InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what did i do this time ❯ inuyasha's feeling are revealed ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: i do not own inuyasha or dragonballz. i wish i did though.
Chapter 7: Inuyashas true feelings are discovered
Sitting by the door Inuyasha refuses to sleep. 'What the fuck happened yesterday? I remember kissing Kagome to stop her from sitting me. Then we were getting ready to fight. Then she was kissing me.' Throwing his hands up in confusion he stands up. Walking over to Kagome's bed he sits on the edge. Trying to keep from waking her he just sits and stares at her for the longest time. 'I love you!!! Did I really tell you I loved you? Do I love you? If not then what is this I am feeling? Why does the sheer sight of you make my heart race? Why does your scent calm me?' Standing up slowly he turns and walks from the room. Walking down stairs he wanders into the kitchen only to find the light on and Mama Higurashi sitting at the table drinking what looked like herbal tea.
"Oh, hi Inuyasha." she says
To lost in thought to reply he simply nods. Sitting down across from her he stares at the table trying to make sense of his thoughts and feelings.
"Is there something bothering you Inuyasha?" Mama says. Standing up she walks over to the cupboard and pulls out another mug. Filling it with bowling water she adds a tea bag.
"I'm not sure." he replies
Handing him the cup she sits back down. "Now does this have to do with my lovely daughter? Or is it someone or something else?" She asks.
Taking a sip of his tea he looks at Mama. "It's just that..........never mind." He then returns to staring at the table. After a few moments of silence he looks back to Mama. "Is it crazy to be unsure of your feelings?"
Contemplating his question she sips her own tea. "Well, it's not." Watching the boy digest her words she suddenly realizes what this is all about. "Inuyasha...........does this have anything to do with your feelings for Kagome?"
Avoiding her eyes he begins to blush. "feh........."
" may be able to hide your feelings from Kagome, but do not think that everyone else can't see the way you look at her when she isn't paying attention." Sure that that got his attention she leaned forward. "What is it that you fear? What is it prevents you from telling he how you truly feel?"
"'s stupid."
"Do you fear she doesn't feel the same about you? Do you fear that she wont accept you for you, as in you the hanyou?"
Finding that sitting down isn't helping any he stands up and starts pacing the kitchen. ", it's nothing like that at all. I know that she loves me. I know she accepts me for who I truly am. She was one of the first besides my mother and father." Still pacing the floor he tries to form the words to explain himself. "I-it's complicated really. I.........., what I mean is...." Sitting back down he buries his face in his hands. "I just don't want her to suffer like my mother did. The things people say when we walk through villages together.....are terrible. I'm glad she can't hear what they say. Cuz if she did she would be heartbroken." Sighing he lays his head on the table before looking up. "I fear that people will try to kill her for being with me. For being with a filthy half-breed. I don't want her to be introduced to that kind of hatred. People would use her to get to me and I couldn' I won't allow it."
Grabbing his hand she slowly smiles at him. "Inuyasha, do you really think my daughter that thickheaded? Do you honestly think she doesn't already know everything you've just told me? " smiling she releases his hand and stands up. "you should ask her what she knows. Ask her how she feels about those things. Then decide from there what to do. Don't allow what other people think or what other people feel to stop you from thinking, from feeling. Better yet from loving." With those last words she walked away leaving the confused Hanyou to think.
'Does Kagome really know what is said?' Sighing he stands up and walks out of the kitchen. Walking up the stairs he heads for Kagome's room. Walking in he sees that she hasn't moved. 'Can I really admit how I feel for her? Is this really love?' Waling over to her bed he sits down next to it, laying his head against the mattress allowing sleep to consume him.
in the morning
Opening his eyes, Inuyasha looks around. Memories of the previous day going through his mind. Turning around he notices that Kagome is still sleeping. 'Better let her get her sleep, because if todays training is anything like yesterdays she's gonna need it.' Standing up he leans over and gently kisses her cheek. "I love you."
