InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what did i do this time ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

disclaimer: i do not own anything associated with inuyasha or dbz.
A/N writers block really sucks
last chapter: "Inuyasha Si..........." Suddenly Inuyasha leans in and kisses Kagome.
"That and I want to spend some time alone with you."
Chapter 6:
Kagome looks at Inuyasha and studies him real hard. "Inuyasha are you serious?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?
"ummm.....I don't know maybe because you've never said anything like that to me." she says sarcastically
"Feh.......forget it then." He says with dissapointment "Let's go."
"I said let's go wench" Inuyasha jumps into the well. Once through the well he waits for Kagome.
with Kagome
"I'm sorry Inuyasha, I was just suprised by what you said." she whispers to herself. 'I can't beleive I did that, He finaly says he wants to spend time alone with me and I go and blow it. He's probably hurt.' she climbs onto the well. "Why the sudden change all of a sudden?" she jumps into the well and disappears behind a blue light.
with Inuyasha
'What is taking so long?'
Appearing right next to Inuyasha, Kagome looks at him. After trying to think of something to say she gives up and kisses him.
He breaks the kiss. "Kag...."
She cuts him off. "I'm sorry Inuyasha." She leans up and captures his lips again, but this time instead of fighting he returns the kiss.She reaches her arms up around his neck. Pulling him closer she deepens the kiss.
Breaking the kiss he smiles and bends down. "Get on."
Climbing on his back she hugs him from behind. "Let's practice before we go in, because we're not exactly good at it."
"Hey, are you saying I'm a lousy kisser?"
Laughing she whispers in his ear. "No, you're a great kisser. I was referring to our ki training. We can always practice kissing tonight." She squeezes him again. "Now let's go."
Jumping out of the well, he heads out into the daylight. "You wanna practice here or do you want to go to that little clearing?"
"Let's practice here. We'll just have to watch what we're doing."
couple hours later: 5:00 p.m.
Walking into her room Kagome grabs her remote to her CD player and hits the play button. Turning it to track 4 she starts singing along.
"Are you afraid, afraid of the truth
In the mirror staring back at you.

The image is cracked but so is the view, here.

And the strength of a tree begins in the roots

That I tend bury into you

At least now the storm can't blow me away."
Picking out some pajamas she walks up to Inuyasha and kisses him. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick. Then I'll help you pick out some of my dads old sweat pants to put on." She then walks into the bathroom singing.
"Schizophrenic conversations that
I'm always having with myself.

I hear these voices in my head competing.

Maybe I could use a little help

I still have schizophrenic conversations

Where there's no one else around to hear.

I long for solitude and peace within me

Void of all the anger and the fear."

Hearing the water start Inuyasha walks up to Kagome's cd player and starts looking through her cds. Remembering hearing her listen to a song he tries to remember the name of the cd. Finding the cd in question he looks at the name of the group. "Godsmack........I'll have to remember that." Changing cds like he's seen Kagome do alot, He goes and lays down on her bed as the cd starts playing. Listening to the lyrics he starts to think about his child hood.
"Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me

If you try to take me down you're gonna pay

Now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me

I'm picking you outa me

you run away

I stand alone


I stand alone

You're always hiding behind your so called goddess

So what you don't think that we can see your face

Resurrected back before the final fallen

I'll never rest until I can make my own way

I'm not afraid of fading

I stand alone

Feeling your sting down inside of me

I'm not dying for it

I stand alone

Everything that I believe is fading

I stand alone


I stand alone

And now its my time (now its my time)

It's my time to dream (my time to dream)

Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)

Make me believe that this place isn't plagued

By the poison in me

Help me decide if my fire will burn out

Before you can breathe

Breathe into me

I stand alone


I stand alone

Feeling your sting down inside of me

I'm not dying for it

I stand alone

Everything that I believe is fading

I stand alone


I stand alone


I stand alone


I stand alone
As the song ends Kagome walks out of the bathroom. Looking at Inuyasha just laying on her bed she walks up to him and kisses him. She pulls back and grabs his hand and pulls him up. "I see you've been going through my cds."
"I remembered I liked one of the songs you listened to once so I figured it wouldn't hurt to listen to it."
Smiling at him she pulls him into the spare room where they keep all of the stuff nobody wants to throw out. Pulling out a box of old clothes she starts digging through for a pair of black jogging pants. Handing them to Inuyasha she walks out of the room. "Put those on, I'm going to bed."
After changing his clothes he heads into Kagome's room to find her already in bed. Walking up to her, he kisses her forehead. "I love you." He whispers before going to sit next to her door.
A/N lyrics belong to Stainds "schizophrenic conversations" and Godsmacks "I stand alone"