InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What a little flowers can do ❯ What a little flowers can do ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I am not the one to make Inuyasha/Kagome stories, but here is a little something I did during a flip in January.

What flowers and a little something can do..

Inuyasha sat on his favourite branch in the God Tree, sulking like he always did when he had been sat four or five times by Kagome. She told him that she had to get home for the weekend to study for one of her stupid tests. Gods, he hated those test, they took her away from him….

Ehh wait a minute, that did not came out right… He could not care less about girl from the future. The hanyou sighed heavily, and bonked his head against the trunk of the tree. Of course he cared about her, and every time she went back to her time and left him behind he felt like his soul was ripped a part. "Kagome, why do you keep on doing this to me, do you even know what you are doing to me, to my heart and soul?" He asked himself as the Lady Moon raised her silvery white face upon the world. "I wish I could go up there and pluck a shining moonstone, just for her; perhaps she would give me a chance then?" Of course, it was impossible, but he could still pluck her something. Something that she would like, perhaps she would even... Nahh… But still, it was a good idea. Inuyasha became more excited and he jumped down from the tree. He sniffed the air and found a bush with blooming azalea-flowers. "Perfect." He thought and nipped a few blooming branches.

On the way back to the well, he crossed a small pond, the tiny pebbles on its bank glittered in the moonlight and he kneeled to look at them closely. They almost looked like pearls and he scooped up a few into his hands. Yes, it would be perfect gifts to the girl he loved so much.

Inuyasha jumped up through the well on the other side of the time portal and perked his ears up, it was late evening, and most of the city's sounds were gone. He sniffed the air as he always did when he came to her time and made his way to Kagomes window. He looked inside and saw her sleeping form on top of her homework. "You are going to make your self sick with all these tests." He scolded her in his mind and slide the window open to enter her room silently.

He stiffened when she mumbled something in her sleep, something about algebra and history. Inuyasha smiled a bit and put his treasure on the little table beside her bed. He then turned around and lifted her sleeping form up and laid her down on her bed. He brushed of some black strands from her face before he left the room and went downstairs. He needed to find something to put the flowers in, a vase or something. He was met by a very surprised Mrs. Higurashi and he blushed deeply, feeling a bit awkward.

- Good evening Mrs. Higurashi, he mumbled. I was wondering if you have something I can put some flowers in.

- Flowers? Mrs Higurashi was shocked but found her ground soon enough. Of course my dear, one moment.

Inuyasha saw her disappear into the kitchen and soon she came back with a beautiful crystal vase, filled with water. He bowed in gratitude and left a smiling and a very happy Mrs. Higurashi behind.

He put the azalea into the vase and laid the pearl-like pebbles beside it on her desk. He found a piece of paper and wrote some words on it.

~ To my beloved Lady

Please come back to me

With Love

I ~

"Yes that should do it."he thought proudly and placed the little card within the flowers. He turned around and went to Kagomes bed, bending forward he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, whispering her name with love before heading out into the night again.

Kagome stirred in her sleep, something had been there to disturb her. Her dark eyes fluttered open and she was surprise to see the ceiling instead of her algebra papers. "Ok, I am quite sure I fell asleep on my desk, so can anyone tell me why I am in bed now?" she asked her self and sat up, looking around.

When her eyes saw a rosy thing on her desk she became worried. That had not been there when she went to bed. Something was definitive up, but what? She rose from the bed and went to the desk, seeing the little pebbles laying there. She picked them up and smiled a bit, they were very pretty. A white piece of paper inside the flowery branches got her attention and she retrieved it with shaky hands. She gasped and dropped it as if she burnt her fingers. "What the hell is going on here? I can not believe Inuyasha would do a kind thing like this, can he? I need to ask mom, perhaps she knows." She ran downstairs with the breath caught in her throat.

- Momma, why is there a bouquet of flowers in my room, did you do it? she asked breathlessly

- Ohh that! That was not me; Inuyasha was here and asked if I had a vase for flowers, her mother said with a sparkle in her eyes.

- He… WHAT??!!

- O yes dear, he was so adorable, blushing and stammering. He is so cute.

- MOM!!

- Mmm, what dear?

- Oh gods, have he gone insane? Or is he ill, perhaps he is suffering from a fever or something? Kagome ranted about all kind of things that could be wrong with her gruff friend before snatching a blanket in the process and headed out to the well house.

Mrs. Higurashi watched her daughter almost fly out the door and knew it would not take long until she had grandchildren in the house, children with cute puppy-like ears. "I am so happy." She sighed and went to her room with a wide smile.

