InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What a Woman ❯ No One's Woman! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Okay. Look at chappie 8 which will lead you to 1. *Grin* Thank you!

Chapter 9: NO One's Woman

Normal POV

Sesshoumaru walked through the forest in a bored manner but inside his mind raced. He paid no mind to Jakken as he waddled beside him, babbling about something or other.

`Does that toad ever shut his mouth?' "Jakken shut up."

His tone was smooth and cold as he walked through the forest. His beauty like a beacon, each step taken with an amount of grace and elegance that had been as of yet matched by any other accept for…Kagome. He watched with little interest as his servant began to kiss the dirt surrounding his feet.

"I am sorry Master Sesshoumaru!! Your lowly servant is sometimes forgetful! Please please forgive the unworthy creature that this Jakken is!"

Sesshoumaru moved on resisting the urge to roll his eyes. A scent that he hadn't smelled for years touched his nose. Excitement raced through his blood. The sweet scent of fresh strawberries and cool summer's rain, made me want to close my eyes in a moment of utter peace.

`Why am I excited? I mean of course I knew her from years before and we were close but it is not like I am attracted to her. Am I?'

He didn't have long to think because he soon stepped into the clearing and noticed two humans, his half brother chasing a kit, and a beautiful vixen ready to pounce on Inuyasha.

"Sit boy!!!!"

Stopping in mid pounce Inuyasha was again reaquanted with the ground. Sango and Miroku held back snickers while Shippo full out laughed at his misfortune. Kirara sat beside her mistress with a bemused expression.

Shippo POV

I could feel eyes on me so I paused in my laughing and looked to the edge of the clearing. I darted over to Kagome and hid behind her tail. Who was this guy? I watched Miroku and Sango look to where I was looking at and jump up into battle stances. Kagome turned slowly and I couldn't help but feel the excited shiver she gave when her eyes meet that of the stranger.

Kagome POV

My lips formed into a huge grin.

"Oh my kami!! Sesshoumaru!!"

I threw myself into his arms. I could slowly feel his arms going around me as he returned the hug. This was the demon that I knew I loved. How could I tell him this? I sighed in my mind and continued to snuggle into his chest. Sesshoumaru smelled so good! The fresh scent of green tea and sandalwood clung to his form so nicely. My ears twitched slightly as Inuyasha removed himself from the ground though I didn't bother to let Sesshoumaru go.

"I missed you so much!"

I could feel the soft vibration of his chest as he chuckled lowly, he whispered so that I am the only one who hears.

"I missed you too."

He gave me a gentle squeeze to empathize it. I was so content.

Jakken POV

I let a startled squawk escape me as I came into view of the clearing to see a vixen clinging to my lord. I couldn't believe it! Lord Sesshoumaru let someone hug him. Who was this girl?? Maybe my lord didn't know any way to rid himself of her…YES that has to be it! I got my staff of heads ready and marched closer to my master.

"Unhand my lord you wench!"

Normal POV

Jakken ran towards Kagome and she looked up at him and gave a very dog-like startled yelp. She darted from Sesshoumaru's arms behind Miroku and Sango. She stood behind them jumping from one foot to the next in a rather girlish manner unlike herself.

"EWWWW!!!! What is it?!?! It's so UGLY!!!! GET IT!! GET IT!!!!"

Everyone paused in shock. Shippo erupted in laughter. Jakken fell anime style and sweat dropped. Inuyasha was on the ground laughing hard. Sango held her sides and didn't bother to wipe the tears of laughter from her face. Miroku tried coughing to cover his laughter but fail miserably. Shippo roared in amusement. Kagome gave them a confused look that plainly said `what's so funny?'

"Hahahaha!!! She ran…because….he is…UGLY!!"

Sesshoumaru's eyes danced in amusement. He studied her face.

`It was quite funny. She is just so cute when she is like that. Hold it! Did I just call her cute? What? Wait! I did not just think that.'

Once everyone was settled Kagome sat close to Sesshoumaru but kept a wary eye on Jakken. Shippo snickered every time she shot the toad a look. Jumping into her lap Shippo earned himself a glare from both the Princes of the Western Lands. Shippo merely smirked and snuggled into Kagome's warm body. He fidgeted slightly and Kagome glanced down at him with a smile sensing his nervousness.

"Is there something you wanted Shippo?"

Shippo nodded and took a deep breath.


Kagome chuckled and ruffled his hair affectionately before hugging him tightly.

"Of course Shippo."

Shippo gave a sigh of relief and hugged her back. Sesshoumaru and all other males watched this in interest while Sango `awed'. Sango and Kagome began to chitchat while the guys continued to look at each other cluelessly. Suddenly a tornado came into the clear knocking over both Inuyasha and Miroku. When the dust cleared a wolf demon stood on the two's backs. They grunted under his weight. Sesshoumaru and Sango noticed the glare Kagome shot him. She stepped forward with cub in hand, her voice was demanding and stern.

"What do you want wolf prince?"

Kouga grinned wolfishly and took her free hand into his.

"I told you I would be back for my woman."

Kagome gave a growl and snatched her hand away.

"I am NO one's woman. Got that? You are a rather arrogant one aren't you? How do you know I don't despise you?"

Kagome held back more laughter as his eyes almost fell out of his head. Kouga pouted.

Kouga POV

I can't believe this! Did she just say she hated me?? I looked at her face again and noticed the strain she had from holding back laughter. She was just joking. She had to be! I smirked, but before I could have said anything more I heard a howl from the east. Damn! Oh well.

"Goodbye my woman I have to see to my tribe but I will be back for you. Protect her!"

I sent a glare to all within her company and made a mental note that when I come back I had to make sure my mate-to-be got rid of all of those males. I shot off without another word.

Normal POV

Kagome let out a venomous growl and clawed violently at the area Kouga had been at before. The group watched her in amusement. Sesshoumaru had, had to hold himself back when the ignorant wolf had proclaimed her his mate and it seemed the same had been for Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru growled in his head.

`Why do I care?!'

Somewhere close black eyes watched the exchange. Amusement clouded their eyes.

`They are a most amusing group. '