InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I? ❯ The Test ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The sky had darkened and the wind had blown. Kaze no Kizu had been tossed and deflected. Arrows, sutras, and Hiraikotsu had been shot and thrown respectively, and they were useless. They had all the villagers that they could save standing behind them, a handful of villagers that huddled behind the groups semi-circle.

Naraku was on a mission, but he was barely fighting their group choosing to instead to taunt with words and hide behind his seemingly unwavering barrier. If they could just hold out until Naraku’s youki grew weaker.

Sango watched as Kanna stepped forth with her mirror.

“Worried monk? I wonder what your slayer will say.” Naraku taunted as Sango glanced at him. Miroku had a look of horror at the sight of Kanna’s mirror.

“Kaze no Kizu!” Inuyasha roared as he directed another blast from his already diminishing youki. Sango knew he was getting tired, but damned if he would give up!

Watching in morbid fascination as mirror swirled into focus. It was Kagome and Miroku within the bounds of the glowing frame. Sango watched with growing trepidation as Kagome touched Miroku’s cheek, and then they fell over in obvious passion. Sango couldn’t talk, she could barely breathe. It had to be a trick.

“Knock off that shit Naraku, nobody cares!” Inuyasha yelled, but his white knuckled hold showed Sango that he was more than just affected by the images he was seeing, “Kirara, get Shippou outta here!”

Seeing Kirara grab a protesting Shippou and removing him from what was going on in the mirror broke Sango from her trance, “Is this some kind of sick joke Naraku? You think you can fool me?”

Naraku laughed, deep and dark. “You are the one who has been fooled slayer.”

“Naraku, if you think this is going to work-” Miroku spoke then, but his words were not as strong as Sango would have thought they would be in this type of situation.

“Oh it already has. How did it feel to betray your friends? Those late nights in the woods, sneaking away from your group, did you even feel remorse?” Naraku laughed once more as his dark hair tossed in the wind. “Tell me monk, how did it feel to rob the miko of her virtue?”

On the mirror, the last of the clothes had been removed, and Sango watched the mirror numbly as she saw Miroku’s hips start to thrust.

“T-That can’t be real!” Sango yelled. Her mind not willing to work any further than those words. It couldn’t be true, yet she couldn’t pull her gaze away from the mirror.

“I assure you young slayer, what you see within this mirror has transpired.”

Sango couldn’t erase the doubt that crawled up her mind like a spider, spreading out in a web. It coated her mind, it was all she could think about. It couldn’t be true… right? She tore her eyes away from the awful mirror, Kagome’s face told Sango all she needed to know.

Kagome’s face was white with little beads of sweat, her mouth open but no words were coming out. Her breaths were being expelled in short, quick, and choppy waves. That was how Sango knew. Kagome was in some sort of shock. She had said nothing since the mirror had been brought out, had not made even an effort to protect herself or the villagers behind them. Kagome did not even seem capable of movement.

“Kaze no Kizu!” Inuyasha lashed out uselessly.

Sango wanted to slap her forehead, why did she not think about Inuyasha? He had to be hurting too and there he was, fighting with all he had. She watched as the blast was deflected once more.

“Hiraikotsu!” She screamed as she aimed for the vile hanyou. Glowing scraps of paper could be seen from the corner of her eye that turned out to be sutras from Miroku’s hands as he tossed them onto Hirakotsu as it moved in the air.

“Kongashuuha!” Inuyasha must have mustered up enough energy for that powerful blast when he saw what Sango and Miroku were trying to do.

The amplified Hiraikotsu hit first, opening up a small crack. It was just big enough for an adamant shard to embed itself in Naraku’s shoulder.

Sango felt dull satisfaction when Naraku’s eyes widened in surprise. He had gotten too cocky. Would that be a reason for the eventual downfall of Naraku? Quite possibly.

The images faded in the mirror and Naraku’s eyes narrowed. “I will enjoy our next meeting.”

Naraku’s youki kicked out and pulled up dirt, covering their eyes as Naraku disappeared.

“Damnit!” Inuyasha coughed into his haori. “Kaze no Kizu!” He thrust blindly at where Naraku was last seen. It cleared the dust and was left with no Naraku to attack.

Whispering could be heard behind her. Sango couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Inuyasha obviously could.