With a graceful jump she traveled back into time and climbed up the old well on the other side. She looked around, but it was too dark for her to see anything. "Inuyasha, please tell me that you are all right." She begged silently and looked up towards the full moon. A chilly breeze made her shudder and she pulled the blanket tighter around her trembling form.


She shouted, hoping he was within hearing range. "I must ask him if he was the one to give me flowers in the middle of the night. I really can not believe it until I know. It is so unlike him, and I am worried."

- INU… mmmpf..

Her words were cut short when a gentle hand was put over her mouth.

- Shh, you will wake every youkai with in ten miles Kagome, a ragged voice whispered into her ear, making her gasp into the hand.

- Inuyasha, is that you? she asked with a voice shaky with fear.

- Mm, it's me, come - let me take you to a warmer place.

He lifted her up bridal style and leaped off into the air.

Inuyasha landed softly on a cliff and carried a very confused bundle of Kagome into a cave. She looked at him with dark eyes, wondering what he was up to. Then she saw a warming light coming from somewhere inside the cave and she turned her head to see what it was.

"I hope you like my old home my sweet Kagome."He thought as he ventured further into the warming light. He sat her down on fluffy piles of cushions and furs before kneeling in front of her. He swallowed hard, this was perhaps the most courageous thing he ever would do in his life.

- Inuyasha, where am I? Kagome asked with a small voice.

- This is my old home, my mother took me here to hide after my father was killed, and I lived here quite a few years of my life, even after her death. I have rarely visited my home during our hunt, and I almost had forgotten it existed. But tonight I realized something I should have done a long time ago, he said trembling, afraid she would reject him.

- What should you have done Inuyasha?

- First of all, I want to beg for your forgiveness. I have been such a jerk, calling you names and treated you like I did not care. But that is not the truth, I care a lot about you Kagome, you are my light in the dark world of mine. Every time you ran off to your time my heart was crushed, every time it felt like my soul was torn to pieces. And it angered me that I could feel so much for one person. But I can not deny it anymore, I love you Kagome. With all my heart and soul, and I ask you….

Silence fell. She could hear the rapid beat of her own heart, and she heard his. Small droplets of crystal tears formed in her eyes as she laid her hands around his face.

- I ask you to be my Mate, my wife, my companion of life Kagome, he said breathlessly, leaning into her warm palms. Will you accept me?

- You fool, how can you not have noticed the devotion of my heart Inuyasha, and I thought my love was one sided. Oh Gods Inuyasha, of course I will be your Mate. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and eternity too. You have owned my heart from the moment I tweaked your ears right before you woke up, Kagome cried as she drew his handsome face closer to her. Her tears flowed down her cheeks as small rivers.

"Kagome…"his wordless voice rang out through the cave as he kissed her with all the love he had for her. He allowed himself to taste her honey like satin for the first time, savouring her velvety mouth. It was heaven.

Kagome felt Inuyashas arms embrace her tenderly at first, then they pulled her against his shaky body, almost as if he was afraid she would disappear if he let go of her. And she answered him with the same flame; his claws tangled her long black hair, holding her sweet face in place as he kissed her deep, tasting every bit of her mouth. Her hands found their way to his silky white ears, caressing them with tenderness, earning a deep purr from the hanyou, her soon to be mate.

- I love you Kagome, I love you so much it hurts, he breathed into her lips.

- My Inuyasha, I love you too.

He helped her remove the blanket from her body, leaving her in just the blue t-shirt and her blue skirt. He moved his golden gaze to her legs as he put his hands on her hips. His heart raced like a wild horde of horses on the run.

- Please say you will be mine tonight, I do not think I survive another day with out your warmth, he whispered as he began kiss her throat and neck.

- Yes… she answered with a gasp. His hot lips and skilful claws made a path down her cleavage, ripping the shirt open with seductively slowness.

Flames of desire threatened to ignite her veins as he made her lay down on the soft furs. He nipped her milky white skin, making small marks of love here and there. He wondered how she was able to sneak off his red haori without him noticing it, but he was soon very busy with her strange contraption, covering her chest area, keeping him from the treasure he sought. He made a flick with his right claw and her firm orbs bounce free, free for him to feast upon. He smirked a bit when he heard Kagome sharp intake of air. By all the gods, she tasted like an angel, fallen to earth just for him. His long tongue snaked out to tease a hard nipple, making the girl underneath him moan passionately. "Mine, all mine." He thought with a male possessiveness as he moved his hungry mouth to her other peak.

