InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What a Mess ❯ Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three
Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
A/N: Oh…reviewers…I love you so. You tickle my fancy.
WARNING: There is naughtiness! But no lemon…but it does have a citrus-y after taste. Proceed with caution.
Kagome was ignorant of a very important fact. Youkai didn't stay drunk very long.
As her searching fingers dipped inside the gap in his haori, Kagome failed to feel Sesshomaru's entire body go rigid. And since she had her eyes closed while she kissed him as passionately as he'd kissed her, she missed his eyes fly open.
The growl…she mistook it for one of lust, not warning.
The violent push and a snarling Sesshomaru were pretty obvious signs, however. Kagome blinked up at him, feeling a variety of unpleasant emotions.
She scrambled to her feet, adjusting her askew clothing and smoothing her mussed hair. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she demanded.
“I would ask the same of you, wench.”
“Huh?” What was he getting at? Had he had a recent brain injury?
He wrapped his hand around her throat, squeezing just enough that it scared her, but not enough to actually harm her. “You will cease this ridiculous game,” he hissed.
“Game? Game?!” she shrieked. “I'm not playing any games! You kidnapped me and under pain of death made me clean your disgusting home! Then, you get drunk and try to force yourself on me! You're the one playing games, Sesshomaru!”
His fury and youki slammed into her, crackling the air around them. Her mouth tasted faintly of copper, and she realized she might have said a bit too much.
Sesshomaru flung her away from, sending her reeling to the floor. She was certain she'd have a nice bruise on her hip come morning.
“You will finish your task,” he ground out, eyes sparkling in the scant light of the hall.
Kagome got to her feet, dusting off her shorts. “Yeah. Fine,” she grumbled.
Kagome sighed as she poked through her much abused yellow back pack. She was so glad she'd had the where with all to actually snag it before Sesshomaru played caveman and dragged her away kicking and screaming.
Which would've been sexy if he weren't completely insane and possibly homicidal.
“Stupid jerk,” she muttered.
Rin peeped over her shoulder. “Who are you talking about, Kagome?”
She gave the child a nervous chuckle. “Oh, nobody. Don't worry about it. Aha!” Kagome held up a stale pack of ramen. Well, she was fairly certain it was stale. It'd been sitting in there for three years. She wasn't sure why she'd saved it all this time. She guessed it had been for InuYasha originally, maybe to celebrate their marriage…as silly as that sounded.
Rin wrinkled her nose. “That doesn't look like food.”
“I know. I hope it's still good. All the same, it's better than nothing!”
Kagome went into the large kitchen to prepare it, but immediately slid the doors shut as soon as she opened them. Really…a biohazard team should tackle that kitchen before she actually made food in it. There were lots of fuzzy things in there. And a very bad smell. Like ass…dead rotting ass.
So, she built a fire in the courtyard instead and made the ramen under the stars…just like old times. Her own stomach was empty and beginning to complain when the familiar smell of the noodle soup hit her, but no. Rin would get it all. She could bug Sesshomaru for food later. Maybe. Or hunt it herself.
As the little girl devoured the ramen quick enough to put InuYasha to shame, Kagome's mood continued to sour.
Her birthday, for the third year in a row, had been a total bust. She was fairly certain this was the worst one. Last year she'd celebrated with Miroku before he'd left Kaede's village. But he'd wandered off after some pretty girl halfway through the night, and had left in a quite a hurry the next morning…with an angry father chasing after him. She'd been a little miffed, but it was okay.
This was just unfair. She was going to go to bed dirty, hungry, sore, and sexually frustrated.
That bastard had to pay. She couldn't allow him to get away with that.
Slowly, a plan was developing. Oh, it was a good plan…well, if it worked, and there was a high probability that it would not. But it would be worth a try and at least would be interesting. So long as it didn't end with her grizzly demise.
Fishing a hankie out of the front pocket of her bag, she dabbed Rin's mouth. “Feel better?”
Rin nodded, then gave a big yawn.
“Good. Time for bed! We have a lot of work to do tomorrow. A lot. And you're going to help.” The child didn't have the guile to notice the mischievous gleam in her new companion's eyes.
Sesshomaru sat in his bedchamber on his futon feeling vaguely horrified.
The wench would have to be punished. What had she done? Well, he wasn't certain, but he was sure it was terrible. He would avoid her come morning…and continue doing so until he decided upon something nasty and awful.