“Shut up idiots!” He turned his rage on the villagers as he pointed his sword at the frightened villagers.

They immediately stilled and Sango could guess as to what they were whispering about. A monk and a miko made for juicy gossip. Any questions she wanted to ask would have to wait.

“Let’s go, the villagers are fine.” Sango said in a dead voice. Her mind kept running in circles and her heart had dropped in a painful thud. Miroku… and Kagome? It wasn’t possible! Sango started walking.

Inuyasha’s head fell slightly as he turned away from the remaining villagers, “All those late nights?” His voice was low and soft, almost helpless. Sango wanted him to shut up, he was asking this right in front of the villagers! Did he want to feed the gossip? Was he thinking about the scandal that this could cause?

The whispers picked up again.

“Let us take our leave.” Miroku spoke up as he moved in the direction that Sango was headed.

“Answer the fucking question.” Inuyasha’s low voice lost it’s soft tone as it turned dark, a faint growl could be heard.

“Inuyasha,” Sango hissed, “This is not the time.”

Inuyasha glanced around swiftly and then glowered at Miroku as he moved away from the villagers.

Kagome still stood there, only with tears running down her face. Sango felt nothing, Kagome had brought this on her own. She was only feeling bad now that she had been caught?

Kagome caught Sango’s gaze for only a second before looking away and making her feet finally move.

Sango walked speedily through the grass, each step serving only to fuel her anger and heartbreak simultaneously. She wanted answers.

Once they were out of sight, Inuyasha beat her to the punch… literally. Sango watched with surprising disappointment as Miroku ducked.

“Late nights?” Inuyasha growled as he charged blindly again.

“You believed him?” Miroku asked with wide eyes, “I swear to you Inuyasha, that you know everything.”

The gears turned in Sango’s head as she snapped at Inuyasha, “You knew what they were doing?”

Inuyasha’s eyes widened slightly, “It wasn’t their fault.”

Sango couldn’t stop the tears that came to her eyes, “You guys have about five seconds to explain this or so help me I’ll-“

“It was a youkai aphrodisiac.” Kagome finally spoke up, though her face was still pale. “In the village when we got sick. Myouga said we were lucky to survive.”

Inuyasha sat on his haunches, seemingly unable to speak.

“Our spiritual powers were what saved us from death once it overwhelmed our bodies.” Miroku softly added.

Sango wanted to sit down as well. This was all just too much. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Figured since it was a one-time thing, you didn’t need to worry ‘bout it.” Inuyasha spoke from his place on the forest floor.

Sango looked from Inuyasha to Miroku and finally, to Kagome. They really hadn’t done it to hurt her. “Naraku didn’t do much of a good job with his plan did he?”

They looked at each other in understanding, here they were, sitting and talking, which didn’t really fit in with Naraku’s supposed plan to break up their group. Miroku spoke, “You think there’s more to it?”

“Yeah,” Sango said as she looked at the ground, unable to meet his eyes, “Just not sure what.”

Kagome interrupted, changing the subject, “I’d like to go home for a couple days.”

Sango glanced over to her and saw the pain on her face, the tension, and the way she refused to meet anyone’s eyes. “You need Kirara?”

“That’d be great.” Kagome replied quietly.

Neither male said anything, which surprised Sango. It was time to bring Shippou back, and Sango knew that she wasn’t going to be able to ask any more questions. That was okay though, she didn’t want to know the details. She knew all she needed to know and at the moment she knew she wanted Naraku dead more than ever. ***

Kagome sat in the doctor’s office nervously. At the age of 17, she had never been to an OB/GYN before.

It was strange, usually when she was in the modern era, she could act like a normal teenager. Pretend like her life wasn’t threatened on a daily basis, hang out with her friends, and largely, act her age!

However, here she was, sitting in a modern era doctor’s office worried about things that happened in the feudal era. Oh how she hoped that it wasn’t too late for the morning after pill, but she knew it was a false hope. Still, there could be something done… right?

Kagome mentally counted the days that had gone by, the day after… the incident… she wanted to come back, yet she couldn’t. The day that Naraku attacked it took the rest of that day to gather everything and return to the village at the pace they went, then she came back yesterday just in time for that five o’clock phone call to the doctors office. So this was the fourth day?

“Higurashi Kagome?” A nurse called.

