InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I? ❯ The Conspiracy ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“There will be a silver-haired hanyou, a strangely-dressed miko, a female demon slayer and her pet demon cat, a Buddhist monk, and a young kitsune.” The smooth drawl belied the threat that the person behind the voice carried. He held up two items. “Ensure that you give one to the Miko and the other to the Monk, I care not how. However, you must ensure that they are alone after they ingest this, do not delay on that part. They will feel sick from this only for a few moments, use that to your advantage. The problem will be the over-protectiveness of the others, that will be solved easily. I will take care of them.” He paused in his instructions and narrowed his eyes. “Do I need remind you that you will not fail.”

The trembling villager bowed low. “N-no Naraku-sama!”

Naraku smiled. “Good. This must happen within the next two days.” He paused and shrugged nonchalantly. “Otherwise I must wait another moon cycle and find a more… suitable replacement.”

Once again the villager bowed low. “It will be done Naraku-sama!”



Kagome had avoided Inuyasha all morning, worried that she might actually tell him the truth. She might feel better, but he wouldn’t. She wasn’t particularly worried about Naraku, he saw one kiss. Miroku would take full blame for it and it would be passed of as him being his lecherous self. Even so, Kagome was still guilty. Horribly guilty. Last night, she had kissed two men in less than 10 minutes, and she still wanted them both. If somehow Inuyasha found out the truth about her and Miroku.. It would devastate him, and Naraku knew that it would devastate Inuyasha and that’s what she feared.

They had caught scent of Naraku’s trail easily, knowing that Naraku wouldn’t leave his scent in such an obvious fashion unless he was planning something. Kagome and Miroku both had a sick feeling about it.

By late in the afternoon, they arrived at a village that carried Naraku’s scent. They were completely amazed at what they saw.

A festival!

Sango squealed uncharacteristically and clapped her hands together. Kagome even put a smile on her face, maybe it would serve as a distraction.

“Feh.” Inuyasha said in response to seeing a village festival. “There’s no doubting it though, Naraku was here.”

“Do you think they’ll let us stay? I want to go!” Shippou begged to anyone that would listen.

“I wonder what kind of festival would be going on at this time of the season.” Miroku pondered, ignoring Shippou‘s plea.

“I don’t care if they let us stay or not, we’re going to find out why Naraku was in a human village.” Inuyasha said gruffly.

Shippou took that as a yes to the festival and jumped to Kagome, landing softly in her arms. “Did you hear that Kagome? We’re gonna get to go!”

“Inuyasha we can’t just invite ourselves in-” Kagome started to berate Inuyasha.

“Inuyasha’s right, we do need to find out why Naraku was here.” Miroku cut in. “As for letting us stay, I can handle that.“ Inuyasha smirked at Kagome.

“I’m sure you could.” Sango said darkly and adjusted Kirara in her arms.

Miroku gulped. “Well! We should get going then!” He said too cheery, though he took a glance at Kagome before trudging ahead toward the village. She was being unexpectedly downbeat, even after what had transpired the night before. He frowned, because he did not miss the way Kagome acted after coming back with none of the wood they had collected. Something had transpired between them. He would ask her later.

“Looks like we’re going to be stopped before we even get there.” Sango noted as they watched a villager make his way towards them. He appeared to be a short, fat man, probably the village head-man.

“Greetings travelers!” He welcomed them cheerily. “It is almost dark! Please, join us! It is a time for celebration, we have been waiting for you.”

That immediately set everyone on edge. Inuyasha was the first to respond as he stopped in his tracks. “What do you mean, ‘waiting on us.’ Who told you we were coming?” His hand settled onto the worn hilt of Tetsusiaga.

The man’s smile never faltered. “Why a young lord came by just yesterday to inform us of your arrival.” The man then leaned in to their group and whispered dramatically, as if telling a big secret. “He also paid handsomely for your stay here.” The man leaned back out and laughed at a joke only he must have understood. “He also asked me to make sure you know he will return to meet you in two days time.”

“You must be mistaken!” Sango said, and Miroku inwardly sighed. Even if they weren’t who the villagers were waiting for, they could have at least pretended to be, just to get a free night’s stay.

“Oh no, he was very specific!” The man continued happily, seemingly unaware of the sudden tension within the little group. Shippou burrowed a little further into Kagome’s arms. “He informed me I could not miss such a group!” He turned to Inuyasha. “He said a powerful hanyou would be leading the group.” The old man bowed to Inuyasha. “I must say, you do appear to be quite intimidating.”

Inuyasha crossed his arms but said nothing. Obviously surprised, because he had never once heard the words ‘powerful’ and ‘hanyou’ strung together in the same sentence from a stranger without the words dripping with sarcasm.

The old man then turned to address Miroku with a bow, “He also said there would be a monk, wise and cunning. Though I expected you older, it is a pleasant surprise.”

Miroku also seemed taken aback, but found no deceit behind his admiring words. The old man seemed to be in awe of their group.

Still the old man continued.

“He spoke at great lengths of the fair maidens of the group!” He turned to give an appraising gaze at the girls. Surprisingly, it was not lecherous at all. He looked towards Sango and bowed yet again. “The gorgeous yet deadly female youkai slayer, I presume? This must be your loyal neko youkai friend?” The man said with a quick glance to Kirara.

