InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I? ❯ The Deception ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Lemon warning.


Kagome slowly stood and made her way out of the hut with the rest of her group.

Kagome stopped apprehensively as the two men turned back to them, she, and the rest of her group, eyed them wearily.

“This is my dear friend, Osamu.” The old man introduced and Osamu bowed his head slightly at them.

Pleasantries were exchanged, yet Kagome barely paid attention enough to be involved, too wrapped up in her thoughts to notice that she fell behind until Miroku walked up beside her.

“Something’s wrong.” Miroku stated, and Kagome’s head shot up to him. Kagome didn’t understand why he had to be so damn observant all the time.

She looked toward Inuyasha, who was only a few feet in front of them. His white ears were twitching. He was listening. Kagome switched her gaze back to Miroku and she reached up and tapped her ear with her finger twice rapidly, trying to hint to him.

“As you wish.” Miroku nodded. “What do you think about the little feast that we will be having in our honor?”

Feast? We’re going to eat? Kagome wondered. Damnit, I knew I should have been paying attention! “It’s alright.”

Miroku frowned at her once more for her lack of enthusiasm, but said no more until they were brought to another hut. Kagome knew she should have paid attention to what the old man and Osamu were saying earlier, she had no clue what they were going to do. When are we going to the festival? Common sense told her that they would attend that after they had a full stomach.

They were sat with an assortment of food overflowing from everywhere it seemed, and the smell was delicious. Kagome could only imagine how much Inuyasha wanted to drool. She almost giggled at that thought… almost.

The drink of choice was sake, though she had to tell them that Shippou could not have any. Great, Kagome mumbled within her mind, now I have to worry about getting drunk.

“We shall drink this sake in celebration of our friends and newfound prosperity!” The old man cheered, and downed his sake.

Am I supposed to do that too? Kagome wondered and met eyes with Inuyasha, who shrugged and drank his as the old man had. She noticed Sango and Miroku doing the same. I don’t remember this being an old tradition, Kagome thought, but she didn’t want to offend him.

The drink burned her throat, and she tried not to gag on the nasty drink. Gods! How can people stand this? It’s disgusting!

Seeing everyone else dig in to their food, Kagome wondered what kind of setting they were in, formal or informal? Seemed a bit of both. Something was just off about the whole situation. I really should have paid more attention earlier!

Kagome vowed to be more observant, and took a bite of her rice to help dispel the taste of sake. Looking back up she saw Miroku stare at his empty cup.

“What is it?” Kagome asked quietly, not to upset her guests.

“It was a little… different.” He pointed at his cup. “How was yours?”

“I don’t know, that was my first time drinking it.”

He made a small noise and rose from the floor. “I must excuse myself, I am not feeling well.”

What? Kagome wondered, did I say something wrong?

Then it hit her. Nausea. “Oh gods…” She started before clapping her hands over her mouth. Inuyasha and Sango were instantly on their feet.

Not paying attention to Miroku anymore she scrambled up, worrying that her face was green.

“Oh my! No no no no…” The old man chanted. “They are not feeling well! Will we still get our compensation?” He worried to Osamu.

He’s more worried about the money? Kagome was incredulous, then her stomach tried to rebel. Successfully quelling the urge, she finally glance towards Miroku. He was not having any better a time than her.

“Not to worry, I assume as long as the others do indeed fine and healthy, we can take care of them.” Osamu said.

“I’m going with Kagome.” Inuyasha stated firmly.

“I’m going with them too.” Sango confirmed.

“No no!” The old man cried. “You must stay! Please, they will be taken back to your hut. I can‘t bear the failure!”

“Inuyasha.. Sango.. Stay.” Kagome said, instantly feeling bad for the long-winded old man. “We’ll be fine.”

“I’ll escort them back.” Osamu offered nonchalantly.

“No.” Inuyasha’s voice came through clear. He pointed at the fat old man. “He will take them back.”

Osamu looked slightly taken aback but nodded his assent. “Very well.”

Kagome doubled over again.

“Can we go now please?” Miroku was agitated, rightfully so.

The old man nodded and turned toward Osamu and the others with a bow, “I will return shortly!”

Kagome barely managed to keep up with the old man and Miroku. The nausea was getting worse.