Stilling her suddenly jumping heart, Kagome stood. The nurse motioned for her to follow as she led Kagome to a room.

Kagome sat down inside and fidgeted. She answered the standard questions like if she had any allergies, problems, etc. She held her arm out for her blood pressure to be taken, and was shaking when the nurse asked the big question.

“So what’s the reason for your appointment today? Is there anything that you wish the doctor to know?”

“I was wondering about… well…” Kagome tried to still her frighteningly fast pulse, “To get a prescription.”

“For birth control?” The nurse asked.

“Kinda… um, I need the morning after pill.” Kagome whispered as her face turned red.

“Honey look,” The nurse said kindly, “We deal with this kind of stuff everyday, there isn’t much that will surprise us.”

You have no idea, Kagome thought.

“We won’t judge you, so please relax and try to be as honest as you can.”

Kagome smiled shakily back at the nice nurse, “Alright.”

“When did you engage in unprotected sex?” She asked frankly.

“About four days ago.” Kagome replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

She watched as the nurse sighed and gave her a small smile, “You should know, that the morning after pill should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex.”

“That’s what I figured.” Kagome’s voice was small.

“We will go ahead and give you an exam and go through everything we can do for you as of right now.” The nurse pointed to the gown, “Go ahead and take off your clothes and put on the gown, it ties in the front.”

“Okay.” Kagome said uncertainly as the nurse walked out the door.

Staring at the offensive gown, Kagome quickly stripped down, paranoid that the doctor would come in while she was still undressing, and donned the gown and tied it in the front. What was the point of it tying in the front?

She sat upon the table and the thin paper underneath crinkled at her. It was cold in the little room, and Kagome was more than uncomfortable.

A little knock came from the door before it opened to reveal a woman of Chinese descent. “Hello Kagome! I’m Dr. Yao,” The woman greeted as she shut the door and opened her file that was held in her hands. “This is your first visit here correct?”

Kagome nodded nervously.

“I’m going to ask you a couple of questions, and I want you to answer me honestly alright?”

Kagome nodded again.

“How long have you been sexually active?”

Kagome was taken aback at the bluntness of the question, but answered anyway while staring at the floor, “Four days.”

“Now I don’t want to offend you, but I’ve learned not to make assumptions, but have you had multiple partners?”

Kagome’s eyes widened slightly and she answered instantly, “No.”

The doctor glanced at her then down at the chart in her hands, “It says here you are wanting a prescription for the morning after pill, correct?”

“Yeah.” Kagome nodded as she said this, could this get more embarrassing?

“When is your next period due?”

“I don’t really keep track, but I’m guessing maybe 2 weeks, maybe longer?” Kagome guessed, face burning hotter. Not wanting to keep receiving the pitying looks that were going her way, and not wanting to hear the explanation again about why she was too late, she spoke, “It’s alright, the nurse already told me it was a little too late to get the prescription… so… I just want to know what I need to do now.”

“Well, I can give you some brochures on Planned Parenthood. Even if you aren’t pregnant, they can provide you information about safe sex. Hopefully you won’t find yourself in this situation again.”

Someone knocked and the nurse from before entered. The doctor spoke to the nurse, “Just in time.” The doctor turned back to Kagome, “We’re going to go ahead and give you your exam, we’re going to ask you to place your feet the stirrups.”

The nurse pulled the stirrups to an optimal position as Kagome looked on nervously. Once the nurse was done messing with them, Kagome placed her feet in what she hoped was the correct way. She pushed the gown down in the middle to ensure nothing was exposed, which seemed kind of silly, since the doctor was going to be prodding around down there anyway.

Kagome laid back at the doctors instruction and held as still as she could while the doctor explained each procedure that she did. Cold metal, goopy clear lubricant, unwanted poking fingers, and dry cotton swabs for testing were enough to make Kagome want to leave as soon as possible.

Just when she thought she was done, she was informed that she was also going to receive a breast exam. Kagome realized that was why the gown tied in the front.

The doctor then explained to Kagome that she couldn’t test for pregnancy until at the earliest five days before her period was due, and even then, only with certain pregnancy tests. Then after asking if there was any other questions that Kagome may have, as well as telling her now that she was ‘sexually active’ she would have to come back once a year for checkups, the doctor excused herself along with the nurse to allow Kagome to put her clothes back on. Walking to the front office, Kagome paid her co-pay before leaving with a bag of pamphlets.