Sango managed a nod.

“The beautiful courageous miko,” He started with a bow to Kagome. “He spoke about you with such fondness I wonder if it was you he is really wanting to see.”

Inuyasha opened his mouth only to have Miroku jab him with his elbow to keep him quiet.

“You were responsible for bringing the young kitsune within your group, whom he said is turning out to be quite a brave and intelligent young youkai.” He finished his flattering rounds with the group before raising his voice once more to address them all.

“Though as accurate as your words are, I must insist that you tell us this lord’s name.” Miroku said with a slight amused twinkle in his eye that the girl’s didn’t miss.

The man faltered, “I wasn’t privy to that information when I spoke with him.” Then he suddenly perked up again. “But I was entrusted to be your host for this evening and was told about each of you at great lengths to ensure you a grand time!” He grew serious. “I was chosen to be responsible for you during your stay, which means I am also responsible for the riches that will be coming to us for making your stay enjoyable.” He seemed slightly worried for a split second before beaming at them again. “But I have faith in my abilities as a host and will ensure a prosperous future for our village.”

The group exchanged incredulous looks, but the man spoke eagerly before any of them had a chance to.

“Now come!” He made a big sweep of his hands. “Let us enjoy the festivities!”

The followed the old man silently. They wanted to exchange words, but not in front of their ‘host.’ He lead them to a hut on the outskirts of town, opposite the side of the village that the festival was taking place. He said he would give them half an hour before he returned, and then left.

“I feel so bad that we didn’t even get his name.” Sango said regretfully, speaking first.

“So do I.” Kagome agreed readily as she placed her pack down.

“Keh, that’s not important.” Inuyasha said, leaning against the wall.

“Inuyasha, you should try not to be so rude!” Kagome chastised, paranoid that he was baiting her as a distraction to keep their minds off of last night. Well, she thought, its not working. I need a good romance novel-

“What I think Inuyasha is trying to say is that we should be focusing on Naraku.” Miroku offered. Kagome huffed at Miroku’s inturruption of her thoughts. -With lots of action-

“Damn right.” Inuyasha confirmed. “It’s a trap.” Kagome mentally huffed again. -with a hot guy-

“I think we can all agree on that.” Sango set Hiraikotsu against the wall, starting to feel at ease. Kagome barely glanced her way. -in a kitchen, on a table. With that thought finally finished, she reached down to pull Shippou back from her pack he was currently digging in.

“Awww Kagome.” Shippou whined. “Just one piece?”

“No Shippou, we’ll be eating in just a little while.” Kagome told him softly.

Inuyasha glared at Kagome for the interruption. “Keh bitch, can’t you two just shut up? There are more important things to discuss than candy.”

Kagome’s anger skyrocketed, though she took a deep breath and had to remind herself, two steps forward, one step back, in reference to their ‘relationship.’ They would have an ‘intimate’ moment, then Inuyasha would feel weak and would cover with insults to her, it happened every time. It was beyond maddening. “I know.” She said and everyone seemed shocked that Inuyasha didn’t get a ‘sit’ with that remark. “Obviously the ‘young lord’ is Naraku. It is a trap. We know he’ll be here in two days, so lets have some fun.”

Sango smiled. “Exactly what I was thinking.”

Kagome smiled back and walked over to Sango.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking too!” Miroku threw his arms over their shoulders, putting himself between them. “Now, I do have a few fun ideas-” But was cut off by a fist to his head.

The girls plucked his arms from their shoulders with sighs. Though Kagome secretly thrilled at his touch. Why? Kagome despaired, why does it have to be this way? Kagome sat on the floor against the wall, trying to appear tired. She didn’t really pay attention to what the others were saying. Thinking about the situation all last night hadn’t gotten her to a solution, so why would now be any different? Not even fighting with Naraku have I ever felt so stressed… I love Inuyasha… but he won’t be with me like I want. So why can’t I move on? Why can’t I have fun with Miroku without feeling bad? Why can’t I just be selfish? Of course she knew the answer to that question. She couldn’t be selfish because it would hurt someone else. End of story.

Sango would be hurt… Inuyasha would be hurt. Even though she technically wasn’t with Inuyasha, he wouldn’t have kissed her last night if he didn’t feel anything towards her. It’s selfish of him yes, but I know that’s how he thinks, he had to be selfish growing up to survive.

Last night, to try and make matters simpler, Kagome swore off any physical contact with the male population… with the exception of her male family members and Shippou.

Reestablishing that resolution made her feel more determined. No more thinking about this until Naraku was nonexistent.

Staying away from Inuyasha wouldn’t be that hard.

Miroku on the other hand…. They had been doing it for far too long, longer than she should have let him. Until now, the reality of it never sat in. In their minds it was a game.

Well. It was a game no more.

She looked up at hearing the old man enter. The old man they still didn’t have a name for. He had another man with him.

“Tell me old man.” Inuyasha caught his attention. “What the hell is the festival for anyway?”

He looked at Inuyasha with bright eyes that made him appear younger. “Why it’s for you and your friends of course!”

That piece of information didn’t make any of them feel any more at ease, in fact, it probably made the tension worse.

Naraku had something big planned, and Kagome had the sinking feeling that it had something to do with her and Miroku.