InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what did i do this time ❯ Inuyasha messes up again ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other Characters. I wish I did but who doesn't wish that

Chapter 1: inuyasha fucks up again

"InuYasha, I'm going home!" Kagome says as she picks up her bag, and heads out the door

"Kagome wait up, you know what tonight is." yells an angry hanyou. jumping off the roof of kaede's hut to follow her. "You can't leave, Sango and the lecherous monk are exterminating demons in another village, and I don't want to babysit the runt."

"I'll be back before nightfall. I just need to get some more supplies, and take a bath." I can't believe he's freaking out just because i want to go clean up, and say hi to my family. "Plus Kaede is watching Shippo."

"Feh" 'Take a bath, can't she just wash up in the river like everyone else does.' "Can't supplies wait until tomorrow, and why don't you bathe in the river?" As they approach the well he grabs her wrist and spins her so that she's facing at him. "Waiting one more day won't kill you."


THUD. Kagome leans over so she can whisper into the grounded hanyou's ear "and what if you get hurt while your in your human form and we dont have enough bandages to wrap you up?"

"Feh, whatever, you probably have another date with that hobo guy. Kikyo would stay with me." he says as he stands up and jumps up into the nearest tree. 'that did it now I'm gonna get the sit of a life time and my ramen priveledges taken away.'

"INUYASHA,..........SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT." she swings her legs over the side of the well and gets ready to jump as tears start to form. "It's Hojo, and the only reason Kikyo would stay with you is because your gonna be human tonight." she cries as she dissapears down the well.

Groaning, a very sore Inuyasha picks himself up out of his mulchy crater. Looking around he realizes that Kagome has left for her time. "I'll give her time to calm down before I go chasing after her." he murmered before heading to the god tree, picking the splinters out of his fire rat robe on the way. "I didn't mean what I said about that Hobo guy.............. or Kikyo."

Kagome's time

"oh I can't beleive the nerve of him, saying things like that to me when all I want to do is look and smell good for him on the one night he isnt a complete asshole." wiping the tears from her eyes she climbs out of the bone eaters well, and starts walking toward her house. "and how dare he bring up Kikyo, probably just trying to rub it in that he loves her. I'm suprised he didn't call me his shard detector."

As she approaches the front door she puts on a fake smile. Better not let my mom know that I'm pissed off or she probably won't let me return to hunt jewel shards. Walking in she avoids her family and heads straight to her room and bolts the door behind her. Walking over to the window she looks at the well house expecting to see Inuyasha. "Maybe I really chased him off this time." she whispers as she locks the window. Pulling the curtains closed she starts pulling her shirt up over her head, revealing a red lacy bra that hugs the contours of her chest. Reaching behind her she starts to unclasp her bra....

To be continued......