Kagome now hated the words ‘sexually active.’

Walking home, bored, Kagome pulled out a pamphlet that was titled plainly: ‘Contraceptive choices.’ Seeing how she might be able to use some of these to even help Sango, if and when she ever so choose. Some of these were certainly… inventive. Kagome stared through the paper, deep in thought. This was all assuming she would have a sex life after this, so why did she even dig this one out? Who exactly would she be having sex with anyway? In no way did that night even effect her judgment. Nope, not in any way did it effect her. It didn’t feel that good, she lied to herself.

Kagome sighed in exasperation, it had felt good… great even. Even if she hadn’t been ready for it, it didn’t change the fact that she had liked it. What Eri had told her, was nothing compared to what she had gone through with Miroku. Granted, Eri hadn’t had a youkai aphrodisiac to enhance everything.

What if it was the aphrodisiac that made it feel the way it had? What if she never had an experience that would meet up with that expectation? Truthfully, that would really disappointing.

“Kagome!” A voice yelled and Kagome jerked out of her thoughts, quickly trying to open up the bag to stuff the brochure back in. The voice was close!

A hand touched her shoulder. Kagome jumped slightly and turned, “Yuka! What are you doing out of school?”

Yuka plucked the pamphlet out of Kagome’s hand nonchalantly, oblivious to the state of panic Kagome was in by shoving the pamphlet out of her sight.

“Oh, I’m just skipping…” Yuka’s voice trailed off as she caught sight of the title. Then to Kagome’s growing horror, a smile spread upon her face. “What are you doing out of school?”

“I uh, just had a doctor’s appointment. I’ll be at school tomorrow.” Kagome mentally kicked herself, Inuyasha was going to yell about that.

“For contraceptives?” Yuka’s voice was deceptively innocent.

“Er, well, it doesn’t hurt to look… right?” Kagome’s voice was meek.

Yuka seemed to take pity on Kagome, “Alright I’m done teasing you, but seriously Kagome, you can tell me stuff and you know that.” Yuka grabbed her hand and pulled her back against one of the buildings for a tad bit more privacy. “It’s not Inuyasha is it?”

Kagome’s eyes went wide, and she was going to protest that nothing had been done, but she really needed someone to talk to about this. Even if it wasn’t the whole truth.

“No, it’s not Inuyasha.”

“Then who?” Yuka clapped her hand over her mouth dramatically as she whispered vividly, “Is it Hojo?”

“No!” Kagome practically squealed.

“Kagome…” Yuka started in a warning tone.

“H-His name is Miroku.” Saying that out loud was just, well, it had an interesting reaction in Kagome’s head.

“Well,” Yuka drawled, “Are you just preparing to? Or are you boinking him already?”

“Yuka!” Kagome couldn’t believe that came out of her mouth!

“Is that a yes?”

Kagome looked down at the ground, “Yeah, I did.”

“Did? As in you’re not doing it anymore?”

“As in once, and I’m not entirely sure it’s going to happen again.” Kagome finally felt like opening up. “Four days ago, we were…” Kagome thought of an appropriate word, “Intoxicated, otherwise it never would have happened.”

“Well, was it good?”

Kagome nodded, “But there’s a problem…” Should she even tell Yuka?

“What is it?”

Kagome took a deep breath, “You can’t tell anyone, Yuka. Swear to me you won’t tell anyone.”

“Okay, god Kagome, you’re really worked up over this.” Yuka’s eyes were now worried, “What’s wrong?”

Seeing how worried Yuka was about her, Kagome felt a little better. “You know how I said we were intoxicated?”

Yuka nodded patiently.

“We kinda didn’t-“ Kagome’s heart sped up, but she had to try and force it out, “We didn’t use protection…”

“Oh god Kagome…” Yuka quickly before she recovered. “But hey, just take some tests down the road for STD’s, and hopefully one time won’t get you pregnant. No matter what happens, I’ll be here for you,” Yuka vowed.

“Thank you.” Kagome whispered before going on, “There’s another thing…”

“There’s more?”

“Miroku is Inuyasha’s best friend.”

“How do you get into these messes?” Yuka smiled a little and gave Kagome a hug. “I’m still here for you. Come on, I’ll walk you back to the shrine. You can tell me all about it on the way.”


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