InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was a cool fall night in the feudal era. The chilled wind howled through the trees and sang a song of sorrow as if calling for the warmth of summer to return. Kagome walked down the path through Inuyasha's Forest thinking about the up coming battle with Naraku, fearing that the last three shards wandering around in Koga and Kohaku would be hard to keep from his filthy grasp. A chill ran up her spine thinking of the disgusting abomination. The hairs on her next stood at full attention as a warning to what would come to pass. Kagome had no idea what her future would hold. That the horrors seen would forever be ingrained in her memories and that out of the terror and angst life would come anew.
She could see them now, waving at her from in front of a modest hut. She plastered on her best smile to greet them. Making a mental note that yet again on another of her returns Inuyasha was not there to see her. “Kikyo” she thought as another tiny little fragment again fell from her heart. Her thoughts wandered to Inuyasha as she ran to the village where her friends, no, her family waited for her. “Why can't he love me? Why must I be second best to Kikyo? WHY?!” Her own thoughts crashed around in her head and her heart broke a little more every time she remembered the stolen moments of the dead miko and her Inuyasha. So much time had past, she honestly thought with time Inuyasha would grow more connected with her and forget his past with Kikyo. “What a fool I am.”
Sango hugged her sister and Shippo squealed in delight at the sight of his adopted mother. Miroku was Miroku and thought the best way to welcome her would be to hug her and then grab her ass. BAD idea. Sango knocked him unconscious.
“Shippo I brought you a gift.” Kagome said as she smiled at her son.
“Oooo! Let me have it PLEASE!” Shippo pled with his big adorable eyes sparkling.
Kagome rummaged through her big yellow bag looking for Shippo's treasure.
“Ah ha.” She pulled out a bright blue box and handed it to Shippo. He opened it quite carefully and peeked inside his eyes grew large. “Oh, Kagome it's the most wonderful gift I have ever got.” The little kitsune pulled a necklace from the box. It was a suede rope and at the end dangled a black, flat, polished stone, on the stone was a hand painted fox. Her fox demon child hugged her, put it on, and then scampered towards the village yelling over his shoulder that he was going to show Kaede.
Kagome turned to Sango reached in her backpack, pulled out a hot pink box the same size as Shippo's, and handed it to her. Sango opened her box, pulled a necklace almost identical to Shippo's out, and looked at what was painted on hers.
“A dragon?” Sango was confused. Kagome took the necklace and placed it around her sister's neck.
“Yes a dragon, you maybe a demon slayer but in you lies the heart of a dragon. Full of fire, strength and determination.” “Thank you, Kagome.” Sango's eyes filled with tears.
The fact that her sister Kagome felt that way about her made her heart swell with pride. Miroku grinned as he watched them holding each other thinking he how much he would like to be in on the embrace.
Kagome turned this time to the monk pulled a box from her bag. This one was green. In the box was another necklace his painted with a rabbit. The joke was not lost on him. He laughed, smiled, and said to Kagome.
“When I finally get rid of this wind tunnel I do hope to reproduce like rabbits but, only if a certain demon slayer would have me.” Sango blushed in roughly four shades of red. Kagome smiled and started to head inside the hut, followed by her long time companions.
“Sango, where is Inuyasha?” Kagome asked with a soft voice.
“I'm not sure Kagome, he left days ago and didn't tell anyone where he was going. I'm sorry.” Sango frowned.
Kagome forced a small grin, kicked the toe of her shoe in the dirt, and rubbed her head.
You have nothing to be sorry for Sango, Inuyasha does what he likes and never tells anyone anything.” Kagome felt it again the burn in her chest and the toss of her stomach. There goes another piece of my heart. Miroku suggested they sit and discuss their plans. Should they go after Naraku or just wait to be pulled into another twisted plot. This was going to be a long night. The three talked for a few hours and then ate some then talked more. No clear decision could be made with Inuyasha gone.
Kagome felt sick to her stomach she knew where he was she could feel it. “I'm going out for some air.” Kagome flatly stated as she walked out head down. She walked towards the well, she had always found it a good place to think second to the god tree. The sacred tree just seemed like such a wrong place right now. Shadows cast on the ground from the full moon and the trees were so eerie yet so serene. There wasn't a sound to be heard except the soft moan of the breeze and Kagome's beating heart. She plopped down on the edge of the well, her means to home, and her escape. Not that she hated it here. It was just so painful sometimes, times like this. Alone, sad, and hurt. Not completely alone granted she had Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. Nevertheless, there is an empty void, a gap, a fissure in her once overflowing heart. Without warning tears began to form in her eyes spilling over down her ivory cheeks. “Why do I let him get to me? I knew he still had feelings for her. I went into this with open eyes and yet here I am crying again. Why can't I just move on? Why does he have to love a dead girl when here I am flesh and blood waiting for him willing to except him not wanting him to change? Kikyo wanted a human Inuyasha. I just wanted Inuyasha.” She pressed her face in her hands and sobbed. She felt stupid talking to herself aloud.
From the trees, curious eyes watched the display. Wondering if she had gone mad talking to herself like that. Realizing, she was not crazy but conflicted. That she was once full of smiles, sass, and fight. Now her spirit appeared slightly broken or tired. Watching her, the eyes wonder if this is what could be her undoing. She seems so vulnerable. That idiot Inuyasha left her without protection such a mistake. To leave her defenseless was a mistake Inuyasha had apparently not learned over the years. How many times had she been taken only to have to be recovered from enemy hands? The eyes narrowed and continued to watch the crying girl as she tried to compose herself.
Kagome took a deep breath and wiped away the tears. It was just then she felt it. You know it the feeling you get when you're being watched. This was that feeling just a whole lot stronger. Her heart felt like it dropped into her shoes and her brain screamed RUN! However, her feet were firmly rooted in the spot she was now standing in. This is bad she thought. The eyes sensing her fear and fought a grin. This was turning out to be an interesting night. Fear could be such a good thing.