Kagome fumbled a bit with his clothes but with a little patience she freed him from his outer and inner robes, making her drool at the sight. His chest was well toned, and she ran her fingers over his muscles, making him shudder with desire. She licked her lips as she rose a bit to taste his tanned and unscarred skin. She loved it from the first lick, she was addicted. "I will not let anyone have you my love." She thought as she tried to undo the knot in his loincloth.

Her skirt soon disappeared the same way as her shirt and bra, leaving her in just her underpants. Inuyasha smiled a bit when he saw the white textile with small doggie paw prints. "My kind of girl." He growled low and took a bite on the hem and tearing them a part with a ripping sound. He was hit with the most delicious scent he ever encountered and nuzzled his face into her smooth stomach making her giggle a bit.

- You are tickling me Inuyasha, she said and was able to loosen his loincloth, leaving him as naked as her.

- So my Mate is ticklish? Good to know, he purred darkly and nipped at the sensitive skin, drawing forth a catlike mewl from her.

He let a clawed finger part her delicate folds, making sure she would be ready for him. And he was met with wetness and he felt a bit proud, he had made her ready for him. But he knew he had to tell her one thing first…

- Kagome, I have to…

She raised an eyebrow in her dizzy state.

- If I will make you my Mate I have to… you know… he bit his lip feeling a deep blush appear on his cheeks.

He tried to show her that she would turn around and was met by a very naughty look from Kagome as she nodded. With a seductress slow motion she turned around so her back was against his chest.

Inuyasha licked his lips as he saw her turn around to stand on her knees before him, he prayed to all the gods to make this as painless as possible. He snaked his strong arms around her stomach and chest and pulled her back to rest against his chest. His fangs grazed the delicate skin of her neck, making her tremble a bit in anticipation.

- This may hurt my love, but it will go away soon, I promise, he whispered as he entered her hot flower with his length, and at the same time he sunk his fangs into her neck, marking her as his mate for all the demons out there to see and smell.

Kagome let out a harsh sound as he stretched her womanhood with his thickness, but the pain everybody talked about was almost none existing. He whispered small endearments into her ear as he lapped up the blood he had drawn.

Inuyasha hold her tight in his arms, holding both of them still as she adjusted her to his intruding member, but when she bucked her behind towards his hips he took it as a sign that she was ready. He gently began to move within her flower, making her gasp with every stroke.

- Am I hurting you my love, he asked a bit worried.

- No, no, you feel so good Inuyasha, she panted.

"I feel good? This is better then good, this is heaven…"his soundless voice cried out when her inner walls caressed his sensitive member. He moved his right hand down to the little nub of nerves, hidden in the nest of black curls.

Every now and then the lecherous monk said something useful, he had told the hanyou that women had a special spot that was extra sensitive and he had told Inuyasha exactly where it was located. And now he had his chance to find out if it was true. And he found indeed a hard little nub and he let his finger flick at it, just once to see the reaction. And he got a reaction from Kagome, she jerked against his hand, making him purr in delight. He repeated the action making her scream in pleasure. But this time his actions got a reaction within her wet cavern, her inner muscles clamped down on his member, making him moan deeply. He took a better hold under her breast, pinning her flaming body tightly against his own, intending to keep her there until they both reached the heavens.

Kagomes small hands reached around his back, taking a handful of his firm behind, and she panted out a giggle when she heard him growl low at her forward actions, but she was not letting him do all the work, she wanted to do something for him too.

He was close now and so was she; together they exploded into a million stars of love. He felt his member swell a bit as he slumped down on the furs and cushions, making her lay on his chest with him still in her. Their breaths evened out and Kagome was the one to speak first.

- That was… amazing, she said with a ragged voice.

- Yeah, I agreed my love, he answered and kissed the mark he had placed on her neck.

- Am I your mate now Inuyasha?

- Yes you are, and I have marked you as such. My only regret is that I did not think of this flower-thingy earlier, he smirked.

- Huh?

- Well, if my brain and pride was as smart as my heart, I should have made you my mate a long time ago, he explained as he pulled himself out from her warmth making her moan a bit.

- Ohh, she said as the insight hit her, he had felt deeply for her for a long time.

Kagome turned around to straddle his form; she kissed him light on his lips to show him without words how much she really loved him. He snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms again.

- I will not you leave with out me again, he whispered in her ear. If you have to go to school, I will follow you there, do you understand.

- Of course my love. Then you should be glad over the decision I made earlier tonight, during my study, I will be quitting school within a month. No more tests.

He kissed her hard, this was almost as good… nope scratch that, the mating was the absolutely most incredible thing he had experienced and… He felt a twitch and he smiled wickedly..

- I am ready again my Mate.. he purred.


R & R and make me happy...