kagome.”
“He said, it's your fault…He didn't even say who it was just your.” Kagome said with a shrug.
She wasn't lying to him; he could tell so he nodded and stepped back, and let her shut the door.
After Inuyasha's shower he went back to his room and changed into a pair of baggie jeans. He hated wearing pajamas, if he went through the day in jeans he could sleep in them. Assuming he ever got to sleep that night. The smell of blood was still around him, although not even Sesshomaru would be able to smell it. It was probably just in his head. Blood didn't bother him; it was the people who the blood came from. He knew those people he trained most of them, or trained with them under his father. That's when the whole gang was considered family even people you didn't like. Now you were friends and if you cared that much about each other you were pack, but not family, that died with his parents. Inuyasha sat down on his bed leaning back on the headboard looking around. This was his room every time they came back. It was his room when he was just a pup. Kagome on the other hand had started out next to Souta's, that was before they got the hotel across the street, once Inuyasha got more confidant around Kagome he moved her next to him. Kouga also helped with that, he had snuck into Kagome's room and scared her out of her mind; she slept in Inuyasha's room with him that night. She wouldn't let go of him so she stayed seeing as Kouga was being yelled at and was yelling back, so she got an even clearer of an idea of what he wanted. Sesshomaru had said to Inuyasha it wouldn't be decent for Kagome to sleep in his room every night unless he had intended the make her his mate right then, so they moved her next to him. Kouga also got his ass handed to him when Kagome got it back together, and Inuyasha helped of course.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome said from the door.
Inuyasha looked up at her worried as to what could be wrong with her, “What's wrong Kagome?”
“I just wanted to know why you're still up…” Kagome made up the obvious lie as she walked in closing the door.
“Not tired.” Inuyasha answered as she stood next to the bed. “Come here.” Inuyasha said moving over a little.
Kagome got in next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“So what's wrong.” Inuyasha said as he looked down at her.
“Nothing I just can't sleep…” Kagome said as looked up at him. His eyes were shining in the moonlight and he was smirking at her.
“So you wanted some company?” Inuyasha asked as she yawned.
“If you don't mind…”
“You're with me aren't you?”
“True.” Kagome said as he laid his head on hers.
A few minutes later she fell asleep and Inuyasha carefully moved her into his lap. She just made a noise that sounded suspiously like a cat mewing and cuddled up to him.