That didn't include ravishing her until she passed out.
Or making her scream his name over and over again.
Sesshomaru shook his head as though it would shake the cursed woman from his brain. It didn't. It just gave him a headache.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen, he thought. He certainly hoped his great father couldn't see him in the afterlife. The thought of the old man laughing at him was unsettling.
Thoughts of his long dead father made him remember a conversation they'd once had.
“Son, someday you'll want to find a mate.”
Young Sesshomaru groaned. Not this talk. He hated these talks. His mother had already cornered him and asked for grandchildren. As if he'd let that harpy around his pups!
“But don't settle down too early. Play around a bit. Sow your oats.”
Sesshomaru snorted. “Demonesses are very territorial, Father. I'd like my manhood to stay attached to my body.”
His father smirked and held up a finger. “Quite right, my boy. That's why you dally with human wenches before you settle down.” The old pervert chuckled. “So many benefits. First, if they get too attached, all you have to do is wait! In fifty years or so…they'll be dead. Secondly, they're easily impressed. The claws, the fangs, the markings…drive them crazy.”
Sesshomaru shuddered. What a terrible idea! Perhaps avoiding women was a good plan in general. Look what skirt chasing had done to his father.
Exactly, he thought. He would cease this horrid line of thought now before he had little InuYasha's running all over his palace. That thought alone cooled his rampaging libido.
Come dawn, he wouldn't run. He'd begin to get his affairs in order. Perhaps he would invite the other youkai lords to the palace, once it was clean, to re-establish his power. Let them know that their encroachment on his borders had not gone unnoticed and would not be acceptable. Yes. That's what he'd do. Busy himself with that.
He should've run away.
By noon, the great hall was completely clean. Oh, it needed some repairs to the shoji screens and maybe a new rug here and there, but Kagome was still quite impressed with herself.
She'd sent Rin off to bathe. The child looked even grubbier in the light of day. After rummaging around in some chests she'd found in the east wing of the palace, Kagome had managed to scavenge a few silk kimonos. They were old, but still in fairly good condition.
Though her sewing skills weren't that great, she managed to hem one to where it didn't look like a retarded monkey on nitrous had done it.
She was going to give Rin a much needed makeover before tackling the Pit of Despair…aka, the kitchen.
When Rin returned freshly scrubbed, Kagome got to work. First, she set about brushing the child's hair. It was no small feat. The poor little thing was in tears and holding on to her stinging scalp by the time Kagome had gotten all the knots out. A few kisses on the cheek cured Rin's ills.
Kagome took her scissors out of her pack and gave the girl a haircut. The child needed to keep it short. Rin, fearful of another attack by Kagome's hairbrush, agreed.
Once satisfied that the bob was even, Kagome dressed her in the hemmed kimono. It was pale pink and adorned with blossoms. Rin looked adorable. And clean.
“You look very pretty, Rin. Now, I need you to go find Sesshomaru, he'll probably be in his room which is down the west hall, the last bedchamber on the right.” Sleeping off his hang-over, she thought with a smirk. “When you find him, I need you to tell him to get us some food. He'll probably ask where I am, and even if he doesn't, you're going to tell him I'm taking a bath. You got that?” Kagome said as she put her last energy bar into the girl's waiting palms. Kagome felt a small pang of regret. Those were supposed to be for emergencies only, but really, she couldn't let the girl starve.
“I will tell him, Kagome,” Rin said over her shoulder as she ran down the hall.
Kagome couldn't suppress her grin of triumph. Part one of the plan to Make Sesshomaru Suffer was in effect.
Sesshomaru was still staring at the wall and still thinking of ways not to think of the wench, when the shoji screen slid open.
Eyes glimmering in anticipation, all thoughts of resisting her strange methods of seduction fled as he licked his lips and nearly crawled on the floor to get to her.
Only it wasn't her.
It was Rin.
Who was clean, wearing a new kimono and donning much shorter hair than he remembered.
She bowed her little head, eyes on her bare wriggling toes. “Sesshomaru-sama?”
He sighed and thanked the kami that it wasn't the wench. “What is it, Rin?”
“Kagome told me to tell you to get some food for us. We're very hungry. And I bet Kagome is even hungrier. She gave me all her dinner last nignt.”
