InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ The Club and the Master ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Once at the club everyone entered pass the bouncer and the rather large line. Sango and Miroku went into the crowd to dance together, Rin made her way in too to find someone to dance with, and Kagome and Inuyasha made their way to the bar.
“So you've tested that theory?” Inuyasha asked as they sat down waiting for the bartender to come to them.
“It depends…Will you hunt these men down if I answer you without lying to you.” Kagome said with a grin.
“I promise not to hunt down anyone not in the gang.” Inuyasha said with all seriousness.
“Ok then I've tested this theory with some guys you don't know.” Kagome said as the bartender came up to them.
“So it was Miroku.” Inuyasha said with a smirk as he looked at the bartender. “A bloody marry.”
“Water will do for now.” Kagome said with a smile. “But no it was Kouga.”
“Wonderful I can kill him.” Inuyasha said with a glint in his eyes.
“No you can't I still owe him a dance.” Kagome laughed as the bartender set down her drink.
“He can dance with you when I cut his hands off.” Inuyasha said with a smirk knowing she was just joking, or at least she better be otherwise they'd be leaving early.
“Oh I'm kidding, I wouldn't dance with Kouga if I was paid especially when I dance the way I do when I'm not dancing with you…” Kagome said after she drank her water and stood up walking into the crowd of people.
Inuyasha nodded to the bartender and got up and went after the girl. Inuyasha was a regular and had a tab; he didn't owe a lot so the bartender nodded back. Inuyasha made it to Kagome and grabbed her hand turning her around to look at him. “You better not dance too differently when I'm not around otherwise I'm afraid they'd kick you out.”
“We don't dance like that.” Kagome said as they started grinding against each other.
“We-“ Inuyasha was cut off when Rin ran into him.
“Inuyasha, Kagome hide me!” Rin whined looking back at Sesshomaru, who was smirking, which was not a good thing for our Rin.
Kagome looked at her with slight pity before grinning at her and saying, “Inuyasha wasn't this the girl who had said that she could do what she wanted?”
By the time that was out of Kagome's mouth Sesshomaru was behind Rin and said, “Oh did she fail to mention that she should tell her mate before she does so?”
“Shessy you don't like to dance so I thought I would accompany them here. I mean Kagome was hurt this morning I figured that she would need some one wi-“
“Don't play that with me…” Sesshomaru growled lightly in her ear.
“So you want to dance?” Rin asked innocently.
“Let's get a drink before hand.” Sesshomaru said with a smile. (I think it's possible for him to smile and not kill someone…)
“That was interesting…” Kagome said as she and Inuyasha went back to dancing.
“If you mean scary beyond reason, then yes.” Inuyasha said with a nod.
“Then we're on the same page.” Kagome moved so their hips fit together closer and looked up to a smirking Inuyasha.
He moved one of his hands on her hips to the small of her back and rubbed his thumb in a small circle. “I think we are-”
“Inuyasha, Kagome!” Rin said running back up to them.
“Really leave us be…” Inuyasha stopped yelling as he followed Rin's finger to Naraku and Kee. “Damnit Rin what are they doing here?”
“I think they're just here to have fun.” Sesshomaru said walking up with Sango and Miroku. “I had some people watching them I would have been alarmed if they were up to something.”
“We're still going home huh?” Kagome asked from beside Inuyasha.
“Afraid so.” Inuyasha said leading her to the exit everyone else behind them.
“But I didn't get my drink…” Rin said when they got to the limo.
“Rin I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, seeing as they don't sell anything but alcohol and water, and you don't really like water unless it's in cool-aid.” Sesshomaru said as they all got in and Miroku shut the door.
“Oh they don't sell anything besides alc-“
“Rin stop digging your grave, I really don't need to be scolded I just healed.” Kagome said as she removed her hand from Rin's mouth.
Sesshomaru nodded, and then leaned back with a sigh, “I could use a drink after all that's happened in the last twenty-four hours.”
Inuyasha nodded in agreement before turning his gaze to Kagome who for the most part looked really tired now. All the girls looked tired, and that was normal but normally Kagome didn't show signs of being tired till they got home and she fell asleep on the first thing she sat down on.
“Hmm?” Kagome was looking at him now.
“Nothing.” Inuyasha said with a smirk, “But you look ready to fall asleep. We weren't dancing for that long Kagome.”
“That is not dancing you guys do you move at about the speed of light.” Miroku said looking at his long time friend.
“I'm not even going to ask…” Rin said shaking her head.
“Good.” Sango sighed. “It doesn't need to be said.”
~Back at the mansion~
“Hey guy's.” Shippo said as the walked in.
“Shippo we're going to loose!” Kohaku whined as Souta pulled in front of the both of their cars.
“See I am the master of all that is videogames!” Souta laughed.
“That's not true I am!” Inuyasha and Kagome both yelled at the same time.
“What do you mean, I am so much better then you at videogames and you know it!” Kagome yelled at him.
“No I am!” Inuyasha yelled as they sat on the couch.
“I WIN!!!!!!!!” Souta cheered as he danced around the couch.
“Uhh Souta now that that's done…I say we back away slowly.” Shippo said as Kagome and Inuyasha continued to go at it.
“Yeah, I don't want to be around when they start throwing things.” Kohaku said as he and Shippo stood up.
Souta looked at Inuyasha and Kagome fight and grinned before saying rather loudly so even the retreating friends could hear, “Oh it's nothing you guys! They're just fighting like every other couple in this house!”
Kagome blushed started chasing Souta around the room yelling, “I'm going to get you!”