Opening her eyes she reaches up and touches her cheek. Rolling over she sees him leaving the room. 'Did he just say he loves me?' Deciding not to say anything she just lays there allowing a smile to grace her lips. 'Now if I can only get him to tell me when he thinks I'm awake.' Standing up she goes to the bathroom. Walking out she starts heading downstairs. Seeing Inuyasha sitting with his back to her. 'Or maybe I'll make him blush.' Walking up to Inuyasha she leans down and kisses his cheek. "I love you to Yash." Feeling him tense she allows a smirk to cross her face as she sits down next to him. "Good morning everyone."
Inuyasha just sat there looking at his plate, to emberassed to look at anyone.After working up enough courage to look at Kagome he stares at her while she eats. Finally looking down at his plate. "You were a wake weren't you?"
Smiling at him. "Yes I was." 'time to make him admit it in front of everyone.' Looking away putting a fake frown on. "But if you didn't mean what you said then I........." Acts like she's fighting back sobs.
'oh shit, she thinks I didnt mean it.' Grabbing her hand. "Kagome, I.....I.....I never said I didn't mean it, it's just that......."
She pulls her hand away and covers her face with it. "What you don't want me to hear you say it. huh is that it?"
"kami no, It's just that I thought you were sleeping. And I couldn't work up the courage to tell you to your face. But Kami........Kagome............I've tried for the longest time to be able to tell you. It took the longest time for me to tell myself. I was just shocked that you were awake." Looking at her he grabs her hand again. "Kagome if it would get you to stop crying I would say it a million times."
"Would........." sobs "" she continues to fake crying with one hand covering her eyes. "for me please."
Looking around the table he sighs "Kagome.......................Iloveyou." he whispers. Kagome breaks into a fit of fake cries. "ok fine..................Kagome........Kami.....I love you." he practically yells.
Jumping up she looks at him. "ha I got you to tell me infront of my whole family. Now that wasn't so hard now was it?"
Jumping up Inuyasha looks at her growing ferious. "What? you were only faking. Kami Kagome I thought you were really crying. Jesus you know how embarassing that was." Turning around he storms out of the kitchen. "I'll be outside waiting for Gohan." Walking out of the house he quickly hides in the bushes. Powering up a small ki ball he waits.
Walking out of the house she quickly looks for Inuyasha. Walking towards the god tree to look for him. Suddenly she jumps from feeling a strong zap hit her butt. "oowwwwww." she yells rubbing her but. Forming her own Ki ball she turns around to find Inuyasha. Smiling she kisses him. "that hurt you bastard. Now you have till the count of five to run as fast as you can before I purify your ass with this here." points to ki ball. "one.........................two......." Watching him take off she laughs. "Five." She starts running after him. Determined to get him she starts raising her power level. Seeing him turn around and throw a ki ball at her she raises her power level as much as possible. Suddenly she's running faster than she thought possible. Catching up to him she throws the ki ball at him narrowly missing him. Frowing she jumps on him tackling him to the ground. "how the fuck did I do that?"
"You used your ki to fuel your muscles, making you run faster. If you were to have really jumped you would have jumped higher, farther."
Jumping at the voice Inuyasha turns around to see Gohan standing a few feet away. "what? Are you saying that by using are ki we can move faster, jump farther?"
"that and you'll be able to punch harder, kick harder,....."
"So I'll be able to keep up with flea bag?"
"Inuyasha, is that all you think about is fighting?"
Smiling Inuyasha kisses Kagome. "Ohh you don't want to know all the things I think about."
"who is Flea bag?" asks Gohan
"Some stupid wolf, who keep trying to take Kagome."
Standing up Kagome stares at Inuyasha. "I'm still mad at you for hitting me with your stupid ki ball." Turning to Gohan. "Where are we gonna practice today? What are we gonna learn today?"
Laughing Gohan turns to Inuyasha. "Your already using your ki to play games on each other. My dad and I used to do that when I was younger. Mainly when he wanted to spar but he still did that." Gohan turns and walks up to the house. "we will be practicing here. Since Kagome used her ki to move faster you will be practicing that."
"ok." Kagome jumps up and starts running. "catch up slow poke if you can."
"feh..........I can catch you any day of the week." Inuyasha says jumping to his feet and taking off after her.