InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ what did i do this time ❯ in the fuedal era ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with him, i also do not own dbz.
Chapter 5: In the Fuedal era
"Kagome, I thought something happened to you."
"Hey Shippo."
Jumping into Kagome's arms he sniffed and frowned. "You didn't bring me any ninja food."
"Sorry Shippo, Inuyasha and I aren't staying long we have some things to do back in my time tomorrow." Smiling at the dissapointed kitsune. "But I promise to I'll bring you back lots of ninja food when we come back."
"Hmmph, can we go now or are we gonna make camp here in my forest?"
"Sit boy...." Inuyasha slams into the ground. "Stupid baka."
"GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.............What the hell was that for you stupid wench?"

"Sit....sit......sit.........shippo was worried."
"Feh.........if we don't hurry up Sango and Miroku will worry, stupid wench."
"uuuuurrrrrrrrrr....Sit boy, don't ask what that was for because you should already know."
Pulling himself out of his Inuyasha sized crater. He looks at the very pissed off Kagome. Damn she's hott when she's pissed off. "Feh.........whatever let's go, or do I have to hit you with a ki blast?"
"Do it and I'll purify you, with my own." Then I'll get to baby you cuz you'll be so vulnerable as a human
Looking back and forth between the two. "What are you talking about? Whats a ki blast?"
"Feh don't worry about it runt."
"Inuyasha........., We'll tell you when we get to the village, okay Shippo?"
Walking out of Inuyasha's forest, everyone is silent. "Hey Inuyasha, how come you and Kagome didn't come back last night?"
"She had guest so we couldn't."
"I had guest, he was there to talk to you too."
"How about we only tell this story once, so let's save it for when we tell everyone." Inuyasha says running into Kaede's hut.
"Let's go Shippo."
Walking into the hut she sees that Inuyasha is already in his little corner, Sango is sitting next to the fire cooking soup, and Miroku is laying unconcious with a red handprint on his cheek. "Will that lech ever learn." Kagome says trying not to spill her guts.
"I don't know but I sure hope he will one day." Sango says smiling at Kagome. "How about we go to take a bath after we eat."
"Sorry Sango, Inuyasha and I have to go soon but there is something we want to talk about when Miroku wakes up."
"ohhh." Sango says looking depressed. "I see."
Noticing that Sango wanted to have a private talk. "But we can go for a walk."
"Ok." Sango said smiling. "We'll try and make it fast okay Inuyasha."
Walking out of the hut the two girls made sure they were a good distance away before they even spoke to one another. "Ok Sango, whats on your mind."
Watching her feet she slowly works up the courage to look at Kagome. "Ummmm.....Well.....I think that Miroku has found himself a girl."
"Oh Sango, He finally told you how he feels."
"No, no he didn't."
"Then why do you think he found himself a girl?"
"Because he didn't ask any of the girls in the other town to bear his children, and he hasn't tried to grope me since the other night."
"But you knocked him out, he was unconcious when me and Shippo walked in."
Blushing. "Well thats because I thought he was going to try to grope me but he was actually reaching for his staff."
Giggling Kagome looks at Sango. "Are you sure he's found himself a girl or is he trying to show you that he isn't such a lech?"
"I guess your right. How about we go back so you can tell us why your leaving again."
Meanwhile back at the hut
Sitting up clutching his cheek Miroku looks around the hut. Noticing Inuyasha sitting in his little corner. "Inuyasha where were you? We thought that something happened to you and Kagome."
"No...I ended up staying in her time last night because it was safer and we had things to do in her time this morning."
"Okay, I see now. You said you had things to do this morning huh?" Putting emphisas on things.
"Nothing like that you damn pervert."
"Then what?"
"Just shut up and wait till the girls get back then you'll find out."
"And where did the lovely young women go to?"
"For a walk."
"And what are you to guys talking about?" Kagome asks walking into the hut.
"nothing just telling him to shut up and stop being such a damn perverted lech."
"It's not his fault his hand has a mind of its own." Sango says winking at Miroku causing him to blush.
"Feh........can we get on with this so I can get some sleep?"
"Finally we find out whats going on."
Sitting down next to Inuyasha Kagome looks nervously at him. "Ok......When I got home my mom had a guest over. His name is Gohan, my mom told him about my adventures in this time with Inuyasha. He offered to train us..."
"Train you, why would you two need training."
Standing up Inuyasha holds his hand out palm up. "So we can learn to do this." Focusing he forms a ki ball and holds it out so everyone can see.
Putting it out. "yeah thats what I thought. Now we're not going all into it because we don't fully understand it either. But we figured it would give us an edge when it came to fighting Naraku."
"That is understandable." Miroku says still in utter shock."
"Can you teach me, can you, can you?"
"No runt, your to small."
"Inuyasha don't make me blast your ass." Looking at Shippo. "Sorry but Inuyasha is right in a way. You are to small right now but as you grow up we will try." God I never thought I would agree with Inuyasha.
"Ok." Shippo says while walking outside.
"So both of you can do it."
"Yes Sango both of us can do it, Though mine seem to hold my purification powers in them."
"That makes sense." Miroku says trying not to upset the pair.
"Inuyasha and I will be going back to my time for a few more days to train some more. But upon returning we will head out and continue our hunt for the sacred jewel shards."
"Yeah that should give you guys some time to rest. Cuz I don't wanna hear any of you complain that your tired because we are taking a week off so remember that."
"Ok bye everyone."
In unison "Bye you two."
Kagome follows Inuyasha out of the hut and through the village. A whole week in my time with Inuyasha, I might just have to drag his ass out to the movies one night. But I will have to return to school for the week, that plus training. Looking around she realizes that they are already close to the bone eaters well. "Inuyasha why did you tell everyone that we can have the week off?"
"For one I want to train and try to master this new shit as much as possible before we try using it in battles, and second I don't want you in the Fuedal era while Kouga is in heat."
Did he just say kouga in heat. "How do you know kouga is in heat?"
"Feh.......Because I could smell that the Flea bag had been bye last night after we left."
"oh, and why wouldn't you want me there?"
Oh shit did I just say that, damn it...........think yasha think. "Because I need you to sense the shards, and you can't very well do that if your off mating with Flea bag now can you."
"Inuyasha Si..........." Suddenly Inuyasha leans in and kisses Kagome.
"That and I want to spend some time alone with you."