InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What a Woman ❯ Prophecy ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Look at chappie 1.

Chapter 8: Prophecy

Normal POV

Sesshoumaru swept through the hallways of his home gracefully. His father had called him to the library only moments before. The servant that was sent seemed a bit shaken but Sesshoumaru did not care enough to ask. Coming to a door made of redwood he pushed them open and stepped inside to speak with his father. Inutaisho had his back to Sesshoumaru studying the page of the book he held in his hand.

"Sit down Sesshoumaru. There is much to tell."

Sesshoumaru sat as told and watched his father carefully. Inutaisho turned and looked his older son in the eyes. Sesshoumaru was no longer a little boy and the look in his eyes told Inutaisho all the more that his son was a powerful being.

"Years ago there was a prophecy told of a goddess that would be born on earth of the fox breed. She would be pure of mind and heart; her soul would be more innocent than that of any ever born. This goddess was said to be sent to Earth to either save us from the fate that was to befall us and cleanse the world of evil or let us slip through the fingers of her grace and wallow in the depths of a place worst then the seven hells."

Sesshoumaru POV

My father paused in his story and I took a while to digest what was said. What does any of this have to do with me or anyone I know? I focused my gaze and nodded my head for my father to continue. My father turned his gaze to the window and I could hear him take a quiet breath.

"She is already born, and is about 22. She is a very fiery creature and as I have said already holds our lives in the palm of her hand. Many demons set out to find and have her as their own. The family she was born into was killed when she was younger. Sesshoumaru you must realize that the act of killing her family is a strike against those of us on earth. She is also the guardian of the Shikon no Tama."

I still saw no point in my hearing this prophecy. I don't know any fox goddess, only a fox demon.

"Father may I ask what the point is?"

My father shook his head and looked at me.

"That goddess my son….is Kagome."

Shock flooded my senses. Kagome!? Kagome…my Kagome …er I mean…that Kagome? She is a fox goddess, the protector of the Shikon? My mind was bombarded by questions. Warmth spread through me when I thought of her. What is this feeling?

Inutaisho POV

I watched my eldest son's every movement. I could tell he was stunned to say the least. I had always known that he harbored feelings for the little fox girl that I had come to think of as a daughter…I snicker to myself or more like daughter-in-law. Yes, I admit I have rather high hopes that Sesshoumaru would mate with the fiery little vixen. My son's voice breaks through my thoughts.

"What is it that you wish of me?"

I smile inwardly and sigh a bit in relief and a bit in dread. I try to keep my fear for her hidden as I speak.

"Sesshoumaru…tonight is the night of the quarter moon. Today and everyday after this until her decision her mind will allow that of good and evil within her. She needs to see more good that evil, she needs to be protected. Naraku, the one who killed her family is getting more powerful. The Southern Lands was attacked no more than two days ago by his army. There is a meeting going to be held in a week's time."

Sesshoumaru kept his emotionless mask and nodded in understanding.

"Then I shall find her and bring her to the palace."

He left without another word. I chuckled. My eldest was and always will be a mystery.

Normal POV

Her body thrashed around helplessly in the tree she slept in. She wanted to scream out from the intensity of her sorrow for the children that has died right before her eyes. Sweat stuck her hair to her forehead and she let a whimper of pain unknowingly out. Her eyes shot open and she glanced around the camp frantically. Shippo slept curled up with Kirara below her tree. Sango and Miroku were still asleep on their pallets. She didn't look at Inuyasha she knew he was awake. Taking a deep shuddered breath she layed back.

`What was that? It felt so real. I could smell the children's fear.'

She closed her eyes and tilted her head up at bit. Behind her eyelids she saw the village burning. Five children panted as they ran. She could hear the heavy footsteps of their pursuer. The oldest seemed to be about seven at most… a little girl with chocolate brown hair and wide gray eyes. Her face was smudged with mud and what looked like…blood. She hurried the younger ones on. Then they were caught under the moonlight they screamed as their murders set fire to them, cackling the whole time. Silent tears slide down Kagome's face. The glisten from the moon illuminated the trail the tears took down her face but she made no moves to wipe them away. Everything came to her at once, her breath was taken away by the force. She finally knew what her purpose was…but what she saw. Was it real?

`That couldn't be real! How could anyone do that to children?'

What she didn't know however was that on the outskirts of a town not far from their camp sight five children were being watched burn.

Naraku POV

I smirked and sit back comfortably as I watched the little vixen fight with her first sample of what corruption was in the world. I brush a strand of dark hair behind my ear and stare at the vixen through Kanna's mirror.

"Yes goddess. Try to deny it, you will no longer be able to when the rest of them start to hit your mind. Kukukukukukukukuku…"

I threw back my head and laughed enjoying thoroughly the way the sadistic sound echoed against my castle walls.

`It is merely the beginning.'