InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I? ❯ The Discovery ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inuyasha desperately wanted to leave. Kagome was sick with something unknown, and he kept being lead around by a fat old man. Not his best day ever. At least he got to eat as much food as he wanted. Though having all the servers stare at him pissed him off, and he wanted to knock that little knowing smirk off Shippou’s face while he ate. He wasn’t that messy was he?

Then there was the fat man, oh how Inuyasha wanted to punch him. Kagome and Miroku were sick and the old man was too damn cheery. Inuyasha wouldn’t do it though, because he didn’t want to be on the wrong end when Kagome was mad… not that he was scared of her.

The old man tried to talk to Inuyasha and he just ignored him. For some reason Kagome and the others didn’t want to upset the squat man. Stupid, decrepit old man. It was his fault he was being tortured like this. At least that Osamu had left them, he didn’t want another stupid human around him.

She had smelt sick, but he didn’t recognize the specific illness. He had never came across the scent before, and Miroku reeked of it too. However, to Inuyasha’s immense relief, it did not smell deadly.

“Inuyasha!” Shippou yelled for him and pointed at some origami. “Look at this! Can you make these?”

“Keh.” Inuyasha forced out quickly.

“Shippou, I could show you how to make one.” Sango said and reached for a crane to unfold it.

“Really?” Shippou’s eyes went wide, and he quickly jumped to Sango’s side.

Inuyasha found himself growing even more irritated, we don’t have time for this..

“I’m going back to the hut.” He stated angrily and stalked off quickly. How long had he been among the reeking humans? Too long, he answered himself. He ignored the old man that trailed him, but couldn’t ignore the kitsune that latched himself onto his shoulder.

“Sango will show me the cranes at the hut, so you can see Kagome.” Shippou whispered as if he was in on an important secret. Before Inuyasha could retort that he didn’t care to see Kagome, Shippou spoke again. “I think it stinks here too.”

“Inuyasha-” Sango started up in defense of the old man.

Inuyasha twirled around to face the old man so fast that he swore Shippou would fall, but he managed to hold on. With everything that had happened to Inuyasha in the past two days, his already short temper was almost non-existent.

“Listen,” He snapped, grinding his teeth. “You want us happy?” Being nice was so hard.

“Oh yes-” The old man wanted to ramble on.

“Then we’re going back.” He snarled in the man’s face, which turned white and he backed up without a word. He was too scared to talk.

Inuyasha growled as Osamu appeared almost out of nowhere. “Do not worry elder, compensation will now be given to our village. You have done a good job.” The old man’s face relaxed.

Inuyasha didn’t wait for Osamu to acknowledge him, he quickly turned and walked away. Sango bowed and muttered an apology and sped after Inuyasha, who was being berated by Shippou for being rude. Inuyasha was about to smack the kit on his head, but he froze when a scent hit his nose.

The smell… it couldn’t be… It had to be coming from another hut, but no… it wasn’t.

Sango gave him a strange look and walked through the entrance to the hut before Inuyasha could stop her. He waited in shock, and almost as quickly as Sango went in, she stumbled right back out. Her hands covered her mouth and her eyes were wide.

Inuyasha felt as if someone had punched him in the chest. He couldn’t breathe. Without saying a word, Sango had confirmed what Inuyasha’s nose was telling him.

“Sango? Inuyasha?” Shippou patted Inuyasha’s cheek before shrugging and disappearing into the hut.

It didn’t take long.

“Inuyasha! Sango! Help! They won’t wake up!” Shippou’s voice yelled at them. The fear in his voice snapped Inuyasha back to reality.

“I’ll have no problem doing that.” Inuyasha growled. He had relatively succeeded in stuffing his pain down with anger.

He stalked into the hut and couldn’t help but falter when he saw them curled together on the floor, naked, underneath her bedding. His heart lurched painfully again, and he practically flew to them. He felt a grim satisfaction when he backhanded Miroku across the face.

The Monk didn’t stir.

That only served to enrage Inuyasha further and he drew back his fist, only to be caught by Sango.

Inuyasha…” He raised his furious eyes to her and was shocked to see relief. “They didn’t… I mean… I thought.. But they’re just sick.” Though she was having trouble with explaining why they were naked.

“What’s wrong with them?” Shippou wailed.

“Shut up!” Inuyasha roared furiously and slammed his fist into the wall before realizing what Sango said. He stared unblinkingly at the hole he had made in the hut.

She can’t smell it.

He glanced at Shippou, Sango and Kirara.

Kirara probably knew what it was, but he wouldn’t let the other two find out.

“They’re burning up!” Sango exclaimed. “That must be why they’re undressed… they could have been incoherent with such a fever…” She grasped at that reason, because it logically explained why they were naked. “We have to cool them down... Get them to a cold stream or something.”

She reached for the blanket to uncover them and Inuyasha acted quickly. He didn’t want her to find… proof.. Of what had transpired.

“I’ll do it.” Inuyasha said loudy, yanking her hand back. “Shippou, can you take Sango and locate a stream?” Inuyasha knew where the little brook was, but he needed to get them out of the hut.

Shippou puffed up with pride. “Of course I can!”

“You’ll need help to-” Sango started to argue.

“I said I would do it!” Inuyasha bellowed at her, golden eyes flashing. “Kirara will help, you two go!”

Shippou quickly lead out a stunned Sango. Kirara mewled.

“It’s better if they don’t know.” Inuyasha’s shoulders drooped and he barely noticed when Kirara transformed and bent low for him.

