InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ An Inch ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome was currently standing between a very pissed off Sesshomaru and a very pissed off Inuyasha hoping that neither of them would forget she was there and tear her to sheds.
“Inuyasha in less then two days you've lost control twice I'm surprised that everyone is still living!” The normally calm Sesshomaru growled at Inuyasha.
“I had to protect Kagome other wise she would have died!” Inuyasha growled back.
“I can't believe you, really I can't! Inuyasha you either need to keep Kagome out of trouble, or I'm going to weld that damned sword of yours to your arm.” Sesshomaru said still very tempted to do away with both of them for being such idiots. “Now Inuyasha keep this with you and I swear if I ever see you in a fight without this damn thing I'll kill you myself.” Sesshomaru said pointing at his desk. “Now get the hell out of my office, and don't break anything in this house.”
“Yes Sesshomaru.” Kagome said putting her hand over Inuyasha's mouth. “EWWW YOU LICKED MY HAND!” Kagome yelled taking her hand away from a smirking Inuyasha's mouth; she then wiped her hand on his shirt.
“OUT!” Sesshomaru roared pointing to the door.
Kagome walked out of the office and Inuyasha got his sword and followed her. Inuyasha still had a satisfied smirk on his face as he chuckled to himself. “You're so childish Kagome!” He finally busted out when they reached his room. “I've cleaned your wounds and you can't take me licking your hand?!”
“I didn't expect you to do that!” Kagome weakly defended herself.
“You're more childish then you claim I am.” Inuyasha laughed.
“You are childish! I've never met a more childish gang leader!” Kagome yelled at him.
Inuyasha walked over to her and put his hand to her mouth. “Stop yelling…And by the way I win.”
Kagome pulled his hand away from her mouth growling at him, “We aren't even finished!”
“We don't need to be finished, I'm you're boss when I say we're done were done.” Inuyasha said removing his hand from her grip.
“Are you ill?” Kagome said crossing her arms over her chest.
“No.” Inuyasha said moving closer to her. “Let me see your stomach I want to see if it's healed.”
“It is.” Kagome said lifting the shirt. “See.”
“Yeah.” Inuyasha said reaching out and touching her stomach. “Good, we can go out.” Inuyasha said looking up at her face with a smirk.
Kagome smirked her own little smirk and said, “Sesshomaru won't have too much of a problem, he'll probably be happier that we're out of this house.”
“Yeah go to you're room, and get changed, I'll tell Sango and Miroku.” Inuyasha said as they walked out of his room.
“Ok see you in a few minutes.” Kagome said going in the room next to his and in the opposite direction.
“Let's go.” Rin whispered as they all walked up to the door.
“Rin you sure, you shouldn't tell Sesshomaru you're going with us?” Kagome asked as she shut the door.
“Nah I'm sure the note I left will do just fine.” Rin said with a smile as she got into the limo behind Sango and Miroku.
“You just got back from your honeymoon a day early. Don't you want to spend time with him?” Sango asked as Inuyasha shut the door.
“I'm sure he'll calm down before he goes out in public.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “Just don't get drunk like the last time we snuck you out.”
“You aren't sneaking me anywhere this time; I'm aloud to do whatever I want.” Rin stated proudly.
“Then why did you just leave a note?” Miroku asked with a grin.
“And why did we have to sneak threw the house?” Kagome asked with a smirk.
“And why did you ask to barrow my perfume?” Sango asked with a smile.
“And why did I have to get Kouga to get in an argument so you could slip out of your room unnoticed.” Inuyasha asked with a smirk.
“Quiet all of ya's.” Rin said crossing her arms over her chest.
“I do believe that is short for, oh my you all are so right I just wanted to trick my new mate even though I'm probably going to be so drunk that I don't remember any of this.” Inuyasha said imitating Rin as he batted his eyelashes.
“Inuyasha I will not get drunk, and that only happened once.” Rin pouted. “It wasn't my fault that they spiked my drink, and that boy was just being nice.”
“That was rather funny to watch him fly threw the air and land face first in Inuyasha's plate of hot wings.” Kagome chuckled at the memory.
“That was a waste of money…” Inuyasha sighed.
“You didn't even pay for it I did.” Miroku said crossing his arms. “And I didn't even get one…”
“At least he didn't scold you two about sneaking out.” Sango said hitting Miroku over the head.
“And do you know how hard it is to stand up to a pissed off dog demon when it comes to his mate to be? He almost took my head off when he finally found me.” Kagome whined hitting Inuyasha over the head.
“You guy's let's just have fun, and I promise to deal with my mate by myself and stop him from hassling you.” Rin said leaning back with a smile.
“You better.” Everyone said glaring at her.
Rin shot back up saying, “I will he's my mate he isn't going to be like that.”
“If my mate was dancing with some guy like that I would have kill the guy.” Inuyasha said leaning back and closing his eyes. “So I suggest that you keep your distance between the person you're dancing with and yourself.”
“How much space is that?” Rin asked looking at Kagome and Sango.
“At least and inch.” Kagome and Sango said after a quick glance at each other.
“Ok.” Rin said leaning back.
“An inch?” Inuyasha asked opening his eyes and sitting up.
“Yup.” Kagome said nodding.
“It's so you're not grinding, it's mostly for younger girl, or to show off your moves.” Sango said with a shrug. “It depends.”
“On?” Miroku asked.
“The guy.” Sango answered simply.
“But most of the time they get not to touch.” Kagome said looking over at him.