InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I? ❯ The Exposed ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Has it really been a month? Kagome wondered as she glanced toward Miroku. One month since they had played their game. One month since their first kiss, one month since they betrayed Sango and Inuyasha. One month and they still couldn’t stop.

Oh sure - Kagome knew that Miroku’s heart was held by Sango, just as she knew that Miroku understood that Inuyasha was Kagome’s focal point for her heart. Miroku and Kagome knew they existed for each other to relieve tensions that evolved from their respective ‘relationships.’

Or so she thought.

Just last week, they ventured out from Kaede’s and chanced upon a village. A village that trained Mikos.

Beautiful Mikos.

Normally, Kagome would have been pissed that Miroku would do that in front of Sango. This time when Miroku, sweet perverted Miroku, clasped a pretty miko’s hands to profusely thank her for her hospitality; Kagome felt a twinge.

Not just any twinge - it was jealousy.

That was enough to dispel any anger to make room for her confusion… and shock.

Kagome, through her revelation, vaguely recalled Sango banging on Miroku’s head. Though previous memories could fill in the gaps of what she missed- it was so predictable.

Kagome’s body went on autopilot the rest of that night. The thank you’s, the nightly rituals, but her mind focused on that split second where she was jealous.

Kagome came to a realization far too late. Kagome wasn’t the kind of girl to just start a physical relationship and just forget, to stay away emotionally. With everything that had happened, Kagome knew she was becoming attached.

That realization came last week.

Two days ago, she came to another realization.

Kouga had popped up, caressed her hands, and proclaimed his love for everyone to hear. She had glanced worriedly first to Inuyasha, ready to see Tetsusiaga pulled swiftly from its sheath. She wasn’t disappointed. What she wasn’t ready for was Miroku’s staff to be rapped, hard, on Kouga’s forearms. Surprised, Kouga had let go and turned wide-eyed to Miroku. Though he wasn’t the only one.

Miroku had kept his voice smooth. “Kouga, while it is a pleasure to see you again-”

Inuyasha snorted.

Miroku ignored Inuyasha and continued as if there were no interruption. “I must protest to you causing a stir within our group during such trying times. What can we help you with?”

Kagome had only half listened to the Naraku oriented conversation-slash-argument. Miroku had acted first, and rather brashly, to Kouga’s advances. Though he covered it well, she didn’t miss his slight frown when he realized what he had done.

So, after another long night of being immersed in deep thought - one question remained in the wake of his jealousy.

Could Miroku be falling for her?

For Kagome, the game had turned into a scary reality.

Because at the moment, she was in a make-out session with Miroku.

They were supposed to be gathering firewood.

But damn he was a good kisser.

When had her thoughts turned from using Miroku to relieve some pent up sexual frustrations that stemmed from Inuyasha, to just wanting Miroku? She broke away and looked down.

“We really need to get back.” She was soft spoken.

“Not yet.” Miroku lowered down to my bottom lip to nibble at it. Kagome gave in until she felt his hand slide beneath her shirt. That was a line she had not let him cross, and she wasn’t about to start.

She pulled away to stop him and froze at the voice she heard, in the form of laughter. Fear and dread filled her body as she started to shake, the amused laugh belonged to none other than Naraku.

Kagome immediately dropped her hands from Miroku. Her first thought wasn’t for her own safety, but the fact that the rest of their group would find out about their betrayal. She glanced toward Miroku and found he was thinking the same.

“It’s a golem.” Miroku stated quietly and I nodded, my hands clenching, grasping for a bow that just wasn’t there.

“You are making this too easy.” Naraku started, though Kagome wasn’t sure to whom Naraku was speaking. Miroku situated himself in front of Kagome. “What could this possibly do to your little group?” Naraku asked, knowing full well the consequences. Naraku paused dramatically before continuing. “Monk, what would this do to your little slayer? What I would give to see that look upon her face when she discovers your little secret.” Naraku turned to Kagome. “And you, miko, all this lying to your precious Inuyasha, just can’t be good for your pure soul. And what would information like this do to Inuyasha, hm? He’s been betrayed so much in his life, I wonder what your betrayal would do to him.”

“Naraku.” Miroku said, gaining confidence. “If you think that the fact that I pushed myself on Kagome once, that it would spell doom for our group, you really are a fool.”

Kagome caught on, Naraku had only seen that one kiss, maybe just a bit longer. He knew that she kissed him back… but still.

Naraku seemed taken aback slightly. “It is my observation that she reciprocated, and that it seems that you two have done this before.” Naraku smiled. “I’ll let you live, and you’ll have your secret… for now.” Naraku turned slightly. “Why Inuyasha-” He was cut off by the Wind Scar.

“Keh.” Inuyasha zoomed over. “I didn’t want to hear the bastard. Now we know he’s near here. You two alright?” Inuyasha asked to make sure, even though they appeared safe and he didn’t smell blood.

“Y-yeah.” Kagome was still shaking, but judging by the way he was acting, he had heard nothing out of the ordinary. Naraku hadn’t wanted Inuyasha to hear. Which meant he had something up his sleeve.


Sango came running into the clearing, with Kirara and Shippou.

“Kagome!” Shippou exclaimed as he rushed into her arms. Kagome barely had enough time to react to wrap her arms around his small frame. “You’re alright! When Inuyasha said he smelled Naraku-”

“Shut up brat, she’s fine.” Inuyasha threatened, then turned to Kagome. “He wasn’t attacking you.”