They were at the hut within minutes and Kagome collapsed on her sleeping bag, it was too warm to slip into. Laying down seemed to help. She barely heard the old man make his exit.

“Kagome, how are you feeling?” Miroku asked, he was close.

Kagome’s eyes shot open and was shocked to see him so near, but she quickly did a self check and noted that the nausea was receding.. and quickly. “I feel… better.”

Miroku reached out and touched her hair, which caused Kagome to shoot up into a sitting position. What was he doing? Was he faking being sick?

“Miroku we can’t…” Kagome started to say, to tell him that she had come to the decision that he could not kiss her anymore. But it never came out, because she was cut off by this growing need, this hunger. A flame grew in her lower abdomen… arousal. What was going on? Miroku had a glazed over look, so intense that it would have scared Kagome, but she knew she had that same look, and that’s what scared her. The fire was spreading fast, so fast, that she barely had time to register that this was wrong. Very wrong.

Though they had yet to move, the feeling was more intense than they could ever imagine. Despite her own objections, her hand reached out for him.

“Don’t.” His voice shook. Her hand stopped it’s progress, and her eyes never left his.

Kagome needed to touch him, the flames had spread throughout her entire body in so short a time… “There’s somethin’ wrong.” Kagome didn’t recognize her own voice, so husky and deep and… was she slurring?

“I should be able to stop, but…” He murmured as he leaned in.

He was closer and Kagome could only wait with anticipation, knowing some relief was coming… Wait! Her mind yelled. Relief? What are you thinking?

He breathed out deeply and backed up. “I can’t… do this…”

Though her mind readily agreed, her body protested heavily… so heavily, in fact…

She touched his cheek.

His control snapped.

Kagome immediately found herself laid back down onto the sleeping bag with Miroku straddling her, with his mouth latched onto hers. Kagome moaned and kissed him back with fervor. Her mind jumped and screamed, but her body ignored the hysterical protests. Her demanding hands were fumbling unsuccessfully to find their way through the folds of Miroku’s clothing. She needed to touch him, she needed him to touch her. It was almost unexplainable, to say the need was so great.

Kagome once again fought her way to the surface of the haze, “Stop…” She breathed when she felt his hands on her bare stomach. No, Kagome’s mind frantically fought, this isn’t right. Though she couldn’t find a reason to stop, she just knew that it was wrong. But his hands, oh his hands… felt way to good… she didn’t really want him to stop… the fire wouldn’t stop building

“Kagome… ” His face was pained, begging her to stop because he couldn’t… but Kagome lost her hold on to the thin strand of clarity she had found. She dove her fingers into his hair and pressed his mouth back down to hers in a bruising, demanding kiss. Their teeth clashed and their tongues fought in such an aggressive primal display of affection.

The fire roared, both participants having been consumed and overwhelmed by something that wasn’t even meant for humans.

Miroku’s hands moved up, and Kagome let the little mewls and moans escape her mouth with reckless abandon. Her body was trying to press itself into his, however inexperienced she was, seeking its release from the inferno that had devoured her. Miroku’s lips soon attached themselves greedily to her neck, blistering paths with his tongue, only pulling back up when her shirt came off almost unnoticed over her head. His hands trailed their way to her breasts and Kagome gasped in pleasure, arching herself into his hands, encouraging him to remove the small section of material between them.

She pushed herself up to a sitting position, and found his mouth with hers again. Miroku moaned in excitement when he felt the fabric that covered her loosen. He immediately pushed her back down and his hands found his way underneath the now loose bra. His thumb and forefinger immediately found a nipple to lightly pinch. He was generously rewarded with several long moans. Her skin felt so hot, burning him with her touch and yet he wanted more.

With the bra being discarded, his lips descended upon on her breast while his hand lavished the other. It felt great, but… It wasn’t enough, Kagome desperately needed satisfaction, she needed completion, she needed him. She needed to feel his skin on hers, but she was having issues with his clothing. She pushed the already frantic pace faster, pawing at his robes, consumed with this need. The flames licked, caressed, and encouraged her body in tandem with Miroku’s touches… it was so hot.

After several tugs Miroku assisted Kagome with the removal of his clothes. As soon as they were off, Kagome gazed upon his beautiful body for only an instant before she was once again on her back with his fingers hooked underneath the waistband of her skirt and panties. He wasted no time in removing them from her in one motion. The cold air hit her a second before his warm body slid atop her, situating himself between her legs. She moaned and shivered as she felt the proof of his arousal pressing against her thighs and pressed her hips up urgently.