Ah. He seemed to vaguely recall the grating bitch screaming something about food for the child.
Rin looked up at him, face scrunched in concentration. “Oh. She wanted me to tell you something else too.”
He waited. The child fidgeted.
“Which was?” he asked with the tone that said he didn't give a flying rat's ass, but his wretched body betrayed him, and he leaned forward.
Rin frowned. “Um…. Oh!” she exclaimed brightly. “Kagome wanted me to tell you she was taking a bath.”
He was stalking to the hot springs before he could stop himself leaving Rin blinking after him.
Sesshomaru was going to put a stop to this. Immediately. Perhaps he could place a foot on top of her head and drown her. The next image his mind gave him he attributed to the after effects of getting so drunk…because surely his sober brain hadn't conjured an image of the woman running her pink tongue up his calf to his inner thigh.
Hidden in the trees, he listened for the tell-tale sound of splashing. He didn't hear it. So, he got closer. Perhaps she'd fallen asleep.
She was not sleeping.
Stretched out on the rocks above the hot spring, the woman lay on her stomach wearing…what? A small triangle of pale pink cloth covered her backside…barely. But that was it. And her skin was very…oily? The sun glimmered off her bare skin. Sesshomaru didn't even blink.
“Oh,” she said, sitting up. Her back was to him, and as much as he tried, he couldn't get any closer to peek without being detected. “It is SO hot!”
Yes, yes it was.
Beside her was a bucket from which she withdrew a silver ladle. The wench lifted the ladle to her lips and began to drink. In morbid fascination he watched her throat work as she swallowed…and imagined her swallowing something else.
Then, much to his delight…NO! no! Horror and revulsion, yes, certainly he was disgusted when she let the water trickle down her neck and presumably over her bare breasts.
“Mmm,” the wench moaned. “That feels so good!” She sighed. “Too bad there aren't any real men around this place.”
What?! He'd show her what a real man could do to naughty little teases.
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. It was a trick. A trap. Ha! He wasn't going to fall prey to such ridiculous antics so easily. Who did she think he was?
Then she turned around, leaning back on her elbows and giving him a fantastic view of her perfect breasts. He told himself the only reason he was sticking around was to watch her humiliate herself further with her decidedly pathetic attempts at seduction.
Then she blew his mind.
The wench closed her eyes, her lips just parting in the barest of sighs as she placed a small hand over her right breast. “Ooh,” she said, arching her back into her own touch.
Danger! Danger! his inner self screamed. He told the cold voice of reason to go fuck itself and continued to watch.
She took a nipple between thumb and forefinger and gave it a slight pinch. She gasped. “Ooh, yes! Just like that, Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru dimly wondered if he were standing under a hornets' nest. That had to be the reason for the loud buzzing in his ears.
Her hand moved down her taut flat belly to her cloth covered sex. She gave it a squeeze. “Mmm. Oh, please, Sesshomaru,” she whispered. “I'm so, so wet!”
He smirked. Is that so? he thought, taking an unconscious step forward. He scented the air. Sure enough, there intermingled with damp earth and the green scent of the trees, he could smell feminine arousal.
Her fingers dipped inside the cloth, moving in slow agonizing circles. Her tan body gave a slight shudder. “Your tongue feels so good!” she exclaimed tossing her head back.
So she liked that, did she? He filed that away for later use.
Later use?! No! He had to quit thinking that way. Before he could stop himself, he let out a loud growl.
The wench opened her eyes, but her hand thankfully remained where it was. She smiled slyly then licked her lips. Her tongue hypnotized him. He should've run away.
“Like watching, Sesshomaru? Is that all you want to do? Just stand there and watch?” She continued touching herself, shredding his dignity and self control.
Then she yawned, removed her hand, and stood. “Well, hope you got an eyeful. Because that's all you're EVER going to get.” She waggled her fingers at him. “Oh, and by the way, go be useful and hunt some food for your ward before the poor thing starves to death. Pervert.”
A/N: Yes, yes. The Smiths. I love them. Morrissey. Mmm. It must be that pompadour. If you have no idea what I'm blathering about…don't worry. Most of my thoughts are random and mean nothing.
At any rate! OH my goodness. This one got away from me! I fear it may be longer than I intended. Just goes to show I'm a novelist at heart. This was supposed to wrap up in three chapters…ah well. Onwards!