It wasn’t a question. Great, Kagome thought, Inuyasha is in one of his rare moments of clarity.

“No he didn’t.” Kagome said softly.

“Then he must have had something he wanted you to know.” Inuyasha said, waiting for them to explain.

“I don’t know exactly what he’s planning, but it seems as though he has plans to break us up.” Miroku piped up from his silence, thinking of the right thing to say.

“What else is new.” Inuyasha huffed.

“What exactly did he say?” Sango asked. “Maybe we can pick something up there from that.”

“He did a lot of laughing and taunting. He said he wanted to see the looks on our faces when he was through.” Miroku exposed some without exposing everything.

Kagome’s heart was hammering in her chest, at every word Miroku offered without telling them the horrible truth. She felt horrible.

“Inuyasha, we should probably get a good nights rest, if Naraku is in the area.” Sango offered, unintentionally helping them.

“Feh.” Inuyasha’s moment of clarity seeming to be over. “I’ll help Kagome bring the wood.”

Normally Kagome would have been surprised at his sudden display of helpfulness, but now… he wanted to talk to her.

Not looking at Miroku she started gathering up what Inuyasha had not. “You guys go on ahead, we’ll be there in a second.” She said, then waited for their footsteps to lead off before she straightened out and looked toward Inuyasha. “Thank you.” She said, giving him a bright smile.

“You smell like him.” Inuyasha voiced and Kagome thought her heart would stop.

“Who?” She asked with innocent eyes.

“The lecher!” Inuyasha practically yelled, he was annoyed.

Kagome thought fast. “That’s because he is a lecher!” She huffed back, setting down her wood to put her hands on her waist. not entirely a lie. Inuyasha seemed satisfied with that.

“Why are you nervous?” Inuyasha asked again and Kagome felt the stirrings of anger. What is this, Twenty Questions? “You’ve been nervous around me a lot. I don’t like it.” He stated bluntly.

“You’ve been on my mind.” Kagome said truthfully. This seemed to stop his train of thinking.

“M-me?” Surprised, Inuyasha tried not to stumble with his words, and once he realized he did, he tried to cover it up. He put his wood down also and crossed his arms. “Keh, bitch, why would you want to think about me?”

“Because I want to.” She stated simply, then seemed to think for a minute before looking down. “There was also something… I wanted to try.” You mean test, her mind supplied snidely. She shook those thoughts from her mind and looked up at him, taking a step closer. Of course she couldn’t expect him to be as good as Miroku, he didn’t have the experience… but, she wanted to check to see if it felt the same, if it stirred up stronger feelings within her than Miroku did.

Inuyasha seemed startled, and completely oblivious. “What is it?”

Kagome got closer yet, and he still didn’t catch on. “Inuyasha..” Then at the last second, she chickened out. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his haroi for a hug. She felt his hands hesitantly slide around her to return the hug and her heart soared. She didn’t need to kiss him to know that what she felt for him was beyond the physical realm. She did love Inuyasha, however, he was emotionally and physically unavailable for her, no matter how much they both wanted it. She also knew, she was falling for Miroku.

She buried her face into his haori further, enjoying the feel of him. Because she knew, it may not last.

Not with Naraku knowing things that weren’t his business.

Inuyasha grasped her shoulders, and pushed her back slightly. “Kagome…” Kagome opened her eyes and gasped slightly.

He was looking at her the same way as Miroku did before he kissed her.

Inuyasha was going to kiss her!

Kagome closed her eyes and leaned forward as much as she could. When she felt his lips brush hers, she shivered and pressed harder against him. He moved his mouth over hers, though he was definitely inexperienced. She brought her hands up to his cheeks, holding him where she could get the most benefit from his mouth.

He realized she was kissing him back and his emotions overwhelmed him and he hugged her tight, breaking the kiss. He buried his face in her neck, because he figured if he let her go, she would come to her senses about kissing a half-breed. That word half-breed raced through his mind, and he immediately felt guilty for touching her, tainting her pureness, damaging her reputation…

“Kagome…” His eyes were full of pain and guilt when she looked up. “I didn’t mean to…”

Her eyes widened in shock, he felt guilty for kissing her? He must be thinking about Kikyou, she thought despairingly. She backed away from him, tears in her eyes.

“N-No, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have even hugged you… not with Kikyou-” She choked off.

Inuyasha blinked, Kikyou? She hadn’t even crossed his mind… “Kikyou? This isn’t about Kikyou!”

“Then what is it Inuyasha? I’m not good enough?” Kagome bit back angrily, I’m not as good as Kikyou.

“No you idiot!” Inuyasha spoke harshly, using anger to cover up his perceived weakness. I’m not good enough for you, he believed.

“Then what?” She asked crossly, arms folded across her chest.

“Keh, if you can’t figure it out…” Inuyasha then folded his arms and turned away slightly, there was absolutely no way he was going to spell it out for her, it caused him too much suffering just to think about it. He did not want to rehash his painful insecurities with her… especially not her. He handed his heart over too many times in his past to know the horrible consequences.

He would protect himself and Kagome in the process. She meant to much.

“You don’t trust me.” Her voice was soft and sad.

Inuyasha said nothing, but wondered where her anger went to.

“Good…you shouldn’t…” She said softly as she sobbed and ran back towards the camp, leaving him with all the firewood.

He stared, too shocked to chase her down. I shouldn’t trust her? He narrowed his eyes. What had she done?