Just as he started to bend down, that smell wafted to his nose. Barely there, but it had a similar attribute to what he had smelled on them earlier, at the meal. It was like the difference between smelling alcohol in a cup and them smelling a drunk human as the alcohol was processed through their system.

Kirara mewled again. She smelled it too, were they poisoned? There was something in there bodies that wasn’t supposed to be… Inuyasha shook his head at the hopeful thought that had entered his head. They rutted, he slammed the hope back down, no poison could make someone do that.

“I know…” Inuyasha spoke quietly to Kirara, though he got the feeling she knew more than he did, but she was just unable to vocalize it. He hauled them onto Kirara at the same time, keeping them wrapped. The scent of Miroku’s semen mixed with Kagome’s arousal was not something he wanted a face full of, he also smelled the slight tang of blood… it tugged on his heart…. It was her first time…. The bedding hampered the smell… slightly. He threw some blankets on Kirara for later.

He glanced at them one more time, they were brightly flushed. He didn’t remember a time where he had felt such a high fever. He realized he was worried, still angry, but worried. He dug his nails into his palms, he didn’t want to worry. He turned to Kirara and motioned for her to follow.

Inuyasha sensed where Shippou and Sango were. He ran 50 feet downstream away from where they were headed. He took Kagome and laid her in the shallow stream, with her head on the bank.

“Hold her in place will ya?” Inuyasha asked. Kirara moved to place a paw underneath Kagome’s shoulder to keep her from sliding further in. Inuyasha them pulled Miroku from Kirara and placed him downstream of Kagome, his head on the bank also.

He didn’t know how long to keep them in the fridged water, that would be Sango’s job. However, he waited to yell for her until he was satisfied that the water had removed all the sticky traces of their tryst. Their nakedness only reminding him of what they had done, he turned his head and fought the pain and loneliness that washed over him. He wished he was angry again, it hurt less, but he just felt too tired to be angry.

“Over here.” He halfheartedly yelled at Sango and Shippou when she knew they would hear.

“I thought you were going to wait-” Sango started to chide him.

“Well you thought wrong.” Inuyasha cut in, pissed. “I didn’t want to wait on you two.”

Sango said nothing but felt the monk’s head, then Kagome’s.

“Will they be alright?” Shippou sniffed.

“Their fever’s have gone down considerably… how long have they been in the water?” She asked accusingly.

“Feh, you guys weren’t even in shouting distance when I got them here.”

“We should pull them out… get them dry.” Sango said uneasily.

“You’re not sure?” Inuyasha all but shouted, he was getting angry again. Good.

“Miroku and Kagome usually do this stuff…” She trailed off before speaking again. “You know, you didn’t have to hit him.”

“Yes I did.” Inuyasha said instantly, but he didn’t like the way the conversation was going. He clenched his fists. He didn’t just go through all that to end up telling Sango what really happened. “Let’s just get them out.”

Sango nodded and grabbed Kagome, “Shippou hand me that blanket.” She glanced sideways at Inuyasha who was already wrapping up Miroku. “You remembered to bring blankets.”

Inuyasha flustered. “I’m not stupid ya know.” He flopped Miroku on Kirara a little too carelessly.

Sango placed Kagome on Kirara more gently. She turned. “You coming?”

Inuyasha wasn’t going to answer until he looked in her worried eyes. “Yeah, later.”

Sango nodded and Inuyasha took off into the forest.

He felled trees with single swipes, punched rocks hard enough to crumble them, and even maimed a few wild animals. It didn’t quench his anger. The pain was unbelievable, and no matter what he hit, punched, kicked, or killed… it wouldn’t go away.

Finally, when the first rays of the sun started to appear, Inuyasha sank to his knees, exhausted. He roared out at the sky with such anguish laced in his voice that it actually brought tears to his eyes. He hated tears. He should have told Sango, but he couldn’t. He shouldn’t have helped, but he did. He put his head in his hands. If he hadn’t helped Kagome and Miroku, then Sango would have found out.

This happened every single time he trusted someone. They always betrayed him. He should have known that happiness couldn’t last for him. He had friends, a purpose, and love from them.

However how much he wanted to be angry, something nagged at him. Kagome had just kissed him not to long ago, right after Naraku had shown up. Kagome and Miroku had smelled sick, smelled like something similar to poison afterwards. They hadn’t woken up.

Last time, it was Naraku’s fault… this time…

Inuyasha blinked.

The trap they all thought they were walking into.

The unknown lord that had told the village about them.

The poison-like substance.

The knowledge that it would cause separation.


Inuyasha stood shakily, too afraid to hope. He had felt this betrayed with Kikyou, had rushed in without thinking. Was this the same?

There were holes in that theory too… what the hell would cause them to rut like that? Inuyasha’s ears drooped because, to his knowledge, there was nothing that could force two people to rut if they didn’t want to.

To my knowledge.

Inuyasha felt a prick on his cheek, he reached up to smack the offending bug. He pulled his hand back.

“Why lord Inuyasha, a pleasure to see you again!”

To my knowledge. Inuyasha stared.

“Lord Inuyasha?”

To my knowledge.

“Myouga.” Inuyasha felt devious and he felt a smile form. For the first time since this whole thing started with the Jewel, he felt like he was a step ahead of Naraku. Inuyasha knew that somehow, Naraku was responsible. He wasn’t sure how, but he was going to do something that should have been done with Kikyou and hope to the gods that he wasn’t wrong.

He was going to trust his friends.