Had they been coherent, they would have been horrified at how fast this had gone. Kagome because this wasn’t something she was even ready for, and Miroku because he would have wanted her first time to be gentle, slow and loving.

But they weren’t coherent, and the overwhelming need for release was all they felt. The fire roared.

Miroku quickly found himself positioned at her entrance. She was soft, wet, and hot. He was panting for breath as he gradually pushed himself inside her. When he was met with resistance, he paused to take her mouth with his own and thrust harshly into her with one stroke.

Kagome let out a muffled cry into his mouth. She squirmed underneath him in an attempt to escape the pain, but he held her still. He stayed sheathed within her, unmoving, while coaxing her tongue with his own. His hands burned trails over her body, stoking her fire once more.

Tentatively, she pressed her hips up, and was rewarded with a small stroke. She still felt stretched to the limit, but the feeling was utterly delicious now. Sighing in pleasure, she moved her hips once more, and again she was rewarded with another roll of his hips. Just before she pressed up again, he moved without encouragement… and didn’t stop, he couldn’t stop, he had held back too long.

The feeling of him within her was so overwhelming, adding accelerant to the already sweltering blaze within her body. His hands had moved to curl underneath her, to press her against him. His lips had long ago abandoned their post at her mouth in favor of moaning out his pleasure to her. A fine sheen of sweat coated them both, and they could feel themselves building towards their release.

Kagome’s scorching hands roved his back down to his solid rear, pressing him into herself, trying to keep up with his pace and at the same time wanting him to go faster. She could feel herself building towards climax with every stroke, every movement within her, and even his grunts and moans helped stimulate the fire that raged.

His moans became louder and his thrusts became harder and Kagome could feel herself teetering, straining to fall over the edge. Pushing against him in a wild frenzied pace, thinking nothing but reaching for a goal. She couldn’t seem to get herself over the edge, and Miroku must have noticed.

The pad of his thumb found a home by pressing against her bundle of nerves just above their joined bodies. The world tipped and she fell, exploding around him. Nothing else mattered.

Kagome’s climax ignited his own, he exploded with such shuddering force as he gripped her hard. Running completely on instinct, he drove as deep as he could. He was spent, and he collapsed on top of her.

Just like cold water being thrown on the fire, they regained their memories.

They both froze, not wanting the other to know that they remembered, but they noticed that the air around them was cold, very cold. They didn’t move until Miroku felt something wet hit the side of his face from his position where his head curled over her shoulder. Kagome was crying. He leaned up to see her face, silent tears falling down the face that stared up at him in horror and fear.

Miroku pulled out of her, wincing when she flinched from the action. “Kagome… I-”

“Just get off…” Her voice trembled, and her mind could only repeat, no.

Miroku quickly moved off of her, turned around for her privacy and reached for his clothes as he stood. That’s when the exhaustion set in; however, exhaustion wasn’t the word for it, it was fatigue so horrible that it sent him to his knees, clutching his head, which spun when he stood. His head felt clouded, his limbs didn’t want to move, and he was cold.

“Miroku!” Kagome stood as well, only to swoon and collapse as Miroku had. She reached for him, more intent on their current problem rather than what they had just done. Though at this point, she would have rather dealt with that than the exhaustion and chill that crawled through her body. She could barely pull her arms around her naked form in an attempt to get warm, her arms felt like lead. I don’t even think I have the strength to get dressed, she thought sleepily.

Miroku strained to move the few feet between his and Kagome’s shivering forms. His own shivering was taxing his already exhausted body to a point where he thought he might loose consciousness. He reached Kagome and pressed up against her, his sluggish mind working to form a warning that it was not the air that was cold, that it was summer, and they most likely had a fever. Such a high fever, in fact, that the night summer air felt cold.

He barely felt when Kagome pulled her sleeping bag over their bodies that curled into each other in search for warmth. They were laying down, when had they laid down? Miroku couldn’t remember. He realized that he wasn’t shivering anymore, though he was still extremely cold. I’m too exhausted to even shiver… That was not a very comforting last thought before he surrendered to sleep.